Last Life: Episode 4 - UH OH!

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welcome back to another episode of chaos in a box otherwise known as last life i could see the entire box from here this is great so what are we gonna do today i don't know that's part of the fun mainly not survive we're still on yellow name and joel is still the only red name but one thing i think we definitely should do especially after last episode is make the outside of our wall an extra layer thick with as much stone as we can spare because it turns out all you need to do is set one block on fire and the whole place is going to come crumbling down right it's uh it's a new day it's a new day to trade the lives let's do this no you don't need the [Music] impulse that was that was really nice none of us joked about running away you know that's the bomb no we never overdo jokes we never drive it into the ground [Laughter] real quick just as quick before we started the recording we're sat in discord all chatting away there's an awkward silence after someone's made a statement and timmy just goes word you know what my brain still didn't really recognize what i just said so people are laughing at me and i didn't really know why but now yeah it was my pain it wasn't my brain being a silly silly thing i have literally no plan is being chosen in five minutes now i have been secretly and that's why i'm muted i have been secretly breeding up these cows for raw beef because if i am the boogeyman there's something i'm going to do now another big issue that i'm having at the moment is that i have absolutely no diamonds so while we're waiting for the boogeyman i think we should uh show everyone where i've been keeping my diamonds this whole time i've been so unbelievably unlucky honestly i'm stuck i'm starting to think that this is absolutely cursed oh boogeyman is in one minute that means i've been mining for five minutes that means i've been mining for four minutes and found nothing uh oh boogeyman the boogeyman is about to be chosen or boogeymen there can be more than one oh you are you are oh i i thought it might be me this time i'm not leaving until i find a stupid diamond i have been finding a few emeralds which are actually very very useful in case a wandering trader turns up it can be the difference between a puffer fish and no puffer fish so while i'm still mining for diamonds 20 minutes into this episode there's a few secret objectives that i have one make a panic bunker in case i die i need somewhere to respawn number two i have a wither skeleton skull if i can unite all three that are on the server i might have a wither in the works and we're about to [Music] break oh so much so much wasted time so much wasted time and zero diamonds is this what minecraft feels like sometimes i've never experienced this little amount of diamonds before i've been recording for 27 minutes and i haven't found anything okay so my secret plan my secret bunker it requires certain certain amount of puppies shall we say and the only way i know how to get some puppies is at the fairy fort where lizzy and her allies live aha i did it again it's there i see it i think i might have been rumbled i just wanted puppies why doesn't this work okay bye lizzy thanks for scaring me oh what a waste of time so we wasted time trying to find diamonds and we wasted time trying to get wolves which means i now i i i don't think i'm gonna find wolves you know it's like i'm pretty sure all the walls are gone i guess if the dogs belong to someone else forget it that means there may be some wolves in the far flung corners of this map that was very nearly death oh man i have a feeling all the wait no way okay one one wolf one wolf where are you come here come here come here come here come here wow only one okay have you got there might only be one wolves oh my goodness oh my goodness this might be this might these might be the only wolves left what literally where did it go oh my goodness oh i can't believe it i literally can't believe this okay you two are my secret friends okay and together we're going to make more secret friends [Music] i'm not going to show this on camera and it's not even going to be in this area but i'm going to make a little secret place no way yep oh you're a stubborn you're stubborn harder to me harder to make friends with you okay amazing absolutely amazing this sort of setup is so important okay i think we're pretty set up in case of an emergency we're pretty set so i need to leave because everyone's getting suspicious about where i am they actually they actually said in the chat gee where are you and i said i'm on a solo adventure and they said oh okay you know it's nice to be wanted sometimes fellas okay we're successfully miles away from our secret hiding place and we are actually just above or just below wait what the heck has scar done see if i can uh give him a little spook oh well hello there scott are you not worried that i'm the biggie man oh no not really no i'm looking for joel i just shot an arrow you're like oh hi green i'm actually calling it the wizards oh my goodness i couldn't i was just at the bottom of the tower and i couldn't quite tell what it was it looks like the saddest upside down ice cream cone i've ever seen it's a wizard hat i just made a great deal by the way selling more useless crystals by any chance something a little more valuable mr green wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait since my um my friends aren't here how how's about you remember this oh i spoke to mumbo actually about that you remember this i do it was actually yeah i'm sorry it wasn't cancelled it was cancelled yeah i'm sorry we don't want to start forest fires now smokey the bear would not be proud