Is It Possible to Beat Lego Star Wars: TCS Without Touching a Single Stud? (Original Trilogy)

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welcome back this is part two of is it possible to beat Lego Star Wars The Complete Saga without touching a single stud definitely go watch part one first if you haven't yet because I go over all the rules and stuff like that you may be wondering why I titled this video the way I did instead of changing it to what is the minimum number of studs you have to touch to be Lego Star Wars the Complete Saga instead since in part one we already found out you can't beat the game without touching any studs well I wanted to maintain consistency and this title is shorter and a lot catchy err okay in this video I will cover the original trilogy levels but Before we jump into a new hope I have a few Corrections for part one first off I forgot to mention for the rules that no extras or drop in drop out co-op are allowed also any studs that explode out of you when you die do not count that just makes things simpler but there were also some studs I said were unavoidable which actually are avoidable you probably didn't notice but I even put a hidden message at the end of part 1 about this but even that message was incorrect there are three levels that need correcting the first is discovery on Kamino in part one I said all 12 of these studs had to be collected but actually only nine do if you start off with r4 on top of a button and then move around our 4 will then press one more button for you this means not all 12 buttons have to be pressed only 9 the next level droid factory has three studs I incorrectly said were unavoidable going past this press thing you only have to touch one stud not two going on to this ledge you again only have to touch one stud not two and in this room you can force this turner thing from over here as long as you move the camera over so it is in view you don't have to get closer like I previously thought and the final correction is on defensive Kashyyyk where it turns out you only have to touch three studs here not all four and you can shoot the clone troopers from here without having to grapple over this saves you from touching four studs over this brings down the total studs touched for the prequel levels from 109 to 98 studs okay on to the original trilogy levels will we be able to get below 100 studs touched maybe let's find out episode 4 chapter 1 this level does not start off promising Lee right off the bat there is a stud in this doorway which cannot be avoided and then another one in the next doorway avoid all the studs that fly out of these things when you build them also single jump characters from the original trilogy can jump over single studs unlike in the prequels which is nice with these levers it doesn't matter which one you choose you'll have to touch a stud and at the end of the level there is an unavoidable stud in front of this r2 panel and another at this c-3po panel that's a total of 5 studs for the level chapter 2 this bridge near the start is tough to get past without touching a stud but if you jump to the back corner and then across you can avoid the studs getting over this hill is tricky so get as far as possible on the side and then jump up like this when going up into the Jawa sandcrawler just jump into it to avoid the stud on the ground the only unavoidable studs for the rest of the level are the two at this r2d2 panel there are a couple more tricky parts later though here instead of jumping on the rock platforms jump on to the ridge on the left it can be tough to get it just right and here you can use the force on the bridge this part is a little easier just jump like this to avoid the studs on to chapter 3 my personal favorite level of the game in the beginning area be careful with c-3po to avoid the studs on this walkway in the 80s t-section normally you would have to build this ramp to get c-3po to the panel which would mean you would have to touch this blue stud that stays here permanently but there is another way to get c-3po up there it's a bit finicky but get him as close to the step as possible and then do a jump slash attack on him the next tricky part is once you get Han if you grapple up here you'll have to touch this stud going the other way seems even worse as there doesn't seem to be any way to get to the lever without touching studs however you can jump up here and then swing across once you push the block down be careful to line it up in the middle just right to get it through without touching either of these studs after that the level is easy chapter four possibly the most complicated level of the game use our - to fly over these studs since jumping won't work going through this hallway you'll have to touch the stud right at the entrance but the next two can be avoided by jumping carefully to the side once you enter the next area you will automatically collect a stud this part after the bridge is very tough you have to touch two studs jump over as far as you can towards your character's right and then do a double jump forward like this but don't fall off Luke can jump higher than Han so he is a little easier to use but both work if you lose your helmet don't use it this helmet dispenser because you will touch a stud at the stormtrooper panel is an unavoidable stud and then there's another one here to get out of this area jump on to the Turner and then on to the walkway double check that you have a helmet on both characters because you can't use this dispenser either going up this grapple will cause you to collect four studs and then you often touch one here and two here then down here I always ended up touching a stud but I believe it is possible to get through without touching one what you'd have to do is have your double jump from up top land just perfectly in this corner and then roll off the edge you'll spawn back on the lower level and can jump over the stud this is the first and only time I was unable to avoid a stud that is avoidable in this room don't shoot anyone when he build the stormtrooper panel they'll all turn hostile but you can activate it faster than they can shoot your helmet off and finally with these two levers it doesn't matter which one you pick you'll have to touch two studs for either one so for the entire level there are 15 unavoidable studs glad that one's over but chapter 5 isn't much better you spawn on a stud right away and make sure not to touch all the other studs around you to get past this door double jump on the right side since you have to have a helmet for the next area you must touch a