How Many Button Presses Are Needed to Beat Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga?

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you've seen the originals you've seen the sequel now get ready for the spin-off literally no one was asking for how many times must you press one of these things or these things from first gaining control of your character to finishing all 36 levels that's using all the tricks in the book extras free play co-op glitches even those special overpowered custom characters you get when you 100 the game i at first thought it would be a straightforward question to answer perhaps not worth dedicating an entire video to i mean it's not like this minimum button challenge is all that popular outside of a few mario games so does anyone actually care and it's just a simple lego game how much thought could it really take oh you have to open some doors so many doors make sure you don't jump if you don't have to kill the bosses using bounty hunter bombs or something simple but this task turned out to be so challenging a year ago i simply gave up but something deep down kept drawing me back after over a hundred hours of researching planning testing and execution i think i've concocted a near optimal minimum buttons playthrough but before starting my journey i made a guess of 700 buttons required to beat the game that's 100 per episode plus 100 for menu selections but without any reference that goal may be completely unobtainable so i first set out for a baseline to compare to i beat the game first in story mode no extras co-op or any advanced tactics your average player wouldn't know about this took 2094 buttons in total i'm showing xbox buttons here just because that's the system i used but playstation is the same just different symbols anyway 2053 of those button presses were during gameplay jumping with the a button drawing my weapon and attacking with the x button swapping characters with y and doing basically everything else building using the force activating panels with b 41 were from menus selecting continue story mostly then i played through with a bit more to help me out free play using the super powered 100 custom characters let's call them supers for short as well as the extra deflect bolts just so i don't have to deal with most enemies this cut down my buttons pressed greatly to 1251 with 1104 from in game and 147 in menus but of course with all the tricks and odd strategies i could come up with or could appropriate from speed runs of the game i know i could bring that down even more first off some basic rules play all 36 levels to completion in any order i want every time a button is pressed down counts whether it be to jump or to toggle on an extra and turbo controllers are not allowed for obvious reasons no xbox exclusive glitches are allowed namely death warps as they aren't really fun and they are unfair to pc players we start with chapter 1 episode 1 which is not a trivial thing to say because completing the levels in order is not the optimal strategy in fact here's the order i will be playing them i tried arranging them in order as much as i could without sacrificing optimization if it's any consolation first things first to actually enter the level you have to press some buttons for every level playing story mode requires one button press while free play requires three since you have to pick a character so free play is only advantageous when it saves more than two buttons for level one that is the case our chosen character is a super this one has a lightsaber which is important right off the bat a required button press is staring us in the face heading down the hallway normally would require using a panel then building another and finally forcing this wall out of the way but after some research i found an alternative around here start holding down toggle which will cycle through droidica as droidica is always given in this level very convenient i must say and we can just clip on through to the other side of this wall still holding toggle we make our way through the level and finally carefully avoiding the bottomless abyss around us make our way to the final room the reason holding toggle is required is due to an upwarp needed to get to the area behind the barrier but what is an upwarp this will come up multiple times in the run and it's quite simple when you toggle characters while under a normally accessible part of the floor the game will warp you up onto the floor where you're supposed to be now we have just one more obstacle this horrible horrible wall double jumping over for two button presses is of course trivial but i just had a feeling i could do better than that i figured out this strange quirk where you can push the droids over the wall by wedging them here like so do this with all the droids in the area you can actually use the droids to push the buttons to lower the barrier for us unfortunately they don't spread out enough on their own to press both buttons so they need a little bit of coercing which we can do by backflipping once that's why the lightsaber custom super was needed a blaster super cannot backflip with some luck they will deactivate the forcefield and we can finish the level pressing only four buttons plus the three to enter the level and one to exit you may have noticed we didn't turn on any extras yet that's because we only want to pull up the extra menu a single time it does though make pushing all these droids a royal pain as you die over and over and over and over but now we are free to turn on all the extras we need for the future exploding blaster bolts will prove very useful and so will deflect bolts invincibility is not as important as you may think but it is required for a couple levels it makes every level so much more convenient super ewok catapult will be quite important that's not a joke and infinite torpedoes is needed for vehicle levels though probably not for the reasons you think self-destruct will