Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga | The Completionist

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yes you hey everyone and welcome back to the brand new episode of the completionist Legos Star Wars put them together you get Lego Star Wars this is actually a very popular franchise to the point where they're releasing Episode seven of Lego Star Wars sometime this year and since everyone wants me to complete a lego game let alone Star Wars I thought hey let's do Lego Star Wars the Complete Saga people love Legos people love video games and people really really love Star Wars so why not mash them all together that was the idea behind publisher giant interactive entertainment decision to contract developers travelers tales to create a lego themed video game so in 2005 the first Lego Star Wars game was released and it was a cute accessible adventure that was based on the prequel trilogy of movies hey they were still being released at the time so it made sense the game ended up performing incredibly well financially and it was a hit with kids parents and just about every type of Star Wars fan out there the follow up Lego Star Wars 2 was based on the original trilogy and improved in just about every feature of its predecessor unsurprisingly it also made Bank and was immensely popular meanwhile travelers tales were shocked by just how well-received their games were I mean look we all knew that Star Wars is bankable but these games were quickly becoming bestsellers and so the developers decided to give the people more of what they seemed to want and in 2007 they released Lego Star Wars The Complete Saga it's a compilation that combines the content of the first two Lego Star Wars games and adds even more content and augmentations to the mix it was a chance for travelers tales to retouch one of the most successful projects before they moved on to cover every other intellectual property ever Lego Star Wars The Complete Saga was the game that set these guys on their years-long streak of releasing basically only Lego titles think about it without this game there probably wouldn't have been a Lego Batman or a Lego Harry Potter or even the Lego Avengers there may not have been even a lego movie and without that there certainly would have been any Lego amiibos I mean lego dimensions and I need my Lego amiibo different dimensions and I need my Lego dimensions it's a time capsule containing everything my generation loved when we were kids we're living in a world today where you can make dr. Peter Venkman of the Ghostbusters travel back in time with dr. Emmett Brown to battle against Homer Simpson guys we are living in a golden age savor it savor it mmm if you know the story of the Star Wars saga then you basically know the story of Lego Star Wars I mean come on guys it's Lego and Star Wars put them together the game retells the stories of each of the six movies one by one I'll be it with the few comical liberties here and there which makes this game story a little unique since is technically six stories into one but since the game starts you I was episode 1 we'll treat that as the official beginning point of the plot and just cover its premise to review the story hmmm episode 1 the Phantom Menace a long time ago in a galaxy far far away it was a trade conflict going on in the Galactic Republic and a little planet of Naboo is feeling the brunt of the political turmoil under the guise of diplomacy the leaders of the Republic sent two incredibly powerful Jedi qui-gon jinn and obi-wan Kenobi to make negotiations but as soon as the Jedi arrived at their destination they come under attack and all hell breaks loose it's up to these two warriors to get out alive save Naboo and restore order to the galaxy and there you have it do what can't just do that what do you mean dude okay okay fine episode 2 attack of the clones someone's trying to kill senator Amidala obi-wan Anakin track down the assassin but the conspiracy runs far deeper than they thought episode 3 Revenge of the Sith it's a goddamn war so no one notices how evil poppity obviously is the fourth one a new hope Darth Vader busts up the rebel ship the troy's escapes the desert and find a blond kid Empire Strikes Back hop does coldish I loop did I gotta save Han there is that coverage are you satisfied are you all satisfied have you seen a star war there are many a star war to see yeah that didn't man great job great go see a star war this game walks toxin positively drips with Star Wars authenticity every character soundbite and background detail is incredibly accurate to both the Star Wars and Lego brands the guys at travelers tales clearly went through the franchise with a fine-tooth comb and stuff as much fanservice and fun into this game as they possibly could this isn't one of those licensed games that makes you scratch your head wondering why there are entire levels dedicated to seemingly random out of place locations in Lego Star Wars every single one of the games 36 chapters are faithful recreations of the most important set pieces of all six films the Battle of Geonosis yup dunes of Tatooine we in there Endor you better believe it every moment you could ever possibly want is here and they all look great in their super deformed Lego style and to populate these famous locales are every goddamn Star Wars character ever the level of obscurity with some of their included characters is seriously impressive even the characters that you would never want to plays are here captain panaka captain panaka i really appreciate that you guys now this game was made before Lego games started using full voice acting and honestly I kind of preferred the silent treatment the characters already have plenty of personality even without voices