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[Music] feel the power welcome to righteous invasion of truth with dr ebel damina [Music] welcome to the most exciting event on television riot righteous invasion of truth presented by the power broadcasting network ebell damina is my name i want to welcome you to the broadcast today hey listen it's going to be an exciting broadcast the word of god is going to come with power and accuracy you want to grab your pen your notebook and your bible and get ready for the teaching of god's word then one more thing share the video get somebody to hook up to this broadcast this will change the person's life remember that i have books i have written and the latest of the books is every man a minister you want to order for a copy of that book it will change your life the details to order are on the screen right now then one more thing usa and canada usa and canada power city international usa and canada we have a conference coming up and i want to invite every one of you in america canada those of you in europe and the united kingdom and the rest of the world you don't want to miss this conference it's coming up from the 7th to the 8th of october then the 9th and the 10th the reason why the dates are separate is because the first two days 7 and eight is the international school of ministry i'll be ministering and training ministers believers and disciples to do the work of ministry equipping the saints for the work of ministry remember hear the descended he said that i set it up on high he gave gifts to men for the perfected not the entertaining the perfecting of the saints to do the work of ministry because second timothy brother paul says to timothy study the words pudasu that is the diligent to show yourself are proved unto god a workman that needs not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth you don't want to miss it for anything under the sun the conference in america is going to be holding at laurel maryland the doubletree by hilton hotel they are in laurel maryland now the dates again will be the 7th the 8th the 9th and the 10th of october now the details are coming on the screen those of you don't live in america you have people in america reach out to them ask them to attend this conference it will change their lives forever especially after all the covet things that have happened around the world it's time to get back and be fired up fired up for what god wants to do with you find out for what god is doing in you fired up to be able to follow the plan the purpose and the intent of god for your life once again usa and canada it's your turn it's your conference from the 7th to the 10th of october 7 and 8 school of ministry 9 and 10 the believers convention it's going to be holding in l'oreal maryland at the doubletree by hilton right there in laurel you want to come with your family want to come with your friends tell everybody about the conference here in maryland in fact don't just meet me there beat me there in this conference 2021 if you live in an area where there's no christ-centered church where you can attend and share fellowship with brethren we have campuses all over the world i'd like to encourage you to identify with one or more of our campuses there are phone numbers on the screen right now if you call any of these numbers our people are waiting to direct you and help you identify with the campus that is closest to you it's going to be an exciting service today i'm telling you the power of god the word of god is going to build you up and equip you fasting your seatbelts as i take you on a gospel adventure into that service where the spirit of our god is already moving happy viewing the misunderstood god i'd like you to turn your bibles to the book of second timothy chapter 3 verse number 15 and that from a child that was known the holy scriptures which are able to make the wise unto salvation through faith which is in christ jesus so we have established that salvation is faith in christ jesus faith in christ jesus unlocks the old testament or faith in christ jesus lightens up the old testament the old testament is the holy scriptures the hagio's grammar the holy scriptures the set apart writings or the sacred writing so brother paul says to timothy from a child you have become acquainted you have come to a place of appreciation of the holy scriptures which are able to make the wise unto salvation that the holy scriptures have one mission to make you wise unto salvation and this salvation is through faith which is in christ jesus so we said faith in christ unlocks or unveils the old testament you know one of the reasons god can be easily so misunderstood one of the reasons why god can be so easily discredited or suffer character assassination is because many people don't know god by his word many people don't know god by his word the honor they have said it is imperative that the old testament be explained the old testament must be explained observe he says that the scriptures are able to make the wise unto salvation through faith which is in christ jesus verse 16 now says all scripture all scripture is given by inspiration the word inspiration is a breath of god and is profitable profitable useful or advantageous number one for doctrine the word doctrine is the word scalia which is teaching or explanation the scriptures are profitable only for teaching or explanation so we said the old testament must be explained it's important the reason why you will have a picture of a distorted god is when you read the old testament and it is not explained very important we have said that the old testament shows us man's inconsistent revelation of god the old testament shows us man's inconsistent revelation of god we said the new covenant is the correct impression of god or the new covenant is the express revelation of god in christ so that's why we see that the old testament is the new testament concealed and the new testament is the old testament concealed we've also established that the old testament is jesus concealed and the new testament is jesus revealed we have also said that the old testament is mystery the new testament is revelation mystery means that which needs explanation that which requires explanation so the old testament requires explanation you cannot just read it like that it's got to be explained look at romans chapter 1 verse number 16 for i am not ashamed of the gospel of christ for it is the power of god unto salvation so we have established in our investigation of salvation or investigation of god's power that the gospel is the power of god that the power of god can only be seen within the framework of salvation that the power of god can only be understood within the framework of his grace that the power of god can only be understood in the framework of his mercy and his grace we've also established that the power of god is not for destruction the power of god is for salvation all right so i'm not ashamed of the gospel of christ it is the power of god unto salvation now we've taken time to lay some foundation we have established that you can never know god through the law of moses you can never know god through the law of moses that's very important you can never have an express exact precise picture of god via the law of moses actually the law of moses will give you