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well if you'll be the most blessed person to not let your a man come locked under lift your right hands to heaven let's pray together Jesus we honor you and we honor you in your exalted place thank you for the privilege of learning the privilege of being imparted and the privilege of growing in the knowledge of Christ tonight I thank you that we grow in grace and we grow in knowledge a decree that whatever is not planted by God in this house is rooted out every yoke everybody in is destroyed build and equip your people by the integrity of your world and nobody lives here the same way they came we give you praise and glory for answer prayer in Jesus precious name and every believer sees a man locked under lift your right hands to heaven let's release our feet together to say these words I am born of God I am born of the world the Word of God is my nature I do not struggle to do the world I do the world naturally they are for tonight I will understand the word of His grace I will be built up by the end of this service I will never be the same again never ever be the same again in Jesus name and every believer says hey Malik Ronda give Jesus his shout and appraise of victory glory you can be seated in the heavenlies praise God for evermore I'm excited to be with you tonight and very excited I was actually telling myself that if there's no press of after tonight tomorrow I'm going to acts Reverend Steve what has happened in appraisal I was actually thinking that in my mind and then he beat me to it tonight what a great one a great apostle of Jesus Christ in this house let's celebrate apostille Steve and the first lady of this house thank you sir Thank You MA thank you for your label thank you for what you do what you represent in the kingdom of God we truly salute your labor and salute your heart for the small thank you again can we celebrate this great great apostle of Jesus Christ celebrate him and celebrate the first lady of the house let's do it very well tonight glory to God amen I said to people all over the world that the second greatest blessing God has given to any charge outside Jesus is a pastor without a pastor you have no pasture they are the reason why we're here tonight to enjoy the word of His grace so we truly celebrate and salute you and the leadership of this ministry the choir you guys really touched me tonight man that song got to me tonight let's celebrate this this great big great choir this great ministry praise God got to see prophet Gilbert thank you man who celebrates you appreciate you thank you for what you represent and what you're doing for the kingdom of God I'm very proud of what God is using you to do amen all right my books are here I will encourage you if you've not gotten the books get them they will change your life but but this is very important this particular book is a book I've been preaching from there's so much in this book and they don't have it understand but I'm sure they will have it by tomorrow I'm going to encourage every one of you to get a copy of this book is titled life before the cross and life after the cross very very dangerous material and then of course don't forget to get the triple G applause music story very powerful it will minister to you and all those that are connected to you can I hear powerful amen all right are you ready for the Word of God let's let's get into it tonight the book of first Corinthians chapter 1 verse number 18 where we have been teaching and ministering from from the frosty the power of the Cross first Corinthians chapter 1 verse 18 from verse 18 I'm gonna read a few verses tonight for the preaching of the Cross so if it is not the cross it is not preaching it is preaching it will be of the Cross is to them that perish foolishness but unto us which are saved it is the power of God when the cross is preached power is preached there is no power outside the cross any power outside the cross is inferior the real power is the preaching of the cross now it's amazing to know that God's power is buried in a message the power of God is buried in a message so if the message is not preached God's power will not be known because the power is in the preaching of the Cross and the preaching is a message the Bible tells us it has pleased God that through the foolishness of preaching to save through the foolishness of preaching to save it has pleased God that through the foolishness of preaching what preaching the preaching of the Cross now we said that the cross is a symbol of the message the message of his death his burial his resurrection last night brother Paul we read he said I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures and that he was buried and that he rose again according to the scriptures we sang rumors of the four verse 25 he was delivered for our offenses and raised again for our justification now pay attention that self is Corinthians chapter 1 verse 19 first Corinthians 1:19 for it is written I will destroy the wisdom of the wise and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent next verse next verse we are is the wise we are is the scribe where is the disputer of this world where are the philosophers where are the academicians where are the intellectuals he says but God had not God made foolish the wisdom of this world now I'm going somewhere next verse for after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not god with all their wisdom they don't know God professors they don't know God double professors malaria can kill them they don't know God PhD science come on malaria knock them off they don't know God with all their intellectualism they can handle a demon just a simple team on that didn't go to school it's going to be brutal this night so it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe preaching is foolish somebody's dying of cancer the doctors have done everything not in is happening and a man of God see in kalamoon a catana be healed it looks foolish but that's power gaga gaga gaga gaga am i talking to somebody here that is power it has please called the true the foolishness of preaching he will save them