How Long Is A Man Saved?

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how long is a man saved how long is a man saved we have seen the wit for everybody what about the legs how long is a man saved how long is the love of God because salvation is a byproduct of the love of God so how long is the love of God how long is a man saved we want to quickly let them in that officials of the two of us 8 Ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 read for me for by grace are ye saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God so this salvation is a gift of God meaning God is the Savior lynnie salvation is the only God that is why you can't afford it so God decided to give it to you as a gift it's called grace salvation is a concept of the grace of God no man can afford it so it is a gift of God so we look at a few concepts that have been propagated in the church that fails a lot of unbelief a few concepts that the church has celebrated over the years that have brought a lot of unbelief in the body of Christ and we will post those concepts this morning a few concepts that the church has celebrated over the years for example the church says that from where you are saved you cannot determine the end so that is what many people come out to be born again many times there are people on earth have received Christ 15 times in fact there are even people here set of us at altar called unlimited times because every time you come they tell you a sinner you need to repent they tell you okay within this week didn't you do something wrong when you did something wrong price left you so come back and invite Christ again you are the invited Christ ill price ask you which one is the main invitation because invitations and mini we don't know which is valid anymore and it's because of the message is because of what has been preached how long their fall is the love of God in order for me to answer that I have to clear something face number one we are the concept in the church call giving your life to Christ give your life to Christ that word is not semantics is a doctrinal error giving your life to Christ come out and give you a life to cry it's not English deficiency no that statement is a doctrinal error and I'm going to show you why first of all no man can give his life to Christ why it is Christ who there is life to us for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son the life of God first John chapter 3 verse 16 look at it look at the way it's putting up hereby perceive we the love of God because he laid down his life for us he is the one that laid down his life for us now watch this and he says because of that we ought to lay down our lives not for him but for the Brethren we don't live our lives for Christ we lay our lives for the Brethren what is that our love walk our love walk but you can only do that after you're born again you don't do that to be born again you do that after you're born again now you lay down your life for the Brethren what does that mean you prefer your brethren better than yourself it means savy Christ laid down his life for us okay we didn't let on our lives watch this John chapter 1 verse 12 to 14 read for me but as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of God yes even Adam even see them that believe on his name Macross which were born not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man but of God verse 14 and the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the glory as of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth full of grace and truth okay now John 3:16 he loved the world he gave His only begotten Son at 8:5 r85 Acts chapter 8 verse 5 read for me then Philip went down to the city of Samaria and preached Christ what did he breach he prescribed and what was the outcome of the preaching of Christ verse 6 and the people with one Accord gave heed unto those things which Philip spake hearing and seeing the miracles which he did murder off for unclean spirits crying with loud voice came out of many that were possessed with them and many taken with palsies and that were named were healed when Christ is preached miracles happen without struggle cheaply he must excuse themselves cheaply because Christ cannot arrive and Satan is still standing the message of Christ brings Christ on the scene are we here so when Christ was preached demons left now the Bible tells us in the book of Philippians of the two thought it not robbery to be equal with God but made himself of no reputation he stripped himself he stripped himself and he died the bed of the Cross he gave himself none of us give our life first of all is Cena does not have life Cena does not have life why a Cena is dead efficiency of the truth was one two three read for me officials to 1 to 3 and you have he quickened who were dead in home we are dead you are he quickened who were dead in trespasses and sins a Cena is dead he has no life to give so what you say is sinner should give his life to Christ what you Becca Cena feel it's like his doing God is evil that man is dead reveal to him see state so he knows he is an emergency da massage him and make him feel like his reign Jesus a privilege nice a dead man is an emergency case he has nothing to offer Cena has nothing to offer he can only receive I'm fishing here I mean they're dead in sins and trespasses it's not just some antics this is doctoring we're dealing with here you are dead in trespasses and sins read verse 2 for me wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this day now begins to explain that some of you may understand the fact that you says you are dead because you are walking let me say everywhere you are walking you are walking dead meaning you are not living you were existing you are walking dead you are you are you are dead but you are driving you are dead but you are eating you are dead but you're doing business and making money those are no proof that you have lied those are a proof that you are dead but you have the privilege of existing that's what Jesus now said in John 10:10 I am come that you may have life so until I come you have no life so why will you us a sinner to give his life which life no Jesus no life the book of Genesis when Christ who is our life the book of John chapter 8 he that has the son has life I'm teaching here so Athena has no life to give a sinner has no life to give the best a sinner can do is receive so you are a recipient of the grace of God and a recipient of the life of God at the point of salvation you can offer nothing