a distorted religious picture of a god a god that is agitated a god that is unstable a god that is unreliable and a vindictive god that is the picture that the law of moses will give you of god now let's establish a few things the law was given by moses john chapter 1 verse 17 for the law was given by moses but grace and truth came by jesus christ the word giving is a greek called didomai it means to offer moses offered the law to them moses offered the law so the law was given by moses john clearly identifies moses as the giver of the law in john chapter 1 verse 45 philip finded nathaniel and said unto him we have found him of whom moses in the law moses in the lord and the prophets did right jesus of nazareth the son of joseph moses in the lord that is john's testimony look at jesus testimony in john chapter 7 verse 19 did not moses give you the law did not moses give you the law and yet none of you keeped the law why go about to kill me did not moses give you the law so jesus emphatically established that it was moses that gave the law john the apostle established that it was moses that gave the law whatever brother paul acts chapter 13 verse 39 and by him all that believe are justified from all things from which you could not be justified by the law of moses by the law of moses acts chapter 15 verse 5 but there was upsetting of the sect of the pharisees which believed saying that it was needful to circumcise them and to command them to keep the law of moses and to command them to keep the law of moses look at acts 28 23 and when they had appointed him a day there came many to him into his login to whom he expounded and testified the kingdom of god persuading them concerning jesus bought out of the law of moses and out of the prophets from morning till evening again the law is the law of moses look at first corinthians chapter nine verse nine for it is written in the law of moses it is written in the law of moses thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that traded out the corn that god take care for oxen it is written in the law of moses not the law of god the law of moses look at me everybody the law of moses jesus confirmed the apostles confirmed that the law is the law of moses for the law was given by moses but grace and truth came by jesus jesus is not the law the law of moses is not jesus you didn't hear that jesus is not the law of moses the law of moses is not jesus for the law was given by moses but grace that is the truth is by jesus or grace which is the truth exist as jesus so grace and truth is jesus jesus is god the law was given by moses that is why you can never have a clear revelation of god via the law of moses second corinthians chapter 3 verse 15 but even on to this day when moses is read and what that means is when the law is read the veil is upon their heart so the law of moses puts a veil on the hearts of people that is the law of moses veils people from having an accurate picture of god the law of moses puts a veil cast a shadow and makes people not to be able to see god expressly because the law of moses is a veil now look at hebrews chapter 10 verse 28 he that despised moses law he that despised moses lord died without mercy under two or three witnesses he that despised moses lord died he that despised moses law died that cannot be god god does not give you what kills god gives life look at titus chapter one verse one and two paul a servant of god and an apostle of jesus christ according to the faith of god's elect and the acknowledging of the truth which is after godliness next verse in hope of eternal life in hope of eternal life which god that cannot lie promised before the world began so god's promise is life god's promise is life but he that does not obey the law of moses died without mercy the law of moses now remember the people made moses their mediator it was not god that made moses a mediator over israel it was israel who asked for moses to be their mediator exodus chapter 20 verse 18 and all the people saw the thunderings and the lightnings and the noise of the trumpet and the mountain shaking and when the people saw it they removed and stood afar off next verse and they said unto moses speak down with us and we will hear but let not god speak with us lest we die so the people appointed moses their mediator that was not the plan of god for them the plan of god for them was for them to have direct access to god for them to speak with god directly so he can relate to them as his children and they can relate to him as a father but they said no to god and god does not force anybody god gives you choices and he leaves you to make your choice however he advises you on which choice to make for your own good so the people appointed moses their mediator that means they never heard from god the people under moses never heard from god because they said they don't want to hear god moses should be the one to talk to god on their behalf and whatever moses told them they will accept look at galatians chapter 3 verse 19 wherefore then served the law it was added the law was not god's original plan the law was added god's original plan was the promise of life before the world began but the law was added because of transgressions or the law was added in reaction to men's transgression so the law is reactionary the law is reactionary till the seed shall come to whom the promise was made and it was ordained by angels in the hand of a mediator so there was a promise before the law so the law was an interruption of the promise what was that promise it was a promise of eternal life which god gave to man before the world began but because man rejected the promise so moses in response to man's rebellion gave man the law so you can never really know god by the law of moses or via the old testament up listen carefully the law principally was not given to the gentiles it was given to the jews it was given to the jews because they were going to the promised land so moses gave them 613 laws 613 laws since they have rejected the promise of eternal life he gave them 613 laws to go and observe in canaan look at it in scripture leviticus 26 46 these are the statues and judgments and laws which the lord made between him and the children of israel in mount sinai by the hand of moses so it was moses that gave them that law in mount sinai it was not god that gave them the law it was moses and he gave the lord to the children of israel because they were going to the promised land look at galatians chapter 4 verse 21 pay attention tell me you that desire to be under the law do you not hear the law do you not hear the law 22 for it is written that abraham had two sons the one by a bond made the other by every woman next verse but he who was of the bond woman was born after the flesh but he of the free woman was by promise next verse which things are an allegory for these are the two covenants the one from mount sinai with gendered to bondage the law of moses is the law of bondage it was given on mount sinai which is agar look at the next verse 25 for this agar is man sinai in arabia an answer to jerusalem which now is and is in bondage with her children look at the next verse but jerusalem which is above his free which is the murder of us all all right verse 28 now we brethren as isaac was are the children of promise next verse but