that belief how will they believe by preaching how will they receive by preaching so no preacher no salvation that's why if a preacher does not preach the masses are lost so the salvation of man is in the hand of man the salvation of man is in the hand of man why man died man was buried man rose man gave to man the message to preach to man missing is man's business man sold out brought back first atom man sold out second Adam Jesus but but but Adam man preaches the gospel there are three atoms there are three atoms Jesus is a I mean Adam is the first Adam Jesus the Incan it is the second Adam the last Adam after that Adam no other other Adam is the new creation the man that is born of God is the last Adam that is to say the born again man is a display of the creativity the ingenuity all of God's resources are manifested in a born-again man God can never create anything better than a born again man under if I'm talking to somebody here do you know what you took god to produce a born again man hey politan man is not a Jew is not a gentle a born-again man is a new kind of humanity that never existed before look our God he brought a Jewish man he brought a Gentile he combined them together out of them produce another kind of humanity called upon akima the born-again man is not a Jew is not a Gentile is a kind of beam that never existed before therefore he cannot have generational curses he never existed before if any man be in Christ he is that word nuclear amis especially a new species of being a new breed a new race without a record of the past he is not connected to his biological family they got born again there was a disconnection now he's a member of the royal family you're a chosen generation you're a peculiar people you're a holy nation called out of darkness into his marvelous light to show the praises of God I thought somebody was shot under why you're talking about the salvation of man is in man that's why they cannot be saved until the cpricci and the preacher is a man it has please God they are through the foolishness of preaching by men men are saved yes man is a common denominator man died man was buried marrows man ascended man glorified man preaches because God knows him die man died God does him die man died who is the man that died the man that came out of Genesis 1:26 I started dealing with that from the first day Genesis 1:26 when God said let us make man in our image he wasn't talking of Adam Adam is not the man that was made in the image of God because the epistles which is the revelation of Scripture remember again the epistles are the revelation of Scripture because the Old Testament is scripture the New Testament is a revelation the Old Testament is the New Testament concealed the New Testament is the Old Testament revealed the Old Testament is Jesus concealed the New Testament is Jesus revealed the Old Testament is types shadows prophecies promises the New Testament is the types shadows prophecies promises fulfilled the Old Testament was physical the New Testament is spiritual in the Old Testament they use anointing oil in the New Testament we have the Holy Ghost in the Old Testament they kill animals in the New Testament Jesus is the Lamb of God I feel a camp Richard in the Old Testament in the Old Testament Daniel will pray for three weeks to get an answer in the New Testament before you call I will answer [Applause] am i preaching here in the Old Testament they offered an animal every year to kavadi Essenes because God knew that man doesn't have what it takes to pay for sin so the best he could give them under the Old Testament was the atonement what was the atonement God gave them ten commandments because he asked for then with the Ten Commandments he gave them six hundred and twenty laws to regulate the Ten Commandments making a six hundred and thirty and if you break one you break all God did that intentionally because she knows man cannot keep it and he didn't one man to keep it God never wanted you to keep the Ten Commandments and he knew you cannot keep it so he gave you what you cannot keep so that you are defeated and when you are defeated what do you do you look up to God for salvation am i teaching here now when we give them he knew they could not keep it in the same Excel of twenty he said since man cannot keep it let's establish for him a way of escape so that when he breaks the Ten Commandments instead of dying he can escape the dead how animal sacrifice so in the same Exodus 20 God instituted the Levitical priesthood what was the Levitical priesthood like it was a priesthood of men so that every year when you sin against God just get a good goat keep the good healthy as you are sinning feed the good as your sinning protects the good keep feeding the good because that God is a savior at the end of the year you chuck your goods and bring to the priest then the priest will examine the goats the priests will examine the goat if the God meets all requirements the priests will tell the Cena go the priests does not examine the sinner he examines the coach [Applause] the priest does not examine the Cena he examines the coach if the good miss requirement the Cena goes now then the priest will kill the good put the good on the altar it was called the brazen altar okay because there was a tabernacle itta Bena committed hands according to the pattern that was shown to Moses on the mound what was that a burn ago that the Baloch was a typology of God living among men because God never wants to live out of men God wants to live with men but seem very difficult for God to live with men so God said okay since you are always seeming outside a few let me create an independent tabernacle we are offerings and sacrifices should be offered so I can live among men now the tabernacle was sectioned into 3d apartments there was the outer court there was the holy place there was the Holy of Holies and in these three apartments there were certain pieces of furniture and each of the piece of furniture represented Christ again the Bible is Jesus's book outside in the outer court was the brazen altar then the brazen lover you cross into the Holy of Holies the table of shewbread