The Boundary Of Christian Knowledge

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Colossians chapter 1 verse 26 Colossians chapter 1 verse 26 even the mystery which had been heed from ages and from generations but now is made manifest to his saints so there was something heat from Ages there are some things that were heat from the Old Testament people but now they are made manifest to us all right now next verse to whom God will make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery so when it was hidden it was called mystery what is hidden is called mystery Mack 4:11 jesus said unto you is given to know the mystery of the kingdom but unto them that are without all these things are done in parables so back to Colossians chapter 1 verse 27 to whom God will make known so God is about to unravel the riches of the glory of this mystery among the gentiles among the Gentiles which is Christ in you the hope of glory the confident expectation of glory Christ in you that is a mystery which was hid from ages and from generations that is now revealed that the Christ God will live in a man that God and man will be united in a body that God and man will come to a place of Union me in a body you and the Lord are one flesh your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit that God will know more dwell in buildings married hands but were twelve in humans as his house that is the mystery that has been heat from the ages next verse next verse whom we preach that is whom we preach we preach Christ in you that is whom we preach not what we preach whom we preach our message is a whom that is whom we preach warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus that we may present you perfect so to present you perfect we preach Christ in you the hope of glory to present you perfect we preach to you Christ who is in you the hope of glory 1st Corinthians chapter 2 verse number 9 but as it is written I had not seen nor ear heard neither have entered into the heart of man the things which God had prepared for them that love him or the things which God has prepared for those whom he loves those whom he loves but God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit it was hid from ages it was hid from generations I shall not seen years of not hard heed from edges heed from generations but now it's revealed to his Saints I shall not seen yes have not heard but they are now revealed to us by his Spirit same thing revealed to us by his spirit for the spirit such as all things yea the deep things of God they are revealed to us they are revealed to us by his Spirit how does his spirit reveal these things to us they are revealed to us by his Spirit Kabbalah Gaia they are revealed to us by his Spirit now when he says they are revealed to us by his Spirit he is not saying that you were having a vision of Revelation on your own he is not saying anybody can just stand up and say the Spirit has revealed something to me they are revealed to us by his Spirit and I'm going to show you how the Spirit reveals things to us that are in God the hidden things of God the mystery that were here from generations and were kept away from man in in ages gone by they are revealed kimitaka to legaia they are revealed to us by his Spirit they will not be revealed they are revealed so we are the revelation generation we are the recipients of revelation we are the privileged people that are granted to see what the prophets of old couldn't see they are revealed to us by this theory for the spirit such at all things yea the deep things of God so the spirit goes into the deep the depth of God and unveils got Gosport stores the spirit as Cavett's and explores all of God and makes sure that there is nothing hidden in God that is no revealed to us the spirit ensures that everything about God is made known to us meghanadha Bob are you here now how many of you know the Bible calls Jesus the image of the invisible God in the book of Colossians chapter 1 verse 15 who is the image of the invisible simple God the image of the invisible God the prototokos of all creation are all creature the firstborn that means God is invisible cannot be seen nobody sees God so Jesus is the visibility of God am i teaching here Jesus gives visibility to God because God is invisible but Jesus is the image of that invisible side of God so Jesus gives expression to God Jesus gives expression to God John 1:18 no man has seen God at any time the only begotten Son which is in the bosom of the Father he hath declared him or no wonder he says the secret or the mystery was kept from ages and from generations what mystery was kept from them no man has seen God at any time no man has seen God the menage ánewá the only begotten Son of God which is in the bosom of the Father he has the exclusive responsibility to unveil him so before this day no man ever saw God no man ever saw God it was a mystery yet to be revealed but now they Dvorak area if any savvy shall to hear you but now now now it is revealed to us what they never knew we know now no man has seen God before this day John 14 verse 7 if you are not me you should have known my father Oh and from his fault you know him and have seen him from henceforth before now no man ever saw God but from now you know him and have seen him it is now revealed to us by the spirit is now revealed to us by the spirit from now you have seen him and you have known him next verse Philip said unto Him Lord show us the father and it