See to It That You Are Not Troubled (Part 1)

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when the pestilence comes the gospel of the kingdom will be the answer when the earthquakes comin gospel of the kingdom will be the answer win win win when wars and rumors of wars and fears are colossal of the kingdom will be the thing that sustained internationally-recognized for teaching and preaching the uncompromised Word of God bishop clarence e McClendon answers the prophetic and apostolic call upon his life by ministering the healing Grace and miracle and 19 of Jesus Christ around the world by his preaching and teaching the uncompromised gospel of Jesus Christ Bishop McClendon the teacher the preacher the Apostle and an anointed prophet sent to the nations being used by the power of the Holy Spirit has led to the healing and deliverance of millions during his healing Crusades and conferences if you want to experience another level of worship witness the healing power of Jesus learn the uncompromised Word of God confirmed by notable miracles then we invite you to partake in the overwhelming power of the Holy Spirit by the moving of God's transforming grace I want you to see what Jesus does because Jesus does a very important thing here that I believe has escaped the minds of many he puts the gospel of the kingdom he postures the accurate preaching of the gospel of the kingdom as both the divine response and the divine remedy to the things that will be happening on the earth he's sick when the pestilence comes the gospel of the kingdom will be the answer when the earthquakes come the gospel of the kingdom will be the answer when when when when wars and rumors of wars and fears okay the kingdom will be the thing that sustains people it will not be enough to be safe there are lots of save people today who are afraid to leave the house [Applause] I'm not judging I'm not condemning I am saying they have a gospel but not this gospel Kingdom they are born again they will go to heaven but they may go from the house they may go locked from the bedroom anybody saying nothing to me they will go to heaven but they may have a mask and bandages and a plastic bubble around them when they go you understand because they have not understood or received this gospel of the kingdom the gospel of the rule now one of the things the Spirit of God said was said I'm gonna hurry what I think the Spirit of God said to us as we were teaching on the gospel again what is the rule of God the rule of God is the means by which he establishes his Dominion so see if you don't know how the Dominion is established then you cannot move in this gospel God let me say it again this gospel of the kingdom and one of the one of the definitions the Holy Spirit gave I've never heard any man say it I didn't learn it from a man I learned it from the Holy Ghost he said that the gospel of the kingdom has to do with the understanding of the principles that govern the operation of the anointing I'm gonna say it again the gospel of the kingdom the rule of God how does God rule the gospel of the kingdom has to do with the understanding of the principles that govern the operation of the anointing if you don't understand how to exercise the principles that govern the operation of the anointing then you cannot be assured of protection are you in the building now once again why is the anointing so important remember Jesus did no miracle until he was anointed of the Spirit of God he was virgin born from birth he was sinless from birth so his sinlessness was the key to Dominion I'm talking to somebody now I'm talking to somebody who's got a past touch no don't touch your neighbor I just look at him don't even look at me I say we all do if told you the world has changed if if sinlessness was the key to Dominion then Jesus should have been working miracles from birth but it wasn't sinlessness that was the key to power yah yah yah yah was it having no pass where was the key to power it wasn't the uniqueness of virgin birth that gave him the key to power it was when that anointing I wish I had a body I could preach in like I feel it it was when that anointing came on him and he spent 40 days and 40 nights understanding and interacting with that anointing he had been learning about it all his life and from the age of 12 he was asking questions and when that anointing came on him the Bible says that anointing came on him drove him into the wilderness he spent 40 days and again I tell you the 40 days was not to be tempted he didn't go to be tempted he went to acquaint himself with that anointing the enemy came at that time to tempt him because the enemy knew if he ever got acquainted with that anointing he that has ears to hear let him hear the enemy came at that time because he knows if I hear if I let him get acquainted with this anointing and know what it'll do my time is up and what does Jesus do after 40 days he comes out and he said the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because I know why I'm anointing I know what to do with this anointing [Music] Khayyam oh shut up I know how to operate it I know how to speak it and he then gives oh he that has been here literally then he then he didn't give and demonstrate the first principle of how the anointing operates the Bible says he took the book and found the place where it was written [Applause] cause the anointing operates with that word that is written is spoken he took the book and found