Lego Star Wars HIDDEN characters you've NEVER seen

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[Music] at the time of making this video lego star wars the complete saga is 13 years old i played this game when it first came out i also played both the original lego star wars and lego star wars 2 back on my ps2 back in 05 and 06 and still to this day 13 years later i'm learning more and more about these games today i learned lego star wars the complete saga has 39 rare hidden characters just sitting in the game files you can't play as them in the normal game some of them were supposed to be in the final game but were cut right before launch and others were never supposed to be playable but today that all changes let me introduce you to the unused characters of lego star wars the complete saga [Music] now before you ask no these aren't modded characters they're official actually in the game but i am using a mod created by my friendly tony gamer to play as them here oh hey look it's dr evazon a buzz droid a giant moving curtain this is gonna be fun hey everyone it's andrew now just before we get started today's video is sponsored by the ridgebot just like lego star wars has a bunch of unused characters your regular everyday wallet probably has a lot of unused cards receipts and things you don't need just sitting in there and that's where the ridge wallet comes in its sleek compact design means you only carry what you need i've been using one of these for ages now and once i got used to it there was really no going back also these make a great christmas present a gift if you want to give one to your family or get one for yourself go to bombastic and use the code bombastic to get 10 off with free shipping and there's details in the description okay so we're going to do this alphabetically first up we have the 21b surgical droid this character is used in a cutscene at the end of empire strikes back he's the one who gives luke his new hand and as you can see he's actually animated with his own unique movements no one else in the game moves like this this is anakin jedi scarred his characters left over from lego star wars video game the 2005 version and was supposed to appear in the darth vader level i think either revenge of the sith or the bonus but the idea for him was eventually scrapped would have been cool to fight against a half-torched anakin on mustafar it's like he dipped his head in the lava this model of darth vader known as anakin vader was used in the emperor palpatine fight scene and also appeared in lego star wars video game next up is the barman he was never supposed to be playable but you can find him behind the cantina bar you're always grumpy too many droids in here i guess we don't serve their kind here what this is the lego star wars one battle droid prototype he was used in early builds of the game but was eventually replaced next up is the boga this giant thing here and i was like huh what's a boga oh wait it's this girl right here obi-wan's utapau and lizard so there was originally supposed to be a level which had you chasing general grievous just like in the film but this wasn't included in the final game hopefully we'll see the boga and the boga chase included in lego style was the skywalker saga next up is the bomar monk now i'm not sure if this was going to be a playable character or something you could ride but this spider thing here isn't actually a spider the bomar order was a religious order that believed in isolating themselves from physical sensation to enhance the power of their minds so they had their brains transplanted into jars and would use droid spider walkers to get around instead so in this jar here this single orange lego stud is a brain feeling enhanced in there this is the buzz droid honestly wish we got to see more of these in the movies and i'm surprised this one's not playable it was supposed to be but got cut right before the game's release and it's much bigger than i remember buzz droids ever being maybe that's why it was cut it wasn't canon this one's basically a bigger version with legs that uses its saw as a melee weapon just slapping obi-wan around the room and it actually goes into ball form if it gets attacked hey look it's figuring down from the cantina band and he can actually play the bongo drums the cantina band was never supposed to be playable but you can actually see them in the cantina and if you turn the game's music off now you know the character i've always wanted to play as in lego star wars curtains forget about anakin and obi-wan invader and all of the other classics i want to play as curtains these are the curtains used in the jabba's palace intro scene and i have no idea why they're here and why they're counted as a playable character or why i can do this but i can you guys remember dr everson right again i feel like this guy should have made the final cut responsible for getting his friend's arm chopped off by a space wizard i think he eventually sewed it back on though this is a duvet again not sure why this is counted as an unused but playable character but here we are and i'm assuming this was used as a prop at some point maybe when anakin wakes up from his nightmare and throws off the duvet again no idea why i can do this but i can this here is the fallout an animal native to naboo and they do actually make an appearance in the naboo level where you meet jar jar but you can't ride them or play as them who came up with that name falun passette for loompassat it's a funny one it doesn't feel like a real word oh wait it's not next up a character i'm super familiar with because of my adoration of star wars racer this is gasgano although he's missing something i can't quite put my finger on apparently he also appears in a cutscene probably in that dreaded pod racing level do you guys remember that general aboard