the golden candle stand the altar of incense you cross over to the Holy of Holies the Ark of the Covenant with the messy seat on top of the ark with the cherubims of glory overshadowing the mercy seat now watch from outside to the list in the turban in the tabernacle was all Jesus in typology everything was Jesus I can prove it is very cheaply when they bring the animal the animal will be killed and put on the altar that authorized the brazen altar then the priests will wash their bloody hands in the brazen lava then they will cross in to the holy place to prepare for sacrifice the high priest once a year once a year will come to offer the sacrifice and that day is a sack because if the sacrifices are accepted Israel will be there seems to be covet they will win against the enemies things will be well but if their sacrifices are rejected the priests will die so Israel will be without a priest they have to look for a new priest and for that here they will lose all battles they will lose the harvest and every sin you've committed before that day will be visited on them so it was a sacred moment and their future and hope dependent on the priest and the good it didn't depend on them their success they are victory they are triumph they are blessing depended on this priest and the good can I walk it it depended on the priest and the good so the high priests were a white robe no shoes nothing and then he will walk with a chain on his waist because nobody can go in there if you join him you die in there so here were now when the sacrifices are offered there will be another good called the scapegoat they will bring the scapegoat the priest will lay hands on the good and confess all the sins of Israel on that good then they will carry the go to a valley and release the code and go to go out of Israel with the sins of the land now with that they have settled the land but that's not the end because God has to be settled so that is where the priests were now walked into the Holy of Holies with the blood that has been offered and he will now present it in the Holy of Holies if it's accepted if it is accepted fire will come down consume the sacrifice if it is not accepted the priest will fall down dead in the red for some minutes they don't see the priests coming out they will use the chain to drag him out and for that year Israel is in trouble because before God this fire and all over a land nothing is working now dr. banner coal was a type of Jesus the brazen altar was Jesus because Jesus is our animal sacrifice Jesus is our animal sacrifice the brazen lava is Jesus because the Bible calls Jesus the washing of water by the word so when when the animal is suffered Jesus when they wash their hand Jesus when you come into the holy place the alt the golden candle stand is Jesus the light of the world the table of shewbread is Jesus the bread of life the altar of incense is Jesus he ever liveth to make intercession for us so Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus now when you cross over to the holy of holies the act of the Covenant was Jesus because I taught you'd order day that you and God don't have the covenant the Covenant is Jesus and God so the app of covenant was Jesus then the mercy seat is Jesus is Jesus because Jesus is the basis for our message that's what we come to the throne of grace and obtain mercy on that throne there's a man sitting there his name is Grace when you meet grace he gives you messy now listen what is Grace what is Messi Messi is God saying you are your deserved death but go you won't die so Massey denies me what I deserve grace is God same you don't deserve it but take it so messy denies me what I deserve grace gives me what I don't deserve so when you come to the throne of grace the man sitting on the throne his name is Grace you obtain mercy you find grace just like that tabernacle was a type of Jesus in the New Testament Jesus today is our sacrifice it is our water he is our light he is our bread he is our intercessor he is our covenant he is our messy but he is no more in a physical building called Habana now your body is that Habana the body here is outer court your soul is holy please your spirit is holy of holies I'm teaching here so now God does emit a physical building you are the Temple of the Holy Ghost see here you see here you now so Jesus was the scapegoat Jesus was the sacrificial lamb and Jesus was the high priest so Jesus is two goats in one and the priest in the sympathy how do we know that follow me pay attention get back to first Corinthians I'm going somewhere first Corinthians 1:19 so it has pleased God through the foolishness of preaching first corinthians 1:19 for it is written I will destroy the wisdom otherwise and will bring to naught the understanding of the prudent next vas we are is the wise and where is the scribe where is the disputer of this world hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world next verse next verse 4 after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not god it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe next verse for the Jews require a sign Jewish people don't believe that Jesus died they are still waiting for Jesus so for you to convince a Jewish man you must produce a sign you must do something if Jewish people don't see miracles they don't believe your message so they require a sign and the Greeks seek after wisdom which the Christians don't look for sign you must convince them by intellectual reasoning that means there is no future for illiterates in Christianity the gospel that we are preaching now requires a lot of knowledge so started to show yourself unto God a workman that needs not to be ashamed it's a serious matter the earlier you subscribed to knowledge the safer for your future the victims of this generation will be illiterates elite race was suffer in the hands of native doctors who we are suit and tie because only an elite rates will be deceived by a native doctor you know the native doctors are no more in the village because people have left the village so business has closed for them in the village so since everybody has left the village to the city they - they have come to the city rebranded so if you are waiting to genitive doctor with a nightgown and chewing stick the anomaly they have also upgraded that we are suit there we are tied that we are perfume they drive in a motorcade will pilot an escort so you need discernment you need what listen in darkness anything goes but when light begins to shine anything does not go with knowledge descent man becomes sharp when a man is preaching on you look at him you don't need one hour to know within a few minutes you can decipher whether this is of God or not because that was the spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit that we are the sons of God if I'm preaching shout I hear you say the time shall come they shall not endure sound doctrine sound doctrine the words sound is the Greek word wholesome is a Greek word healthy doctrine he said the time will come where in that time people don't want doctrine people just want razzmatazz you know razzmatazz you entire place and razzmatazz them xie xie xie everybody's fallen you razzmatazz them and that is it whether you preach or not they already satisfied score as matters but reverence stay with you if you check carefully every time Jesus did miracles people celebrated him but when he taught doctrine they left him 5th Kristin's don't like doctrine in our church I tell them if you don't come for Bible study or not a member of this church you are just a mere acoustica because genuine members want to study the Bible and find out who crises look at it when Jesus was giving them bread and fishes the number was increasing 5,000 and then they multiplied then when they came the second time he said to them eat my flesh drink my blood let's look at this man you think I want to eat your flesh you want to make us flesh eat us they got angry and left everybody left Jesus's Church closed down everybody left when it was the miracles people increased when he started teaching doctrine they left any Church we are members can sit down like a sitting down to be taught is a solid choice [Applause] [Music] you want to know a flimsy charge if it is not breakthrough Bonanza miracle fiesta you know if you put believers heritage is a hairy one but if you put by prophecy by fire [Music] no doctrine and you know if you remove doctrine from Christianity we have looked least anything what makes Christianity Christianity is doctrine that's right the way to know a man of God is doctrine he said count them worthy of double honor they who label in word and doctrine that's how to know a man of God a man of God is a Libra because to teach and to take time and teach like this is label is label if it's to throw people down there's not too much walk not too much work look I'm not a small boy in ministry I'm not a good copper I've been in this deal for decades to throw people down is not walk it's just to create an atmosphere create an atmosphere but to teach and to teach and make sure people are not sleeping his water [Music] to teach and make sure people are not sleeping amateur people are understanding is work labor to even study to have what to say is level then to deliver and deliver well is leper decidable say give them double are no honor is not a no is salary [Music] got punished the death or if you're catching my flu shot I hear I hear some you know when Jesus give them bread and fish they cut out when he said it's my flesh they left then he turned to the turf and said won't you go hear what Peter said to whom shall we go we didn't come for bread and fish we came for the word of life you have the word of life that's what we're here we're not here for miracles we're here for the word of life one day Jesus said I am my father i won they took stone he said okay wait wait don't turn me now why are you stoning me for which of my miracle stone the same miracle we lack miracle in fact give us more miracle we don't stone you for Miroku but that you a man makest yourself God that's what we stone you then Jesus said is it not written in your law that I have said that you are gods and if you call them gods unto whom the Word of God came and the scripture cannot be broken so the coming of God's Word into a man makes a God out of that man I don't if I'm talking to somewhere here when the word n tells you the entrance of the world produces a God out of you because in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god DeMarre world demo god am i preaching tonight if you're hearing me shot i hear [Music] so when a judge can end your doctrine there are matured people maturity in christianity is no miracles maturity in Christianity is establishment in world see we don't seek miracle jesus said an evil generation seek for miracles so if you see anybody sick America is an evil person I didn't say it Jesus said it an evil generation seek for miracles then he said and none shall be given to them jesus said none shall be given to them except the sign of Jonas what is the son of Jonas Jonah in the belly of the fish three days and three nights what was that a typology of death burial and resurrection that means the greatest miracle in the church is the message of his death his burial and his resurrection why when he died I died when he was buried I was buried when he rose I rose when he ascended I ascended where he's glorified I'm glorified where he's seated I'm seated what he has I have what he can do I can do I am in him he is in me when you know that you will tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the devil and nothing child by animage taught you somebody shout I hear we don't seek for miracles we seek for Christ the more we know Christ's miracles follow us the more we know Christ the basket Allah am I talking to somebody if you're hearing me shouts ah here let me push this the let me push this these signs shall follow those shall follow you don't follow signs you follow Jesus signs follow you while I'm busy going after Christ miracles are happening naturally because a born-again man is a union of immortality in mortality you carry immortality in your immortality that's why you shall drink that little it shall not hurt you why immortality in mortality you're