and their mannerisms only served to make them and the greater story more endearing just look at Darth Vader here we all know what he's feeling he's pissed we don't need someone screaming no do we all the music and sound effects are lifted right out of the movies yup that's the lightsaber sound and they only help to reinforce the players is feeling like they're in the Star Wars universe the people at travelers tales set out to make a game that seemed like your lego playsets we're coming to life and that's exactly what this game makes you feel when you play as Lando you somehow feel both the undeniable swagger of the smoothest brother in the galaxy and the cuteness of a lego mini fig the entire game pays homage to both sources of its roots and blends them together in a package that's always fun and charming why can't every pair of things I love always worked as well together Oh in Lego Star Wars you literally play through all the movies each episode is divided into six chapters and as you play through the game story mode you control the characters that were canonically present in each scenario making your way through these levels will require lots of platforming some puzzle solving and a healthy helping of combats said platforming is pretty straightforward and the puzzles are all exceedingly simple after all this is a game intended for all ages but the combat actually provides some variety thanks to the characters different abilities for example Jedi obviously built lightsabers for close combat and can use them to deflect bolts back at their foes whereas blaster users are able to shoot foes from a distance but they can only dodge the bolts that are fired at them the combat may not be the deepest but it's far from mindless there's also a good number of vehicle based missions that have the player taking control of some Star Wars as most famous craps sometimes would be racing against that bastard Sebulba but most the time to be controlling your vehicle on a 2d plane as you blast everything in sight your attempts to advance these levels can be pretty refreshing even if you're just holding down the fire button the whole time completing a chapter in story mode will unlock the ability to replay that level in free mode free mode allows you to play a level with any character you want regardless of whether that character was there or not in the story if you want to take may's window to Hoth then go for it if you think bringing wicket the Ewok to moose too far is a good idea then there's nothing stopping you notice where the game really opens up since each level contains paths and secret areas that can only be accessed by certain character types that may not be included in your party during the story mode for example there are panels which can only be unlocked by certain droids legostarwars is main collectable is the stud representation of the most basic Lego piece of all you'll find them absolutely everywhere in destroyed objects as rewards for completing puzzles and even just floating around in midair you can use them to purchase tons of stuff back at the Mos Eisley cantina which acts as the game's main hub you're gonna need those studs to buy extra characters and gameplay modifiers so start hoarding but studs are not the only collectible in the game not by a long shot there are also many kits which are hidden all over each level waiting to be found unlocked via puzzles or rewarded the players who complete various tasks have no idea what a mini kit is though is it supposed to be like an actual real-life Lego piece because if it is I have no idea which one it kind of looks like a traffic light let's just say it's a traffic light but let's forget about platforming in combat lego star wars is real main mechanic is breaking things I know that Legos are all about building things but seriously if you're playing this game you should break apart every single thing you see they almost always hold studs or other useful stuff inside and if you're stuck and don't know how to progress the answer is that you probably didn't destroy something in that room it can get a little tedious to shatter every single thing you come across but hey you're not just breaking stuff you're a Jedi breaking stuff you may think you only be fighting against droids and stormtroopers in this game but there are actually all kinds of enemies to fight near those bug dudes on Geonosis Jabba's little Pigman guards and sand people too a lot of them behave similarly and they all are pretty easy to take down but their aesthetic quirks more than make up for that the bosses are pretty simple too but they might take a bit longer to beat since they all have full ten hearts with the PAL many of them require extensive use of the environment to bring down while others will brawl you while protecting themselves with defensive techniques they're each a little different and cleverly executed with regards to how their movie portrayals are faithfully translated into actual game mechanics the biggest knock against Lego Star Wars is gameplay is that it can get a bit repetitive other than that it offers a lot of fun and variety that's easily accessible to players of any skill level it's the kind of game you can go back and play with your little brother and not have to worry about anyone getting frustrated at anyone else this one's for all the little bros out there including me Oh patron saint Luigi thank you for blessing us with simple cooperative games and screw your older brother who doesn't let you play as player one all right the story of the Star Wars saga is just about to wrap up two trilogies worth of stuff has gone down but here we are at the climax we're in control the Millennium Falcon as it races into the heart of the second Death Star does it