of us you're going in the book i'm writing the book i'm right you're in the book you're going in there where am i you're in my scrawl you renegate it you i always put my own name there green's list you're there how can i get off the list no you you renegaded on that promise that was you that was you you because it was like it was a it was a pre-order and pre-orders are often cancelled when deals are um unbelievable well you're on my list honestly there's no coming back from this guy maybe boogie [Music] you've got to realize how terrifying that is because you have been afk for so long i couldn't figure out the audio panning it wasn't left channel or right channel ahead of me and then last alternative was back i was horrified okay i've just heard from joel that he there's been a failed trap and he's fuming again oh it was the worst failed trap ever though dude i'll show you it look oh you can see the tree actually the tree that tree was not there before give me a sec give me a sec it's giving me a hard time oh no so look that tree that's where you put it like what you can't even be upset that that failed so just actually on that note on that note joel came by he's very upset that it failed he's very upset yeah so we're just not hiding our farms anymore oh well are we meant to harm are we meant to hide farms well the thing is about this server mumbo is that when when people just come along they will just take it all all right graham watch this i'm ready i'm ready for whatever you're about to show me uh yeah are you ready i'm ready consider it concealed buddy here we go that's the minecraft equivalent of putting your hands over your face and saying i'm gone also another thing about this series is other people's work can be your work if you believe hard enough yeah that's very true speaking of which i didn't know if this was common knowledge amongst those um you know as southern us but um where is the wither school that we obtained uh i have got it safe and sound in a secure location you still have it i feel like you need to know because if you suddenly turn away well if you suddenly turn red step away from red i've got to say this is the worst hidden farm i've ever this is just this is literally hilarious i think nobody i think if we staircase this up to the side of the wall this should actually work you know what i mean because it looks like it's purposeful then this is actually this is good team bests are being a little bit strange this week they seem very secretive they currently have the enchanter just as an fyi yeah they traded they traded a life for it scar has just an ungodly amount of of lives he's i think he must be on seven i tried my best i tried my best to trade him my my my soul crystal but he wasn't having anybody no he burped mine mumbo he burnt mine in front of my face has he has he told you yeah they've been cancelled i no longer have a soul crystal no he burnt it in front of my face honestly scar is on my list my list now consists of b-dubs and scar i feel like we might need to do a little bit of work i know agreeing like backs of things isn't necessarily your forte but the back of this needs a bit of oh shots fired i ran out of dirt i'm sorry green i love your back that was a hard thing [Laughter] what's happened yeah here is the plan being impulse we're going to build a ghost farm above the nether because there's less people in the nether gas will actually spawn that means gunpowder but it also means end crystal oh my you're so right and that and crystals are great as well they're relatively low risk but high reward yeah yeah but we just need to get above the nether so if if that's the one thing we need to get above the nether and then i guess either break the bedrock or get another portal up there yeah we can get another portal to come back so every time we go up to use it we'll have to use a pearl right do you know where scott and pearl are hiding their wither skull uh yes have they moved it can we go get it i don't know so i did give it back so i had it in my possession but they saw me snagging it because the rest of the guys weren't doing a good distraction job okay so i had to give it back to scott because he basically cornered me um and we traded it in exchange for basically mumbo's entire being um that was that was kind of how that one unfolded i'm assuming they're just putting it back where it was before it was literally in their little secret underground base and it was just sat atop like a pedestal it was actually above an anvil i think technically okay and that little area isn't particularly huge so i think they probably will have put it back just like the infinity stones i i must collect all of them so you never told me you had one that's what really threw me off before i was like oh yeah like scott was like oh but there are more floating around i was like wait what etho has the other one is there first let's see let's see let's see who's home everyone stays at home these days we're never gonna get anything yeah they really do [Music] okay i've muted up i have found all of their sugarcane and i found all of their cows what is this oh this will feed all of my dogs i literally i literally cannot get i cannot believe i've gotten away with this while they're standing right there okay they've got lava in their walls there's no way they just left the wither skull lying around i'd be foolish not to check okay totally failed heist hey joel how's the how's the killing going not well green not well go to yours mumbo's there go to the clio's big bees there going a bit mad going a bit mental oh they're on the wall there look at him you see that particle effect yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah a little listen boys i have a little listen