stud pulling this lever in the next area when you grapple over here make sure to move back to avoid touching a stud as you fall getting past all these studs is tricky and you have to touch at least one it's easiest if you touch the closest one on the right then jump around the rest and you'll have to make this jump at least twice when you press all the buttons with the buggy it's best to jump out right as you hit the last one so that you don't ride into the studs when the little cutscene plays make sure not to lose your helmet for awhile since you'll have to go all the way back because the dispenser up ahead has a stud in front of it in this hallway you have to touch at least one stud jump just like this this part has some precise jumping pull the center lever to avoid the studs and then jump perfectly to get past to these once you start building everyone will turn hostile and as I said you don't want to lose your helmet coming into this area you'll automatically touch two studs on the next platform you only have to touch one jump here and then be careful when building the grapple crap pulling over move towards the left corner while you fall so you only touch two studs in this room you can't pull down either lever on the left side due to the studs so it can be annoying to build the door while constantly being shot at and then in the final area there are eight unavoidable studs three at this r2 panel one grappling up here two at this r2 panel and two pulling this lever that makes 18 total studs for the level and chapter six like a lot of vehicle levels most studs will automatically collect themselves and these don't count just keep your distance while torpedoing stuff and the level is pretty easy the total number of unavoidable studs for episode 4 is 40 moving on to episode 5 chapter 1 similar to the previous level keep your distance whenever destroying something and you should have an easy time not touching any studs chapter 2 at the start you have to touch this stud to go through the door and then to push this heater you have to touch at least one stud just be careful because there is another hidden stud back there in this room if you play through it like you're supposed to when you launch c-3po onto the upper level he'll automatically wait for you by this panel but when you swap to him there you'll automatically collect the stud he is standing on so you can either swap to him before he gets there or you can push him on to the upper level yourself no launcher buggy thing required in the last area of the level typically you would use a tauntaun to jump on to the Millennium Falcon but if you do that you'll have to touch a stud however you can jump on to the Falcon s han from here it might take a few tries or 20 but it is possible that means the level has two unavoidable studs now chapter three another vehicle level and just like the other two keep your distance when destroying stuff and you'll be fine though I will say the part inside the XO girth can be tricky because at least one stud will always spawn with a torpedo just wait for the torpedo to be a safe distance away from the stud before getting it besides that the level is pretty easy to get through without touching a stud chapter 4 right off the bat there is a tricky section there's no way to build these ramps without touching a stud so we have to think a little outside the box the easiest way to get by is to fly on top of this block as r2 then fly on to these plants and then on to the upper level here normally you would have to touch the stud at the r2 panel but you can actually fly over these plants like this just make sure to avoid the stud on the other side too in the next section again normally you would have to destroy all these plants in order to build a bridge across the water which would mean touching a bunch of studs that explode out but you can actually use our - to swim across here fly to this spot to miss the stud and then fly here to get on to the platform no Jedi required you can do the same thing with the next one but it is a bit trickier when you enter the next area a short cutscene thing will play and it is completely random whether your character will collect a stud or not then use r2 to swim across here land right here to avoid the stud and then you off to touch one stud when you use this panel most of the level after that is pretty easy but there are three more studs you have to touch one here one here and one here that's a total of four unavoidable studs for the level moving on to chapter 5 you'll have to touch two studs in front of this are two panel then there's an unmissable stud at this panel and two more when building this turret to make sure you only touch two though reset your character because he'll move around a bit and when building you have to touch three at this helmet dispenser here wait for the platform to come back and then jump around the studs fly over these studs is r2 and then he'll have to touch two when going up this fan for some reason most of the time if you enter the next area as r2 Luke will push you into a stud immediately so it's best to enter the area as luke instead you have to collect all four studs in front of this r2 panel in the next room typically you would fly over as r2 and use the two panels causing you to touch both studs but you can actually just jump across as luke causing Vader to break the window then there are three more studs you have to touch at this r2 panel that's 17 unavoidable studs in total chapter six it's a bit tough to get past here without touching a stud but jump just like this with Lando and you'll get by the next tough stud is this one it took me a ton of tries but I finally was able to get past it in the next area you have to touch it this stud when grappling when you grapple up here you have to touch three more studs and then when pulling the lever you have to touch one more get r2 over this thing and then fly over the gap avoiding all the studs except this one which is unavoidable you don't actually have to use this r2 panel since everyone spawns into whatever room you're entering that means only the stud at this r2 panel is unmissable that's a total of seven for the level so for episode 5 there are 30 studs you have to touch now the final one episode six and it's a bit of a doozy chapter one you might think you have to touch with these three studs to make the turrets come out but if you are very careful you just right to make the turrets come out without collecting the stud next you have to touch one stud in this hallway even though it looks like you should be able to get by without