ALL Open Worlds In LEGO Games Ranked From WORST To BEST

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one of the key aspects in lego games is the open world going all the way from the cantina to the batcave to gotham city to middle earth jurassic world there's so many and not to forget hogwarts in lego harry potter new york in the lego marvel games and lego city undercover basically lego gta with over 15 years of lego games today i'm going to task myself with ranking all the open world hub worlds in lego games all right then you know how it is cue the music alrighty then so hello hello there guys i'm rugged eagle and i do lots of lego content on my channel so if you do like what you see feel free to subscribe it is up to you but i i do highly recommend but but anyway if you do go to enjoy drop a like to show some support but anyway let's get into some rules and regulations so the rules for the ranking is very very simple first off i am not letting nostalgia affect my ranking so i will be ranking them upon the factors of the open world and how the open world feels lived in and the environment and how you can interact with that specific open world also for an added bonus i'm gonna look how accurate the open world is in terms of that specific lego games ip for example how accurate middle earth is in lord of the rings and how it is portrayed alright well anyway you know the rules and so do i let's get into it so you wouldn't get this from any other guy coming in at number 23 is lego movie 2. now lego movie 2's open world is really really strange for a recent lego game literally being the most recent one today before the skywalker saga the open world is not great at all now with this one they wanted to build the entire open world out of lego and i do respect them for doing that however it just feels like a downed version of lego worlds also i will not be ranking lego worlds on this list because it's a sandbox game and the open world just generates randomly at number 22 on the list is lego star wars one the video game now i did say i am not letting nostalgia affect this list and this was the first ever hub world in a lego game but this is 2005 and i think they did a great job dexter's diner it's simplistic and really well done it's exactly what shaped the hub worlds for the older lego games like the complete saga and i just think it's great the layout is fantastic it's easy to get to your levels and it's fun just walking around dexter's diner and seeing dexter god i love batman and not only that you could also leave the diner and go out to like the front street in corazon it was only small but it just added a little bit extra to the first ever hub world at number 21 on the list is lego indiana jones 2. now i just want to say the bottom of the list on my ranking was very difficult they could go any way around really except for lego movie 2. that is actually at the bottom now this is not just my list i also conducted some research i went into many comments sections about the games and what people thought of the whole world on that specific lego game and lego indiana jones 2 was a very mixed bag on the hub world now i think the whole world and the exploration in lego indiana jones 2 i think it does its job it mainly is to get you to progress to the next level because this when they introduce how you had to work your way for the hub world to start the next level i think that's what they were hinting at and the hub worlds are kind of designed like a level itself now saying that in lego indiana jones 2 you can actually enter quite a bit of interiors and there is quite a lot of whole worlds to explore each indiana jones movie has its own hub world and the crystal skull has around three hub worlds just to do with the crystal skull but anyway as i stated earlier i also took in other people's feedback on what they thought of that general hub world and lego indiana jones 2 got quite a mixed bag that is why it's here on the list making its way into the top 20 is lego movie the video game now with the lego movie the video game they kind of went down a different route with the open world and i have to give them points it is very accurate to the film you get to go to cloud cuckoo land and explore bricksburg but it just feels a little bit barren for some reason and you do get pretty fed up of it pretty quick now the lego movie the video game released in 2014 the same year which they released another lego game and the open world in that lego game is ridiculously good so thinking about it they probably cut some slack in some corners just to make the other one better so lego movie the video game actually didn't have probably as much time on the open world as they wanted to that's just what i think but nevertheless it's still solid it does the job at number 19 is lego pirates of the caribbean now lego pirates of the caribbean the open world slashed her world in pirates of the caribbean i feel like it didn't get as much attention as it deserved to and this is a similar case to lego movie one the video game in 2011 when lego pirates of the caribbean released they released three lego games that year they released lego stalls the clone wars 3 lego pirates of the caribbean and lego harry potter years five to seven now out of the 2011 lego games i think pirates as the caribbean has the least best hub world out of them three not to say though lego pirates of the caribbean has some of their best level design and it is actually one of the best lego games today it's fantastic now before we move on could you imagine if they remade lego pirates of the caribbean with the new engine and a massive open world you can explore and you actually have to sail your ship to the different places that would be unbelievable at number 18 on the list is lego star wars the force awakens