oh we got some invisibles here some invisible particle effective boys yeah yeah that's a that's a boogie move if i've ever seen one it's not it's just tango and etho being weird i listened to their whole conversation about what they planned to do today yeah i don't even think it's them guys guys come here come here it is there we we heard them we were yeah we were in their basement stealing their stuff wait you think they're the boogeyman you think they're no no no no no green green well right at the start of the the episode i did actually have a suspicion of mumbo um of being the boogeyman because he keeps every time he just changes the conversation when we mention it oh really should we should we put this to a test skill people [Music] i can literally see the empty potion bottle right here oh that's even worse look at this this is the most this is the most shambolic infiltrate look at it check that out look at that oh man boys this is no why why are you sure i'm pretty sure yeah if you are the boogeyman you know you can tell us right i'm genuinely not the boogeyman we can we can help you have like a pact we can have a pact you know i'm not the boogeyman are you sure i'm i mean i'm the i'm the boogie man all right all right that's it yeah you you you've done it you've done it i've been suspicious of you all episode and then you've you've just you've just stopped with that yeah you've just secured your safety yeah yeah yeah it's in a soul sand valley it's it's a ghost valley so like we are in business how easy is the farm to set up well all i'm gonna do is build two platforms and then just the gas will start spawning and i'll just have to start killing them so it's going to be dicey it's going to be it's a high risk you might need some help on that one it's going to be outlet i'll let you know when it's done and then and then we could maybe all go up there that's probably the best move you don't want help i mean it's i can you can help me there's nothing wrong with you helping me i don't know why i sound so suspicious it's really difficult i'm the guiltier sounding person i've even got the slabs in my inventory to build this thing bamboo i believe my plan mumbo i i straight up believe you you're the you're the boogie man all right do you want to help me build this this farm yeah i'm happy for you too right so apparently according to impulse see this is the problem impulse was like uh so you need to do this this this and this right i'm going on vacation bye okay well that's fun so there is a chance i really hope this doesn't happen but it could happen i might get stuck on the nether roof that can't happen there's a portal there right well there's no portal yet oh have you got the things for a portal i've got the things for it yeah okay we're really not far away from where the portal needs to go as well so okay i'm just gonna do it i need to shoot towards the top corner and then the top right corner yeah do you need more than one pedal to do this i don't know oh my goodness i took so much damage or is this the way you know i haven't done it for so long oh i'm up i'm up [Laughter] the portal set up you could then maybe yeah i can go the long way okay just just but yep oh i saw you ah did you not make it no i don't right nine nine points right uh i'm going i'm going to the portal back i'm going all the way back and then i'll i'll hopefully sorry agree it'll be late think about this all right all right there we go there you go you gotta press on people out and then and then uh jump on board but uh do you want to see another poltergeist wait a minute gonna die wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait did anyone have water yeah i got you i got yoga oh how many hearts there you go i say i think i got down to like three i'm busy i'm i'm i'm busy i'm i'm helping mumbo i just i was just i was just joshing nearby what do you mean don't do it well now i really mumbo now i really want to do it the last thing you say to me is don't do it because i'm 100 gonna do it what do you mean no mama i gotta do this this pool's suddenly become very dangerous this portal has become a risk look east wait oh what's that okay made me go all the way up the stupid tower oh mama you have no idea how much i literally i feel like honestly i need i need to go in that portal so i messed up i messed up but it worked i just i just need to know what happens if i go inside that portal uh-oh spagletios seems like it might be a thing well either way we are we are now up here [Laughter] someone just died anyway moving on so i guess i guess we just have to like keep going up i i probably should not be building this out of gas breakable blocks let's dump some stuff i mean i'm quite excited this is gonna be this is gonna be interesting i don't know what do you reckon the best do you reckon the best way to do it is to build the the like anti-spawning platform first i've just realized i'm probably cutting off a bunch aren't i no no you're just talking to someone that has no idea how to make a gas farm ah well okay well if you just tell me how to install the flux capacitor and then i can then put the quantum drive into overload you look really silly for somebody can you are you crouching no can you crouch huh no no no you shouldn't follow up you look really silly for some reason and then i do something about it you normally you're meant to then go oh no it's fine but no you just went you just look really short okay so i know you think like grass farms sounds really complicated are you laughing at how stupid i look again it's just is [Laughter] 128 blocks of this is this gonna be the whole journey word [Laughter] honestly the pressure is on so much right now as well and it doesn't help that now i know that i look