touching one after opening the door wait for Luke to come over and use him to jump over the line of studs when building this platform you'll end up having to touch two studs but be careful not to touch anymore while building then use Luke to lift up the CPU instead of you being lifted up pull down the left lever to avoid the studs the next tough spot is here use r2 and get right here then fly over all the studs you'll then have to touch three studs here in front of this r2 panel the last unavoidable stud is this one in front of this lever that's a total of seven for the level chapter two interestingly and depressingly this level is tied for the most unavoidable studs for any level in the game pull the lever on the right side to only touch two studs and not the left one which makes you touch three be careful when jumping onto the next skiff because it takes away control for a moment which can cause you to land on a stud also make sure you are in control of Luke because he'll automatically go here where if you swap to him you'll pick up a few studs this time pull the left lever to only touch one stud rather than the other one which makes you touch to next to get across this gap you only have to have the middle section pulled out which is the lever at the top up here you can jump over one stud in the left section and another towards the right but if you use Luke you can jump over one more stud than with just using Han to get Luke up here push this box right here and jump up this whole section has 12 unavoidable studs up here you have to touch three studs to build this and three more to push this down then to build the speaker you have to touch one stud if you build it one piece at a time and continually run into this corner you'll be able to avoid the second stud you'll then have to touch two studs at this are two panel that puts the total unavoidable studs for the level at 24 chapter 3 the entire speeder section can easily be done without touching as Stud just don't shoot anything and then fly into the studs at the end of the level there are two studs you can't miss when jumping on to the 8080 on to chapter 4 this is another complicated one at the start there is about a 75% chance that you'll spawn in on two studs but I did spawn in on only one once which means one is possible once at the second gap rather than grappling up to this lever you can fly across the gap using our two in the next part you have to touch two studs by this lever once on the ground level instead of using the ewok passage to press this button which would mean touching three studs use Han to jump up to the lever this results in only touching two studs when you use this a walk passage you have to touch four studs after building the grapple in the ramp use the ewok passage again to press the button the next tough part is here with the a TST you only have to touch one stud but you have to jump perfectly you then have to touch two studs when grappling up here in the left room of the bunker you have to touch this stud to press the button but for this one you can avoid the stud by jumping towards the back left you can avoid the left stud on the top by walking with c3po as close to the edge as possible but it is quite difficult the right stud you have to touch to activate the panel in the right room you can jump over these two studs to build this bridge then use our - to fly over to the far right side if you get lucky c3po will come close enough for you to swap over to them then use the panel touching the two studs if you haven't already for the final lever typically you would have to fly over as r2 to use the panel on this platform and it becomes a big mess with all the studs in the way but thankfully there is a glitch where if you stand right here and then move the camera towards the right wicket will somehow get inside the lever area that means you don't have to touch any studs to pull the lever in total for the level there are 16 unavoidable studs chapter 5 this boss level has zero unavoidable studs the only tricky part is getting across this railing just take your time jumping between the studs and you should be fine Chapter six this is one of the trickier vehicle levels like always whenever torpedoing something keep your distance but once you destroy the reactor and are flying away try to dodge all the pillars as best you can but for some of them you have to shoot them to get past for these you have a couple options shoot just as you were about to crash into them which makes it so the studs that come out won't have time to be collected will shoot them far ahead of you and then wait for the studs to disappear you actually have unlimited time in this section and can go as slow as you want since the fireball recedes a bit whenever you die either way you'll probably die quite a lot that means episode six has a total of 49 studs you must touch that puts the total for the 18 original trilogy levels at a hundred and nineteen studs which is a little bit high but not too bad especially considering how on average the original trilogy levels are longer and more complex adding that to the 98 from the prequels and we now have the answer for what is the minimum number of studs you must touch to beat Lego Star Wars the Complete Saga 217 it's likely the real number is a little less than 217 because the chances I messed up somewhere are pretty decent I already had to correct part one where I was off by 10 studs so I feel less confident about this number now and if it turns out to be wrong I'll just update the description I'm not gonna make a follow-up video or anything like that so thanks for going on this journey with me I'm not really sure if it was worth it but it's always fun to revisit the older Lego games I probably won't make any videos on them for a while though anyways thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Sovern Gaming
Views: 982,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: can you beat lego star wars the complete saga without touching any studs?, beat lego star wars without studs, complete lego game no studs touched, sovern gaming, lego star wars tcs, is it possible to beat lego star wars tcs without touching a single stud?, mario no coin challenge, lego no stud challenge, lego studs, how to beat lego with no studs, do not touch any studs challenge, lego star wars playthrough, the complete saga gameplay, without touching a stud, lego games studs, sw
Id: 14oIklDoBX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 36sec (1176 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2019
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