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[Music] feel the power welcome to rice's invasion of truth with dr ebel damina [Music] hello family and friends on social media i want to welcome you today to the ever increasing world feast evil demeanor is my name you need to invite a friend a family member a loved one i'm telling you you need to tag some people share the video on your picture with all the groups on your page is going to be an exciting adventure in the world of his grace always a pleasure and an honor for me to serve you the grace of god right here on this platform with the word of his grace you know brother paul said i commend you to god unto the word of his grace which is able to build you up and give you your inheritance among the sanctified that's exactly what we're about to experience today the teaching of the grace of god now listen quickly please i want to encourage you to order for my books the books are on the screen right now all of them have been written doctrinally to enrich your work with christ to give you robust revelation that brings you to a place of accurate precise knowledge of jesus christ our vision is to reintroduce jesus to this generation equipping the believer to know who you are in christ what you have in christ and what christ can do through you that's what this is all about building you equipping you so you two are able to do the work of ministry so that the body of christ is edified now listen very carefully those of you that are following my teachings writing on social media if you are in a place where you are not able to attend any local assembly either because the message of christ is not well taught or there is no church that teaches the gospel of christ the way we do right here in power city and you really want a family of believers to belong to all you need to do today is send me a mail asking for a place to identify with believers in your community you know god sets the solitary in families god wants you to be a member of his family two things will happen number one you will bless us with the grace of god on your life and we will in turn bless you with the grace of god on our lives it is called mutual faith you cannot afford not to belong to a local assembly so that's why it's important for you today to quickly quickly if you don't belong to any reach out to me send me a meal today and we'll be glad to respond to your meal let me also mention very quickly for those of you that want to be part of my mentoring academy or our bible school online we have an online mentoring academy and bible school if you want to join today all you need to do is send me an email it's a one-year mentoring class where i mentor you personally and i'm able to meet with you once every week to share with you and fellowship with you answer your questions and effectively pastor you and what you grow into the full knowledge of jesus christ i'm truly excited about this opportunity to make a difference in your life but listen carefully it's going to be exciting as we study the word of god today you know every day we're on social media twice a day 12 noon gmt plus one and six pm gmt plus one tell everybody about this and i'm looking forward to a wonderful time of studying together with you even now so fasting your belts as i take you on a gospel adventure into the service where the spirit of our god is already moving happy viewing we've been looking at the healing ministry of jesus the book of first corinthians chapter 15 verse 1 moreover brethren i declare unto you the gospel which i preached unto you which also you have received and wherein you stand wherein you stand or wearing you take a stand wearing you take a stand that word wearing your stand is the same word for wearing you take a stand taking a stand is not salvation so taking a stand here is against false teaching or taking a stand against false doctrine it's the same word that brother paul will use in the book of galatians chapter five verse one stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith christ had made us free and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage stand fast take a stand talking about the preaching of the law and he says you've got to take a stand against the preaching of the law because it will bring you into bondage so you stand fast take a stand in the liberty where with christ has set you free and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage first corinthians 15 12 now if christ be preached that he rose from the dead house is some among you that there is no resurrection of the dead he says you have believed the gospel you are saved now that you have received salvation take a stand now that you are saved take a stand a stand against those who have facts that seems to contradict what you believe the word stand is a greek word is to my it means to take a stand against it's not salvation because if you have to take a stand to be saved it means you saved yourself all right so it's not salvation is taking a stand on doctrine or to take a stand against false teaching and then verse 2 now we said in the course of explanation that verse 2 will have to either be you know on its own because analysis by which also you are saved full stop if you keep in memory what i preach unto you unless you have believed in vain so the word you are saved there has a closure so now if you keep in memory it's not it's not a condition for salvation it's a different line of thought if you keep in memory because he was laying a framework for what he was going to say in verse 12 which you just read about some false teachers who brought in false teaching into the church at current that there is no more resurrection of the dead so he now says you take a stand on doctrine he now says if you keep in memory that word if you keep a memory is the greek word katacho k-a-t-a-c-h-o it means to hold on you can only take a stand if you hold on to something not because you are saved but because you are holding on don't forget you are already saved so you can only take a stand if you hold on to take a stand is to be resolute on something to be resolute on something