now lego stars the force awakens open world is really strange and i'm not a massive fan of it there's really only a few planets you get to explore and on them planets it's just a little bit lackluster for example jakku there's not much going on it's just a desert planet and it's not very exciting compared to other star wars planets say from the prequels camino you've got geonosis with a massive battle with jakku you're just on a scrapyard and there's nothing really going on now i'm not looking at it from a star wars fans point of view i just don't think jakku is that interesting you can also go to starkiller base and it's pretty much the same there and takadana you can't even explore the actual castle because it's destroyed which is fair enough but it just doesn't live up to what i expected the force awakens hub world to be with it coming out in 2016 back then i was expecting like a massive open world star wars game and we kind of got it but it didn't live up to my expectations in that way and it may sound crazy but the best bit of force awakens for me in terms of exploring the open world is the millennium falcon and don't get me wrong it's not terrible it's okay it could have been better whipping its way into number 17 on the list is lego indiana jones the original adventures now with lego indiana jones one you get to explore barnett college and it's good how they captured it you gotta go into a classroom you also can go into the library and it does feel like you're on a college campus and the main thing about the indiana jones hub world it does feel lived in and very warm and vibrant and cozy it does feel like you are on like i said a college campus there's students walking around this characters walking around you can even enter the artifact room which is a really sweet looking room and you have the library in the classroom and all that good stuff and i really do like the hub world and what they did with it they made it super interesting for literally just being a college at number 16 on the list is lego star wars the complete saga so yeah i ain't letting nostalgia affect this one but at the end of the day it's more sizely cantina they captured it perfectly starting bar fights when you were younger in the cantina i mean come on it's the pinnacle of your life right there now i don't want to say that the whole world feels lived in because it's just chaos you mean you're getting all these star wars characters entering mos eisley cantina you're getting watto darth vader palpatine clone troopers walking in it's just all out craziness but i love it and again i think they did a great job at designing it it was very easy to get to your levels you literally had six doors with numbers on you knew which movie you were stepping into and it was cool how when you walked into each movie it kind of changed the scenery for example when you walk into revenge of the sith it's got like a moose to fall look now the next one on the list is very very neck and neck making its way into the top 15 is lego star wars 2 the original trilogy now as i said this one could go any way round because i think it's down to personal preference how you preferred the cantina laid out personally i prefer number two's cantina because i think it gets a more accurate feel and i'd prefer the outside area in lego star wars 2 to the complete saga but this one is really down to personal preference at the end of the day but please do let me know in the comments section which do you actually prefer do you prefer the complete sagas cantina or lego star wars twos cantina please let me know down below at number 14 on the list is lego batman 3 way beyond gotham now lego batman 3 is way beyond gotham because you can't even go to gotham and i remember when lego batman 3 drops and everyone were pretty disappointed how you could not explore gotham because gotham city in lego batman 2 is absolutely phenomenal and lego batman 3 is just way beyond gotham now that's not to say lego batman's free open world is terrible because with lego batman 3 they tried to do something different with the planets they weren't just like flat you kind of moved around them personally i didn't like that design all too much but you might like that design but ruling out all of that there is some good aspects to batman 3 right you get to explore the bat cave you also can visit the 1969 wayne manor which i think is really cool and it references to the classic movies there's loads of references in that batcave and it's fun exploring the batcave in lego batman 3 but overall it could have been better i think if they had gotham in that game even if they just imported it from lego batman 2 it would have been a lot more well received but one final point flying around the whole world in lego batman 3 it does feel a little bit barren and there's not much to interact with in the open world now i think i have ranked it here mainly because of the bat cave and there is some strong points to some parts of the open world so i've put lego batman 3 here at the unlucky number 13 is lego batman 1 the video game but anyway let me just stop you right there if you are enjoying today's video feel free to subscribe it is up to you and go to apply if you are enjoying today's video anyway let's crack up now lego batman won the video game this is exactly exactly how i picture the batcave they brought inspiration from the comic books and also inspiration from the tim burton batman movies and they kind of clamped it all together and they just created the perfect looking bat cave in my opinion and not only can you explore the bat cave you can also visit arkham asylum which i think is just on a similar scale to the batcave they captured arkham asylum exactly how i picture it from the comics and also from the movies and you gotta explore around it just