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[Music] [Applause] [Music] well somebody would be blessed this weekend let your mm public under Oh glory glory glory somebody shot glory somebody shot glory if you be the most blessed person let your glory be louder Oh lift your hands to heaven father will rejoice with joy unspeakable full of glory and we thank you for grace and mercy and thank you for the privilege to learn the privilege to be impacted and the privilege to grow in the knowledge of Christ above all we thank you for the opportunity to hear your word and your word that goes for China come back void a decree that whatever is not planted by God is rooted out a decree that this weekend will be a week of grace and glory in this house like never before we give you praise and glory that's a word that goes for China come back void in Jesus precious name and every believer sees a man locked under lift your right hands let's release our feet to get us to say these words I am born of God I am born of the world the Word of God is my nature I do not struggle to do the world I do the world naturally therefore tonight I will understand the word of His grace I will be built up and by the end of this service I will never be the same again never ever be the same again in Jesus name and every believer says him and Lokhande give the Lord a shout and their prayers and give it to the Lord give it to the Lord give it to the Lord glory you can be seated in the heavenlies praise God for evermore well I'm glad to be back to this church again so glad to be with you and I want to appreciate the apostille the set man of this house and the first lady of this house thank you sir Thank You MA for your labor Reverend Steve Mensa thank you for all you do for the kingdom thank you for what you represent and thank you for your labor in this household of faith the Bible says counted worthy of double honor they will labor in word and doctrine we celebrate and salute you sir thank you for what you keep doing and the leadership of this house let's go ahead give it up to the a lot for what this great apostle of God is doing in this house can I get a powerful amen well I'm gonna be with you from today to Sunday man are you ready for some real word here are you sure you're ready it's gonna get very crazy tonight I'm just gonna lay some foundation and then we're building it but we're gonna have some great time together I came with some of my books that I will encourage you to get this one is the believers work of victory actually this is the latest one is overcoming scene consciousness this is very powerful there's another one here money with a mission it deals with Bible doctrine forgiving this is very very powerful also the last time I was here talked about prayer networks and I came with only a copy which I give to the man of God now we can we refill the copies on prayer that works New Testament prayer there's another new one that came out is complete Bible deliverance this will help you you know to understand complete the doctrine of Bible deliverance I mean this is very powerful moving from one Kingdom to another and then I came with another one here it's understanding relationships marriage and family life my wife and I were 25 years married so I put together a doctrinal material on relationships marriage this is very powerful it will solve a lot of puzzle and has to do with you know complex issues where marriage and different kinds of situations in marriage what the Bible says about them these books will do a great deal of good in your life now there's another book I have here that I'm gonna be preaching from and it's titled life before the cross and life after the cross they are not the same you know and I will encourage you to get a copy of this book it's a must-have before this conference is over are you ready for the Word of God all right so let's get into it I'm gonna begin tonight with some foundations and then what will fly from there let's begin from the book of 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verse number 15 second Timothy chapter 3 verse number 15 brother Paul wrote to Timothy as - Teemo team and that from a child thou hast known the Holy Scriptures the word holy scriptures is a Greek word hey go scruffy or haggis gramma and that means sacred writings or set apart writings which are able to make thee wise unto salvation that the mission of the holy scriptures is to bring you to a place of wisdom in the subject of salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus the word in Christ Jesus there is a post resurrection reality that means you will never see that word used anywhere until after Jesus rose from the dead because nobody could be in Christ until after resurrection so through faith which is in Christ Jesus the next verse is all scripture the Greek word is passing away which means the entirety of the document called scripture is given by inspiration the word inspiration is a Greek word for breath that means the scriptures came out of the breath of God and is profitable for doctrine so the scriptures are given to us to profit us for doctrine the word doctrine is a Greek word that Scalia that the Scalia means teaching or explanation the scriptures are given to us for teaching or explanation concerning faith which is in Christ Jesus so without the scriptures there's no other place to know concerning faith which is in Christ Jesus meaning that the entire