else inna has nothing to offer it is just a recipient of God's grace a recipient of God's life so the point of salvation people receive people don't give you don't carry the mentality of giving your life to Christ you will be walks driven when you carry the mentality of giving your life to Christ you will be walks treason it will look like you're the one doing God a favor cinema's be shown where he is dead in trespasses anything's because if a man comes to the pulpit with the mentality of giving his life to Christ you will be walked free then let's second thing I want to quickly settle that is doctrinal when it comes to receiving Christ is the word surrender to God I surrender Oh crocodile yes because when you finish trying all that thing your Chi still waiting for you your house is still waiting even your checkbook is still intact you didn't leave anything but you surrendered all and as you're going to carry everything back to you when people finish your problem you remove change and drop and you surrender all who are you deceiving leave daddy you are not the one who surrendered oh it is Jesus who surrendered all he forsook his throne he'll sweep himself of God he came down he humbled himself in a little body called human flesh he died the death of the cross what other surrender can be more than done you didn't surrender all he surrendered all so that surrender all is an ocular issue well to look at it critically Jesus or give up everything everything he became the moon or Cholewa that is he changed place and change personality he changed bliss and changed personality compress himself in a motor flesh walk the Betty earth inhale the deadly dust that is to surrender not only that died the death of a sinner hung between two T's we know the grace of Allah Jesus he put on him a body that that cou have malaria a body that will have fever he took it on himself and daddy get of the cross we know the grace of Allah Jesus how that he was rich yet for your sake he surrender all for your sake he became poor that you through his poverty may be reached at which there is non material wealth the riches of Christ are on such a book it is called on such abilities meaning they are not tangible the riches of Christ Peter puts it like this you are called to an inheritance undefiled incorruptible that feather not away reserved in heaven for you Maria de Jesus became father you may be rich is nothing you will have money more than Bill Gates he is talking about spiritual riches the riches of Christ the riches of Christ what are those which is strengthened with might in the inner man what are those riches forgiveness of sins what are those riches justification by faith what are those vistas irrespective of my mistake I am the righteousness of God who gavage Akaya what others which is authority over sickness and disease what address which is authority of a debt what address which is sit down with Christ in the heavenly place what are those riches we are he is I am what you have I have what you can do I can do those are the riches there's no money to combine there's no money that combined I'm teaching good this morning a mana combine the riches of Christ if you can pour that you may be rich if you can same that you may be righteous it was her second that you need to accept it he went to hell that you may go to heaven the riches of Christ wouldn't that follow transgressions bruised firing the quickest the chastisement of our peace upon him by His stripes we are healed the riches of Christ Oh somebody shout hallelujah number three word I want to deal with here is the word backsliding this award that confuses salvation is a concept I don't know how they came into the church but they've been in the church world for a long time and Christians have embraced it backsliding technically a Christian cannot backslide technically because the word backslide scripturally means to go back to idols going back to idols there's a meaning of backslide scripturally I'm not talking about English dictionary the Bible is not an English book it's not an English book the English is not the primary language of the scriptures no okay so the word backslide technical means to go back to idols a believer doesn't go back to idols we are not updated go back we are updated press forward to the saving of the soul we don't go back we press forward what has been injected in us does not go back is it analyzed I will never never go after the world never go back to the world you are fighting the Bible because if I was it going to all the world and preach the gospel to every creature and you're busy singing I will never ever go back you better go back there are people there you need to go help so that word we have to blend them in context in ask the explaining context because if it is not well explained it for a believer that is not well thought it means two new salvation now so it has to be well explained and we were Hosea when Hosea use that what going back to the world what you actually you meant in context was going back to idol worship going back to idol worship that word going back to the world is not in the epistles because it's not our language you will find it in the epistles it's not a language of the believer no it's not our language going back to the world are we here it's not our language only Peter talked about something like that a dog going back to his vomit and remember it is a a new creature bring back his vomit he said a dog so the question is are you a dog or a new creature which one are you so it's a new creature you're not your dog it means you will not go back here for me you have love for me because the Bible say there are some people among those who are dogs among us they are dogs who are dogs there are people that come among us they refuse to believe the gospel but they want to be among us so they put on a regalia that makes them look like us but inside them they are dogs he said without our dogs without means these people are not born again you can't be born again and be a dog no a born again ma is a new creature is the righteousness of God it's a saint it is sanctified I feel like I'm preaching here summer is a very learn I'm not a dog I'm a new creature I have known for meat to go back to can I get a good email you
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 42,420
Rating: 4.8315134 out of 5
Id: rgGG0fX0QOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 26sec (1166 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2017
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