stupid well at least i could trust you on the boogie thing for sure now and yeah i i don't wanna i don't wanna stretch you out but we have like oh we haven't got long left of this session right well see that here's the thing right great because you're talking about flux capacitors and quadrun drives and everything like that i think you're you're grossly overestimating how how advanced this farm is going to be basically right it's going to be a platform yeah okay with another platform above it that's that's all wait what that's it that's actually it the boat is a smart move yep i think that's the only way i can survive in the nether right uh oh yeah wait oh i totally left them all down at the bottom you didn't i did they're all they're literally all in the chest at the bottom mumbo watch this you ready and back up we go i have the slabs nice right okay i need to make sure i'm trying to think i'm also this is so precarious we have posted on one block 200 blocks above the floor both of us on our yellow lives just what are we doing why are we doing is this worth it at all all right so what i'm going to do is i'm going to build i'm going to build a little walkway right i'm going to break the block that you're standing on but you should just drop down a little bit okay you're standing i'm all right are you all right you're gonna have to jump so i can place this slab good good maybe build some hand rails could be a good move actually and i just need to is this a good time to mention that i hold shift with my thumb i think that's my favorite trivia fact about you is that is that you because i've i've actually seen it in real life and it's as ridiculous as it sounds yeah it may take him the amount of pressure that i'm i'm putting on my my shift key my poor thumb is ah so what does your pinky do just rests just chilling it's literally off the edge of the keyboard it's doing nothing was this a good time to tell you i'm the other boogie man it's a terrible time really wish just for that moment i really wish i was no but what are you green the boogie man [Music] so now we just need to build out a platform and then hope that things start spawning basically how do they but this how do they die uh we we kill them it's a manual farm it is a manual farm yep you left that bit out you you just made that very clear as you were going up the ladder and you you didn't seem to react to it so maybe i thought there was a redstone killing mechanism or something no no no this is very much this is very much a physical activity this idea is getting worse by the second oh oh oh oh oh betrayal what ultimate ultimate betrayal cleo is a yellow name that's crazy two two boogies just like do you know where else there's two boogies [Laughter] right here i'm out you're out i'm out that's me done as well right should we should we head back to the southern town and see if there's any we have to be so careful running around i've got six pieces [Laughter] i don't know what other people other groups have we could it'll be quicker if we just i'm already at a stack i've already done this once literally the worst right i'm just going to quickly spawn proof on nether portal because that would be bad news mumbo jumbo this looks like there's an intimate i could use the eggplants we got a long gas grill we've got a long oh it's because of light level we need to light it up as well ah okay okay i didn't bring torches i could make some oh oh joel's here joel's here what mumbo green what just hit me i've been shot i've been shot what just hit me did did joel did joel just get me i'm red i can't you know what thank goodness i set this up earlier today it's time to get to work okay i've got the replay mod let's just do a quick recap of what went down so here's me and mumbo making our gas farm doing the boogie and here comes joel so let's let's just see how this unfolded obviously we didn't notice look mumbo hasn't noticed yet and there that's the moment mumbo says oh joel's here and i'm like yeah yeah yeah whatever and he's literally right here i thought i had maybe a little bit more time to deal with it so let's see what joel did oh oh he he immediately went for the shot oh look look at that pain oh my goodness we need can we watch this in slow motion hold on no [Music] i also realized at after this had happened i had the boat in my inventory the whole time i could have at least gone for a save so there i go down to the bottom boom and then joel obviously has a little bit of a fight with mumbo but doesn't go for he's just gone he's gone he's taking the win he's going scar is in so much unbelievable trouble now i don't really i don't really know how i feel about joel right now i'm still reeling from this i'm i'm a bit upset i didn't get to see this through with mumbo it was a terrible idea but for all the wrong reasons do you know what i'll come back to this later i've got more important things to do you see it right now he's here right now i saw i saw his little name i saw his little name there he is he's right there he's crouching he's crashing he's stealing my wheat if i give you a couple little things will you leave me alone uh i don't know scar you didn't exactly take my offer grand step over here with my very standard generous goals um so for grand full alliance can't kill me no matter what okay one two he needs to bring me a furry friend for a pet preferably something i can ride yeah you know what i you know what i'll give you that deal on pre-order i'll see you later scar okay all right no i'll take that i'm a big pre-order guy i don't know how to feel about this joel hey green do you want to be friends look we've got a little axle i didn't even see you dude i just i just went i was just straight off the edge like mumbo