seem a little anti-climatic to anyone else that the final level of the game isn't luke's battle with Vader and the Emperor don't get me wrong the levels in this game but it's the second to last level kind of a weird choice so with the weeds it's a Steve Buscemi of a choice little Buscemi alright after blasting your way into the Death Star's core you'll have to lower the shield's around its power source to do that you have to destroy the nodes lining the walls they won't expose their weak points unless you get close enough to them but if you get too close they'll give you a good zap of electricity to make matters worse there are tie fighters constantly taking shots at you this entire time it's easy to die in this section but since there's virtually no penalty for dying and no stressing my dudes after taking out the nodes the main core will be open to torpedo fire luckily there just so happens to be a torpedo dispenser nearby man the guys who designed the Death Star's really dropped the ball in multiple ways after destroying it it's a race to escape if you make sure to keep blasting anything that might get in your way you'll make it out the death star goes kaboom and the Empire will be dealt a massive blow all things to little teddy bear people it's time to party on em door Luke reconciles with the literal ghosts of his past and everyone parties down in celebration of the rebellions victory bringing an end to Lego Star Wars what you have to know it would make no sense to do this I would just be utterly superfluous we already did the end of Return of the Jedi it's Star Wars Empire Lando's busting the gang out of Cloud City she'd all the troopers on the landing platform and get the hell out of there we gotta save Han a new hope gotta blow up the first test star again for the very first time don't get hit by the time either 10 comes back use the Force no medal for Chewie sit and it gets evil now you underestimate my power sword fighting the lava you underestimate my power get to the higher ground he's now Vader you underestimate my power clones chase Dooku fight Dooku pie Dooku Jar Jar gosh multi-service qui-gon cute pup why Wallis team and all these years later I still have no idea what that orb thing is that boss nass is holding why is it so important was that what this trait comes was about Who am I are we done - the force awakens now lego starwars is absolutely stuffed with extra levels and bonus content which is a good thing and a bad thing let the great collectathon commence remember those mini kits well there are 10 of them hidden in each level and many can only be obtained when returning to those levels in free mode while some many kits are easily spotted entertained many are hidden in places where you'd everything to look damn you game designers each mini kit you collect assembles one piece of that levels Lego vehicle collecting all ten to the levels mini kits reward you with 50,000 studs and the fully assembled vehicle which you can use later in the mini kit vehicle missions there's one of these vehicle missions for each movie and they will allow you to take control of one of your assembled ships to collect 1 million studs in under 5 minutes in addition to the mini kit each level also holds you another collectible the Red Power bricks if you find the red power brick within a level an extra will be available for purchase back at the cantina these extras are basically power-ups and modifiers that you can use to tweak your gameplay experience you can unlock things like stud multipliers stud magnetism complete invulnerability and even an extra that points out all the in collectibles are in every level as you probably guessed these extras can be exceedingly useful and they're the reason to collect the studs in the first place while you play if you're looking for something to spend your hard-earned studs on and look no further show of hands who likes extra modes one maybe two of you well Lego stores has got you covered with challenge mode it's a mode that throws you back into your previously completed levels in a race against the clock to find ten special blue hidden mini kits you won't have access to any of your purchase extras here either it's just you versus the clock upon finding all 10 hidden mini kits you'll get studs based on your time as well as an extra 50,000 if you're attending to complete these challenge missions then I'd highly recommend following the guide in order to save yourself from hours of frustration if you unlock all the game's bounty hunters you'll actually unlock another mode known as bounty hunter challenges these levels are like playing hide-and-seek with your favorite Star Wars care characters have a limited amount of time to search the level for your target and when you find them nothing happens ah I kind of wanted to see Boba Fett do something but I guess that's par for the course when you complete an entire episode story you'll unlock that episode's bonus missions we already discussed the vehicle bonus missions but there are also character bonus missions which are the same stud collecting minigames we have from before but with you controlling a character of your choice instead of a vehicle super stories are also unlocked upon completing any given episode's story they're basically playlists of that episode six story missions in a row which you have to be as fast as possible without stopping there's even a two player arcade mode just in case your big brother gets fed up with cooperation after choosing your characters in arena you can compete in subcollection defeating the most enemies or by straight-up battling against one another all of these challenges and extra modes reward you with the same thing the main collectibles are as the completion is concerned the