only be useful for a couple levels later on so to turn all those on is 9 button presses for this challenge chapter 2 plays a bit different than standard play force up the tree then do a back flip triple jump over this tank if you don't know a triple jump is when you jump with a lightsaber character start to slam then hit toggle right after this sends you flying into the air and it'll be useful later on in the run to even clip through ceilings after the triple jump keep holding toggle swap to r2 to fly across here and we now need grievous's bodyguard a high jump character that can be given for this level yes that means putting your run in the hands of the rng gods to give you the correct high jumper but it's the only way to get the optimal run so it must be done if we hold toggle for a bit and jump at the right moment a nice high jump happens which lets us jump up here but for this platform two jumps are needed then three more jumps takes us to the end of this area the toughest part about this high jump method is the timing but it definitely beats trying to make certain tricky jumps using just the custom super moving through to the end is simple stuff bringing the button count to 15. chapter 3 is also known as escape from the existential dread of deflected blaster bolt rng the first part is fairly simple just grapple up here and hope the droid doesn't kill itself as you walk past to get to the destructible block so it can be destroyed for you same thing for the window further up ahead then we get to our first wall button we need to line ourselves up so a droid will deflect a shot off of us and hit the button and to make matters worse because of the exploding blaster bolts the droids are quite prone to killing themselves before you get the right rng similar story up ahead though it is a bit easier because of the number of droids after this the level is fairly easy just back flip up here and you're good to go once a droid destroys the block for you with the pod race level we have quite a doozy on our hands this was probably the trickiest level for this challenge select story mode to save a couple buttons and then go forward for a while we'll skip chapter 5 for now and head to the darth maul fight for maul we need an ewok it's best to not rely on the game giving us one if we don't have to and luckily we don't in the battle of endor it's almost guaranteed player 2 will be an ewok though there's a small chance for something else we can then take ewok into the mall fight right after so let's skip ahead to the ewok village making sure we do get an ewok heading across by using this shorty panel and making a couple tricky backflip jumps the next part is super easy just make use of deflected exploding bolts and really the only part that could cause some trouble comes when you reach the bunker to get to the top of the bunker a backflip just barely does the trick your co-op partner should magically appear and use him as a backboard for your bounty hunter bomb to destroy both blocks then it's standard play for a bit using enemy bolts to open both doors now comes one of my favorite tricks in the game standing here will cause our co-op ewok to go on a magical adventure through the wall drop in your co-op partner right as the stormtrooper draws his gun to make him pull the lever for whatever reason we can then drop out player 2 which takes two buttons unfortunately one last thing to note before building the bombs is if you head in here like normal player 2 will swap off the ewok which is definitely not what we want the workaround is just pushing player 2 towards the bombs which keeps him nice and docile so 36 buttons for endor which is the most of any level can you guess which is the second now it's time to murder some maul at the start we need to use grievous bodyguard again like with invasion of naboo still toggling jump up here using bodyguard grapple up here with the super and jump one more time then the toggling is no longer needed the next area just requires some jumps so nothing too crazy heading to the final showdown one time i was able to clip through the wall using droidika but it was really finicky so four force uses is probably the way to go now we can use our ewok buddy we worked so hard for with super ewok catapult enabled for whatever reason your co-op ewok can now damage enemies so he'll do most of the work hold down toggle for a while to save or press in the next level which means you'll need to carefully time a couple blaster shots to stun maul when he starts throwing random trash all over the place 18 buttons for the level with six levels down let's take inventory 31 buttons for menu selections 78 from gameplay now that we have our trusty ewok friend we might as well blast through some more boss fights general grievous is up next and this is actually one of my favorite levels for this challenge with the walk by our side i was at first shooting for under 13 buttons here's how eight is possible with toggle held from the end of maul we pick grievous's bodyguard first line up ewok so he's facing towards grievous kill yourself so that you spawn back as the given jedi character and you'll have just enough time before the toggle recommences to stun ewok this causes him to shoot in his confusion let ewok do his thing again then jump up top to grievous with a couple high jumps make sure to shoot this wall for later grievous will jump back down like the coyote is and you can actually make it back without jumping but it's tricky ewok puts in work jump back up and finally you can let go of toggle thankfully by panning the camera up you can force the explosive thing without needing to grapple then shoot it while holding toggle so you can have it for the next level and ewok finishes the job beautiful next in our sights is count dooku with grievous only taking 8 buttons surely this will be even less select yoda since toggle is still being held we don't have to suffer through any of yoda's slow walking around