as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the spirit even so it is now mount sinai is persecuting zion mount sinai the law of moses is persecuting zion which is where god is pay attention hebrews chapter 12 verse 18 for you are not come unto the mouth that might be touched and are born with fire no unto blackness and darkness and tempest that's c9 next verse and the sound of the trumpet and the voice of words which voice they that heard entreated that they should not be spoken to them anymore next verse for they could not endure that which was commanded mount sinai and if so much as a beast touched the mountain it shall be stoned or thrust through with a dart next verse and so terrible was the sight that moses said i exceedingly fear and quick even moses was afraid you are not come to that mount that mount sinai look at verse 18 again for you are not come on to that mount that's not where you'll come give me verse 22 now but you are come on to mount zion and onto the city of the living god so if you observe god is only mentioned in zion god is not mentioned in sinai because sinai was the oppression of moses zion is the oppression of god you are come on to mount zion unto the city of the living god the heavenly jerusalem and to an innumerable company of angels next verse you are come to the general assembly and church of the festival which are written in heaven and to god the judge of all to the spirits of just men made perfect next verse you are come to jesus jesus is in zion god is in zion the mediator of the new covenant and to the blood of sprinkling that speak at better things than that of abel we have established that the law was not given by god and it was principally given to the children of israel look at romans chapter 2 verse 14 for when the gentiles which have not the law when the gentiles which have not the law because the law is not given to the gentiles do by nature the things contained in the law these having not the law are a law unto themselves 15 which show the work of the law written in their hearts their conscience also bearing witness and they are taught the meanwhile accusing or else excusing one another next verse in the day when god shall judge the secrets of men by jesus christ according to my gospel look at ephesians chapter 2 verse 12 that at that time you were without christ being aliens from the covering wealth of israel and strangers from the covenants of promise having no hope and without god in the world so the law was given to the israelites on their way to the promised land now observe and see why the law is not given by god and observe and see why you can never know god by the law of moses and remember when we are talking about the law of moses we are talking about the old testament all right now observe carefully the law gives sin consciousness the law gives sin consciousness romans 3 20 therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight that cannot be god that cannot be god for by the law is the knowledge of sin so the law brings a consciousness of sin number two the law is the strength of sin the law is the strength of sin first corinthians 15 56 the sting of death is sin and the strength of sin is the law that cannot be god the strength of sin is the law the law provokes sinful desire the law projects sin romans 5 20 moreover the law entered that the offense might abound but we are seen abounded grace did much more abound the mission of the law is that the offence might abound it projects sin the law of moses the law also brings wrath when you hear the wrote of god the law brings wrath romans chapter 4 verse 15 it was the arrival of the lord that brought road because the law worked wroth for where no law is there is no transgression where no law is there is no transgression the law also brings death the law brings that that cannot be god romans chapter 7 verse 10 a lot of scriptures good for your health and the commandment which was ordained to be life i found to be unto death the commandment that was supposed to bring life brought death the law also produces curses to anyone who does not keep it for anyone who does not keep it but if you are going to keep it you must keep it in full galatians chapter 3 verse number 10 for as many as of the works of the law are under the course for it is written because it's everyone that continued not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them so you must do all of them why james chapter 2 verse 10 for whosoever shall keep the whole law and yet offend in one point he is guilty of all he is guilty of breaking all 613 regulations of the ten commandments and if you fail in one you fail in all so the mission is so that it can produce causes look at the law also is of works romans 3 27 where is boston then it is excluded by what law of works does the law of moses know but by the law of faith so the law is of works the law is also powerless to save the law cannot save that cannot be god because god's mission is to save hebrews chapter 9 verse 9 which was a figure for the time then present in which were offered both gifts and sacrifices that could not make him that did the service perfect as pertaining to the conscience it cannot produce life look at hebrews 10 4 for it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins the blood of bulls and of gods were what moses gave them under the law they were to bring animal sacrifices every year to cover for their sins and the writer of hebrews says it was not possible that the blood of bulls and god should take away sin so there was no point for it meaning the law could not achieve god's purpose because the law didn't come from god it came from moses the law is a shadow a scare hebrews chapter 10 verse 1 the law is a shadow for the lord having a shadow of good things to come and not the very image of the things can never the law can never with those sacrifices which they offered here by a continually make the commas there onto perfect it can never the law cannot produce perfect people the law is opposed to faith the law is opposed to faith galatians chapter 3 verse 12 and the law is not of faith and without faith you cannot please god that is why the law is not the law of god is the law of moses the law is not of faith but the man that dwelleth them shall live in them the man that does them shall live in them the law is weak romans chapter 8 verse 3 for what the lord could not do in that it was weak through the flesh what the lord could not do that cannot be god so that is why god sending his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh unforeseen condemned sin in the flesh for seeing condemned sin in the flesh so the law is weak that is why jesus came the law makes nothing perfect the law makes nothing perfect look at hebrews 7 19 for the law made nothing perfect the law made nothing perfect but the bringing of a better hope did by the which we draw nigh unto god the law made not imperfect the law has no mercy and god is merciful his mercy endures forever but the law has no mercy that is why the law is not from god the law is from moses hebrews 10 28 he that despised moses law died without mercy he that despised moses law died without mercy so the law cannot be of god take note of this the law covers the heart with a veil the law of moses blocks people from seeing christ the law of moses keeps