Ranking Every LEGO Game From WORST To BEST

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over the years they have been many many lego games   and each one has been amazing  every single one of them   but today we will be ranking all lego games from  worst to best anyway let's cue the intro music   so hello there guys i'm rugged eagle and  i do lots of lego content on my channel   so if you do like what you see feel free to  subscribe it is up to you make sure you do   go drop a like if you do go to enjoy this video  anyway let's get into the rules and regulations   before we start the ranking so when ranking  these lego games i will be taking in these   factors the level design the hub worlds the  fun factor and the replayability i'm gonna not   try and let nostalgia take over me with rose  tinted glasses but i also will be considering   reviews and what other people think of that  general lego game also just to note before   we start i will not be including lego stalls the  video game and lego stars to the original trilogy   because pretty much the complete saga is both of  them games in one anyway let's jump into the rank   coming in at the bottom of the list the worst  lego game at number 25 is lego indiana jones 2.   now i have based this mainly upon the reviews  and i actually played this literally a few weeks   ago with my mate with online multiplayer and i  actually had a blast now i do know where the falls   are compared to the first lego indiana jones game  it is kind of just an add-on expansion with just   a few levels to do with the crystal skull however  though there were a few aspects i really enjoyed   about this game especially the online multiplayer  with my mate i really enjoyed how they did how you   choose the whole worlds to select with the actual  lego sets i thought that was a pretty cool idea   and unique and it also had an online leaderboard  which was very unique for a lego game now also   remember this is my list and also i'm taking in  reviews from other people this will not be the   same as your list so please let me know what your  favorite lego game is this could be your favorite   but that is your list anyway i also thought the  end boss battles weren't nothing special they kind   of just made every single last boss battle like  a giant boss fight i don't really understand why   they did that and they kind of rushed a few levels  especially in the raiders of the lost ark they cut   out the entire boulder scene segment from that  movie coming in at number 24 is lego movie 2 the   video game releasing in 2019. now is lego movie  2 a bad lego game absolutely not i had a blast   playing through this again and it was a really  fun lego game experience now with this being the   most recent lego game before the skywalker saga  the graphics are amazing and i'm a massive fan on   how they did the character grid and the character  customizer i thought that was a wicked way they   did it and that is one of the best character grids  and customizer i have seen in a lego game however   there are some flaws i wasn't a massive fan of  some of the levels because i wasn't a massive fan   of the actual lego movie too and the rest of the  lego games on the list are far superior however   this is still a great lego game so if you have not  played it definitely pick it up for cheap if you   can coming in at number 23 is lego ninjago movie  the video game now i just want to say straight   off the bat the combat in the lego ninjago game  is absolutely fantastic i had so much good fun   with it and it's actually quite an in-depth combat  for a lego game you can do loads of evasive roles   and mid-air attacks the flying butterfly kick or  whatever they call it overall it's great combat   one of the best i have seen in a lego game and  also to mention there is a skill tree which i   thought was super funny and they are actually  bringing this into the skywalker saga which is   cool to see and also the hub world looks fantastic  with it all being built out a lego it actually   looks visually stunning and very accurate to the  movie so why have i ranked it so low on the list   well to be honest i haven't played it as much as  i wanted to and also i think ninjago deserves an   even bigger game with it being a massive franchise  in terms of lego instead of just basing it off the   movie and stretching out some of the levels like  they did in the game i think ninjago deserves a   massive lego game i'm not a massive fan of the  ninjago franchise but i think fans of ninjago   deserve a full-on lego ninjago game coming in at  number 22 is lego movie the video game now funnily   enough i actually have quite a lot of nostalgia  for the lego movie game but i didn't want to look   at it with rose tinted glasses there are a few  flaws to it obviously being based on the movie the   scenes are just straight up out of the movie  however i think the level design in this lego game   is absolutely fantastic especially with the voice  actors and the characters speaking to each other   it's a pretty funny game to play through because  there's some funny lines of dialogue especially   from vitruvius however knowing the story  and already what's happened after watching   the actual lego movie you kind of expect what is  coming next a level after level so that does kinda   ruin it now another thing that did ruin it for me  was the