to take a stand or to have a firm grip on it to have a firm grip on something that's what it means to take a stand you must take a stand a stand with how that verse 3 you take a stand with how that christ died for our sins according to the scriptures verse 4 and that he was buried that's what you take his stand on and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures that's what you take a stand on that's what you hold on to that's what you are resolute about that's what you have a firm grip off that christ died for our sins according to the scriptures and that he was buried and that he rose again the today that is what you take hold on or that is what you are resolute about it's not up for debate it is the fundamental that makes christianity what it is you must hold on to the fact you take a stand on it cut a cho it's useful to arrest something if you know it's not something you want to argue with someone about is something you've decided it's not up for debate we take a stand we hold on to the fact that christ died for our sins according to the scriptures and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures the facts of the gospel are not up for arguments who does the taking of the stand you how by holding onto you take a stand how do you take a stand against false doctrine by holding on to the facts of the gospel what are the facts of the gospel that christ died according to the scriptures and that he was buried and that he rose again the thought dave according to the scriptures so he now goes on to verse 10 of the same first corinthians 15 but by the grace of god i am what i am and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain but i labored more abundantly than they all yet not i but the grace of god which was with me he now talks about his ministry he talks about the fact that he's an apostle he talks about you know he listed how that some of them saw him physically and how he also saw him as one that was born out of due season by revelation all right so he talked about the eyewitness account and he talks about the revelation of jesus that was given to him from the scriptures don't forget we said there are two scenes the physical eye account and the revelation that brother paul saw then he proceeded to verse 11 of the same chapter therefore whether it were i or day so we preach that means we have the common position whether it was i or day so we preached and so you believed it shows the common denominator of all the apostles whether myself or themselves we preach you believe then he goes on to say in verse 12 if christ be preached that he rose from the dead house says some among you that there is no resurrection of the dead he portrays the fact that the moment you say there's no resurrection from the dead then you go against the very very peace and the fundamentals and the facts of the gospel so that's why now he emphasizes in verse 14 of the same chapter and if christ be not reasoned then it's our in vain and your faith is also vain the moment the preaching is empty the believing is empty that word vain is the word kenos k-e-n-o-e-s it means empty or unreal our preaching is empty or unreal if christ is not risen and your faith is empty or your faith is a figment of imagination it does not exist in other words it means the resurrection of jesus is the content of the gospel the resurrection of jesus is the content of the gospel because without it paul is saying without the resurrection our preaching is empty without the resurrection our preaching is empty and the believing equally is empty so the resurrection is a crux of christianity that's why there are matthias the matthias who died they died for the gospel because they believed that christ rules they believe that christ rules and because he rose whatever sacrifice they were to make was worth it it was not an issue to die to die because of the gospel to die because you believe that what you are dying for is a worthy cause they saw him rise they were eyewitnesses he said we have not followed commonly devised fables when we met known unto you the parousia or the phenomena or the apocalypses or the revelation of the lord jesus we have not followed device crafty fairy tales we have not followed a make belief we are eyewitnesses of his majesty glory to god remember in verse 58 of the same chapter therefore my beloved brethren be steadfast unmovable always abounding in the work of the lord for as much as you know that your labor is not in vain in the lord your faith is not in vain our preaching is not in vain so your labor is also not in vain because he rose from the dead he's alive and he is life i thought somebody would shout hallelujah he now brings in the believer's identification by resurrection your labor is not in vain in the lord you are not laboring on empty facts you are not laboring on empty facts look at verse 14 of the same chapter and if christ be not risen then it's our preaching vein and your faith is also vain then look at verse 15 of the same chapter yea and we have found false witnesses of god because we have testified of god that the race of christ whom he raised not up if so be that the dead rise not if the dead don't rise we are false witnesses it means we are witnessing what does not exist he is still making a defense against a false teaching that said there is no resurrection of the dead now he says we have become false witnesses of god pseudomachio that's the greek word pseudomacho means it's a lie to say something that never happened through the matthew to say something that never happened it means what witness were given is a lie is unfounded that's why he said if then there is no resurrection it means we are false witnesses it means we are talking about what never really happened now so whatever they preached was what was real look at matthew 26 59 now the cheap priests and elders and all the council sought false witness against jesus the sort word false witness against jesus to put him to death but found none yea though many false witnesses came yet found they known at the last came two false witnesses there was an open announcement anybody that