not an ordinary man whatsoever is born of God being born again not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible seed by the Word of God of his own will begat he us by the water truth that we should be a kind of firstfruits you're pregnant with date in your humanity you are the house of immortality God lives in you he doesn't visit you you are the abode of God he said I am my father will come into you and we shall make ourself manifest so when Kristen special miracles is an insert on your identity miracle should pursue you you do miracles at will when you are a born citizen you are a man at the same time immortal citizen so when you operate on it like a man and then you confront situations that are higher than a man you switch you operate from the supernatural you make miracles happen when you finish you come back that's a Nicodemus circle Jesus no man can do these things that thou doest except God be with him jesus said Nicodemus it's not about doing except a man be it is what you be that determines what you do it is what you be that determines what you do if you don't get born again you cannot do to do you must be born so your but determines your exploits born again is not a cliche born again is the amalgamation of deity with humanity it is the union of immortality with immortality it is the marriage of divinity with humanity when divinity marries humanity in a body it is called Balaji there's a man like Paul will carry a venomous serpent venomous and hold it and they're waiting for him to die he throws it away they wait and wait and wait and wait and wait the man is not dead they change their mind they say this man is a God there are some of you in Accra they are changing their mind they thought it was over but a new chapter has just started for you who am I talking to in this building if you're the one shot glory sedan crucial a shot I am in charge so get back get back Abba the Jews require a sign the Greeks require a wisdom to convince Christians you need wisdom they are poor intellectual they are philosophers you know people like people like blood you these are philosophers you can go deal with kindergarten knowledge they will actually Sean that will paralyze your Christianity yes everyone if I ask you now some of you dear are told in this place if I just ask you and it's a very simple question but I can almost be sure there are people here that can answer that question you meet him Muslim and you say Jesus is the Son of God and a Muslim see how can you say Jesus is the Son of God does God have your wife then you tell you don't talk like that he says no no no you said Jesus is the Son of God for a man to have this song him and his wife must live together and for you to see God as his son what you're simply saying is a God had candle knowledge of a woman that's why it doesn't make sense when you say to a Muslim that Jesus is the Son of God it doesn't make sure because God you don't have the wife and course you don't have children by Natura both so if the if a Muslim not ask you that and you can't answer that you can't even july's yes paralyzed your witness in fact if you choke you will add another one and make you start doubting whether you really listen so let me answer it before I proceed so in case you meet them after tonight you can look at their managers be eating and not while you're Elsa why is Jesus called the Son of God he is called the Son of God because Jesus is God who became a man to save man so since Jesus is God compressed in mortality Jesus is God trapped in time Jesus is God trapped in matter trapped in matter so when date becomes trapped in humanity the amalgamation of daily with humanity is called son of God is not son of God as in natural birth his son of God as in amalgamation of daily with humanity how do you prove that John 1:12 as many as received deity in their humanity he gives them power to be called sons of God so why is Jesus son of God because Jesus is God who became Emma so when God became trapped in matter dad brought that make his concern of God it's not like it's not like God gave but it's that God's stepped down God stepped down he stepped down because God couldn't have come to earth as God he will shatter the planet he's too much for this planet too much you know I was preaching some and I told him God doesn't live in heaven he doesn't need heaven because heaven is a planet heaven is too small to contain God God doesn't live in heaven and somebody said what did you say that I said because that's exactly what the Bible teaches God doesn't live in heaven and somebody says can you walk it why not why not Genesis 1:1 put it up can we read like him a squire Genesis 1:1 can we read one two go in the beginning God created heaven and there so there was a day called beginning so before that day called beginning when God created heaven and earth before that day we are was God [Applause] we are ever God was that is where God is because he says I am the Lord I'll change it am i teaching now so now somebody says so since God doesn't live in heaven number one why was heaven created I will answer in a few minutes but before that then we are does God really live well brother Paul give us an idea brother Paul said God is the immortality that dwelleth in unapproachable light which no man has ever seen no will ever see we are God dwells in unapproachable when you look is light that blinds your eye so you take away your eyes then somebody asked me so then if God doesn't live in heaven why did Jesus say pray after this manner our Father which art in heaven good question but the baton was the rig I was angry he didn't ask me like a student who want to learn he asked me like a professor who is rebuking a student so I said to him when people like us talk don't access questions with arrogance because before we said what we said we took time to think through the process so do you want me to teach you or what do you want it's ok teach math ahead of what you should have said don't harass me ax be humbly because to learn you need meekness Haga Baha so why did Jesus say pray after this manner our Father which art in heaven can I answer that John chapter 3 verse 