hub world i didn't think the hub worlds   were that amazing the characters were obviously  cool because you got many different characters   from all sorts of franchises like green lantern  and teenage mutant ninja turtles in there   so it does rank a little bit higher due to that  but i did play this a lot as a kid so i do have   nostalgia for it so you have not played lego movie  the game play it coming in at number 21 is lego   worlds now lego world is a really weird one to  rank you either love it or hate it personally me   i'm quite a creative person and i love designing  stuff in games so i absolutely love lego world i   loved exploring and building stuff so it's right  up my alley so if it was a personal list for me   it would be a lot higher however if you're not  into that you probably would rank this at the   bottom it's just personal preference so i put  it here because it's kind of a mixed bag however   on console lego worlds can be quite laggy it  does have online multiplayer but it doesn't   now when i was growing up i actually played  lego avengers quite a lot and i have to say   i did really enjoy the game however looking at  reviews and what other people have to say on   it they definitely did not prefer this i think  because marvel super heroes one is such a great   lego game that's why people rank it a little bit  lower however the game didn't have spider-man in   that upset or quite a lot of people they did add  him later on as dlc for free for everyone to claim   now i found some of the levels in lego avengers to  be super fun and i found some of the levels to be   a little bit boring not as such drawn out just  some of them lacked a little diversity however   i did really like how you can team up and do  the superhero combos i thought that was a cool   feature so it is here at number 90. dropping  in at number 18 is lego harry potter years   five to seven now this again is quite a strange  one to rank because personally if you like harry   potter if you prefer the movies five to seven  i think you're going to prefer this game more   if you like one to four movies in general  you're gonna prefer years one to four however   there are some flaws to five to seven throughout  the game at the very beginning it takes all your   spells off you which you do learn in years four  so i don't understand that however all the game   relies on mostly in the puzzles is the aquamenti  spell which does get quite a bit frustrating after   some time however i definitely love the defindo  spell i thought that was a little cool minigame   so that kinda equals it out now whilst playing  through it i have to say the graphics are amazing   especially in the harry potter collection with it  releasing in 2011 i do like the dueling scenarios   that they do however they can be very easy  obviously it's based upon kids and not meant   to be difficult however they are a little bit  too easy but i do have to say the hub world is   fantastic it literally is hogwarts and especially  with the lego harry potter games i do think the   replayability is pretty strong however some of the  level designs in the half blood print segment is a   little bit tedious and not the greatest however  the levels in episode 5 and 7 are fantastic   overall and really good level design coming in  at number 17 is lego batman 3 beyond gotham now   lego batman 3 is strangely good however it does  have its minor flaws but overall i have to say   the character roster in lego batman 3 is amazing  and also i want to point out all the outfits for   certain characters like batman robin and joker  they are all fun and unique and it is quite good   how you solve the puzzles using the different  outfits i do like that about the lego batman   games also again lego batman 3 has its own unique  story with the main villain being brainiac and i   do have to say it's quite a good story and fun to  play through however i think the biggest flaw for   me in lego batman 3 is the hub worlds now i am  not saying the hub worlds in lego batman 3 are   terrible i actually quite liked how they changed  up the idea but it didn't actually work for me   however you might actually like how they designed  the whole world in lego batman 3. personally it's   not for me i prefer just how they had got them  in lego batman 2. that's just personal preference   but i do think the whole worlds were a little bit  lackluster moving on to number 16 on the list is   the incredibles now lego incredibles does get  slated quite a lot for being quite an easy lego   game now when i was playing through it i didn't  think about that some of the levels yes were easy   but i had an absolute blast frame through them  again i love the incredibles overall it's a quite   a funny lego game the voice lines are amazing  and it's just cool to see the incredibles in   a lego game also whilst we are on the topic of  the hub worlds they kind of went down a different   alley in the whole world basically they're like  gang areas where you have to take them out and   claim them over basically by defeating like a mini  boss in the hub world and i really liked how they   did that and it just made the replayability and  playability of the game overall in general a lot   more fun and with this being one of the most  recent lego games releasing in 2018 the combat   is fantastic all the characters are unique and i  love how