here there are many ways to do this but in the end they all require one jump we want to use an upwarp to get high into the air and clip through the wall i really have no idea why this works but it does this clip lets us get under the floor so we can up warp past dooku and get into the final area we'll again be holding toggle through to the next level then kaliwok master chief cause he's finishing this fight that means only two button presses are needed for the level we need to end as yoda for the next level so there's about a one in ten chance ewok finishes the level at the right moment we must now say goodbye to little john as his services are no longer required for ruin of the jedi pick droitica alongside yoda which will mean one swap is needed in the cantina with the toggle held from dooku swap over to yoda so you can open the door to make sure yoda doesn't start slow walking on us do not allow yoda to slide on any surface nor fall down so tread carefully up these stairs and look at this an unavoidable drop make your way slowly to this door open her up and oh boy [Music] it only took 47 hours but we're finally here jump with yoda then swap to droidika at the right moment and voila make sure you hold toggle to cycle back to yoda once inside finishing the level with just 10 buttons pressed you'll notice we finished the level with droidika and yoda or yotika as some call them and that's quite a special thing there are in fact some levels that need good old yotica so let's head to kashyyyk the previous level if we were doing this chronologically swap to yoda and head to the left there's quite a tricky yotica clip we can do here it's fairly easy with a standard triple jump but without a lightsaber slam i managed to do it just three times and over a hundred attempts keep holding toggle as you walk across the void this lets you skip the most tragic cutscene in the game order 66 has arrived but the clones must not know that because once you upwarp they don't seem to want to do the whole genocide thing then there's another yotica jump right here which is a lot easier and it lets you skip saving all the wookies so it's definitely worth doing to get over this big door in just four buttons we'll need grievous's bodyguard to be a given character triple jump up top and time your jump just right to get over the door nice lots of running and a few jumps later you finally reach the tiny spaceship that's totally from the movie and can blast off to dagobah or wherever that's a decent 21 buttons for the level it would be cool if the next level was dagobah but it's actually secret plans the last yoda centric level for a while player 2 should be yoda by default freeing us up to pick droidika from the start cycle through all the characters to get yoda up against this wall and when joy deck comes up you'll pop right through make sure to hold toggle as you head over to the next area now this is one of the trickier parts of this run because if you do it wrong it soft locks the game carefully walk through the door frame and walk into the next area time your action press button just right to get a short character to go through this panel then line up right here again to yodaka clip through this wall thankfully you can up warp in this spot to the upper level continuing to hold toggle as you walk through the empty void to get through the wall back to the normal play area you want to have selected either ig-88 or 4-lom assuming the level gave you the right bounty hunter you're now all set to finish the level in fairly standard fashion open up the droid panels and in this room let deflect bolts do its thing which may take some time but it will eventually happen once to the final area swap toyota and you know what to do of course make sure to hold toggle to get to r2 or your fancy bounty hunter to finish the level with just 12 buttons pressed we've now finished that little ewok slash yoda escapade and can get back to doing the levels in order starting with bounty hunter pursuit what's nice about this level is you can hold down attack to shoot the entire time that solves that problem but what about the torpedoes this isn't something i realized until doing this challenge but you can actually hold down the action button too and fire torpedoes automatically so that's why infinite torpedoes is needed you turn through them purple boys real fast so it's only two buttons for the level but wait a minute if you can hold down x and b through the level including through the cutscenes maybe you can hold them between levels too and actually yes you can so that would mean we can hold x and b from the ending section of secret plans as we head to bounty hunter pursuit removing those two buttons and then by playing the vehicle levels back to back we can avoid pressing any more buttons for those levels though the toe cable ones are a bit different so we'll skip those for now we knock out battle over coruscant rebel attack and falcon flight with zero buttons pressed it might be smart to tape down those buttons or something because your fingers start to cramp a bit and we wouldn't want that now we can get back where we left off with kamino what if i told you you could cross this gap with your super with just one button press seems impossible right well like many levels our super is working hard for the money alongside deflect bolts later on all these jumps can be done fairly easily using backflips but not this one we'll finally need to bust out the astromech getting to the jango fight is easy stuff and really so is the fight too just make use of those deflected bolts oddly though django just kind of gives up for the last hit so we unfortunately need to dispatch him ourselves 16 buttons for one of the more straightforward levels of the run next is one of the two lava based levels from the prequels that seems to always be tough for challenges it's pretty easy going for the most part for a while just one button needed until this part where the path