starting fights and punching all the henchmen yeah it's just great fun so you may be sat there thinking why have i put lego batman one above lego batman fee well in this case quality over quantity so yeah i think lego batman one did a fantastic job it's all it needed to be and it it's literally just perfect i mean come on the bat cave is great arkham asylum the atmosphere starting the fights in the asylum and just punching alfred to his death however many times you did it parkour on its way into number 12 on the list is the lego ninjago movie videogate now i have to say i was pretty presently surprised with how well the open world is actually portrayed in the lego ninjago movie game it's actually visually stunning and it does feel lived in and overall ninjago city is very aesthetically pleasing it's all neon lighting the oriental theme it's very unique for a lego game and it's fun exploring the open well let alone whilst playing the game you'll normally parkour in front roof rooftop to rooftop so it just adds to the exploration feel of the open world and i really like each of the unique districts in the city you have the beach area the main chinatown district and it all changes as you progress your way through ninjago city and the graphics do obviously help with this being a recent lego game dropping in 2017 it's very pleasing to the app so yeah overall the lego ninjago game actually surprised me pretty well with this game being fantastic in terms of combat and it has its own unique skill tree if you haven't played it definitely give it a try i'm not a massive fan of ninjago myself but i did really enjoy playing through this game so yeah it surprised me and it did a really good job landing just outside the top 10 is lego incredibles at number 11. now the lego incredibles open world city is based off the city of municiburg the main city in incredibles i think that's how you pronounce it now with it being based off a pixar animation the city has like that look and feel to it like you're actually in the animation but it's lego and it is very bright and saturated with it obviously being based off an animation it's gonna be very vibrant however though i did find as i was flying around and just making my way through municiburg there wasn't many pedestrians on the street and it kind of took away the feeling of it being lived in however i think the vibrant colours and just overall the saturated palette of the city kind of counteracts that i also quite like how you can build upon the city using the pixar builds because once you use the pixar builds you kind of add these buildings from many pixar movies such as pizza planet from toy story you can actually add that into the city and you can access the interior so that kind of just adds a little bit more to the open world and also exploring through the open world there is quite a few interiors you can access and it just adds a little bit more so looking at everything that is why i am putting incredibles at number 11 because i think it is pretty well rounded around the ball in terms of open world and everything's there but i think the other ones above it are a lot better as we enter the top 10. so making its way into the top 10 is lego marvel super heroes 2. now lego marvel super heroes 2 again is one of them weird ones where it's a very mixed bag some people love the open world in this game and some people kind of don't like it and they just prefer new york from lego marvel one and the avengers game however i have to say i quite like what they did here they kind of matched all these different sceneries from all these different marvel movies into one big open world city and i didn't mind it i also quite like the filters they applied when you enter different districts of the city for example when you entered the noir area of the city it went black and white i just thought that were cool and it just added that little bit more touch to the open world now in lego marvel super heroes 2 there's not that many interiors you can access i do quite like how you can fly up to nowhere in the sky i like that because it just adds that further depth to the open world but overall the reviews on this game are pretty mixed in terms of the open world i do quite like a lot of it i like the wakanda district the futuristic new york district the noaa new york and the western town i'm not a massive fan of manhattan the normal version i think it's a little bit dull how it's snowy it's not the best pleasant experience but the rest of it i think is super solid landing in at number nine on the list is lego star wars 3 the clone wars now boy do i love the lego star wars free hub world i think it's a really cool concept and it's one of the most unique ones in a lego game you are literally just exploring a venator and a separatist dreadnought and the design of the interiors it's so great just walking through the venator and that's not just it there was a lot of stuff to interact with on the venator and the dreadnought you can actually access the cannons and fire ships from the massive dreadnoughts and the venators you can also go up to the commander and actually hit the hyperdrive and travel to a system i think that's a wicked feature but not only that i really like the concept of how you actually have to pilot a ship to get over to the other half of the hub world i think it's a wicked idea and it's kind of like they expanded onto lego batman one how you can go into the bat cave and arkham asylum is pretty much the same thing but you just have to fly over there and i love the concept and i really like how when you're exploring the hub world you kind of feel like you're in this constant battle between the separatists and the republic all the time and i love that so there you go lego source free the clone wars has a very solid hub world