you can get some of the pixar characters   like woody from toy story i just love how they  did that so overall i had a blast with lego   incredibles so that's why i'm ranking it here on  the list at number 15 is lego the hobbit now lego   the hobbit is a very unique lego game because  obviously it's set in the past and you're using   swords and it's overall pretty fun the combat is  very unique with the fighting and it does go into   like these cinematic action scenes when you're  fighting which are very fun to watch now i would   say the level design in the lego hobbit is okay  i especially liked how they did them character   combo things to solve puzzles with the dwarves  i thought they were pretty funny and overall the   story is great it's the hobbit i do prefer lord  of the rings we'll get to the ranking of that   later but the voice lines and following the story  is overall good and it does have some okay gags   in there and not to forget they bung in a new  feature like a crafting feature into the hobbit   game i thought this was a pretty cool feature and  it did mix in pretty well with the hobbit theme   in general at number 14 is lego city undercover  that released in 2013. now lego batman 2 mainly   introduced the whole world exploration into lego  games and a year after came city undercover which   originally dropped on the wii u and later came out  on consoles however they massively improved the   whole world from lego batman 2. city undercover is  absolutely fantastic to explore the whole world is   great and it's basically lego gta now lego city  undercover is very unique it's not based on a   massive ip as such more the lego city franchise  in actual lego sets and it's overall great it   has its own unique story it's got some fun levels  in there with some okay ones especially the level   where you go to the prison on albatross island  i think they call it which is literally alcatraz   that is a great level and the voice acting and  the music in the game is great coming in at the   unlucky number 13 is lego marvel super heroes 2.  now lego marvel super heroes 2 is always in the   shadow of lego marvel super heroes 1. with number  one being an absolute brilliant lego game number   two had to live up to them expectations and i  don't think it reached their expectations however   it is a great lego game now again it had its own  unique story which was overall fun to play through   and some of the characters are great how they  developed them i especially love star-lord how   you could listen to his music i liked how they did  karnam and stuff like that i believe that's what   it's called and some of the big fig characters  were really fun and they added some other like   assassin monkey is it hit monkey or something they  added quite a lot of interesting marvel characters   into the roster now the hub world in lego marvel  super heroes 2 does get a mixed bag of opinions   some people love it and some people absolutely  hate it me i actually didn't mind it i thought it   was really cool i could visit different marvel at  sceneries in one big city i thought that was cool   i especially liked the noir scene because it went  black and white when you went in there and overall   i liked it but some people did not like it at  all coming in at number 12 is lego jurassic world   now jurassic world was a very unique ip and  franchise to do as a lego game and it definitely   paid off now lego jurassic world is great it  has good level design it also has a good roster   of characters mainly due to the dinosaurs they  were super fun and you could customize your own   dinosaur now i absolutely love the aesthetic  of lego jurassic world the whole world was very   vibrant the soundtrack playing in the background  when you're exploring it just makes it a great   experience now from here on out it does get very  difficult to spot flaws with the next lot of lego   games because these lego games are fantastic now  that's not to say every lego game on this list   is amazing and this lists were very hard for  me to put together because i love every lego   game also do remember your list will be a lot  more different to mine and i am ranking this   in my personal opinion whilst also mixing in other  people's reviews to try and get a balanced ranking   dropping in at number 11 is lego batman 2. now  i had to take my rose tinted glasses off for   this because i love lego batman 2 as a kid it's  literally probably the lego game i played the most   as a kid i loved lego batman 2. however why is it  at number eleven well basically the list got very   very difficult for me from the next lot because  it literally gets into the top ten however michael   batman two were the first lego game to introduce  voice lines and they did it pretty well and they   kept in some great gags and overall it didn't ruin  it some people do prefer mumbles to voice lines   and it was quite a big change now lego batman 2  looking back actually shaped lego games quite a   lot it introduced the first massive open world hub  world in a lego game and overall they nailed it i   especially liked how you unlock certain characters  you actually had to find them in the hub worlds   and defeat them like a mini boss battle and  you simply purchased them i loved that idea   and that is why lego batman 2 lands just outside  the top 10 at number 11. scraping its way into   