splits the higher level is the way to go as it requires less jumps you can just barely walk across the giant crucible thing here so no jumps needed and then at the r2 panel you can actually use it through the blocks next room is simple just use the grapples and then comes one of the hardest areas of the entire game first off make use of a deflected bolt here then force this platform then you have to perform two near pixel perfect backflips to get across the lava in only two jumps finishing out the level just follows standard play except a bounty hunter bomb here and boom only 23 buttons pressed well that's actually the most out of the prequel levels was not expecting that we skipped over chapter 5 of episode 1 so it's now time to head back to naboo most of it is basic stuff your custom super does most of the heavy lifting thankfully he can use short panels because that comes in handy twice and of course make use of those reflected explosive bolts the best way to get up here is to make use of the sometimes given grievous bodyguard and its high jump hold toggle for these two jumps just keep toggling as you use this short panel jump back over then use this grapple after it's revealed with a deflected bolt and will save having to jump three times through the rest of the level by holding toggle through the end droidica is always a given character for this level and it lets us roll up stairs with ease the final area is where things get rough i was completely unable to get a deflection to free any of the guards but eventually i got lucky with one i think the others up top are impossible so you do have to shoot twice to free them for your last shot make sure to hold the attack button down because we'll need it for a future vehicle level wouldn't want to waste a perfectly good x press then finish toggling on r2 to end the level with 14 buttons pressed jedi battle is short and simple deflect bolts gets the job done alongside three forces since you have to save your friends which is a bit of a bummer with django the last two hits are a bit tricky since he isn't shooting at you but luckily there is a massive battle happening around you so just make use of bolts from some other enemies good stuff since that was story mode we can line it up with gunship cavalry to cut out a button press by hitting continue story still holding x from feed palace we head to the absolute best level of the entire game at least we only need 12 presses to get the bombs we need so not too bad continue holding x as we head to the final vehicle level with the previous vehicle levels it was pretty obvious that story mode was the best but with hoth battle it's not so clear in the first area just play through normally one tow cable required then toggle over and use a funky quirk of the imperial shuttle to fly over this barrier it's actually surprisingly easy to pull off then we're back to the snow speeder because we need the tow cable for the final area but how to get there well there's a way to get around this barrier too this time using spinning it's a good trick then we finish the level the standard way just three atat kills requiring six toe cables that puts the level at nine presses we're now 21 levels into the run and stand at 208 presses from gameplay and 79 in the menus now on to the level where you save the emperor i mean chancellor for such a long level i was actually a bit surprised by the button count necessary choose your lightsaber super and head on to the dooku fight getting there it's mostly standard play except using the r2 panel to activate this lift and then later using grievous bodyguard's high jump once again to make these jumps for the boss fight you want to use deflected bolts to take out dooku it's a bit tricky and you'll need some luck as there is a limited number of droids that attack one thing though in free play dooku and the droids won't attack you until you attack first heading down the tunnel area afterwards there are some beams on the floor that seem short enough to just walk over but you can't thankfully there's a droidica that allows us to toggle our way over these beams no jumps needed and here time a jump when you are a character that can jump to get over finally ending your toggle spree as your super kill some droids like we've grown accustomed to via suicide and betrayal and one more force brings the level to just 16 presses next lava simulator 3000 select yoda once again but swap off right after because he moves a bit too slow use r2 to fly across two gaps but then you'll need to swap off to get over the next two oh that's hot now yoda can do his thing backflip trip will jump over the door with ease still holding toggle time a shot to take out the blocks and toggle up to press the button we can now pass this death barrier when a droid pops up in the cycle at this point i should mention it's required the imperial slash clone given for this level is a force user if not player 2 will swap to yoda i'll explain why that's bad in a bit just two forces are needed to move forward where we reach the stuff of nightmares it took me way too many tries to map out the optimal path here i'm still not fully sure i got it it'll take 5 jumps or flies to reach the spire thing swap to a lightsaber character and backflip up this part is quite tricky you'll use three jumps here the boss fight is kind of funny to avoid pressing any buttons you'll need to push your previous ai buddy into the lava this is a rare part where invincibility is strictly required and the reason player 2 can't be yoda is because well just look at this that's one jumpy little boy he's just impossible to push into the lava so 22 buttons are needed for the level for the 18 prequel levels that's second only to droid factory told you those lava levels are tricky with the prequels totally done we now have some of the most complex levels ahead of us but the next is not one of those we already did secret plans and we need to skip tatooine for now heading to the