can fabricate a life that is a lie enough to kill jesus has a prize people started coming and all their life did not pass the test of lies when they brought their fabrication it was too light they couldn't come up with anything that was concrete enough until these two brothers showed up these are demonic genesis and said this fellow said i am able to destroy the temple of god and to build it in three days they said he said but he didn't say that jesus never said what they said jesus never said this thing they are saying it sounds like what jesus said but this is not what jesus said they said jesus said i am able to destroy the temple of god and to build it in three days that's not what jesus said jesus said you destroy the temple because jesus is not a destroyer you destroy it i am a builder you destroy i will build but they now said that jesus said i will destroy and i will build so they lied on jesus in a crafty way you need to know what jesus said very well to know what he didn't say they brought this false witness against jesus so a false witness is one who says what does not exist and there are many of them in the world of social media they will create pictures they will create videos they will create stories and they will make it very real very real because you read it it moved you sympathize you help them push it you become a proponent of a lie because it looks so real we live in a world where anything can be made to look real you've got to be careful you've got to have your discernment on and the only way you can have your discernment on is to grow up in the knowledge of the world the word the knowledge of the word sharpens discernment we live in a very in a very very very very wonderful world so a false witness is one who says what doesn't exist so paul says if this resurrection never happened we have false witnesses we are false witnesses look at first corinthians 15 17 now and if christ be not raised your faith is vain you are yet in your sins he now changes the word there is this another term your faith is worthless worthless mathews something that has no value your faith is worthless what less you will see the use of that word in acts 14 15 for further study acts 14 15 titus 3 9 james 1 26 1st corinthians 3 20. that's the one that is more precise it says and again the lord knoweth the thoughts of the wise that they are vain they are worthless the thoughts of the wise are worthless that is the intellectual capacity of a man to know the work of the cross is worthless because the work of the cross can only be known by faith the intellectual capacity of a man will end up being worthless because he can make meaning he can't find reason on the work of the cross because the work of the cross method that is why the cross to them that perish is foolishness but unto us that are saved by faith it is the power of god you can't understand the work of the cross by intellectualism there is faith required to operate that way and if an intellectual tries to reason it out it will become of no value the message of the cross to a canal man is of no value a canal man will prefer to hear a message on how to make it how to make soup how to sow clothes how to survive recession how to be on the cutting edge in the global economy that is a pastor preaching from the pulpit how to survive the economic meltdown of the 21st century is a message from the pulpit as if it is a world economic forum he has messed up the kerugma of the gospel he has messed up the kerugman he is no more preaching the gospel because the gospel is a specific information the gospel is not a generalized message no it is a it's a common message it's a common message that's why people say whether it were they or i we preach you believe because the message is one but to a man that perished he would rather hear how to survive the economic meltdown of the 21st century how to gain an age on global market using it makes sense but to say christ died he was buried on the third day he rose makes no sense because the man is perishing but to us that are saved when we hear that we are eating fat glory to god i say glory to god i say glory to god so the natural man cannot receive the things of the spirit paul is saying that our faith is of no value if christ never rose from the dead so christ being raised from the dead is the worth and value of the gospel so his resurrection is what makes it the gospel there was not a time the death of jesus was ever referred to as eugene leon eugene leon is a greek word the death of jesus was never referred to as eugenion rather it was referred to as a substitution as an offering it was never referred to as an anti or a hooper for our sins but his resurrection that is the eugenion that is the self fulfilling promise that is the promise of god fulfilled the death is not a fulfilled promise the resurrection is a fulfilled promise in that he raised jesus from the dead the scriptures are being fulfilled in that he raised jesus from the dead glory to god yeah so that's why the good news is not that jesus died the good news is that jesus rules that's the good news the gospel is predicated on his resurrection that's why it's when he rose from the dead that he now told him go into all the world and preach the gospel what gospel the gospel of his resurrection he didn't tell them to go and preach the gospel if it is finished when he said it is finished on the cross he had not even died so there was no good news in it is finished to preach the good news to preach is after he rose when he rose from the dead he said now you go into all the world and tell them the good news that i have risen from the dead and by resurrection sin has been defeated and the spirit of adoption is now available i will be a father to them and they will be my sons and daughters oh glory to god oh i feel like dancing in this place i tell you that's good news somebody shot good news so that's why his resurrection is the gospel that we preach so the good news is that he rose from the dead that's what our faith is based on that's what we believe and that's what the crucial point is so now look at this let's go back