Lego Star Wars HIDDEN Levels You’ve NEVER Seen

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[Music] lego star wars a complete saga is a game you might have played growing up a game you might have played after first playing lego star wars the clone wars a game you might have played last week or a game you might have never played if you're the last one then please put that floppy disk in and start playing i grew up playing the lego games and still to this day i'm learning new things about them and something i only recently discovered lego style was a complete saga had a bunch of unused unfinished levels that were cut from development secret levels that never made the final game or were early versions of levels that ended up in the game now some of these are accessible in game files they've been extracted whereas others had to be dug up by the modders from all sorts of random places like you know floppy disks never know what you're gonna find on a floppy disk i have no idea how to even play one of these do you guys even know what a floppy disk is so today i'm going to show you 17 unused levels from lego star wars the complete saga hey everyone it's andrew alright so some of these levels are pretty weird there's one where you play as indiana jones one where the cantina is a disco party one where you're stuck in anakin's stolen n1 naboo starfighter and i honestly wish a lot of them made the final cut of the game so let's go through them first up we have the file name helen test 2 which is actually an early version of the lost temple level from lego indiana jones so what's this doing in lego star wars well this was originally supposed to be playable in lego silver's complete saga as kind of a teaser demo for the lego indiana jones which came out in 2008 now it's likely tt games just weren't able to finish level in time for release so instead you can just watch the indiana jones trailer in the final game it's in the same location in the cantina where the level is likely going to be now this level has a very unique character the hovitos tribesmen and he is able to do things that no other character in lego styles complete saga can do he can pick up objects and he can also swim man he's like a superhero also this level featured a bunch of ropes you could swing on jedi fallen order style you know just indie becomes tarzan starts swinging through the jungle here we have a dark and spooky early version of the geonosis arena qui-gon is still alive you get to team up with your fellow jedi to take out battle droids droidikers and flying bug people there's also a bunch of genozians up in the stands just hovering up and down spookily looking down on the black arena chilling in the background in the stands and being like did we pay for this entertainment is it worth it can just fly in and out of the arena don't even need to worry about paying next up we have a very rare level that was going to be in the original lego star wars but didn't appear until the complete saga this is anakin's flight an early version of that anyway in which you piloted anakin stolen n1 starfighter and again getting all cheeky with qui-gon who told him to stay in the cockpit and he stays in the cockpit and goes and destroys the trade federation ship and that's exactly what you're going to be able to do in this mission assault the trade federation chip take out turrets and more only problem is this early version had none of that there's no ai there wasn't even a working camera until the mod has added one to the code this level was eventually retooled and re-released in the complete saga but it looked like this different camera and everything you way further back not as intense not as intimate much prefer the original if you look up the channel game hut on youtube you'll see a more polished version of this that channel is actually run by john burton who was the game director at tt games back when these games were being made he actually founded tt games back in the day and now he makes youtube videos next up is another level cut from the original lego star wars but eventually made its way into the complete saga this is bounty hunter pursuit now level in attack of the clones where you chase creepy face changing alien through the city streets of coruscant and this one here is actually very similar to the final version although there are no flying objects and no posters in this version so it's very much inferior this next one's cool this level has the file name mic test and was used to test gizmos interactable objects like panels switches levers as well as buildable objects and ai look there's a bunch of stormtroopers we can slice right on through stabbing them with the lightsaber but they reappear for some reason only stormtrooper armor actually did anything and wasn't cheap plastic seriously why even wear the suits super uncomfortable and don't even want to know how they go to the bathroom this is an unused version of the revenge of the sith darth vader mission although it's pretty much identical to the final version but worth including because look at how qui-gon runs from the lava run qui-gon run next is another indiana drones level this here was made to test out the lego indiana drones exclusive character abilities in the complete saga so for example the lever pulling the rope climbing and the swimming abilities only indiana jones characters were going to have each lego game did things the previous didn't and stepped it up a notch and you can see exactly that happening here climbing swimming rope swinging carrying look they're doing it all in lego star wars sorcery i say this level is called character test which is exactly what it is the developers have taken the general grievous level and used it for testing all sorts of ai battle