death star the first part is trivial with your super character who can open stormtrooper panels and jump this gap once in this strange bottomless pit room you can triple jump here for some style points or just grapple up like normal doesn't make a difference past this panel just run along to the final area build the levers and free the princess that's 18 buttons for honestly one of the more disappointing levels of this run the entire thing is just standard play with a super that brings us to echo base on hoth since we need to skip the next death star level for now this is a mostly simple level lots of building in fact this is the level with the highest proportion of building to other button presses with 6 out of the 11 total being from building stuff but besides that deflect bolts helps a lot and once in this room there's quite a neat little trick to get up this ledge without jumping push a block to have its momentum take it across the ice and quickly run in front of it to just barely get nudged up the ledge then later on two bounty hunter bombs are needed here since the bomb's range is just barely too small to reach all the blocks deflected bolts again does a lot of the work but i will say it's quite tough getting them to take down the force field around the falcon you'll need some good rng build the falcon bits to round out the 11 presses with that relatively straightforward level we head to dagobah one of the most complex and button-dense levels of the game tied for third overall we select a ghost yoda to start and make sure grievous is given though he usually is at the start slowly walk over to the stairs then backflip up top thankfully we can swap to r2 at this point he'll take us across the water where we can do a couple flies over the bushes self-destruct would work too but flying over is cooler here swim out to around this spot hold toggle to become grievous and quickly jump up onto the land only grievous works here because for whatever reason he survives for a split second in the water compared to other characters that die instantly then he can swap back to r2 he can swim his way all the way down to this wall where self-destruct will come in handy now this part is one of the dumbest parts of this run because i truly can't tell if it's all rng based or precise movement is needed fly out into the abyss's r2 your co-op partner will jump across to reunite with you but then you die during this process you'll just have to hope that'll press the button to lower the platform so you can fly across if all goes well make your way towards the vader boss fight with specific though forgiving platforming but wait you can actually skip this boss fight that's what yoda is for move up here is r2 and swap to ghost yoda with some precise movements a backflip slam will clip you out of this area under the floor from here just casually stroll along and up warp past the gate of course when up warping you'll want to hold down toggle to cycle to r2 so that you can cross this bit of water once here make sure your ai partner has jumped up and is switched to ghost yoda make your way forward and standard play your way to the end i should note the bats here are why ghost yoda was needed they interrupt to building and using the force that brings dagobah to a monstrous 27 buttons pressed again tied for third most in the game if all went right at the end player 2 should be ghost yoda freeing up your selection of droidika for the next level you'll also need the game to give you a fet for this first area where you can fly across and build the panel for r2 quick correction here i thought because of player 2 being ghost yoda we would have to use self-destruct to open this door ourselves but after nearly finishing this video i realized an easy way to have player 2 be not dead yoda this of course lets us use a deflected bolt to open the door to do this basically we need to swap this level with secret plans and then kamino has moved ahead of bounty hunter pursuit to give us the x and b presses needed for the vehicle levels this lets us have corporeal yoda here for no additional button presses after the door is opened continue on as r2 and here comes the first vader fight of three in total vader has 29 hearts in this level so there better be some skips or this is gonna get rough and thankfully there are for this first fight there is a somewhat tricky skip with r2 it requires precise movement that i won't get into there are tutorials online but once you get it it's not a tough trick to reproduce swap to vader for the next part where you can force this platform under our feet to get up top now we need to hold toggle and press self-destruct when a droid pops up this will cause a platform to lower and we can cycle to yoda this is our ticket to skip the next vader fight jump and hold toggle through droidica continue toggling and with a nicely timed jump away from the wall you should up warp to the next area right after the boss fight as you can imagine skipping that fight is pretty clutch settling on r2 now fly over and hold toggle again this will simultaneously shatter the window but also let you push through the window too which would normally require one jump once in the next area still holding toggle time your death so that you spawn as yoda giving you just enough time to double jump across sometimes this visual glitch happens so oh well then swap back to r2 to finish the fight with 10 self-destructs might as well call him ewok you may be wondering why we didn't bring our ewok friend along as he saves more buttons than yotika does but sadly for whatever reason mr ewok doesn't target vader in this final area he does in the other two fights but not this one the one where it actually would have helped i'm sorry little one i don't know if we can be friends anymore ah who am i kidding you're all right so this level needed 32 buttons the second most of any level who to thunk it but the next bespin level is nowhere near as taxing it