10 let the Bible and sight John 3:10 jesus answered and said unto him thou a master of Israel and knowest not distinct Nicodemus he was talking to Nick at night next verse verily verily I say unto thee we speak that we do know and testify that we have seen and you receive not our witness next verse if I have told you of earthly things like born again and you believe not how shall you believe if I tell you of heavenly things now tomorrow morning we shall be talking heavenly things to be very brutal here in the morning nano clock okay now so Jesus is saying if I'm using born again born again which are actually illustrations and you're confused supposing I used to loo to [Music] are you still here next verse just follow next verse jicama Naga and no man hath ascended up to heaven no ma yesterday we said to Enoch Elijah didn't go to heaven Jesus is establishing it here no man had ascended up to heaven but he that came down from heaven now I need my intelligence to come alive now because something is about to break out if you follow even the Son of Man which is in heaven he didn't say the Son of Man which was which was he said the Son of Man which is that means even though I am with you here now I am still in heaven meaning I operate well citizenship so meaning when the Jesus here said pray our Father in ever it was him pray to me but you couldn't tell them pray to me because if you are told and bled to me they will kill him and it doesn't want to die before his time so he said Oh spare tire guy ever [Applause] and my preacher if you're understanding shout I hear I hear now back to Corinthians back to Corinthians back 2 Corinthians first Corinthians chapter one for the Jews require a sign and the Greeks seek after wisdom next verse cubed agha but will preach we bridge shouted like you know what we preach unto the Christ crucified we preach Christ Christ Christ the power is in the cross unto the Jews a stumbling-block the cross and unto the Greeks foolishness why is the cross in stumbling block to a Jewish man because the cross was an abomination the only people you put on the cross and people who are to serve capital punishment this criminals that are independent when a criminal is only painted and a disaster to the society the only way they used to judge him in is then was cross they turn on me 21 22 let me show you that Deuteronomy 21 22 watch this was the law of Moses Deuteronomy 21 22 bless your heart on the computer and if a man has committed a sin worthy of death and he'll be to be put to death and now hang him on a tree next verse his body shall remain all night upon that tree but thou shalt in any wise bury him that day for he that his hand is a cost of God that I'll and be not defiled which the LORD thy God giveth D funny he returns so when they brought Jesus to Pilate Pilate said gentlemen do you know what it means to crucify a man this man as far as I have done investigation anything wrong in him okay wait should I release Barabbas because Barabbas was a notorious criminal shall I release Barabbas so this man can go free let you know instead give us Barabbas let him be stealing from us but kill this man why was the killing what has it own He healed the sick he kept eyes to the blind he has never broken a law when they stopped him to pay tax he paid tax he's not a criminal but in his mission his mission was to pay sin for criminals so when they were condemning him they didn't know what they were doing that's a Corinthians you see had the princes of this world known they will not have crucified the Lord of glory that means they were killing Jesus without knowing why if they knew they wouldn't have killed him they will have giving him protection and kept him alive and there'll be no salvation so that is like in the wisdom of God he turned the cross to be foolishness to the wise I don't know if I'm teaching here so now why is the cross a stumbling block to the Jew a man that dies on the cross is a criminal he cannot be a savior he can be civil how can a man who died on the cross how can I come and preach to me that this guy who died already on a cross where only capital punishment is given to two criminals that are only Penta that's why he died then you now come and tell me he is my Savior it doesn't make sense my man can't take it that's the Jewish man then to the Greek to tell them that the cross paid for your sin does not make intellectual sense you look like I was getting one guy baptized with the Holy Ghost this guy is very intelligent educated guy first of all it took me time to get him to relax you know some people when it's time to pray in the spirit they are very conscious instead of praying in tongues your plain English thank you Father glory glory because they think they are too much so I got the guy to relax that when he relaxed and I showed him the love of God shut with him about the Holy Spirit then an oxime to lift his hands and begin to tango the moment it is a man what rubbish am i speaking now I said as a rubbish you need for your life the more foolish your tongues the more powerful the more foolish your talks the more powerful in Kaka Kaka and okay great peggeleh charata Kalama is this fire conference yah yah yah yah yah yah aiyah what more lakum somebody shot holy girls there must repeat your tongues they must be rich one don't try to make them sound nice there's no niceness about Hans for he does picket in tongues speaketh not unto men but unto God happy it in the spirit he speaketh mysteries somebody shot Laura intellectuals can't handle spiritual things because they are too educated you tell them say thank you Jesus is what are we talking him for tell them speak in tongues I said well when the Spirit comes on my own I can speak because that is too stupid but when the Spirit comes so that's why when intellectuals speak in tongues is how they speak foolish people like coca-cola Gaga Somali children or oco-2 me long ago no takaka show Kannada as your ma will come like Honda rule over Devils learn alive take charge of your wall somebody's our holy girls to deduce foolishness to the Greek a stumbling block but unto us that received Christ the wisdom and the power