to first corinthians chapter 15 verse 5 and that he was seen of kephas or cephas then of the 12th next verse after that he was seen of about 500 brethren at once of whom the greater part remained unto this present but some are falling asleep after that he was seen of james then of all the apostles they saw a man he was seen it's not vision they saw a man when he rose they saw a man that's important look at it let's establish it luke chapter 24 verse 37 but they were terrified and affrighted and suppose that they had seen a spirit next verse and he said unto them why are you troubled and why do thoughts arise in your hearts next verse behold my hands and my feet that it is i myself handle me and see for a spirit had not flesh and bones as you see me have next verse and when he had thought spoken he shot them his hands and feet and while they yet believe not for joy and wonder he said unto them have you hear any meat next verse and they gave him a piece of a broiled fish and of the honeycomb next verse and he took it and did it before them spirits don't eat food he's alive and he's real glory of god they were able to prove that this is the same jesus that they knew before he died they touched him they were able to prove that the man that died is the man that has risen he's not a different person john 20 24. but thomas one of the twelve called dynamos was not with them when jesus came next verse the other disciples therefore said unto him we have seen the lord but he said unto them except i shall see in his hands the print of the nails and put my finger into the print of the nails and thrust my hand into his side i will not believe next verse and after eight days again his disciples were within and thomas with them then came jesus the doors being shot and stood in the midst and said peace be unto you next verse then said it to thomas reaching that finger and behold my hands reaching other hand and thrust into my side and be not faithless but believing and thomas answered and said unto him my lord my god finger my hands my lord and my side my god he touched and touched and said yes you're the one it's not another person glory to god somebody said they saw it this is eyewitness john 21 verse 5. jesus said unto them children have you any myth they answered him no this was after resurrection next verse and he said unto them cast the net on the right side of the ship and you shall find they cast therefore and now they were not able to draw it for the multitude of fishes next verse they are for that disciple whom jesus loves satan to peter it is the lord this one is the lord they saw a miracle before he died he did miracles when he rose he continued doing miracles why miracles are god's character in god's character he does miracles miracles are not our redemptive right because if miracles are our redemptive rights unbelievers cannot access it whatever redemption brought for us is for us but god's character is for us and then healing is not a redemptive right healing is god's character because if healing is a redemptive right it means you have to be born again before you are healed but he healed them all believers non-believers you he'd have to be a believer to be healed he'd have to be a believer to have a miracle he's god's character he loves man so he does miracles for sinners and christians he does miracles for believers and unbelievers he heals unbelievers and believers he heals anybody who wants healing yeah it's not a redemptive right so that's why he won't say because jesus died i am healed no he heals because he loves man and that's why you can receive it anytime you want it did you hear what i said you can receive healing when any time you want it because that's god's character anywhere irrespective of who you are if a muslim is sick lay hands on them if an atheist is sick lay hands on him if a buddhist is sick they answered that will never be healed jesus healed them all he demonstrated that it is in god's character to display his goodness of healing on everybody how god anointed jesus christ of nazareth who went about doing good and healing some that were oppressed healing some that were oppressed healing all that were oppressed of the devil for god's character was in display he healed everybody he didn't exclude those to heal in other words they were able to attest to the fact that he was alive so if he is alive who is he john 14 11 believe me that i am in the father and the father in me or else believe me for the very worksake why did he ask them to believe him because honey you know in chapter 14 he said to them let not your heart be troubled you believe in god believe also me my fathers have so many mentions i go to prepare a place so in their minds he has gone but now he is with them so he said look you better believe i'm the one believe me i mean my father my father is in me believe me that's why they were to believe the essence of believing here is to believe in his resurrection verse 12 he now says in verse 12 verily verily i say unto you he that believeth on me the works that i do shall he do also and greater works than this shall he do why because i go unto my father remember the focus of the believing is to believe that he rose from the dead so the next verse now explains what he means verse 13 and whatsoever you shall ask in my name that will i do i am the one that will do it that the father may be glorified in the song i have been my father my father is in me the father is doing it i am the one doing it i am doing it the father is doing it that the father may be glorified in the song what he means is i will do it i will do it meaning he will be the one doing it in me because he lives in me how do we prove that same john 14 20 at that day you shall know that i am in my father and you in me and i in you after resurrection i will be the one in you healing the sick i will be the one in you exercising authority he does the work in us jesus is saying what i do what i did in the incarnation i will do in the resurrection as proof of my resurrection i yield in the incarnation i heal in the resurrection i walked miracles in the incarnation i walk