the top 10 is lego dc super villains now with this  being one of the most recent installments in the   lego franchise they went pretty big with this game  and not only that the graphics are fantastic with   the game releasing in 2018. now i did say i did  not want nostalgia to ruin the ranking and some   of you are probably thinking why have i put this  above lego batman 2 well in retrospective lego dc   super villains is a lot better the level design  is overall fantastic lego batman 2 has some great   levels whereas it also has some pretty boring  levels such as the ace chemical level now the   main highlight for me in lego dc super villains  is the character customizer what an absolute great   job they did on this it's really cool how you can  unlock your powers throughout playing the campaign   and it's cool at the end of the game how it makes  you decide if you want to become a full-time   villain or a full-time superhero and finally dc  super villains has a fantastic whole world and map   it's cool you can go to gotham and metropolis and  the scenery changes this is what i thought marvel   2 should have done but they didn't quite nail  it however in dc supervillains they nailed the   whole world and the map fantastic job also you can  get the police dropping in at number nine is lego   dimensions now i don't want to spend too much time  on dimensions overall it's a great lego game you   have so many franchises basically shoved into one  lego game it's great however there is one massive   downfall to dimensions the cost it is a very very  expensive game but if you do have the shekels it   will be a fantastic experience fighting its way  into number eight is lego pirates of the caribbean   now what else is there to say lego pirates of the  caribbean is one of the best lego games to play   through me playing it literally the other day i  had so much fun it was even better replaying it   the soundtrack in the background overall the  level design is fantastic there's a couple of   levels that are a little bit dim but you expect  that in a lot of lego games but the ones where   you're actually fighting bosses and doing the  pirates of the caribbean stuff it is great now one   of the things i especially liked about the pirates  of the caribbean lego game was the diversity with   the puzzles i like the one where you have to use  jack sparrow's compass to solve quite a lot of   stuff digging up stuff it's just great for puzzles  and diversity in levels and for 2011 this was just   before tt games started developing massive open  world whole worlds in lego games he actually had   quite a decent whole world to explore with this  game releasing in 2011. bearing in mind in 2011   they actually pumped out three lego games they  pumped out clone wars they pumped out harry potter   and pirates of the caribbean all in the same year  and looking at it in 2021 the game still holds up   it's actually got surprisingly good graphics for  the time the gameplay mechanics are fantastic   overall great lego game definitely play if  you have not played it making its way into   number seven on the list is lego indiana jones the  original adventures now where to begin with this   lego game what can i say it's just overall a great  adventure playing this game i know that was easy   but it's a great lego game the puzzles i think  are fantastic because at the end of the day it's   indiana jones it is mainly based on puzzles so you  expect to have some good puzzles in the game now   something i loved about the lego indiana jones  games was the combat not just for the mechanics   but the sound design is amazing when you're  punching all the henchmen and the goons   the sound design just makes it perfect and playing  through each movie is great they nailed raiders of   the lost start they also nailed temple of doom  and they nailed the last crusade what else can   you ask for and again for 2008 the whole world  was pretty decent it had quite a lot of stuff   going on and it was just cool to explore overall i  think it is an improvement from the complete sagas   hub world so i give him points for that making  its way just outside the top five is lego harry   potter years one to four at number six now funnily  enough i do have a lot of nostalgia for lego harry   potter's years one to four i played this so much  as a kid and oh it's just a great lego game come   on it's fantastic even if you're not a fan of  harry potter you'll still have a blast playing   through it i love the levels especially in the  philosopher's stone and the chamber of secrets   and prisoner azkaban the goblet of fire i thought  could have been a little bit better but overall   the levels agree now not to forget outside of the  actual main campaign levels you actually have to   do lessons in hogwarts to learn your spells  this is same for years five to seven but i   love the lessons in years one to four especially  guilds like lockhart's lessons they were great   and again i think this lego game changed the  formula for lego games in general it was pretty   much one of the biggest hub worlds for the time  2010 i thought they nailed hogwarts exploring it   around learning the spells i thought it was really  cool how they did the spells and they did this   in five to seven and we definitely need to see a  remake of a lego harry potter game it'd be wicked   and tt games put so much