of God somebody shot I hear you so the message of the Cross therefore is the message of his death his burial and his resurrection now listen carefully dad dad was not his dead dad that was my death that barrier was not his barrier that barrier was my barrier he was wounded for our transgressions bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him by His stripes we are healed he took my place I take his place he died my bed I have his life he went to hell I go to heaven he took sickness I take health he was rejected I am accepted he cried I laugh he was a man of sorrow I have the joy of the Holy Ghost I don't know if I'm talking to somebody here that debt exempted me from death by the death of Jesus I will not die again okay give me five moments Hebrews chapter 2 verse 14 Hebrews 2:14 pay attention for as much then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood he also himself likewise took part of the same that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death that is the devil in destroying Satan Jesus had to die you know what Jesus did since that I was going around killing everybody Jesus trapped dead hell dead took death so death thought it has caught Christ so they thought that killed Christ so Christ swallowed dead and died with death then he carried that with him to the grave two of them were together in the grave then he destroyed dead in the grave then on the third day he rose triumphant now he said I am the resurrection I am the life I have the keys of death the kiss of death and no more with Satan the kiss of death our Jesus he has the keys your enemy does he have the key anymore the kiss in the hand of your brother so you don't die anymore somebody say can you prove why not Hebrews 9:26 God punished the devil for them for them mercy often have suffered since the foundation of the world but now once and in the end of the world had he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself next verse even as it is appointed unto men once to die how many appointment one every man every man born of a woman has one appointment with death every man it is appointed and let me also when you have one appointment and you keep it do you have another one no so we all have one appointment with death and most times Christians use that verse for burial that debt is not be real debt that death is separation from God which Adam on our behalf established that's where nobody is born poor Nicky we're all born is see the one we grew we now receive the knowledge of Christ we are now born again are we here before we are born again we are dead because hid and give us that appointment so Jesus partook of the same how do we know that Hebrews 2:9 hebrews chapter 2 verse 9 watch this but we see Jesus Oh glory to God we see Jesus who was made a little lower than the Angels for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor that he by the grace of God should taste death for everyone so that appointment that all of us were supposed to keep with dead Jesus came kept it on our behalf so we are dead don't have appointment that's the way you got born again you pass from death to life now said the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set me free from the law of sin and I'm free I don't die anymore I will never die you me I will never die so somebody say what are you talking about I'm talking about immortality some say but what will you do with mortality exactly when I'm tired of mortality mortality I will sleep I won't die when I'm tired of mortality I will sleep and you don't sleep by force you sleep by choice when I am tired of mortality I will sleep nobody sleeps by force we all sleep by choice my last daughter looks very much like me okay very much if you sit Mia you would think well you know her brother sometimes I get confused just like that so this my little gay very intelligent very sharp I think she asked my brain she's very sharp I'm sure her mother may be watching her so when it's night years ago I'm gonna tell her child go and sleep she said yes mommy she'll get into a room she will cover herself then when nobody is there she open the blanket she woke area thinks I'm clear it when she has people coming your cover will go up she open so one day I cut her I said what Ryan was distraught I said no baby I cannot distract your mother if your mother catches you even a little child knows that you don't sleep by force you slip by choice somebody say but can't sickness drive me from this life no sickness doesn't have what it takes to take you out of this world no matter the sickness when it comes when you cut a momentum and you remember what you carry you defeated I'm serious HIV doesn't kill it is fear that kills cancer doesn't kill it is fear that kills that's like Jesus destroyed him that had the power of death which is fear that's what God has not given to us the spirit of fear when people die in the hospital as medical doctor some of them may be here why did it I do say he gave up he didn't fight harder when people fight hard they can be they can be so sick and yet alive for two years know that because they are fighting and some of them overcome this is his or her power to take you out know especially when apology that's a man spirit shall sustain his infirmity suitable are a Cabana your spirit your spirit your spiritual healer buddy that's a wind sickness come speak in tongues the surrender we'll enter data sickness who carries no their owner will somebody shot I have immortality in my mortality so again I have immortality in my mortality have you not read if the spirit that raised Christ from the dead - unless in your mortal body he shall became a napolitana somebody shot holy girls prophet a woman that watches my TV broadcast was diagnosed of cancer stage four when medical science tells you cancer stage forward they're saying prepare your load for death they can even tell you how many days you have left that level of sickness she said when the doctors told she told him thank you that's all I needed she came back and sat down with my messages if it is not in Christ it is not in me he cannot be sick I cannot be sick he cannot die I cannot die she said