miracles in the resurrection it is the same person it is the same person he has not changed he never changes he said that so that you will know that truly he will be raised from the dead you will see the same works dawn because it's the same person consistency now why did he say greater works than this shall you do the greater works will be because i live in you him living in you is the greater works him living in you he now lives in you somebody shot christ in me now say very loud he lives in me what is him living in you that's what we call the ascension so he will see that whatever he did in the four gospels is still available today he healed he's still healing he walked miracles he's still walking miracles he raised the dead he's still raising the dead but however today he's doing it through us hallelujah somebody say i'm the extension of god's hands when i preach people are saved if i don't preach i deny them salvation when i pray for the sick the experience goes correct if i don't pray for them i deny them god's goodness i am the extension of god's hands in my world i didn't hear your amen say with me very loud i heal the sick in the name of jesus i cast out demons i raise the dead i cleanse the lepers i cleanse the lepers i heal the sick i heal the sick now said because you do it i heal the sick demons obey me i'm in authority here i thought i was here powerful amen he rose from the dead they touched him they saw him honey but you know he vanished from their side he vanished from their side and after he vanished from their sight he said to them i am with you always he vanished from their sight then he said to them i'm with you always you know he is living in them look at it matthew 28 verse 19 go eat therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the foundation of the holy ghost look at verse 20 carefully teaching them to observe all things whatsoever i have commanded you was this before resurrection or after resurrection after and lo i am with you sometimes always even unto the end of the world amen always from after he rose he never left he's been with them he's being with us he is with us will always be with us in other words when he was saying i am leaving what he was saying is i'm leaving your side to live inside you he had already told them in that day i will be in you so now he had to go off their so that the reality of the indwelling will dawn on them you know possible as long as jesus was physically there the reality of him being inside will not be there because they will focus on the physical so he disappeared so that the reality of this one will done the same thing with vision if you like visions too much you will never believe the bible if you like visions too much you like to see things you will never believe the bible because your vision should be more real than what is written even if it contradicts what is written and that's why many visions are always a contradiction to the bible so that's why you don't follow visions even if you see a vision you subject it to scripture and if it does not mean trash it so if a vision can be trashed what about useless dreams you dreamt and you saw yourself died and you woke up crying what's wrong with you you need a clean slab to wake up your thinking faculty what are you crying for if you are really dead how did you wake up no it's a question if you were really dead how did you wake up somebody said maybe god is revealing to me in future revealing to a future of death no he's a god of the living he has no business with death and if you follow the truth why will you die why will you die if you're following the truth you die when you want to you leave this world when you want to so plan how long you want to stay is it not true who plans how long you will stay is you there's no scripture that says god say you shall live here for 10 years it's your choice that determines how long you live you want to live long on earth pay attention to the word of god don't play with bible story don't play with the teaching of god's word don't play with materials play the world in your car play it in your house play it in your office play it on your job let the world keep flowing and you'll find a man that is always excited always happy even when there is no reason to be happy because his spirit man is in charge of his body a man's spirit shall sustain his infirmity but a broken spirit who can bear what breaks the spirit is deficiency of god's world when your word deficient any pleasure will break your heart but when you're full of the world when pressure comes you bounce it off nectar later look at the way you're looking at me mandela the entrance of his word given light hallelujah hallelujah we walk by faith not by sight so when he said the works that i do shall you do and greater what it means is i will be in you doing the greater works he was attesting to the fact that the same jesus you saw three and a half years on earth is the same jesus living inside you now carrying out his miracle power his healing power and his goodness to mankind hallelujah who committed sin who's seen the father or the child john chapter 8 verse 10 when jesus had lifted up himself and saw none by the woman he said unto a woman where are those that accuse us had no man condemned thee was the key word here condemned she said no man lord and jesus said unto her neither do i condemn thee go and sin no more they inspect jesus again unto them saying i am the light of the world he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life go and sin no more but this is the way to sin no more follow the light of the world if you don't want to sin no more i am the light of the world he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life he told her not to sin then he pointed out to what will give her power over sin follow me follow the light come let us walk in the light for he that walketh in the light has no occasion of stumbling the entrance of his word give it light he give it understanding to the simple thy word is a lamp onto my feet and a light onto my path oh house of jacob come and let us walk in the light john chapter 9 verse 