mostly follows standard play pull the lever make boba open this door make your way here and flip across once at this gap there's a trick you can do with r2 where you fly across and land on top of this railing this lets you get over the blocks without jumping as you swap to your super to open the door at this point you'll need to swap to fett who i believe is always a given character and fly across taking out all the troopers with their own shots that means the level has only 14 presses and we are done with episode 5. next is jabba's palace at the start there are two jumps to get these turrets to open up for a while i thought deflected bolts could not take these bad boys out but after waiting around for literally 30 minutes there stood before me was no longer a door but instead a passageway to my dance with a rancor but before that we had to use a lot of panels so many panels this level has the most of any level with 10. the next highest is only five most of the level is pretty straightforward but there is a pretty massive skip for this room do a backflip triple jump near the entrance to jump over the warp barrier to the previous room this allows you to walk under the floor bypassing a bunch of button presses it's tricky to get the upwarp in the right spot since the camera won't move any closer but with any luck he'll upwarp past this gate and be on your merry little way just make sure to jump over the abyss up ahead then up to jabba's room there's really nothing too crazy use a bomb to take out the guards and here you can avoid jumping up by having a guard may lay you up the little stair to use the panel and then to finish out the level is the beautiful rancor fight which plays out pretty much the same as any normal playthrough bringing the total for the level to 27 so tied with dagobah we now head to sarlacc city for one of my favorite levels for this challenge making your way across the skiffs use the levers as needed but you only need to jump here to get to the upper section as you just walk across for the other skiffs once to boba let your deflected bolts take him out without much trouble here swap to fett who you should be given every time and fly off to the right this way is slightly better than making that tricky jump across the normal way four forces and one jump later we've made it inside blow up these beams with a bomb and backflip slam to the top level here comes the disco skip yes there is a skip that doesn't require yoda first push your ai partner into this corner then build the speaker making sure to run up and to the left if you move the right way the built speaker will push you through the wall where you can carefully backflip around the barrier to the next area on top of the barge now surprisingly only one more button is needed to use this 3po panel everything else can be done with deflected bolts that means the total for the level is only 22 for such a long level that's not bad it's now time to finish up episode 4. here there's a way to get a trooper to open the imperial panel for you first force the stairs to get them to aggro you and then run away as long as the trooper was in front of the panel he'll use it as he puts his blaster away when he's de-aggroed our exploding bolts come in handy once again we move through the cantina but not this cantina well it's complicated and then we grapple up with a jump unfortunately being necessary over this tiny lip and bomb the following door because the stormtroopers were unkind enough to not aggro us now we pass the movie accurate movie theater and ride a dewback to get up top for the imperial spy supposed boss fight deflected bolts come to the rescue once again though this time it could take upwards of 15 minutes to get the luck you need to kill everything so only six levels or buttons for this next only six buttons were needed for that long level let's head on back to the death star this time we're just going to bring yoda not our super we don't have to walk too far with yoda this time just jump up here now this next trick is one of the toughest to get right it took me 13 attempts after backflip triple jumping to clip through the door which is the easy part be very careful to stay under the floor if you get too far to the side which is very easy to do you'll fall into the black abyss and be sent back to the trash compactor make sure to be the right distance below the floor you can stop moving to fall a bit the final part of the trick is the hardest upwarping at the exact right moment to get to the next area it has to be pretty much perfect or all that effort will be for nothing hold toggle from the up warp to pick the player 2 character which should be a sand trooper from mos eisley moving on from that madness which skips at least two buttons lots of lever pulls later we come to another lever pool where you need to choose wisely only one is the optimal choice move along make the elevator and reach the bottomless chasm in a sudden bout of cowardice retreat back to this helmet dispenser until your fear subsides then you can cross the chasm now we reach the other yoda skip because we picked the player 2 character when we swap to yoda we can use the toggle delay to triple jump up and have the continued automatic toggling save us one button press take a nice walk towards the door and upwarp in the right spot to head to the final area at this point you should be yoda finish the level with a simple jump into the death pit you may be wondering if that was real and it is remember when we went back to the helmet dispenser that actually messed with the loading of the falcon room causing the level ending warp to exist above the force field without the falcon or at least something like that just 22 buttons for the level which i was quite satisfied by we can now head to the jungle and wastes with yoda as player two after a swap in the cantina two jumps are needed here but none up here just force the platform a nice backflip will just get up here bringing