people in a place of pride the law of moses robs people of the revelation of jesus the book of second corinthians 3 15 but even on to this day when moses is read the veil is upon their heart there is a veil upon their heart that is why the law cannot be of god because god cannot value you from knowing him god wants you to know him but the law of moses remember it was an interruption it was added number two remember the law was reactionary moses because of the hardness of your heart gave you the law but from the beginning that was not the plan of god so the law was an interruption that is why in brother paul's argument he said the promise even though the law came after cannot disarno that it shall make the promise of god which is life in christ of non-effect galatians 3 21 the law cannot give life is the law then against the promises of god god forbid for if there had been a law given which could have given life if the law of moses could have given life verily righteousness should have been by the law righteousness should have been by the law if there was a law that will give life righteousness should have been by the lord not by christ the law is not for the righteous first timothy chapter 1 verse 8 but we know that the law is good if a man use it love fully next verse knowing this that the law is not made for a righteous man the law is not made for a righteous man that means the law is not for us look at me everybody the law is not made for the righteous man but you are the righteousness of god first corinthians chapter 6 verse 11 and such we are some of you but you are washed glory to god but you are sanctified but you are justified in the name of the lord jesus and by the spirit of our god second corinthians chapter 5 verse 21 god made him to be seen for us who knew no sin that we must be made the righteousness of god in him we are god's righteousness the law is not made for the righteous so the law of moses is not for us jesus has fulfilled the law matthew 5 17 jesus has put a dead nail and retired the law of moses think not that i am come to destroy the law or the prophets i am not come to destroy but to fulfill the word fulfilled means to meet its demands jesus came to meet the demands of the law and take it out of the way so it is no more a barrier between man and god so therefore being justified by faith not by the law by faith in christ we have peace with god through our lord jesus by whom we have access into disgrace wherein we stand and rejoice we stand in grace we have access by faith not by the works of the law anymore because jesus has fulfilled the demands of the lord and retired the law of moses look at luke 24 44 these are the words which i speak unto you while i was yet with you that all things all things must be fulfilled all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of moses and in the prophets and in the psalms concerning me so jesus fulfill every demand of the law acts chapter 3 verse 18 but those things which god before had showed by the mouth of all his prophets that christ should suffer he had so fulfilled he had so fulfilled so jesus has fulfilled all the demands of the law therefore the law is obsolete hebrews 18 in that he saith a new covenant he had made the first old now that which decayed and what set away is ready to vanish away the law is absolute it has been made to vanish away therefore we are delivered from the law romans chapter 7 verse 6 but now we are delivered from the law but now we are delivered from the law that being dead wherein we were held that we should serve in newness of spirit and not in the oldness of the later and not in the oldness of the later we are dead to the lord romans 7 4 wherefore my brethren you also have become dead to the lord by the body of christ that you should be married to another even to him who is raised from the dead that we should bring forth fruit unto god we are dead to the lord galatians 2 19 for i through the law i'm dead to the law i through the law i'm dead to the law that i might live unto god i am dead to the law of moses that i might live unto god we are not under the lord romans chapter 6 verse 14 for sin shall not have dominion over you for you are not under the law but under grace you are not under the law but under grace the law has been nailed to the cross colossians chapter 2 verse 14 blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us which was contrary to us and took it out of the way nailing it to his cross the law and his ordinances have been nailed to the cross of jesus christ abolish the law in his flesh ephesians chapter 2 verse 15 many scriptures good for your health have been abolished in his flesh the enmity even the law of commandments contained in ordinances for to make in himself of twin one new man so making peace the law has been changed for us hebrews chapter 7 verse 10 for he was yet in the laws of his father when melchizedek met him talking of isaac if therefore perfection whereby the levitical priesthood for under it the people received the law under the priesthood of levi the people received the law what father need was there that another priest should rise after the order of melchizedek and not be called after the order of iran okay so there was no perfection in error for the priesthood being changed there is made of necessity a change also of the law next verse for he of whom these things are spoken pertaining to another tribe of which no man gave attendance of the altar jesus didn't come from levi for it is evident that our lord sprang out of judah of which tribe moses spake nothing concerning priesthood so the priesthood has changed therefore the law has changed so like brother paul romans 8 verse 2 for the law of the spirit of life in christ jesus has set me free from the law of sin and death i am free from the law of moses i am free from the law of sin and death i am in the law of life god promised life before the foundation of the world in the gospel and christ is the end of the law romans chapter 10 verse 4 for christ is the end of the lord for righteousness christ is the end of the law for righteousness glory to everyone that believeth i thought somebody we shall glory now based on that it is not possible for you to know god under the law it is not possible for you to know god under the law that is why the law is called the doctrine of man the doctrine of men because moses gave it to men because of the hardness of their look at it in colossians chapter 2 verse 6 as you have therefore received christ jesus the lord so walk ye in him next verse rooted and built up in him and established in the faith as you have been taught abounding daring with thanksgiving next verse beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and then deceit after the tradition of man that is the law of moses the tradition of men after the rudiments of the world are not after christ so if it is the law of moses that is preached to you it is not christ that is preached to you because you cannot have the traditions of men and have christ so beware lest anybody spoil you you are only confused if you are ever confused at all because you wanted to stay in the old testament and believe without explaining it the old testament must be explained and part of that explanation is what i am taking time to do exegesis and bring clarity to you on this