revelation of God is communicated to man via words that means you can never know God outside words that the totality of the revelation of God is put together in a book meaning you can never know God elsewhere outside of this book it is called the Scriptures given to us for doctrine teaching explanation concerning the Christ John 5:39 jesus said to the Jews such the Scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life but the Scriptures don't give eternal life rather they are they which testify of me or I am the message of the Scriptures or the scriptures point to my passing or receive remove me from the scripture you have no scripture because the Scriptures testify of me so the Scriptures we are for are the message of a person they testified of a passing the scriptures are not written concerning you the scriptures are written concerning him they testify of him so the scriptures and not about you the scriptures are not about you succeeding the scriptures and not about you making it the scriptures are the totality of the revelation of a man they testify of me then he said in the next verse you will not come to me that you may have life so the Scriptures testify of me but beyond the testimony of the scriptures you must meet my passion it is an encounter with my passion that gives you life so the scriptures therefore are given to us for doctrine that the Scalia doctrine in the area of reproofs doctrine in the area of reproof the word reproof is the word evidence that is when a man understands doctrine he is equipped with evidence meaning you can convince anybody concerning your faith because you have evidence doctrine which gives you reproof doctrine which gave you correction because the work of doctrine is so correct our mindset so doctrine corrects us number-three doctrine instructs us in righteousness so three things doctrine will do number one it will give you evidence number two it will give you correction number three it will give you instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be perfect the word perfect is what my child that when a man of God is exposed to doctrine teaching explanation in the area of evidence in the area of correction in the area of instruction he arrests at a place of maturity where he is thoroughly furnished unto every good work so the Scriptures therefore are given to us to correct us to instruct us and to build the evidence of the Christ can somebody shot a powerful amen now I'm laying foundation tonight now I'd established that the Bible is not the scripture because the Scriptures Jesus said testify of him and when he said that he said that in John chapter 5 there was no book of John when brother Paul told Timothy all Scripture there was no book of Timothy in the Book of Luke when Jesus looked at the guys on the way to Emmaus and said to them on in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself there was no book of Luke in the book of Matthew Jesus looked at the Jews and said to them you do err because you know not the scripture nor the power of God there was no book of Matthew in the book of Romans brother Paul said according to the scriptures of the prophets there was no book of Romans so the Gospels and not the scripture the epistles are not the scripture so where is the scripture Genesis to Malachi so when he says all Scripture is given by inspiration he's talking about the Canon the Talon is called Scripture is Genesis to Malachi meaning that Genesis to Malachi will be the message of Christ in times shadows prophecies promises events circumstances personalities patterns all of it pointing to a passive I don't have fun congregating here so the entire message of the cannon is a passive until you know the person you don't know the message are we here until you know the person you don't know the message the message is a passive that's why a preacher cannot preach Christ if he doesn't know Christ you must know him to preach him and if you are not preaching Christ you are not preaching no I didn't say you are not saying something you are saying something powerful but it is not preaching because if it is preaching it will be Christ because the message is a passing thing about satire are you still here 1st Corinthians chapter 1 verse 18 God punished the devil 1st Corinthians chapter 1 verse 18 for the preaching of the Cross is to them that perish foolishness for people that are perishing the preaching of the Cross not preaching the preaching of the Cross not just preaching you can preach anything but this is specified the preaching of the Cross so it is not preaching if it is not the cross [Music] the preaching of the Cross is to them that perish foolishness a man that does not have the revelation of Christ what Lavinia is foolish what the dunya is a waste of time but watch this but unto us which are saved it is the power of God never shut up so the power of God is communicated via preaching which bridging the preaching of the Cross are we here so if it is not the preaching of the Cross it is not power that is not the preaching of the Cross it can be philosophy it can be oratory it can be motivation it can be success but it is not the power of God you don't need God to succeed imagine here you don't need code to succeed look at who are in Buffett look at Bill Gates Steve Jobs Steve Jobs who who invented Apple said there is no God that God is a figment of the imagination of a poor man that it is because you are poor and you don't know