and it deserves its spot at number nine dropping its way into number eight on the list is jurassic world i mean it's pretty much in the title it's jurassic park slash jurassic world you cannot go wrong with making jurassic world you just cannot go wrong and guess what they did not go wrong they pretty much nailed it and the soundtrack in the background oh oh it just makes it it makes it great and the one thing that makes this open world even better for me is actually how you have to use the vehicles to mainly get around and you don't see that a lot in lego games for example lego marvel and lego batman games you're normally just flying around a superman or iron man but in this one you actually have to use the vehicles and the gyrospheres to get about and i love that and with this being jurassic park slash jurassic world there is lots of civilians walking around it makes the world feel more lifting there's many carnival games you can interact with on the main aisle and it just adds that you know unique variety to the open world and i think the main thing everyone loves about lego jurassic world is how you can actually be the dinosaurs and the open world for the dinosaurs is great you just get a walk around as a t-rex and when you're underwater dinosaurs you get a swim around in the dome and the same for pterodactyls you get a fly around in the dunk it's all these different levels to the open world and it just keeps adding the variety and that's why i love jurassic world it's full of lots of variety and stuff to do so moving on landing in at number seven on the list is the lego harry potter games so when you picture a lego harry potter game the first thing you think of is exploring hogwarts and they nailed the architecture of hogwarts and the students they feel lively they're doing spells and i like how it changes depending on what movie you're actually playing for example if you're in goblet of fire you're going to see all the other clubs walking around from different schools and if you're in chambers secrets you'll see giljoy lock up being chased by some girls and i really like that dynamic feel so i've put lego harry potter years one to four and five to seven together i've just combined them together because pretty much they're the same thing in five to seven you can also explore london and some other districts that are shown in the harry potter films but the main bit is hogwarts and i absolutely love it they took inspiration from the books mainly but there is some inspiration from the movies and it pleases all harry potter fans and even if you're not into harry potter you can't argue that the whole world is stunning but anyway before we move on here on out it gets really difficult because all of the lego games from this one too harry potter the hub world and open worlds they're just so solid anyway let's move on to number six so making its way just outside the top five is lego batman 2. so lego batman 2 mainly introduced the open world aspect into a lego game and it came out in 2012 and it shocked everyone now not only was lego batman 2 a fantastic lego game in term of level design and characters and just overall the feel of lego batman 2 it's a fantastic lego game but the open world really made lego batman 2. and i remember one of the developers talking about the open world and they got a lot of inspiration from tim burton's batman and you can clearly see that i love how you can go to all these different areas in gotham for example town hall you can go to the zoo you can go to poison ivy's gardens and joker's fun man joker's fun land is excellent and there's so much interactions you can do in joker's funland i remember playing bumper carts as a kid there now i don't know if it's just because this was the first open world lego game it made it feel a lot better but going back playing it i think i played it a few months ago replaying it again it's still very solid there is a lot of interactions in the world the characters and the npcs walking around they do feel a little bit robotic but nevertheless it's solid now swinging its way into the top five is lego marvel super heroes 1. now lego marvel 1 is not inspired by the movies it's mainly inspired by the marvel comics and you can see that in the open world with it being manhattan and new york it's very inspired by the comics and in new york in lego marvel super heroes one you have the x-men mansion the fantastic four building you've got all these different stuff shoved into this one city and you can really see how they have took inspiration heavily from the comics so yeah long story short new york in lego marvel super heroes one is great and not only that the helicarrier i don't know why i spent so much time on the helicopter just switching through all the characters and exploring the helicopter you were cool because that's how you get to the character customizer and yeah i like all of these unique features and jumping down from the heli carrier into new york it just made it feel massive like you're diving in to this huge open world which you are doing but anyway talking about diving in diving in at number four is lego marvel avengers now everything i literally just said about marvel super heroes one you can apply this to marvel avengers however they did inspire this massively upon the movies so it's not really themed upon the comics there were still a lot of comic aspects in marvel avengers but the city was changed up quite a bit they got rid of the x-men mansion and the fantastic four building and they changed up new york city quite a bit nevertheless though saying that i do prefer new york city in marvel one but i have put avengers above marvel one because avengers also added lots of other little open worlds that you could explore for example tony stark's malibu you could go to sokovia