misunderstood god within the confines of the old testament look at jeremiah 31 31 behold the days come say of the lord that i will make a new covenant with the house of israel and with the house of judah a new one next verse not according to the covenant that i met with their fathers in the day that i took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of egypt which my covenant they broke although i was a husband unto them say of the lord now remember most times in the old testament when they say sayeth the lord or the lord said or god said most of them were angels most of them were angels hebrews chapter 2 verse 2 for if the word spoken by angels that's the old testament was steadfast and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense of reward so under angelic operations there was judgment and and destruction for every disobedience look at the next verse verse 3 how shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation which at the first began to be spoken by the lord the lord spoke salvation angels spoke recompense of reward punishment so when angels are in oppression you will see disasters destructions and punishment when god is in oppression you will see salvation you will see redemption and you will see preservation is it clear so the law is the opposite of god's operation look at that jeremiah again chapter 31 verse 31 to 32 behold the days come say of the lord and i will make a new covenant with the house of israel along with the house of judah next verse not according to the covenant that i made with their fathers in the day that i took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of egypt which my covenant they broke although i was a husband unto them save the lord now pay attention listen carefully who brought them out of the land of egypt moses moses and the angel who delivered them it was moses and angels that brought them out of egypt look at acts 7 35 this moses whom they refused a ruler saying a judge the same did god sent to be a ruler and a deliverer by the hand of the angel which appeared to him in the bush so in the land of egypt the movement out of egypt was an oppression of moses and the angels so it is not as if god changed pattern like he used to relate to them in the old testament no the old testament didn't come from god the old testament listen carefully listen carefully and when i'm talking of the old testament i hope you know that the old testament is not books and the new testament is not books the old testament is a relationship with god that is predicated on human performance the new testament is a relationship with god that is predicated on what christ has done so the old testament which was given by man in response to man's rebellion didn't come from god who was the mediator of the old testament moses who appointed moses mediator the people remember that now he knew his own mediator moses knew that his own mediator was jesus since they didn't know that jesus was their mediator and they didn't want jesus to be their mediator so they met moses their mediator and they used the inconsistency of moses and their own inconsistencies to define god the law of moses was a reactionary law moses in matthew 19 8 because of the hardness of your hearts gave you the law the hardness of your heart now we're going to hebrews but listen god cannot make a covenant that will find fault god is not a fault finder so he cannot make a covenant that will find fault but the old testament was finding fault god does not find fault you cannot find fault finding from someone who does not find fault and you know jesus submitted himself to a man-made covenant you will call that weakness but that is the love of god the the the weakness of god is stronger than men that is the love of god now remember what the early christians used to have what they used to have as normal church service is what today is called bible school people say why are you teaching us if you're in bible school the church ought to be a bible school the mission of the church is to equip you the word equip means to make you fit so you can do the work of ministry the church is not an entertainment center the church is a teaching house a perfecting house all right now look at hebrews chapter 8 verse 7. for if that first covenant had been faultless then should no place have been sought for the second next verse for finding fault with them so since the old covenant was a fault finder for finding fault with them he saith behold the days come say of the lord when i will make a new covenant to the house of israel and with the house of judah so the old covenant found fault look at verse nine not according to the covenant that i made with their fathers in the day when i took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of egypt because they continue not in my covenant and i regarded them not save the lord 10. for this is the covenant that i will make with the house of israel after those days say of the lord i will put my laws into their mind and write them in their hearts i will be to them a god and they shall be to me a people in the new covenant look at the next verse in the new covenant they shall not teach every man his neighbor and every man his brother say you know the lord for all shall know me from the least to the greatest why next verse for i will be merciful i will be merciful to their unrighteousness and their sins and their iniquities will i remember no more who took them by the hand out of egypt of course moses and the angels was there not a promise before they left egypt there was a promise of god communicated to them but they rejected it did moses believe god's promise yes he was justified by faith moses never used the temple for anything he spoke to god directly he didn't need it he didn't need the medium the temple he asked them to speak to aaron since they didn't want to speak to god moses if you know the story married an etopian woman and miriam and aaron attacked him and an angel told her of them to step aside in the scripture he said god came down but it was an angel an angel told them step aside and he gave miriam leprosy and the angel said i speak to moses face to face that wasn't god god never spoke to moses face to face that was an angel that's how you know it was an angel not god now look at exodus 33 18 and he said at besiktas show me thy glory 19 and he said i will make all my goodness past before thee and i will proclaim the name of the lord before thee and will be gracious to whom i will be gracious and will show mercy on whom i will show mercy next verse and he said thou canst not see my face for there shall no man see me and leave so when it says i speak to moses face to face it cannot be god at all what god was saying is moses you can't see my face wait for the incarnation there is a time when god's face will appear that's why galatians chapter 4 verse 4 says but when the fullness of the time was calm god sent forty son made of a woman made under the lord the incarnation had a time when it was going to happen that she said when the fullness of time that is when moses says show me your face god said no you cannot see my face because there is an appointed time for it look at numbers 12 5-9 and the lord came down in the pillar of the cloud and stood in the tabanakul in the door of the tabernacle and called aaron and miriam and