said it was joel's here how did you not get mumbo um because he was stood in the middle just waiting timmy's not worth it i decided to free we can't we can't be friends anymore timmy yeah we've we've come here to hand you your final notice it's been exiled from my own base yes i thought we'd give you a little memento go on mine throw it down real shame that we have to heart like this it's your final one buddy you know what i can't call you buddy none buddy no yeah yeah yeah i don't i don't really i don't you know word yeah you got word i don't really want to know what happened to be fair it's uh yeah it sounds like an absolute well i can tell you this right now i can tell you where i stand i've got a list and you guys aren't on it thank you for your services to the southern lands thanks for founding it thanks for building it and then dying yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we appreciate it just come just come knock knock knock on the door we'll let you in um but yeah we'll see you soon let's go party and let's go party [Laughter] all right now they're out of range i've set up a trap at pearl and scots i'm not sure if they're there but it could very well kill them did they blocked their doorway off with two dirt okay an observer watching that dirt tnt minecart's ready to go but you're you're just you're just plowing on with that tnt just oh yeah yeah just in case i think it might be worth me trying to get my stuff back if i'm honest so um yeah that that's happened so as a red life i i do have a certain level of protection the the yellow and green names can't just go and kill me they can't just uh we spent a lot of time with a red life last season and people can't just go up to you and just kill you because you're a red life but if i instigate any kind of combat fight or trap i am fair game to be slaughtered so not ideal however it doesn't mean i can't just go up to people and mess with them now and hopefully i can get my stuff back friendship is here where are you i'm gonna just do the friendship dance up on here looks like there might be someone here wait wait what what have i just stumbled on nothing nothing glitter just fell from a high place please leave this place i have immediately is it safe yes we're not we're the good people we're not you uh-huh there's been enough boogeyman genius yeah but we why did guam declare she just joined us and now she's on rent wait well guess she's not in our alliance anymore i've been red for five minutes i mean i i appreciate how much faith everyone has in me to get kills but i mean come on i'm gonna need to i'm gonna need to go ask her what happened what has i saw you here what is all this guys nothing [Music] i literally stumbled upon this so we need to move it we're moving it uh today's been a bit crazy actually so that is actually the end of the session but let's just kind of recap big b and ren were both boogeymen and bigby killed cleo and ren killed skizzleman i'm no longer welcome at the southlands this is so sad this is so sad something that i once called home the home that i built i'm now no longer welcome however technically as a red life all friendships and ties are broken however your enemy list is not broken so that's where i'm gonna focus my attention let's get back and try and let's try and get our stuff and think about what's happened here they mumbo finished the farm i saved your stuff don't hurt me that does that does mean something i got it i gotta say that means that means something to me i had some i had i had a good amount of stuff here i can't help but notice mumbo did steal my tnt okay all right i've i've recovered i have recovered quite a substantial amount of stuff oh no oh mambo slowest approach in history and it looks so much slower if i zoom it's okay it's okay bumbo oh man yeah i see the phob i i wasn't i wasn't my microphone was muted yeah they got the gospel is working dude i worked our work came together you're perfectly framed in all this this is this is the saddest thing i've ever been part of it was a wrong idea it was a bad idea for the wrong reasons what as in like i'll save you bad i saved your life again that's another tick you know mumbo there's a there's a way we can still be friends yeah yeah you could join me dude you could join me [Laughter] you had no idea that there was a block underneath that did you you had no idea that's like when the gun jams i see what you're doing i see what you're doing we'll still be friends because we can still be words i'm somehow on a ladder brian i'm somehow on a ladder we can still be friends oh you want me to volunteer myself into being red i wasn't asking you to volunteer but your attempts your attempts are getting a little bit embarrassing how about this how about this i will join you as red if you take me out fair and square that is those those be the rules okay none of this embarrassing stuff okay where you're just dropping me down there's a secret there's been enough bloodshed today okay i just wanted you to know i don't blame you and i think and i think that is the end of this session it started out it started off pretty badly couldn't find any diamonds and then i i'll be honest this this episode was pretty uneventful up until the part where i died and now there's three of us so i'm gonna go and find my teammates and i shall see you in the next episode where things are about to get a little bit crazy
Channel: Grian
Views: 3,307,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, last life, 3rd life, grian hermitcraft, episode 4, family friendly
Id: QilgLV6jbxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 30sec (2310 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 12 2021
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