Christ, the totality of everything

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the Scriptures have one fundamental assignment to bring us wisdom in the subject of salvation somebody shout hallelujah no wonder Jesus said in John 5:39 such the Scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life but they are they which testify of me meaning that Jesus is the message of the scriptures because the Scriptures testify of him in the book of Colossians of the three verse 11 put it over me we are there is neither Greek nor Jew circumcision nor uncircumcision barbarian Scythian bond o free but Christ is all and in all nothing else is us Christ he is all and in all his the totality of everything he makes everything dear to us all Christ is the explanation of all things or Christ unveiled to us the scriptures are Christ reveals to us the intent of the scriptures that that is Jesus is the embodiment of the purpose for the scriptures in the book of first Peter chapter 1 verse 9 look at it receiving the end of your faith even the salvation of your souls next word of with salvation the process has inquired what were the process inquiring for salvation of which salvation the process has enquired of which salvation the process of inquired and such diligently who prophesied of the grace that shall come on to you next verse such in what or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them this signify when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ and the glory that you follow meaning that Christ is the revelation of the Bible or the Alpha is in Christ the answer to all of life's questions is in Christ when you see Christ every question in your life is answered they'll look for answers look for Christ when you see Christ in him all answers are supplied so to have any puzzle of your life resolved look for Christ hallelujah look at this second Peter 1:19 we are also a more sure word of prophecy whereunto you do well that you take heed as unto a light that shine it in a dark place until the day dawn and the day star arise in your hearts let us know in this first thought somebody we shall test knowing this first that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation meaning nobody can just stand up and say this is the way I understand it and this is the way I understand it no there's nothing like that scriptures explain themselves no private interpretation nobody can just come up with this opinion the scriptures are self explanatory no processing of the scripture is of any private interpretation the scripture is called prophecy no prophecy put it over me of the scripture is of any private interpretation watch this for the process that the Bible is called the prophecy for the prophecy so when I preach out of the scriptures what am i doing and prophesy where is the prophecy in the scriptures where is the scripture Genesis to Malachi for the processes of the scripture so Genesis to Malachi is the prophecy all types and shadows remember the whole Bible is not the scripture the whole Bible is not the scripture the scripture is Genesis to Malachi Matthew to Revelation is not called scripture remember when Paul told Timothy such descriptions there was no book of Timothy so Timothy is not the scripture when Jesus said in John 5:39 Sarge the scripture there was no John when Jesus said in Matthew you do err because you know not the scripture there was no book of Matthew when Paul said in Romans according to the scriptures of the prophets there was no book of Romans meaning that Romans is not the scripture timothy is not the scripture John is not the scripture Matthew is not the scripture so if John and Maria know the scripture even the Gospels another scripture and if Romans and Timothy another scripture it means the epistles are not the scripture so the scripture will refer to Genesis to Malachi so when he says for the processes of this future what is simply seen is a in the scripture what we have is processing the Old Testament is prophecy promises tags and shadows does the Old Testament okay put it up for the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost the word interpretation no scripture is of any private interpretation means original scriptures of any private origin and no scripture is of any private source nobody spoke his own thoughts so there is one thread that ties the Scriptures together one trade and that thread is Christ Matthew Christ Revelation Christ Genesis Christ Malachi Christ all through the books of the Bible 66 of them they are tied together with one tread Christ doesn't make them the scripture any book that was written for it to be part of the scripture it has to have Christ at the center that is how the Bible was put together over 40 authors Kings traders fishermen farmers over centuries who have never met one another before and they all work at separate times and in different sensations when their books and writings were collected together it had one message Christ it is those books put together that from the Bible are in the house so the Bible therefore we say it's a Christocentric book that carries with it what a Christocentric message praise the Lord as you praise the Lord so meaning that when I read the Bible I will see Christ in the Bible he sends his prophecy his promise and I will