they both came forth next verse and he said here now my words if there be a prophet among you i the lord will make myself known unto him in a vision i will speak unto him in a dream my servant moses is not so who is faithful in all my house with him will i speak mouth to mouth already that makes you know that that lord in numbers 12 was an angel because god and moses never spoke mouth to mouth even apparently and not in dark speeches and the similitude of the lord shall he behold wherefore then were you not afraid to speak against moses these were angels in oppression remember hebrews chapter 2 verse 2 for if the word spoken by angels was steadfast did you see the way action happened quickly to miriam she became leprous the word spoken by angels was steadfast and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense of reward it was sharp sharp under angelic operation question who gave the law moses by angels the word spoken by angels in hebrews 3 5 he says moses was faithful in his house and moses verily was faithful in all his house as a servant for a testimony of those sins which were to be spoken after next verse but christ has his son over his own house whose house are we you are not moses house you are christ house that is why you are not under the law of moses you are in christ you are in christ so it says moses was faithful in his house so when they did not believe his preaching he gave them a house where they will be entering the tabanacu moses gave them a house because they didn't believe the gospel so he now gave them a physical building moses himself didn't go to that temple he was dealing with heavenly things while they were dealing with earthly stuff look at hebrews chapter 3 verse 6 but christ has a son over his own house whose house are we if we hold first the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end now look at hebrews chapter 3 verse 12 look at the kind of people moses was dealing with take it brethren lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living god look at verse 15 these are the kind of people moses was dealing with while it is said today if you will hear his voice having not your heart as in the provocation verse 17 18 and 19 but with whom was he grieved 40 years was he not with them that had sinned whose carcasses fell in the wilderness 18 and to whom saw he that they should not enter into his rest but to them that believe not 19 so we see that they could not enter in because of their unbelief did the law require faith no it only requires works what requires believing the gospel the gospel required faith so in your study you must make the distinction between what requires faith and what requires works that distinction defines the new testament from the old testament the new testament is of faith the old testament is of works and by the work shall no man be justified being justified by faith hebrews 10 26 for if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth pay attention there remained no more sacrifice for sins 27 but a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation which shall devour the adversaries that scripture is not for believers it's for adversaries people that oppose the gospel if we preach and reject the gospel there is no more sacrifice for you but a fearful indignation which shall devour those that oppose the gospel that scripture is like ezekiel 36 5 therefore the say of the lord god surely in the fire of my jealousy have i spoken against the residue of the hidden and against all idioms which have appointed my land into their possession with the joy of all their heart with despite full minds to cast it out for a prayer look at 28 of that 36 ezekiel and you shall dwell in the land that i give to your fathers and you shall be my people and i will be your god 29 i will also save you from all your uncleanness and i will call for the corn i will call for the corn and will increase it and lay no famine upon you 25. therefore will i sprinkle clean water upon you and you shall be clean from all filthiness and from all your idols will i cleanse you it is the same thing in hebrews 2 2 and 3. same thing for if the word spoken by angels was steadfast and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense of reward how shall we escape how shall we escape if we neglect if we neglect so great salvation those three scriptures are saying the same thing hebrews 10 26 27 ezekiel 36 28 29 hebrews 2 2-3 how shall you escape from the law if you neglect the gospel of grace which frees you from moses's judgment jesus came to save salvation means you will not be punished salvation means you will not be punished so when you see elohim or god in the old testament you have much of man and angels referred to as elohim it's like job chapter one you know the story of job job chapter 1 verse 5 and it was so when the days of their fisting were gone about that job sent and sanctified them and rose up early in the morning and offered bond or friends offered burnt or friends according to the number of them all for job said it may be that my sons have sinned and caused god in their hearts does deep job continually when the book of job was written there was no law of moses what was job's yard's dick for defining sin it's just an assumption job was just working by assumption because when the book of job was written when job existed there was no law of moses so what was job's yard stick for defining sin what did he use to define it because historically there was no law of moses when job operated and the same job now will say the lord give it and the lord take it away another assumption of job because in job 42 verse 5 and 6 job said everything i said was a rumor i'm not sure of everything i have said even the lord giveth and has taken away is another assumption of job and at the end of the day he said everything i said was a rumor job made a disclaimer job made a disclaimer to his teachings in job 42 verse 5 because god's goodness is unconditional even after all the things job has said in 42 chapters god still showed you mercy because god's mercy is unconditional do you know that job called satan god job called satan god okay the lord has given and the lord has taken away it was satan that did that but job called satan god because job was operating by assumption job did not have revelation knowledge satan means an adversary someone who brings an accusation against you romans 1 24 wherefore god also gave them up to uncleanness through the loss of their hearts to dishonor their own bodies between themselves he gave them to what they wanted in their hearts look at verse 18 for the wrath of god is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth in our righteousness the root of god is revealed what is that road look at romans 1 24-28 for clarity wherefore god also gave them up to uncleanness through the loss of their own hearts through the loss of their whole heart that means god granted them what they chose or what their choice was to dishonor their own bodies between themselves who change the truth of god into a lie and worship and serve the creator who is blessed forever for this cause god gave them up unto vile affections for even their women did change their natural use into that which is against nature and likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman bond in their lost one