us to the sand crawler there's quite a simple skip to get inside this thing a backflip triple jump does the trick swapping us to yoda who is needed for the next triple jump right ahead this bypasses quite a lot of buttons as you can imagine now that we're the super again the rest of the sandcrawler part is trivial and really so is everything up to the final area just back flip up here which may be a little tricky once here there are a few options that present themselves but i think this is the best first build the land speeder and ride across call in player 2 who will magically warp to you at this point it should be r2 controlling player 2 continue to press into the door of obi-wan's hut while with player 1 keep pushing and turning the land speeder into r2 even if you don't know the fastest method to warp our two through the door you should eventually do it through sheer luck the level is beat in 26 buttons and so we come to the final three levels starting with speed or showdown story mode is fine for this one both players are dropped in from the start so with player 2 use luke to jump over the first area using the flowers and then force the platform to get to the next area jump in the speeders and instead of playing the level like a normie head over to this corner to do arguably the most famous skip in this game using player 2 as a boost line up perpendicular to this wall turn around and then press a to do a 360 flip this should send you over the wall into the next area of the level now for the rest of the level make sure you don't drop out player 2 as the ai is scripted to run back to the speeder section and won't pull any levers for you this means once up top after exposing and shooting the four spinning things use both controllers to pull the levers ending with 21 buttons pressed but you'll want to hold down b from using the lever because it's needed a bit later with both players dropped in holding down b we're ready to take on the climactic fight with emperor palp oh he's dead yeah if you don't know you can just push him into the pit and kill him right off the bat like the prequel vader fight you'll need to have your lightsaber out to push him so that's an x press which you'll also want to hold down for the next level the quick emperor kill in story mode is a lot harder than free play but it can be done put luke into this corner so the emperor will follow vader to the bottom with some precise movements palpatine will be gone for good never to return at any point in the future for the rest of time you may have noticed we skipped into the death star back when we ran through the vehicle levels well with jedi destiny and into the death star lined up in story mode we save one button like we did with jedi battle and gunship cavalry so the final level is a bit anticlimactic but at least we don't have to drop out player 2. now is the moment of truth how many total button presses were needed to complete the game menus excluding dropping in and out accounted for 130 presses much more than if we just played story mode now gameplay the standard play free play run with the custom super and deflect bolts clocked in at 1104 this possibly optimal run was just 473 a reduction of 57.2 percent which is much more than the 46.2 reduction going from story mode to the free play run 473 buttons means it took on average just a bit over 13 per level which is not bad at all it took 603 buttons with menus included so there's the answer all that hard work was for 603. that's well under the 700 goal i set out for nice work everyone do i think this run is truly optimal most likely it's not i was cutting off a button here a couple more there for a week before i finally said enough's enough and made myself stop so i could get a video about it out if i continued i'm sure another optimization or three would turn up but even still i could just be lacking knowledge of the game that would have helped me out in certain spots i really just had speed runs to go by they were really helpful for sure and this minimal button playthrough would have been really lame without them but at the end of the day what's fast isn't always what takes the fewest buttons with all that said i specifically want to thank these speedrunners for their videos which really helped out go check them out as there's really some cool stuff in there that i didn't get to show in this run here are all the levels in chronological order you can definitely tell episodes 1 and 2 are much shorter than the rest and funnily enough they take the exact same number of buttons here's the list in ascending button order i also put them in order by how much i personally liked them for this challenge just the level of enjoyment i got from optimizing them but also executing the run like with kashyyyk it's a neat level but that initial yotica clip is super annoying which bumps it down one quick thing to note is with the newly discovered falcon skip three more studs can be avoided in free play but also there's a yotica jump right here along with a specific upwarp i wasn't able to pull off that skips two more studs so only 23 studs must be touched to beat the game in free play mode just in case you were curious this video was long enough so i think it's time to
Channel: Sovern Gaming
Views: 367,030
Rating: 4.9678588 out of 5
Keywords: lego star wars the complete saga, minimum button presses, buttons presses, how many button presses to beat, lego star wars: tcs, lego star wars tcs, lego star wars speedrunning, minimum buttons pressed, minumum a press, lst: tcs, st: tcs, why are you reading this, sovern gaming, studs touched, sovern studs, beat lego challenge, lego game challenge, challenge challenge challenge, challenge challenge challenge challenge, tcs challenge, fewest buttons, least buttons, nice
Id: hl6tzJZFAHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 40sec (2380 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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