hawkeye's form they added all these little open worlds and it just added it above marvel one for me so that's why i put it at number four alright so we're just about to dive into the top three so if you have gone to enjoy this video feel free to subscribe but anyway at number three is dc super villains now when i did my ranking of every lego game from worst to best the main thing that did it for me in dc super villains was the open world it's fantastic it feels like they did marvel super heroes 2 correctly this time they mixed in gotham into metropolis and you can also visit arkham asylum they've got some other districts such as smallville and i feel like they did it right in this one and not only with it being such a strong open world the graphics are amazing and it just helps it get even better with the neon lighting in gotham city and how you can glide around as batman like the arkham games it just makes the open world feel even better and joker's fun land is an absolute blast it's like lego batman 2's fun land improved so yeah dc super villains is very worthy of number three on the list because the open world is absolutely fantastic if you have not played dc super villains go play it driving its way into number two on the list as runner up is lego city undercover now funnily enough not many people have actually played lego city undercover and it's so so good it's got its own unique story but nevertheless we're focusing on the open world i mean come on it's literally like lego gta and there's so many unique districts in the city it blows my mind how amazing it is so driving around you go to like each of these unique districts within lego city there's one that is literally just miami florida basically vice city from gta it looks stunning with all the neon lights and it's all it's like a party island and then you can move into little italy district and all the architecture changes and that's what i love about this game and you can either drive around the city you can also catch the train to get around quickly which is basically fast travel and to go to the prison you actually have to get on a boat and drive over to albatross island which is literally alcatraz and when you're on the prison there's so much you can interact with you can even do bench press i mean come on and that for me is why lego cities undercover's open world is absolutely phenomenal there's so much you can interact with the world feels so lively and lived in and i think they nailed it it is literally lego city however though there is one thing missing in that game when you get in a car there is not a radio kind of upsets me but nevertheless lego city undercover is absolutely fantastic if you have not played it go pick it up so at our number one spot on the list for the best open world in a lego game is lego hobbit slash lord of the rings now i have put lego hobbit and lord of the rings together because at the end of the day it's still middle earth and i just want to say even if you're not a fan of lord of the rings or the hobbit the open world is still fantastic when i was younger i got lego lord of the rings and i never watched the lord of the rings film but i got the lego game for some reason and the open world it shocked me as a kid i spent so many hours in it and now that i've gone and watched all the lord of the rings movies and on a massive lord of rings fan and hobbit fan it's even better but nevertheless it's still a solid open world i love how it introduces you into the open world as you're playing through the story and going through the levels you actually have to travel through the open world especially in lego hobbit to start the next mission and it just makes it better and better because you're like when does this open world stop because it keeps getting bigger and bigger you're going to mountain ranges to rivendell to hobbiton it's just a great journey and in a similar way to jurassic world as i mentioned earlier you actually have to use vehicles to get around obviously not motorized vehicles but it's great how you use horseback to traverse across the map and same when you have to use a boat to get to certain areas it just makes it even better so that is why lego lord of the rings and lego hobbit is at number one however you may have realized that i missed off one massive lego game and that is lego dimensions so yeah lego dimensions would be with number one with lord of the rings and hobbit because dimensions is absolutely huge there's so many open worlds to explore but it does cost a lot they need to bring dimensions back without toys to life that would be fantastic so there you go that has been my ranking of all open worlds and hub worlds in lego games rank from worst to best so if you did go to enjoy feel free to subscribe and makes you go drop a like if you did go to enjoy and don't forget at the end of the day this is my list please let me know your favorite open world in a lego game also if you want to watch me rank all the lego games from worst to best there will be a link at the end of the video and if you want to watch me do new verse all lego games there will be another link at the end of the video so thanks for watching and i'll see you all in a bit adios you
Channel: RuggedEagle
Views: 1,881,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lego star wars the skywalker saga, lego games, lego star wars, lego games open world, lego games evolution, new lego games, old lego games, lego batman 1, lego star wars the complete saga, lego video games, lego, lego games ranked, open world lego games, ruggedeagle, lego games 2021, best lego games, worst lego games
Id: MwFuvyaK420
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 19sec (1699 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 22 2021
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