also see his promise fulfilled I will see his promise fulfilled john 1:1 in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God that word word is the word logos in the beginning was the logos the Greek word logos the word logos means the thoughts Jesus is called the Word of God from the onset and the reason why John use the word word of God was that what John was saying is Jesus is the pinking pattern of God Jesus is the mindset so to know the intent of God look at Christ to know what God is thinking look at tries to know what God will do look at Christ are we here so let me ask you when Jesus was on earth did you kill anybody so God does not kill because Jesus is the thinking pattern of God what Jesus said I can of myself do nothing what I see my father do that I do that means all Jesus did was a revelation of what the father does so the question is what does the father do what Jesus does what did Jesus do he went about doing and healing all so wherever you see the father what does he do he does good number two he heals everybody that you see and he doesn't he knew because were a Christian he heals you because were a human being he doesn't owe you one again before he'll you know he makes the Sun to shine on the good and on the back he is so benevolent that whether you believe in God or not even if you're a theist who said there is no God if you're sick and we pray for you you will be well now if an unbeliever can receive healing emotionally deliver the logos of God the thinking pattern of God Jesus the mindset of God Jesus the thought of God the intent of God Jesus the intent behind the actions of God the logos of God all of Jesus life on if you kill nobody so when you see man of God pray for people to die those men of God are either ignorant or purely weekend is one of them because you're not they are not they are not ambassadors of Christ he gave life in fact somebody carried a child and the child was dead when Jesus saw them you told her to draw the child if he else are you a believer are you not able I said madam you shouldn't be crying when I'm here drop each other child stand up madam go he didn't say not at a village I will you follow me he does not do it because he expects anything written under if I'm talking to somebody he doesn't bless because he expects you to you know he's not a man he is not a man when it comes to behavior he doesn't say a you will get contract next week let me give you now so that when your contract you remember me even the contract it is because of his goodness that you got it somebody shout hallelujah so Jesus is the thinking pattern of God now please follow me I'm going somewhere are you still here okay so Jesus is the reason behind the action Jesus is the intelligence that brings to pass the motive of God Jesus is the summation the essence the substance the very reason of course entire plan for us Jesus is the reason behind the action the thoughts behind the action the intelligence that brings to pass the Moche Jesus is the summation the essence the softness the very regime of God entire plan for us meaning that when the prophets were prophesied they were prophesying based on Jesus so the scriptures are all about Christ in search of the one verse 43 put it up for me the Bible says Jesus is called Christ why is it called Christ the one that will save the day following Jesus will go forth into Galilee and findeth Philip are said unto Him follow me 44 now Philip was of Bethesda the city of Andrew and Peter fortifies Philip findeth Nathanael and said unto him we have found him of whom Moses in the law and the prophets did write Jesus of Nazareth the son of Joseph hallelujah Moses were in the law and the prophets what was their writing Jesus of Nazareth so what are you reading the law of Moses are you living the process of the Prophet there is only one thing you're supposed to see whether in the law in the prophecy what are you supposed to see Jesus of Nazareth is the message look 2444 Jesus look at those disciples on the way to Emmaus in Luke 24:44 and he said unto them these are the world which I spec on to you while I watch it with you that all things must be fulfilled which were written where in the law of Moses and in the prophets and in the Psalms concerning me I am the one Moses was talking about I am the one the prophets were talking about I am the reason why David sang so when David was saying he that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty what evolution is he that gets born again you can't be born again I see the same I will dwell in the secret place no no no born again is dwelling in the secret place you are in him he's in you which other secret places better than that [Music] so there it was singing prophetically concerning the Messiah what is dead this period which resurrection will provide it will be put to a race a bridge across a generation of humanity that never existed before and those people are sitting here tonight if you're a man is louder you're one in the number lift your eyes on a shuttle born of God I win all the time I thought our here powerful amen
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 16,832
Rating: 4.9019608 out of 5
Id: j21thcZ_RGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2017
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