detail into their lego  games if you're actually playing say's chamber of   secrets when you are exploring hogwarts you can  see gildroy lockhart being chased by girls and   it adapts to each movie you're playing making  its way into the top five is lego star wars 3   the clone wars now this was a very very  unique lego star wars game and i have to say   i think they nailed it with it being based  upon the first two seasons mainly of the clone   wars and the movie now overall in lego star  wars clone wars 3 the level design is great   and i especially did like the ground battles  however some of the ground battles were very   very tedious whereas some of them were so much fun  so it's kind of a mixed bag but i think they were   a really cool idea and i hope they put him in the  skywalker sub now looking at the combat mechanics   in lego stalls the column was free that released  in 2011 it is still pretty solid to this day the   force lightning and force choke is so much fun to  use and overall how the mechanics work it's fluid   and still holds up in 2021 also in clone wars 3  they added the split screen mechanic i don't know   how to describe it but you can switch between  two scenarios by holding a certain button down   i thought this was overall an okay idea and they  did actually use this in lego jurassic world so   they have brung it back and also the replayability  is great especially after finishing the clone wars   especially season seven it's really cool to play  lego stalls the clone wars 3. it's just cool to   see where they came from and the hub world is  overall great for 2011. you get to explore a   venita and a separatist dreadnought swinging in at  number four on the list is lego marvel superheroes   now this is one of the most hyped up lego games  after having so many lego batman games well two   lego batman games it was so cool to see a marvel  franchise in a lego game playing as spider-man   iron man the hulk it was fantastic and i think  this was the first time they proper did big   figs in a lego game now it also had its own unique  story like the lego dc games which was nice to see   so you didn't actually know what to expect and it  wasn't based off any marvel movies as such and it   was just fun to play with having the fantastic  forming the x-men and the avengers a great lego   game and on top of that the replay ability in  this lego game is very very strong having to   collect all the deadpool bricks i think they were  and all the gold bricks and stuff to unlock more   characters and exclusive levels the replayability  is very very strong even replaying it in 2021 i'm   having a blast with the game dropping in at number  three in their top three is lego lord of the rings   now this was the second lego game to have  voice lines and what a great pick they chose   they captured the lord of the rings movies in  a lego game now if you're not a massive fan of   lord of the rings i still recommend playing this  because i actually played this as a young kid   and i never watched lord of the rings but i  enjoyed it so much because it's such a unique   lego game it's so different now after being a  massive fan of lord of the rings and watching the   movies coming back to play this lego game to give  my opinion on it it's great they have captured it   exploring middle earth is just phenomenal and the  level design is amazing placing number two on the   list is lego batman one the video game again i  didn't want nostalgia to affect this list and i   am going off reviews too also remember that lego  batman one is just great it's well it's phenomenal   a except from the vehicle levels obviously it's  same with complete saga the old vehicle levels   can get a little bit annoying especially  when you have to drag the bombs it's a pain   now this was the first ever lego game to have its  own unique story it was quite heavily inspired by   tim burton's batman films which i love even more  especially with the soundtrack in the background   it just makes it even better and better lego  batman one has to have some of the best level   designs in a lego game except from the vehicle  missions but i put them aside because obviously   it's 2008 the vehicle missions aren't gonna be  amazing and to finish off with even though there's   not that many characters in lego batman one all  of the characters are very fun to use and like   said this is the first time we saw dc in a lego  game which made it even better back in the day   and i think the main strongest point of lego  batman 1 is the outfits and the puzzles how   they use the different bat suits and robbing suits  to solve puzzles i think was very unique and very   well done and also the combat in lego batman  one it's same as lego indiana jones one they   both released in the same year the combat and the  sound design for fighting it just makes it perfect  
Channel: RuggedEagle
Views: 2,355,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ranking every lego game, lego games ranked, lego star wars the skywalker saga, lego games, lego game ranked, best lego games, worst lego games, lego, lego star wars, lego star wars skywalker saga, ruggedeagle, ranking lego games worst to best
Id: wwrZtcnHsd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 51sec (1551 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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