she kept repeating those things till the reality of the message became more real than the cancer when the message became more real than the cancer the pain started disappearing the pain started disappearing we had it on camera she came to our office I said the testimony openly on television then she now went back to Houston after some weeks the doctors did tests they won they said something is not right she said doctor what is not I said come back tomorrow she came the next day they did tests this is something is wrong right she said look doctor what is no right they say madam one more day please we will tell you tomorrow she came the Toddie they did all their tests adenosine Madame something does in a drop we have examined you totally not even is of cancer Lucas you know what the Bible means the Bible said but you beloved praying in the Holy Ghost the amplified said rising higher and higher like an edifice that means when you begin to pray he gamma zocalo Nicola Kurata Kurata Kurata Kurata if the problem is like this Kurata karateka muzhik aya Kurata Kurata after sometimes you'll be higher than the problem am I talking to somebody here Akashic Allah banka banka somebody shot Holly girls no money your pocket put your hands in the pocket hiccup a so hiccup a so he gave a so big Amazo Nick Amaro hey got Mucca Mucca Mucca pega pega haga I receive I receive mega Megillah he that is from above is above all as well mmm will come locked under tonight I deeply you learn of a situations [Applause] stand with me let me close down with me tonight listen listen listen carefully as around Oh listen carefully death does not have power to take you out Jesus destroyed him that had did you see that had he had he doesn't have Jesus destroyed him that had the power of death which is the devil and I said the keys of death and hell in my hands so that bevel can take you out so do you know that everybody that died in the New Testament who was his saint they died by choice they died by choice which is sleep actually it wasn't that it was sleep because Jesus try to introduce it but they could understand you see our friend Lazarus is sleeping believers don't die we sleep and you sleep by choice not sleep by force nobody pushes out on you see ok let me sleep are you following his choice look up brother Paul before I get into all of that brother Paul one day said I'm in a street between two whether to go or to stay I'm trying to make up my mind should I go or should I stay dead dead dead come here stand here when I make my decision for me to live is Christ and to die is gain if I stay you will be encouraged if I go you may be discouraged I will stay dead get out where you understand what I'm preaching one day they carry Prada poor they stoned him and told him he collapsed the tortillas died when they left he stood up and claimed his body by the next day he was teaching in the synagogue then one day brother Paul said I have fought a good fight I have kept the faith henceforth he's left for me a crown of righteousness which the Lord shall give to me and not to me only but to all those who love his appearing then he said I am now ready to be offered does to say that you can come now that means nobody takes you out until you decide let me prove another one Stephen Stephen they were a stoning Stephen liberal stoning Stephen instead of dying he said I just saw a vision stones are falling on the man he's in a vision I see the Son of God standing by the right hand of God Wow this vision is too much father forgive this before they know not what they are doing into your hands I commit my spirit and he gave up the ghost they didn't collect the ghost he gave it up what about Jesus himself Father forgive them they know not what they are doing into your hands I commit my spirit and he gave up the ghost they didn't collect it that means as a believer you don't live this world by force you'll live this world by choice no matter the sickness you tell the sickness I will see your end because I am here to stay I'm teaching here some say that well we don't know how long we shall stay no not you you should know how long do you wanna stay you should know how long you want to stay you know your assignment so because you know your assignment then you know how long do you want to stay your limit if you don't have an assignment if you still have an assignment no devil can take you out except you don't know who you are death and life are in the power of the tongue you decide I won't die dare to say I'm sorry I'm teaching here we're talking about the ring of life the Bible says through the gospel life and immortality is brought to light that is when the gospel is preached life and immortality is revealed it's revealed it's revealed so no devil take you out get rid of fear you're not a victim you can't just go like that no you are here to make a mark that cannot be erased somebody shouts ah here you are you blessed tonight lift your right hand shot very much I have immortality in my mortality I am born of God the life of God lives on my insult sickness dance failure I sad you you notice you cannot operate around me here Leslie I am budgeted price this body is the temple of the Holy Ghost immortality is at work in my mortality every imperfection in my body I flush you out body I speak to you be strong be healthy be well for our assignment I thought our here is dangerous women and I speak over you tonight as your ma will come latona every struggle around your life I command you to stop every strong peace be still peace be still peace be still I declare tonight every conspiracy of the enemy to embarrass you a common embarrassment stop stop stop stop you will never see shame tomato tomahto Mirada pallava regatta jacala merit as a American Latona manifest authority demonstrate to mean you learn in life learn in life learn in life in Jesus precious name can I determine like Tunde [Applause]
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Id: PXl54hJmSlw
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Length: 71min 37sec (4297 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2017
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