1 and as jesus passed by he saw a man which was blind from birth blind from where blind from where he was born like that blind from birth next verse and his disciples asked him saying master who did sin that is how people think all the time this man is born blind is ancestral causes this woman is born death is from the family bloodline you know honey you go to the doctor sometimes in the hospital they will ask you this high blood pressure is there anybody in your family that had it what medical science wants to do is they want to connect you to ancestors so that you people will have an umbilical cord connection so that there is a blood reason why that thing is there they want to give you a reason why you can never be healed medical science want to establish the fact that you and this problem are eternally together that's why you must be aware of the opposition of science so falsely called because once they have connected you to your grandfather even you in your head you know that this one is my permanent luggage is there a mad man in your family yes oh that's why your owner started you now sit down and remove trousers without knowing where your owners started you'll be touching you in a hurry because you will be on the streets medical science thank god for medical science medical science is like food jesus is the healer you didn't hear what i just said so now they establish who did sin this man because for him to be born blind somebody's sin is responsible he's harvesting from the family seed and that this is is out of this verse that many ministries are born in africa you know what i said out of this verse many ministries are born in africa if you remove this verse and is follow of verses they don't have ministry because every time you meet them they must ask you how is your family was your mother a native doctor has your father ever taken to the shrine when you were born did they draw mark on your chest that is the open gate for evil spirits they opened your life to evil spirits he said no my honest name i chose the opening here i say that's why you're a dummy that's why you're feeling exam because when they open it they remove your brain and give it in a witchcraft world i mean look at look at look at look at beware less animals spoil you prove then philosophy he calls it idol fantasies plain nonsense who did sin and you know some of you when something happened you start looking for a reason why it happened um what what why [Music] okay okay i see oh i see you are excusing why should happen it has no reason to happen you are about bought with a prize your body is the temple of the holy ghost it has no somebody say it has no reason to happen jesus answered oh glory to god i love jesus neither had this man he canceled generational causes he cancels family history he cancels bloodline reasons he cancelled every reason that any man has to offer he said neither are this man sin nor his parents that is to say what is wrong with this man is not seeing he wasn't saying the man was not a sinner what you are saying is sin is not responsible for this condition why do people get sick because of mortality don't look for reasons anytime you want a healing don't look for reasons just receive healing anytime you want to heal a sick person don't ask him to tell you the story by the time he finished telling the story your faith is on the ground tell him i don't want story all i ask is what did the doctor say is wrong migraine shut up close your mouth migraine out let them not tell you how the migraine traveled and how it arrived and how they contributed it will knock your faith from prayer jesus answered neither this man sin no experience he didn't explain anything to them he said but that the works of god should be made manifest it's an opportunity for him to experience the goodness of god it's an opportunity for him to experience the compassion of god look at verse 4 now i must walk the works of him that sent me while it is the night comet when no man can walk god's power is regulated to an intent salvation it's not just power no no it's power regulated the reason why we have electricity in this building comforting us giving us light making us feel nice making our video recording to be beautiful for television is because the power in the building is regulated it's regulated we need to carry power from high tension and connect it will burn the building and all of us power not regulated is destructive that's where the power of god is regulated within the within the confines of salvation if he's god let him kill that man you are stupid for thinking that god will kill a man because you said it if god follows you will have been the one to die since because somebody has said that about you before but the good news is that god is not a killer and god is not a destroyer my god is a good god i'm talking about the god of our lord jesus christ i'm talking about the father of glory there is no killing in god there's only life in god god is light god is life god is love i thought somebody would shout it powerfully man so jesus debunked that myth he explained to us clearly that god's power carries god's character so anyways that is god's power at work god is good so the power of god will be seen in goodness god is life so the power of god will be seen in giving life see god is light so the power of god will be seen in giving light revelation knowledge god is a miracle worker so the power of god will be seen in the performing of miracle as a show of god's character peter summarized the ministry of jesus in acts 10 38 how god anointed jesus christ of nazareth with the holy ghost and power who went about doing good the power was to do good always carried health he always carried healing now as a believer listen carefully always carry health and healing in your thoughts think health think healing don't think sickness think health whatsoever things are pure whatever things are just whatever things are lovely whatsoever things are of good report if there be any virtue if there be any praise think on these things think health think healing never accommodate the thoughts of sickness and