the place where it was written the Spirit of the Lord God is upon me for he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor to said it liberty them that are bruised to preach the recovery of sight to the blind to heal the broken heart and to declare the acceptable year of the Lord and then the Bible says he closed the book and they looked and said today [Applause] [Music] [Applause] today in other words this word that was that was written hundreds of years ago is about me and I can't declare it [Applause] I can declare it I can do it and the anointing the anointing will go with me will I go it'll follow me where I go it'll do what it's supposed to do where am I I wish I had somebody I can preach to you oh if I could tell you to lay hands on one another this would be the place lay your hands on yourself and say I'm annoying terrible whoa Oh say I'm anointed of the Holy Ghost and whenever I speak what is written that it goes in the operation [Applause] Isaiah Isaiah Isaiah I gotta teach at I can't get a motion I can't get a motion I can't get emotional but say this to yourself I can open the book in my bedroom speak the word declare its mine and walk out of the house knowing the anointing what God above a Usher go to Isaiah chapter 14 I got to show it to you then I'm gonna read a few more verses we're gonna take communion and I'm gonna let you go home and destroy bacterias and viruses wherever you find them [Applause] hey Bob Lutz Szabo like us I believe this do you understand I believe it I believe it so much I'll get light innovations breathe on me and you won't chew I believe it [Applause] the watch this watch this oh please lay your hands on yourself I will I will receive this I will yes I will hallelujah Isaiah chapter 14 watch this verse 24 now please don't miss this it says the Lord of Hosts has sworn he swore this how do you know if he says it it's enough but if he swears it then we've been we are at a hole he is he is desiring to communicate a whole nother level of assurance to you I'm not just saying this I'm swearing this the Lord of Hosts has sworn saying surely as I have thought so shall it come to pass and as I have purpose socialism so here's what God said he said I am swearing to you then what I have determined is what's going to happen and whatever I have purpose and the word purpose means to establish beforehand in other words I have come up with a remedy before a pestilence I have come up with an answer before a distress I have come up with a solution if people are trying to find vaccinations and as I have purposed socialist and to watch what have you thought what what are the what are the thoughts that you have had god what have you promised but I will break me a Syrian in my land now who was the Assyrian in this day this is Old Covenant the Assyrian was the enemy of God's people so the Assyrian here represents any enemy that comes against the people of God here's what I've sworn here to that purpose I will break the Assyrian in my land in other words when he comes in my land I'm going to break him now where is his land his land is in Christ seeing the Old Covenant they crossed Jordan and came into the Promised Land in the new Coventry are born again and we are placed in Christ and he is our promised land that's why God puts you in him so he can deal with you from the standpoint of you already having received the promise see in the New Covenant to be in Christ is to be in the promised land if you're in Christ you're in the land where all the promises are yes and pay man so god foreshadows this in the Old Covenant in Exodus 33 when he tells Moses you can't see my face but what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put you in the cleft of the rock the rock is Christ I'm gonna put you in the cleft of the rock and I'm gonna cover you with my hand so you are in the cleft of like you're in Christ and you are over shadowed by the head he then in the shall abide under the do you see it now watch so so he says he says in my land here's what I've sworn that wants you in my land I will break the Assyrian uh in my land and on my mountains I will tread him underfoot remember the lie the scripture goes together line upon line precept upon precept but in my mountains mountains are places of power they're places of authority yeah so once you're in Christ I'm gonna do this but once you get on my mountains I'm a trade him underfoot behold I give a loop out to trip on serpents and on scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall but I don't care how they say they catching it nothing and I'm gonna say this to you by the Spirit of God this thing is not airborne that's not how people are catching this as a matter of fact coronavirus it's not new this is not a new virus it has been in the air for some time that's why they're calling it novel novel means new in other words that we've seen this virus this is just a new twist of it but however it twists it was laid on him [Music] [Applause] I gotta get there I gotta get there hella bullsháá let me finish this I will trade them under foot watch this watch this watch this so once you get him Christ and once you start exercising your authority look at the lessor then his yoke shall be removed from you and his burden removed from your shoulder now when I was reading that some time ago Bishop one going when I read his yoke shall be removed when his yoke shall be the move and the burden shall be removed that reminded me