sufficeth us that is launched to play with us we're not joking here Jesus were joking we are asking you to show us the father and you are saying we have seen him are you trying to say you are the father we want to see the father how can we say the God we do not see show us the father and we will not trouble you next verse Jesus said under him have I been so long time with you and yet has done no known me Philip he that has seen me has seen the father and how say us doubt then show all the father we have seen the father I thought somebody will say that very loud said louder say I have seen God say louder where did you see God in Christ where did you see Christ where did you see Christ in you but before he saw him in you where did you see him to be able to bring him to you in the scriptures Luke chapter 24 verse 45 look 24 45 then open heal their understanding that they might understand the scriptures openly they are understanding come on our cable shock ayah then openly they are understanding that they might understand the scriptures why the scriptures John 5:39 search the Scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life but they are they which testify of me he is the message of the scriptures to see Jesus you see the scriptures if you cannot see the scriptures you can see Jesus the scriptures testify of him he is the message of the scriptures or the revelation of the Scriptures so Anna says they are revealed to us by the spirit meaning that this regulation will be limited to the scriptures nobody just wakes up and said God has revealed something to me no even if you saw images in your imagination those images must agree with the scriptures otherwise is rubbish because the scriptures are the boundary of crystal learning the scriptures are the boundaries of Christian knowledge second timothy 3:15 and that from a child thou hast known the Holy Scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus now all scripture all scripture all Scripture the Scriptures testify of me so all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable number one for doctrine so the scripture is a boundary for doctrine profitable for doctrine which is learning or teaching for reproof which is evidence they testify of Jesus for correction and for instruction in righteousness the scriptures instruct us on the deep things of God the scriptures correct us on the error have learned about God that is not God the scriptures correct us concerning our errors that we have learned about God's character which is not God for correction the way to correct your mind on God is through the Scriptures because the Scriptures reveals God in the passing of Jesus I'm teaching here not philosophy not psychology not I feel not I think sometimes I hear people ask me questions especially in Bible schools around the world as we teach them with we mess up a lot of religion in people and then they circus a please I need your opinion on the scripture no I don't have an opinion I don't have an opinion what you should be asking me is what is the scripture here saying the moment I have an opinion I have contradicted the intent of the Scriptures I don't speak to the scriptures what I think the scripture speaks to me what I ought to think the scriptures are not subject to my judgment I am subject to the judgment of scriptures because the scriptures are the boundary of Christian knowledge and very soon you see I am going through all these fundamentals I never get tired of going through fundamentals the scriptures correct us the scriptures correct us second Peter 1:20 mmm knowing this first torture never safest fastest teller never first things first okay knowing this first before I even go anywhere that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation that is to say you can never say the way I see this is what the Bible is trying to say no you don't have the way you see no scriptures are subjected to personal interpretation meaning varies there is a lay down rule for interpreting the Bible please listen carefully the Bible will never mean today what it never meant when it was fascinating the Bible will never mean today what it never meant when it was first written because it's an eternal material it does not change to suit situations what the intent of the writer was from the beginning is what it is now and what it will be here after that your economy is not working doesn't change the intent of his scripture to suit your economy it can never mean what it never meant when it was first written number two we are the Bible is loud we allowed where the Bible is silent we are silent please very important you will show understand anger knowledge where the Bible is loud we allowed if the Bible is silent on a subject we are silent so don't ask me what I think ask me what does the Bible say and don't say this is what I think are from my own opinion you know have opinion back to PETA no scripture is of any private interpretation next verse 4d prophecy not prophecy the prophecy so the Bible or the Scriptures are called the prophecy not a prophecy the prophecy specific prophecy the prophecy of scripture the prophecy now again the Old Testament which is the scripture which is the mystery which is Jesus concealed the Old Testament is called times shadows prophecies and promises so when he said the prophecy he was referring to the Old Testament which is the scripture I have taught you that fundamentally for the prophecy came not in old time so this