disaster carry healing thoughts in your mind guard your heart guard your thoughts there are 3d channels you must shut down there are stories you read in newspaper you must destroy there are things you should not entertain don't read that column or newspapers that carry glory stories of how people went through all kinds of situations health-wise till they die it is not good for your health listen look at me everybody look at me everybody look at me those of you on television look at me if you must die if you must die and you hear make up your mind to die healthy you decide that today some say there are many ways to die by sickness by touching by accident the important thing is i die thank god for you as long as i remain your pastor you make up your mind even if i will leave i will not live with pain i will live with a smile i will leave this world with a smile i will not live with a pain and i will not be pinned to anybody i will leave with a smile i will not endure the last days of my life say with me i will not endure the last days of my life whenever that will be i will leave this world by my choice intentionally with a smile you didn't say amen to that you've just settled something right now i'm before you leave this world no no now but his choice is choice you can choose to live with pain is choice the choice is being made now what you think on what you feed your thoughts what you feed your eyes what you feed your ears what you spend time focusing on is programming your tomorrow guard your heart with all diligence for out of it are the forces the influences and the issues of life everyone is sleeping the sickness is working sickness does not sleep uh who am i talking to here sickness does not sleep that's why sometimes when the man is sleeping he starts don't call doctor doctor doctor wake him up because while he was sleeping the sickness was working over time sickness does not sleep so you do when there is a symptom on your body even when you are sleeping keep the word of god going get my messages put them in the room amplify them with a speaker because you sleep in the body your spirit is awake and your spirit sustains your body and listen carefully don't wait until sickness comes before you build defense build defense before sickness comes don't wait until sickness comes you start running around it is too late you don't prepare for battle on the day of battle you prepare ahead of time so right now make up your mind to be healthy all your life take the word of god and feed yourself am i saying something to somebody take the word of god feed yourself listen to the world play it all the time stay with the world so you can be strong healthy and you can be you know effective make up your mind i'm not going to be blind make up your mind i'm not going to be deaf make up your mind i'm not going to be a make up your mind i'm not going to be bad reading i'm going to be strong and i'm going to be healthy and i'm going to be bouncing all the days of my life under the old covenant moses eyes never went deep under the old covenant under the occurrence moses eyes were sharp at all that you was reading make up your mind and even if you're wearing glasses now it's not too late you can you can make up your mind to drop those glasses you take the word of god and speak them to your eyes and straighten your eyes out hey gabe so get the word two four seven remember the woman with their short blood four things happen number one she heard about jesus she selected what to hear she didn't hear the rumor she had about his good works they were gossiping jesus they were about mounting jesus they called him the elizabeth they call him the lord of demons they call him a gluten they call him a wine barber the one the woman chose to hear is his healing power you choose what to hear number two she received it she received it number two she received it what was the sign that she received it for she said for she said she didn't keep quiet if you want to work in divine health you must know how to use your mouth she said i say my bones are strong i say my muscles are intact i say my heart is healthy you speak you speak i have 20 20 vision beto layer calling the things that be not as though they were even god who quickened the dead let the redeemed of the lord say so say i say everybody say very loud i say i am healthy i am strong i am well and i will keep being like that i didn't hear a good amen she said then number three she did it she said it and she did it she didn't just keep talking she did it she stood up pushed through the crowd touched she did it in healing there is always something for you to do is only in forgiveness of sin that you only receive but in healing you do something he told a man stand up take your mat and go stand up take all the healing miracles they did something he prayed for me peter's mother-in-law after praying for her he said give her food to eat there are some people who pray for you order for food for them quickly give her food to eat jesus said give her food because if you don't give her food hunger can bring it back so give her food to eat there is always something to do always something in healing there's always something to do he touches the guy with clay he says go and wash go and wash what about neyman jump in the river in healing there is always something to do there's always what something to do she did it she acted on what she said then jesus called her and she narrated the whole story honey you know this was on the way to geralt's house and the woman interrupted and hijacked the anointing she divided it and held jesus from going to jail jesus stood and settled her kids and allow the woman to narrate her story so gyros can have faith gyro stood there and the woman preached healing to gyros when jairus had heard the message of the woman the people from the house came and said the child has died jesus turned and said to jairus fear not you must make up your mind not to fear see i am not afraid say no fear here say it very loud shout and let every demon in hell hear you god has not given us the spirit of fear but of love of power and of a sound mind