to one another men with men walking their witches on simile and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet 28 and even as they did not like to return god in their knowledge they did not like to retain god in their knowledge god gave them over to a reprobate mind that's the rot the root is that god allowed them to follow the lust of their minds to do those things which are not convenient so the wrote of god there is that he allowed them do what they wanted to do he allowed them have their weather as the wrath of god which is actually the love of god so question is the root of god an action or an inaction an inaction he allowed them to have what they wanted so what you call the rock of god which is man-made is actu actually the inaction of god because god does not force people he sets before your choice and he advises you however whatever choice you make god will respect it i mean if you remember i've told you before that god can even love you enough to let you go to hell yeah because the love of god does not insist on its own the love of god does not insist on its own so the root of god is not disaster the root of god is the love of god the route of god is when men reject god's power when men reject god's power god withdraws the resultant effect of their choice is what we call rot of god so it's a figure of speech it's a figure of speech now let's quickly deal with something let's look at the red sea question who held israel in captivity pharaoh who killed the first borns of egypt because there were two killings the first borns babies and then the first ones on the passover who killed the children in exodus 1 pharaoh who killed the first born children in egypt on that night and angel the question is how do you prove it look at exodus 12 29 and it came to pass please pay attention if you missed this you shouldn't have come to service and it came to pass that at midnight the lord smote all the first born in the land of egypt from the first born of pharaoh that sat on his throne onto the first born of the captive that was in a dungeon and all the first born of catholic did you see the lord there the lord smote next verse and pharaoh rose up in the night he and his servants and all the egyptians and there was a great cry in egypt for there was not a house where there was not one that was dead was he really the lord that killed the first borns no look at hebrews 11 28 the new testament interprets the old testament through faith he kept the passover and the sprinkling of blood lest he that destroyed the first born should touch them so there was a destroyer hiding behind the scenes there was a destroyer who killed the festivals god's job was to preserve and protect those who believed him but there was a destroyer who destroyed the first born of egypt let me give you another one numbers 21 verse 4 and they journeyed from mount hall by the way of the red sea to compass the land of edom and the soul of the people was much discouraged because of the way next verse and the people speak against god and against moses wherefore have you brought us up out of egypt to die in the wilderness for there is no bread neither is there any water and i was so loathed this light bread next verse and the lord sent fiery serpents observed the lord sent fiery serpents among the people and they beat the people and much people of israel died the lord said are you observing look at first corinthians chapter 10 verse 8 the new testament interprets the old testament neither let us commit fornication as some of them committed and fell in one day three and twenty thousand next verse neither let us tempt christ as some of them also tempted and we are destroyed of serpents next verse neither mormony are some of them also muhammad and we are destroyed of the destroyer of the destroyer so the person that destroyed them in numbers 21 verse 4 to 10 was the destroyer the destroyer is the destroyer who comes to steal to kill and to destroy remember angels were part of this operation they were destroyed not of god but of the destroyer of the destroyer whoever he is that destroyer is not god 40 years of the hardness of their hearts and all manner of angelic drama so who destroyed the first bonds in egypt an angel did that what did god do god's role was rescue rescue god's power there was salvation faith in christ kept them from him that destroyed so who killed the jews in egypt pharaoh what did god do he protected what did they tell pharaoh they lied that the hebrew women always delivered first they lied and yet even that they are lie the bible calls it faith you didn't hear that that their lie the bible calls it faith because they lied by faith to preserve the lives of people look at hebrews 11 23 by faith moses when he was born was he three months of his parents because they saw he was a proper child and they were not afraid of the king's commandment they hid him against the commandment of the king and the new testament calls it faith let me ask you a question where rehab they have the harlot where they have told the king she didn't know where the spies were meanwhile the spies were hiding in her room she's the one that opened the window for them to escape yet she said she didn't know where the spies were that was an act of faith because the new testament calls it faith hebrews 11 31 by faith the hallowed rehab perish not with them that believe not when she had received the spies with peace so that act was an act of faith and god used that faith to protect them how did god protect them exodus 14 19. and the angel of god which went before the camp of israel removed and went behind them and the pillar of the cloud went from before their face and stood behind them next verse and he came between the camp of egyptians and the camp of israel and it was a cloud and darkness to them but it gave light by night to those so that the one came not near the order all the night god built a wall of protection between israel and egypt that is god's role he protected observe the pillar of cloud and pillar of fire did not kill anybody or hurt anybody because that was the oppression of god's salvation how many soldiers did god kill in egypt none who parted the red sea moses moses he was a servant over his house who closed up the red sea moses did moses need to have closed up the red sea no because if you observe when they got to the middle of the sea and their chariot wheels were beginning not to move they made up their mind to go back the egyptians decided to go back but moses decided to take vengeance on them and made the sea to swallow them it was moses's vindictive nature he took vengeance on them where was satan all along satan was hiding behind the scene and operating through men satan was hiding behind the scenes and operating through men let me give you another one exodus 16 verse 2. and the whole congregation of the children of israel muhammad against moses and aaron in the wilderness next verse and the children of israel said unto him well to god we are died by the hand of the lord in the land of egypt when we sat by the fleshpot and when we did eat bread to the full for your brought us forth into this wilderness to kill this whole assembly with hunger next verse then said the lord unto moses behold our reign bread who said the lord said the lord unto moses i will reign bread from heaven for you