this prophecy were referring to is the one that came in all time which prophecy came in all time that the Bible refers to as the prophecy it is the prophecy call scripture the scripture is prophecy the prophecy came not in old time referring to Genesis to Malachi the scripture or the mystery of Jesus concealed the reason is because all the Old Testament prophets under laws we are all pointing by where a prophesy concerning the coming of Christ the mission of the Scriptures is to testify of him meaning so everything in the scriptures will be pointing to him from Genesis Exodus Leviticus numbers Deuteronomy V prophecy the prophecy the prophecy not prophecy the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man by the will of man man didn't just an apostle who remember cootie belong to depend on amount anakata if you be well with you know the prophecy called the scriptures or Paul Genesis to Malachi didn't come out of what a man wheels the prophecy the Scriptures are called the prophecy are you here watch put your finger and Peter because were coming this is serious flip with me quickly to look 2444 and he said unto them these are the words which are speken to you while I was yet with you that all things must be fulfilled why we say all things must be fulfilled what are very far into no no the prophecy the prophecy it is where we prophesy that you see it has been fulfilled what was prophesied so Jesus is now referring to the prophecy all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of Moses so the law of Moses was the prophecy and in the prophets the prophets are part of the prophecy and in the SAMS the Psalms are part of the prophecy concerning me so from the law of Moses to the Prophet to the SAMS it was all the prophecy that Jesus came to fulfill because the prophecies were pointing to his blessing so what Jesus is saying is I am the fulfillment of the prophecy of Moses in the law the prophets and the Psalms I am the fulfillment of the prophecy because the Scriptures which contained the prophecy testifies of me so my coming is the fulfillment of the prophecy which prophecy the prophecy that did not come from the will of man and does not have any private interpretation is it too complicated is it clear yeah Jesus is the fulfillment of the prophecy so back to Peter 2nd Peter 1:21 for the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man but holy men of God spake moved by the Holy Ghost how did they speak exactly moved by the Holy Ghost how did holy men of God speak moved by the Holy Ghost but they are revealed to us by the spirit with spirit the spirit that moved the holy man of God to speak in that document called the scriptures so what does the Spirit reveal to us that is the deep things of God it is the same thing that the Holy Ghost move holy men to write in a document called Scripture meaning that the Holy Ghost can never reveal to you anything that contradicts what he originally revealed through holy men has contained in a document that is settled forever Paul the Holy Scriptures the Holy Ghost can never tell you anything that contradicts what he spoke through holy men this holy men were over 40 of them got across many centuries never met one another before and they wrote this document some of them were doctors some of them we are farmers some of them were lawyers from different professions they were writing as the Holy Ghost inspired them why it is called a ghost cafe or sacra triton is because after they wrote their manuscripts when their manuscripts are collated over the century and put together they were saying the same thing concerning the same person the Bible is the is the only book on earth that contains the revelation of God no other book is the only inspired book by God only so your song your prayer your books your CD your DVD is only as inspired as to the degree to which it draws inspiration from the inspired book called Bible you can get inspiration concerning God elsewhere it will have to be in alignment with a document called the Holy Scriptures if you understood what I just said nobody will ever confuse you never in this life so again the scripture therefore is the boundary of Christian knowledge summary says what about when we prophesy in charge when we prophesy in charge we prophesied by our will the gift of prophecy functions via the will of man the Scriptures we are not written by the will of man that is the superiority of scripture over the gift of prophecy so meaning when a man prophesize his prophecy must be subjected to the scrutiny of the scriptures which we are not subject to the will of man I am teaching here so that's a when a man prophesize there must be people to judge it there must be people to judge it you don't just take prophecy because it is prophecy no it might be subjected to the scrutiny of the Holy Scriptures the most resubmitted to the prophecy prophecies must be subjected to the prophecy and if they don't look like the prophecy it is sorcery or falsehood or deception it must be subjected to the prophecy some people won't like that it must be subjected to the prophecy and if he does not agree with the prophecy is fraud you
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 20,259
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Id: u3Xhbcm9GsU
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Length: 27min 43sec (1663 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 16 2017
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