when you allow fear molest you it is messing around with the soundness of your mind you have a sound mind a mind that is not a coward a mind that is not afraid a mind that is healthy so let it feed on healthy thoughts let it feed on healthy thoughts think on these things remember wrong teaching produces wrong thinking wrong teaching produces wrong thinking and wrong thinking produces wrong believing how do you know you are believing wrong when you are speaking the wrong things i don't know if i will make it my mother died at 38. watch what you say that's how you know what you believe out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks when a man goes around talking about i don't know if i will last i don't know how long i still have i feel like i may die any day when a man starts talking like that that is the constitution of his heart and he shall have what he says how do i know what you believe what are you saying this my sickness has come is it your sickness i thought healing is your own so what do i say sickness is looking for me but i have my healing neither give room to the devil don't say it is my sickness it is not yours until you say it is whatever adam called them was their name you can teach the word of god and you yourself may not receive it so mind what you say it's not enough to teach you've got to receive what you teach hallelujah say with me very loud i believe in the healing power stand up and say very loud very loud everybody i want you to shout and let the whole world hear you very loud say let every devil hear you clearly say the healing power works for me all the time say it again the healing power works for me all the time jesus is my savior he is my righteousness he is my healer he is my preserver my body is brought to the price my body is the temple of the holy ghost my body is jesus's property sickness cannot stay here sickness cannot stay here sickness has no reason to stay here they say who's sin it is not sin don't look for a reason i didn't sleep well is that why you should be sick are you the only one that does not sleep well the other people are sleeping don't give a reason to why you feel the way you feel say i hear you so now receive oh god see i receive say i receive i receive right now my healing in my body every organ every organ internal external my flesh my skin my muscles my tendons my tissues their sound in the name of jesus see every abnormality cannot function in my body my body adapts to the healing power say that six times two three 4 5 6 now speaking to your body body you adapt to the healing power say there is healing inside me the healing power of god is resident of my inside therefore body you adapt right now you are alive with the healing power i am healed i am well i am strong say that i am healed i am well i am strong i thought i will hear powerful amen [Applause] there's power in this building and the power of god was present to heal them all my body is the temple of the holy ghost no ulcer no cancer no high blood pressure no sugar diabetes can survive this environment none none i rebuke body weakness whatever has been responsible for excessive body weakness in your body i command you today rooted and flush out receive strength in your mind in your body say i am strong say it again i am strong say my youth is renewed say my youth is renewed speak it again my youth is renewed like an ego i am strong i am healthy my hearing is guaranteed all the days of my life my sight is secured all the days of my life my bones remain strong all the days of my life and my physical structure remains intact all the days of my life i didn't hear powerful amen now don't you never say sickness has no excuse point your finger to your neighbor i see from the one doing it sickness has no excuse to live inside your body you are not an accommodation for sickness and disease you are bought with a price therefore glorify god in your spirit in your body in your soul which are god i thought i hear powerful amen welcome back ladies and gentlemen welcome back i know you've been blessed affected impacted by the word of god and i believe god that the revelation of jesus will grow big on your inside until nothing else matters in jesus name amen like i said in the beginning of the broadcast if you live in the area around anywhere in the continents of this world where you follow my teachings but there's no christ-centered teaching church in your community and you either want to start one or you want to identify with our own campus we call our branches campuses all over the world today all you need to do is to send me a mail and we will connect you with brethren in your area who follow my teaching so together you can grow with them evangelize raise disciples and build the kingdom of god if that's what you want to do or you want to start a campus in your community you don't have any you want to start one yeah we're committed to training you equipping you and enriching you so that you're able to effectively start a campus pioneer a work in your community and bring other believers together to be fed and nourished in the knowledge of christ if that's what you want also send me a meal today the email address is dr ibeldamina yahoo.com hey guys we love you you know god doesn't want you to be isolated so if you don't belong to a place of worship maybe because of what is taught there or you're not growing in that church and you want to really grow then i invite you today to adventure with us and identify with us give us the opportunity to serve you to feed you to equip you so that the purpose of god for your life will find fruition in the name of jesus we love you guys always a joy to share with you the grace of god i'm looking forward to connecting with you in the next broadcast and until then enjoy the grace of god and be blessed [Music] amen [Music] victory station you
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 2,060
Rating: 4.7600002 out of 5
Id: aSEg8DS0Hl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 35sec (4055 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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