gold brick as you collect these gold breaks you'll not only increase your completion percentage but you'll also unlock several doors in the cantinas bonus room that's right a cantina also has its own bonus rooms the more bricks you can collect the more golden doors you'll unlock with each we'll need to a special bonus level these gold brick bonus levels include alternate versions some of the game's levels and even a couple of weird flat levels that resemble more traditional Lego playsets and what's the goal in these beautiful pristine levels well to destroy absolutely everything in sight how else are you going to get 1 million studs I see right through you Lego you claim to be all about building but it's clear where your true priorities lie and if you collect every single gold brick ever you will unlock a fountain just outside the cantina that when assembled continually spits out studs huh infinite studs I guess I could have used that before completing the game Oh turns out that creating this fountain also unlocks every extra in the game another thing that I could have used before completely finishing this goddamn game guys if you're like me you're going to use the boo exploit this will optimize any and all need for studs once you unlock the red power brick that gives you the ability for poo money all you have to do is get into a level that has the Tontons and on them back and forth over and over and over again and then it becomes even better once you buy all the Red Power bricks for the score multipliers which means you're going to get millions and millions of studs by pooping on each other guys why why have a completion bonus in which you are given unlimited currency when you need to get as much currency as possible to buy everything in order to complete the game this doesn't make sense it doesn't make sense obtaining 100% on your save file does unlock the ability to utilize the game's character creation feature to make characters with super Jedi powers which basically makes them super broken and unstoppable so feel free to play to the game yet again with your newly created uber Jedi guys do you really want to play the game another time after completing it 100% if you're like me know you've had enough Legos for one day but you know what at least you get something thank you lego star wars thank you for rewarding us for completing your game like literally 50 times also do you have to play the frickin Star Wars theme every time I pick a chapter no matter what I have to listen to the Star Wars theme I love a Star Wars theme do I have to do I have to and then look at the scroll look at the scroll everything has a scroll and the theme at just it's too much I want to skip fun I want to skip it Lego Star Wars is incredibly simple but it's got so much hot damn content in it that completing it can be downright intimidating the game is like never really hard but between the multiple playthroughs of each mission the bonus levels and the crap loads of unlockables it just takes forever the gameplay even borders on too easy sometimes and I know that this game is aimed at a very specific audience but it is worth mentioning that if you're just looking for a challenge outside of completing lots of little tasks and errands and you may want to look elsewhere the achievements in this game are blessedly easy many of them will come as you naturally complete the game and the ones that you have to go out of the way for don't take much effort either but as far as actual numbers go in my playthrough of Lego Star Wars the Complete Saga there were 45 deaths 36 red power bricks over 100 characters unlocked 160 gold bricks grabbed 720 total mini kits collected 55 hours of total playtime and still after nearly 40 years zero medals for poor poor Chewbacca and luck next time Chewie if you're a fan of Star Wars in the slightest and this game is definitely worth checking out it may be easy but it's bound to have something just for about everyone no matter who they are the force is strong with this one it's also pretty goddamn cute Lego Star Wars The Complete Saga is the perfect game for those of you who are trying to become a completionist it's the game that teaches you patience across six different movies in one concise game kaliesha bonus wise it's not really worth it I would say but at least you get a fulfillment you feel good seeing that 100% logo right there getting all the achievements playing through all the Star Wars games it's a fun time the payoff refirming a completionist not so much in my opinion so with that in mind guys I get this game my completionist rating up finna play it it uploads that's all how me after today guys so please as always let us know what you thought about today's episode somewhere on the Internet question of the day if you can take anything you want and Lego fight into a video game moment it be and why let me know in the comments below or on the subreddit or on Twitter now if you excuse me ladies and gentlemen the highest quality content I can provide for you two Titans moving back and forth forever
Channel: The Completionist
Views: 1,833,661
Rating: 4.8926182 out of 5
Keywords: review, gameplay, walkthrough, lego star wars the force awakens, Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga (Video Game), lego star wars, lego, star wars, the completionist, lego star wars the force awakens gameplay, lego star wars the complete saga review, lego game, playthrough, lego star wars return of the jedi, lego star wars gameplay, thatonevideogamer, completionist, that one video gamer, lego star wars review, the force unleashed
Id: ngFNlNSU64Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 47sec (1367 seconds)
Published: Fri May 27 2016
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