and the people shall go out and gather a certain rate every day that i may prove them whether they will walk in my law or no next verse and it came to pass that on the sixth day they shall prepare that which they bring in and it shall be twice as much as they gather daily next verse and moses and aaron said on children of israel at even then you shall know that the lord has brought you out from the land of egypt next verse and in the morning then you shall see the glory of the lord for that he inherits your murmurings against the lord and what are we that you mumble against us eight and moses said this shall be when the lord shall give you in the evening flesh to eat and in the morning bread to the food for that the lord heareth your mumma and switch you mummy against him and what are we your memories are not against us but against the lord moses is intimidating them pay attention next verse and moses spoke unto aaron say unto the congregation of the children of israel come near before the lord for he had had your memories next verse and it came to pass as aaron speak unto the whole congregation of children of israel that they looked toward the wilderness and behold the glory of the lord appeared in the cloud next month and the lord spoke unto moses saying next verse i have had the murmurings of the children of israel speak unto them saying that even you shall eat flesh and in the morning you shall be filled with bread and you shall know that i am the lord your god so now moses and aaron kept telling them it was god it was god talking it was god talking the bread was going to come from heaven look at john 6 31 our fathers did eat manna in the desert as it is written he gave them bread from heaven to eat 32. then jesus said unto them verily verily i say unto you moses gave you not that bread from heaven that bread and manna that moses was giving you didn't come from heaven this is jesus talking but my father giving you the true bread from heaven 33 for the bread of god is he glory the bread of god is he the bread of god is he is a person which comment down from heaven and give it life unto the world next verse then say that unto him ever more lord give us this bread give us this bread ever more in the old testament there were misconceptions communications in the name of god that the new testament corrected so you cannot know the exactness of god in the old testament that is why jesus came took of flesh to reveal god to us in his personality moses gave you not that bread that comes from heaven this is the bread that comes from heaven the bread of god is a he the bread of god is a person so you cannot know god in the law you can only know god in christ jesus is the exact revelation of god in humanity stand on your feet let's close this house glory to god lift your right hand to every father i declare revelation knowledge grows big in the heart of everyone listening to this broadcast revelation knowledge like never before the eyes of your understanding flooded with light in the name of jesus thank you for answer prayer in jesus name welcome back ladies and gentlemen welcome back i believe you've been affected impacted touched by jesus christ i believe that god's word has built you up i want to pray for you today father i rebuke sickness disease i rebuke the oppression of the enemy satan get your hands off of god's property and i release god's miracle upon your life right now receive that miracle receive it now be healed in your body receive favor receive direction receive solution receive answers in jesus name amen praise god listen carefully power city international usa and canada we have a conference coming up and i want to invite every one of you in america canada those of you in europe and the united kingdom and the rest of the world you don't want to miss this conference it's coming up from the 7th to the 8th of october then the 9th and the 10th the reason why the dates are separate is because the first two days seven and eight is the international school of ministry i'll be ministering and training ministers believers and disciples to do the work of ministry equipping the saints for the work of ministry remember he that descended he see that i set it up on high he gave gifts to men for the perfected not the entertaining the perfecting of the saints to do the work of ministry the book of second timothy brother paul says to timothy study the words buddhazoo that is be diligent to show yourself i proved unto god a walkman that needs not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth you don't want to miss it for anything under the sun the conference in america is going to be holding that laurel maryland the doubletree by hilton hotel they are in laurel maryland now the dates again will be the 7th the 8th the 9th and the 10th of october now the details are coming on the screen those of you don't live in america you have people in america reach out to them ask them to attend this conference it will change their lives forever especially after all the coveted things that have happened around the world it's time to get back and be fired up fired up for what god wants to do with you fight out for what god is doing in you fired up to be able to follow the plan the purpose and the intent of god for your life once again usa and canada it's your turn at your conference from the 7th to the 10th of october 7 and 8 school of ministry 9 and 10 the believers convention it's going to be holding in laurel maryland at the doubletree by hilton right there in laurel you want to come with your family you want to come with your friends tell everybody about the conference here in maryland in fact don't just meet me there beat me there in this conference 2021 listen carefully if you live in a place where there's no christ-centered church to attend wherever our campus is all over the world today if you call any of the numbers on the screen right here right now these are all our original coordinators they'll be willing to identify with you and help you connect with a campus our churches are called campuses a campus closest to where you are or you've been following me for a long time and you live in a place where there's no christ-centered church and you want to start a campus where willing to train you equip you and bring you revelation knowledge that will make you fit to start a campus and help other people to come to the knowledge of the truth where you yourself can become a lighthouse in your community if that's what you're interested in call our numbers today or send a mail to dr ibeldamina we'll be willing to engage with you and train you and get you to become a lighthouse in your community for the spread of the gospel remember we are live here every day at 12 noon and 6 pm gmt plus 1 god's word keeps coming brother paul says i commend you to god unto the word of his grace which is able to build you up and give you your inheritance among the sanctified looking forward to seeing the next broadcast and until then enjoy the grace of christ and be blessed amen get ready [Music]
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 793
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 9zDlPBzuKRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 49sec (4729 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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