the 8080 that destroyed the rebels shield generator on hoth that's this guy general veers and he also appears in a cutscene in this cutscene this is my favorite vehicle in battlefront 2004 akadu although technically i guess you wouldn't call this space camel a vehicle but this guy also appears in the naboo mission and has decided to cause havoc aboard the separatist space station to get revenge for what the droids did to the naboo you actually see quite a few of these on that naboo mission this is one of the camino security droids you'll have to get past on kamino they occupy the hallways similar to the rebel prison in the mandalorian i guess how you doing hey look it's lando but wearing his general calrissian outfit you can't actually plays this version of lando you only see him wearing this in a cutscene pretty fly i like the blue pants and cape the same goes for the lando waistcoat appearance these are hans clothes you know how at the end of empire lando is wearing hans clothes for some reason it's really weird why are you wearing hans clothes and if you think that's weird this next one is an early concept from mace windu although using obi-wan's face as the base and for some reason there's a lightsaber inside him but seriously what's the deal with his face isn't this the face obi-wan makes when he sees maul kill qui-gon what joke are you devs getting up to oh hey look it's luke skywalker's ceremony outfit before battlefront 2 lego star wars had it here's luke wearing pajamas this is from when he gets his new hand give thanks to 21b i don't know how the modder lintoni got this one into the game but here it is you're looking at the magnet from the cloud city escape level no matter where you go it's attached to the ceiling and once again counts as a playable character oh yeah it's my boy more hanukk straight from the moss asper pod racing scene three eyes means triple the advantage this is the lego medic the type of medic to draw his pistol and throw bombs in your direction guys how is nine nub not a playable character in lego star wars if battlefront 2015 got just one thing right it was this guy this is padme as a pilot a character left over from lego star wars one it's not really clear why she's here or what purpose she had but she was originally gonna be playable and has some custom animations like drawing her blaster while spinning now that's a good trick ponder bubba is dr evazon's right hand man or should i say no right hand man or creature or whatever this thing is aqualish there i looked it up he's the guy that ends up losing his arm in the cantina to one of the galaxy's finest peacekeepers rebel scum is a fan favorite character from lego star wars one that wasn't included in the complete saga now when i first saw this guy i was like hi it's george lucas but it's not this character's in-game name is sandsweet meaning it's most likely steve sansweet the owner of rancho obi-wan the world's largest star wars museum but why is he in the game what's he doing here oh hey look it's yoda's chair the saucer thing he sits on in the prequels goes from jumping off walls against dooku to needing the future version of a mobility scooter i wonder did he go to the shops and like buy this thing as well like did he just show up one day and be like yeah i need a hover pod for myself i'm getting old how is sabaldo not a playable character in lego star wars like what this is the snake from the dagobah level is this the one that comes out of the swamp the spaceman is actually the logo lin tonygamer uses for his channel this was supposed to be a playable character but for some reason never made final cuts because normal spacemen don't belong in star wars right why not according to george lucas i guess he's not there you guys probably remember the staff from the naboo level these ride on bikes used by the droids never supposed to be playable but here it is all right that's enough snap it it's an old battlefront 2 joke this stormtrooper here is a character from lego star wars one one of the original stormtroopers he never made the final cut tennom is a selastin b-wing pilot from return of the jedi he appears in that cutscene he didn't realize there was another numb i thought it was only nine now there's ten as well there's ten of them they're multiplying wa7 is the waitress droid from dex's diner another character from lego star wars one the original hub world was dex's diner from lego star wars one so that's why she was there but not here unfortunately and look at this it's zam wessel's droid the one she uses to try assassinate padme these altogether make up the 39 unplayable characters in the game but i'd love to know if there's one character you'd love to see at its lego star wars who would it be i'm going with the sarlacc pit of course why wouldn't i also you should go check out lynne tony gamer's channel for lots more to do with lego star wars or you can watch one of these videos here and follow me on instagram twitter and join my discord for updates on skywalker sago star wars other stuff everything else and i hope you enjoyed this thanks for watching my name is andrew i'll catch you soon stay bombastic
Channel: Bombastic
Views: 1,409,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lego Star Wars, Lego Star Wars Easter Eggs, Lego Star Wars Secret, Lego Star Wars Secrets, Lego Star Wars Easter Egg, Lego Star Wars The Complete Saga, Lego, Star Wars, Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga, Skywalker Saga, The Skywalker Saga, Lego Star Wars Unused Characters, Lego Star Wars Characters, New Lego Star Wars, New Lego Star Wars Gameplay, Lego Star Wars Gameplay, Lego Star Wars The Video Game, Easter Eggs, Secrets, Lego TCS, LSWTCS, Complete Saga, Gameplay, Gaming
Id: tdWSAf55_dg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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