of Isaiah 10:27 put up Isaiah 10:27 remember got the scripture go to get the line upon line precept upon precept so here's what he's saying he's saying once you get in Christ and once you start exercising your authority something's going to happen regarding this anointing he says and it shall come to pass in that day that his burns shall be taken from your shoulder and his yoke from your neck and the yoke will be destroyed because of V ah so are we here in Isaiah 14 when he talked about the yoke being removed and the burden being removed he's talking to you about something the anointing does are you here are you here now look at verse 26 he goes he goes on this is the purpose that is purpose against the whole earth what is the purpose because what God says this is what I was telling you before as surely as our purpose that's how things gonna happen and as I thought that's how it's gonna happen so what's gonna happen is I'm gonna bring this whole world to a point where they will recognize that the only answer against these things [Applause] is my anointing and if you don't have my anointing you will not be protected against thing he that I have purposes I thought I am going to make sure that my anointing you see as the most powerful element on earth I am going to make sure before this is over that is why it is not time for people with the anointing to tuck tail and run is not time for Pima with me alone in the high half and act like the world it is not time to judge or condemn the world it is not time to laugh at the calamity of the world it is time to exemplify the superiority and the power of the anointing of Almighty God but if you don't understand the principles that govern the operation then you better stay in the house [Music] watch it watch up I'm almost done I'm almost done I'm almost done I really am we gonna take I'm almost done this is the purpose this is what I purpose my purpose to single out my annoying the people who will not hear my preachers who will turn away their gear at reprove they may not want to hear the preaching they want me not want to hear and teacher but they're gonna see my anointing is the only answer I mean I want to come to church but they're gonna want that anointing now watch watch watch watch this is the purpose that is purposed against the whole earth watch this and this is the hand see this is the hand you want the hand of God it's the anointing God's hand is God's anointing when you have his anointing you have his hand when you know the principles that govern the operation of his anointing you know how to sin his annoyed how to release Izanami are you there no watch and this is the hand that is stretched out over all the nations in other words every ethnic group has access to it there's nobody that can't get it anybody can have it I'm not withholding it from anybody but if you want it you got to come through the door this is why you do not have an assorted sundry of saviours from which to choose if you want his anointing you got to come through his son oh that men would understand that God did not send Jesus here just to save you and get you to heaven he sent Jesus here to teach you how to operate in the principles that govern the anointing so that nothing that comes up on the earth could shake you I'm almost done I'm almost done but you know I'm hoping I can do this again next week but if I don't get a chance to do it the next week I'm gonna make sure you are loaded so give me a minute I'm not gonna be much longer what time is it it's somebody said it's over time bishop it's over time well ain't no game to go wash [Applause] this the best show in town I did [Applause] [Applause] ladies now's the time to talk to your husband whenever you gotta talk yes listen listen but when I think that who would have imagined no basketball no baseball no soccer no anywhere on the planet I'm just I'm just pointing out someone wants your attention [Music] my son akin to my work pay attention no game to watch pay attention to my work I'm done almost done this is the hand that has stretched out over all the nations so to watch this so Jesus says when all these things are happening this gospel yeah that teaches people how to function in the principles that govern the operation of the anointing is gonna have to be preached people are gonna have to know how to operate the anointing from their home aboard a bastion they're gonna have to know how to stay under the shadow from the house they're gonna they're gonna have to know how to go out on a public bus on a public train they're gonna have to know how to go into the marketplace and already before they left the house have released the principles that govern the operation of the anointing so they know that all day they're under the shed [Music] and not yet son if that would be a wonderful place normally give me a minute I just need a couple minutes I [Music] told you years ago that the day will come for this gospel will not only save your soul it'll save your life I wish I had somebody who could hear the gospel your Sam is not what displeases God he knew you were gonna do that he's handled that what this pleases him is when you refuse to trust his remedy what this pleases him is when you think your past is more powerful than his women [Music] you
Channel: Bishop McClendon
Views: 22,605
Rating: 4.897233 out of 5
Id: Q9Ljaboqn3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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