Why some are not saved_30DG2017

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so I asked some people not saved because the gospel has being hid from them some of you the gospel from them because they don't know it some of you did from them because they're ignorant romance of the canvass one put it off for me romanced of the ten verse one read brethren my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they might be I want Israel to be saved much mass for I bear them record beyond a miracle that they have a zeal of God yes but not according to knowledge I be on record that they are story night every night I bear them record that every Sunday they our seats are empty because everybody's in gorge but not according to knowledge that describes our city every day is it re not going on in this city every day somewhere the event an event or night prayer on Sundays the streets are empty you can almost finish your speedometer because everybody's in charge but not according to knowledge so at the other report that they have a zeal of God but they are zeal is not directed to knowledge that's why the gospel is heat that's where the gospel is heat watch this read the next verse for me for they being ignorant of God's right they are ignorant of God's righteousness so what happens I'm going about to establish their own righteousness have not submitted themselves onto the writer they have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God they happened now because they are ignorant of God's righteousness across the road I said across the route they have set up their own salvation shops and they are noisily hot in there where noisily they are ignorant of God's righteousness so they have ignored God's righteousness and they have gone about establishing their own righteousness so the first reason why some people are not saved is ignorance lack of knowledge lack of knowledge limit now please follow me carefully in in the book of officience of the four verse 17 now we have established that the Jews are ignorant of God's righteousness and we say that hello how we say that the Jews because one said my desire for Israel talking about the Jews and he said their problem is they are ignorant of God's righteousness this I say therefore and testify in the Lord that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk in the vanity of their mind yes having the understanding darkened being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them because of the blindness of their heart what the Jews are no cell because of ignorance the Gentiles are not saved because of ignorance so what you are gentle and not saved because of ignorance what about brother Paul why was he not saved lest emoji one eleven to thirteen fast emoji one eleven to thirteen wait for me according to the glorious gospel of the blood glorious gospel of the blessed God I love the way Paul used English to to bring out the beauty of the gospel the glorious gospel of the blessed God we don't for me which was committed unto my trust to my child yes next mouth and I thank Christ Jesus our Lord yes who has enabled me here or that he counted me faithful yes me in see how that me fitful and put me in the ministry now he goes back to his history but who was before I was before a blasphemer and a persecutor persecutor and in June in Julio's but I obtained mother or damn mercy why because I did it ignorantly in on everything I did I was a victim of ignorance I was killing Kristen's sincerely because I believed I was working for God hours hours injurious I was a blasphemer I was a persecutor but I did it ignorantly now imagine with the Church of that they played football to die that is the wickedness many judges have decided to engage in today and they want to kill our next generation pause in the name of prayer if there's anybody the church will of God and prefer to die is for what I'm talking about Paul was all abou Kihara all of Isis put together in one man he was a one man's call when he went as a city everybody including us the catch fever capitana bhisma was a one mouse called terrorism his appearance alone made people disappear and he said I did it ignorantly I was in unbelief I didn't know the Jews ignorant the Gentiles ignorant Paul ignorant that's why many people are not saved the ignorant they don't know if you know what you know you think you're the only one that knows how to enjoy look at the way you're sitting down I feel the whole world is under your feet yes because whole world is under your feet look at the way you're relaxed Matthias Liam Papa Joffre Phantom a gloriously enjoying life there are the Phantom who Kathakali it has a concussed Akali mal tonically enjoy your life somebody comes and tells you in which is planning you Telep to get out of my sight can I hear this message because you know that there are new codes there are no gods the gods are there where you're concerned they don't exist we know that there is only one God silicon kitchen here you are enjoying life but they are they are struggling out there because they are ignorant of God's righteousness and many people in churches are struggling that is themse to salvation fifteen steps to sanctification anybody retention 50% if occasion is fraud fraud is to the fraud sanctification is not in steps sanctification is a person when that person and tells you you are sanctified - where is his body the sanctified and they that will be sanctified no no no under that will be sanctified know what does you see under that keyboard Ola our village is a futuristic apostles ah and their that are sanctified is the future or past fastest you're not the one doing it salvation is abroad hundred percent hundred percent Paul said I did it ignorantly the Jews are ignorant the Gentiles I ignore the ignorant raza me he does you know something the problem is the message that has been said which is a wrong message the ignorance is that the people are in churches but what they are hearing is not the gospel they are hearing a message an old message with a new twist they are hearing an old message the message of grace the message of Christ has always been the message but over time people have added twist to eat do you understand yes another gospel they have the a preaching Christ plus they are preaching Christ plus anything you add to Christ has neutralized the message of Christ it is Christ and Christ alone nothing to be added the people are hearing an adult rated message the eye hearing is pseudo gospel they are hearing a perverted message they are hearing a letter trouble what the irony is a message of trouble a troubling message religion they are in religion they are hearing cold because as some churches that are calls calls in the name of churches they are fed with wrong message so that they refuse to listen they refuse to receive the gospel they are fed with junk there's all kinds of junk going on and people are tripping all over those places so the purity of the message of Christ that saves man is kept away so the people are ignorant ignorant of the million a year in preaching the idea in preaching but the question is what kind of preaching are they hearing what kind of preaching then when it gets to a point where you want to question them they not tell you touch not my anointed there you start not my anointed to shut down your review faculty so you follow like a dummy Christianity does not make you a dummy it makes you intelligent even God Almighty said come let us listen together and the church where they stop you from listening is a cold hear me come on uncool auntie any charge given if you're a pastor where you stop the people from listening is a cold god almighty said come let us reason together as I believe I should be able to listen you are the mind of Christ Christianity is not mindless we have the mind of life but yet God sanctify you for it soul body you sure isn't that's like a period when they hear the message the Wrentham and sat down to check if what they are told is truth am i teaching here don't let anybody use touch not my anointed to take away your bring you to your anointed you to your anointed you do something that is over when a bottle will be the power of God you did hear me at all that is over when somebody will carry only oil bottle that has expiry date and call it God in a bottle what an insult what a mean so leave that in what an insult talkin about to be the Holy Ghost how can it ought to be the Holy Ghost Tanabata content believers what kind of illegals is that that able to can carry them you don't know the Holy Ghost that is over he didn't say good amen is your own Holy Ghost in a bottle where is your own Holy Ghost he will see you so who is the bottle I am the body I'm the bottle of oil they unknowingly you have received of him abideth in you Amen somebody shot I'm saved say I reject the wrong message I didn't hear you're human you
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 11,517
Rating: 4.8702703 out of 5
Id: Pocmtm5q2UI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2017
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