droids stormtroopers ride-ons you name it they're all here some of them here anyway here's another testing level in which you can play as indie drive a car ride a tauntaun swing from a rope and more i wonder why the rope swinging never made its way into lego star wars nope they saved it for indiana jones here's an early test of the death star battle man some of the flying missions in lego style was a cursed can't do it can't fly you fly into the wall it's buggy it's weird you flip and then flap and you can't control oh my god oh my goodness but anyway this is almost the same as the final version of this level with the only difference being that in this version you can't actually blow up the death star seems as if the empire has perfected their super weapon cover the exhaust port put some bubble wrap or maybe just a fence up just so the pesky rebels can't shoot their torpedoes into the exhaust port dude what about a ray shield cover it up you're telling me exhaust can't go through ratios they can jump through light speed with ships and fly across the galaxy you can't design a ray shield in which exhausts fumes will come out of dear goodness this next level is an early version of the moss sizely cantina from the moss eisley level not the hub we're all familiar with this is from the actual mos eisley level and right at the start for no apparent reason you're shot with blaster bolts that come flying out of the wall dude what do you got a problem with me for what's going on and then when you go in you can look around you can start a bar fight order a drink maybe and have a good old time in the cantina the level not the hub here we have another level used entirely for testing panels and interactables and there's a fire truck which appears to be completely unused in the game files and there it goes off the cliff ah i respawned okay cool yeah fire truck in this level only as far as i know the fire truck lego level how random this is an early version of the gunship cavalry level the most laborious monotonous tedious frustrating lego star wars level i've ever played man this thing used to give me nightmares anyway this was for lego star wars one the level's missing certain mechanics lighting is dark or it doesn't exactly look like geonosis does it maybe like a nighttime geonosis maybe i don't know it's dark dark and gloomy next is an early hub world with a couple of easter eggs worth mentioning there's an indiana jones hat hanging on the doorway in the bonus room this is what was going to lead to the indiana drones level they never got finished and here instead it's just a trailer you can watch the indiana jones trailer and there's also a buildable qui-gon gin painting in the episode one room this replaces the r2d2 painting wall fresco that made it into the final game but look here qui-gon builds qui-gon there's also a disco party in the attack of the clones room can you do this in the actual games is the thing i don't remember this here is an early version of the episode 2 character bonus mission ah yes the geonosis droid factory the best place to grab yourself a steaming cup of molten lava just a couple differences here to the final version the background is unfinished and the platforms don't require buttons to be open you can just jump from platform to platform no problem grab yourself that hot cup of lava that's what i order in the mornings only thing that wakes me up geonosis lava and this here is a level simply titled test and it's a developer's playground numerous stormtroopers a speeder bike torn torn other creatures and ride on vehicles a free play area for developers to test their creations now there's one level i haven't mentioned yet which is possibly the rarest the most sought after lego star wars level ever that never made the final cut of the game it's known simply as boga chase on udapal you ride the boga and chase general grievous through the treacherous terrain as obi-wan the only footage of this in existence the only time we've ever seen this level and we've seen it played is on john burton's game hut channel so i'd recommend watching that video over there pretty cool also huge thanks to intony gamer and roger roger for helping collect and sort through all the footage you've watched today incredible effort by the modders love it so good able to bring us all this footage and stuff we've never seen before keep digging into those game files and now that you've seen all these levels i'd love to know what levels you'd like to see in a lego star wars game that have never been made or have never made the final cut do you have a moment from one of the films or the shows you'd love to play through but have never been given the chance let me know down below and for more lego star wars in the lead up to lego styles of skywalker saga you can watch one of these videos here and follow me on instagram twitter and join my discord for lots more styles gaming news lego star wars updates memes whatever jokes what you want anything it's there thanks for watching this my name's andrew i'll catch you soon steve ombastic
Channel: Bombastic
Views: 555,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lego Star Wars, Lego Star Wars Easter Eggs, Lego Star Wars Deleted Levels, Lego Star Wars Secret, Lego Star Wars Easter Egg, Lego Star Wars Secrets, Lego, Star Wars, Lego Star Wars The Complete Saga, Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga, Lego Star Wars Gameplay, Skywalker Saga, The Skywalker Saga, Lego Star Wars Levels, Boga Chase, Lego Star Wars Boga Chase, New Lego Star Wars, New Lego Star Wars Gameplay, Lego Star Wars Trailer, Lego Star Wars TCS, Easter Eggs, Secrets, Gaming
Id: c4e7UUI5pYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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