Who Is A Believer?

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now first of all let's deal with the subject of who is a believer mark chapter 16 verse 15 who is a believer mark 16 and he said unto them go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature next verse he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved but he that believeth not shall be damned he that believeth what he that believeth the gospel going to all the world and preach the gospel he that believeth the gospel shall be saved he that believeth not shall be damned now it's not just enough to believe in Jesus James chapter 2 verse 19 tells us Satan believes in Jesus and trembles so that a man believes in Jesus doesn't mean he's a believer there are believers that there is one God that doe as well the Devils also believe and tremble so that a man believes that there is God doesn't mean is a believer in Jesus that somebody believes that there is a person called Jesus in fact all religions believe in Jesus all religions they believe in Jesus Buddhism believes in Jesus Islamism believes in Jesus all religions believe in Jesus but that doesn't mean that they are saved that doesn't mean that they are safe that Iman believes in Jesus doesn't mean that the man is saved that a man comes to church doesn't mean that the man is saved that the man believes that there is God doesn't mean that the man is saved Tek not of the world am he that believeth the gospel go into all the world and preach the gospel he that believeth shall be saved he that believes in the gospel amen now now first John chapter 5 verse 1 whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God it's not just to believe in Jesus but to believe that Jesus is the Christ now put it back that Jesus is a Christ is born of God and every one that loveth him that be God loveth him also that is begotten of him he that believes that Jesus is the Son of God most of these religions don't believe that Jesus is the Son of God because they say God doesn't have a wife how can he have a son so they believe in Jesus but I don't believe that he is the son of God and other religions don't believe that Jesus is God they believe that Jesus is the Son of Mary but they don't believe that Jesus is God so they can be born of God they can be born again because for you to be born again or you to be born of God you must believe in the gospel and believing in Jesus is not the gospel believing in God is not the gospel the gospel is for you to believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that Jesus is God mathema Gandhi believes in fact he said he loves Jesus even though he doesn't believe that Jesus is the Son of God he said he loves Jesus and he loves the teachings of Jesus in the Gospels you know treat your neighbor right do good to people mother McKenty said he likes that that in fact if everybody can adopt those teachings the world will be a better place that doesn't mean that mothma Gandhi believes that Jesus is the Son of God so that doesn't mean that the man is born again then the man says I love Jesus I believe Jesus does him in his vonnegut he must believe that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God or that Jesus is that's very key very very key and very important John 3:16 for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life the previous verse now tells you what to believe verse verse 14 and as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness even so must the Son of Man be lifted up that whosoever believeth in him should not perish believeth in him who in him the son of God that is lifted up in him the Son of God that is lifted up who is the son of God that is lifted of the Son of God who died to be lifted up means to die when Jesus said if I be lifted up I shall draw men to myself it was not talking about lifting him up like carrying him up which many people single over the world in churches left him up high lift his us higher those songs clearly are written without doctrinal understanding because what you understand the doctrine of Scripture you all write songs that contradict the doctrine of scriptures to live jesus means to kill him if I be lifted up or if if I die my death will draw men to me what draws men to Jesus is that he died my death so I can have his life that's what draws him in to Jesus the goodness of God which is expressed in the substitutionary sacrifice when he died he died my death when he was buried I was buried when he rose arose when I was exalted I mean lifted up when he ascended I assented a ways exalted upon high I am exalted upon high his place is my place what he has I have what he can do I can do who he is I am to know me to know him and if you don't know him you don't know me and if you don't know me you can't define me because I am in him that's my place glory to God so to believe in Jesus is to believe in his death that's the gospel to believe in his death his burial and his resurrection until you believe in that you are not saved the gospel is the message of his death his burial and his resurrection so Philemon chapter 1 verse 6 of Philemon verse 6 now sees that the communication of your faith or Die faith may become effectual by the acknowledging acknowledging by the acknowledging of every good thing that is in you in Christ Jesus so the gospel does not demand faith the gospel supplies faith that the communication of your faith you don't need more faith you don't need more faith the gospel gave you that faith that is a faith that was given to you by the gospel at the point of regeneration Romans 10:17 clarifies that so then so then faith by hearing and hearing by the Word of God faith by hearing not faith cometh by hearing a hearing I hear another faith by hearing hearing by the Word of God so when you had the Word of God faith came that faith God you saved and that faith is not in classes and that faith is not in in portions that faith is the totality of faith itself that's what God you saved so they believer must acknowledge he didn't say the believers you should seek for more faith he said the communication of your faith which I've already receive to tell the total faith may become effectual that faith becomes effective where you are knowledge where you come to a place of precise accurate reveal knowledge of every good thing that is in you and it gospel that tells you to look for more faith is fraud any gospel that tells you to look for more faith is fraud where will you find it where will you find the more faith because faith is not a mental assent so you can find it faith has to be supplied you the supplier of the faith is that the giver of the faith or the savior of the world is the sole supplier you can get it elsewhere faith cometh by hearing hearing the message of Christ hearing the message of Christ first John 5:13 watch this these things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God that you may know he didn't write these things to you so you can have heroes that you may know that you have eternal life that you may know that you have eternal life the believer doesn't have a faith problem the believer doesn't have a power problem the believer only has a knowledge problem you don't have a faith problem you don't have a power problem the believer only if a knowledge problem by the acknowledge the epignosis the accurate precise revealed knowledge of every good thing that is in you not every good thing that will be in you but every good thing that is in you it's already in you it's not going to be in you the good things are already in you you are not seeking for the good things the good things are already in you but you must acknowledge those good things in order for your faith to be effective teaching good you
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 47,154
Rating: 4.8618183 out of 5
Id: fC-nt7NmaTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2017
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