how to cure poverty so you create a God inside your mind that does not exist that is Steve Jobs the owner of Apple very successful so you don't need God to succeed so we don't come to church to succeed I don't know if I'm teaching here listen you don't need God to prosper the richest people on earth don't know Christ and they don't care about him that's why it is the preaching of the Cross and to those out there it is foolish that means they don't need that preaching to build houses they don't need that preaching to make millions and billions they don't need it so that's why when somebody said I am called to preach prosperity there is no such message oh my goodness there is no message of prosperity there is the message of the cross I feel like I'm preaching here if you're hearing shots I hear I hear be honest there is no message of prosperity so the question is do crystals prosper yes just like unbelievers prosper are we here so prosperity is not unique to Christianity prosperities for all if you do what you need to do and do it well you succeed if you do what you need to do when you prosper you make money without prayer what is unique to us is the message what is unique to us is the message I told him somewhere miracles are not exclusive to Christianity miracles are not exclusive to us there are magicians there are native doctors there are there are there are people into diabolical things a perform magic and miracles so miracles are not peculiar to us you remember Moses came before Pharaoh Pharaoh called magicians they perform miracles Moses also performed miracles I will together here same thing so that you saw a miracle is not enough for you to say you are saved when Jesus was here most of the people he healed didn't believe in him after healing them they went away they were not interested I will together here so a miracle is not enough to say the soul that's what I'm saying people don't get saved by miracles now don't get me wrong Christianity has miracles but is not our focus you didn't hear what I said Christianity has miracles but that's not our focus because that's not exclusive to us what is exclusive to us is the message what is the message the preaching of the cross satella da to them that perish is foolishness but unto us that are saved acha acha acha it is the power of God I prophesied to the first 500 who stand I will collect under you will manifest power you will demonstrate power you will set your generation you will shake your world somebody says I hear I hear sit down cross-legged I am in charge the preaching of the Cross to them that perish is foolishness so what is the cross because tonight I want to begin with the revelation of the cross then tomorrow who do with the power of the Cross saatana God God punish the devil what is the cross and sometimes you hear people say thank you Lord for the cross the cross of Jesus was the most sacred teaching of the Gospels that the disciples never understood they never understood Jesus who look at it and say I will die I will be buried because they don't right nobody can touch you not while I am here I have my knife in my pocket any attempt I will take them out with even Peter the chief apostle couldn't understand the mystery of the cross in fact he was fighting Jesus for wanting to go to the cross but why did Jesus come to ask he came to head for the cross who is Jesus God who became a man to save man who is Jesus God who became a man to save man so why did he become a man he became a man for salvation what was the process of salvation the cross what is the cross not the stick the stick is not the cross the cross is a symbol of the message which mrs. death burial resurrection so we use the cross to symbolize the death the burial and the resurrection so when we say the cross we are not talking about the stick actually the price of redemption was not paid on the cross the fall of man in Genesis chapter 3 was separation God said to Adam they day you eat of it you shall surely die death was separation not extinction it was suppression not extinction because after Adam ate he was still working in fact he went to hide God Cameron Adam where Adel Adam said I am naked but he has died he has died but he knows is naked he has died he's hiding in the leaves so it was not extinction death was separation the separation of Adam from God was the power of Satan Satan has no power except there is a separation the power of Satan is in the suppression of man from God that separation powers Sita so man became a victim when he was separated separated from God how do we know that man was separated from God well Moses had a vision and in that vision of course again remember the language of vision is metaphors and literals they are not all literals so what Moses saw in Genesis couldn't have all been literal they were metaphors that will require interpretation now where will we have the interpretation for the metaphors in the vision of Moses again Moses wrote Genesis Exodus Leviticus numbers Deuteronomy the first five books of the Bible are called Moses meaning Genesis Exodus Leviticus numbers Deuteronomy are covered with metaphors and literals and it will take intensive and exhaustive study to decode we are at the metaphors and where are the literals otherwise you will not be able to rightly divide the word of truth the reason for rightly dividing the word of truth is because as a combination of metaphors literals stories and non essentials okay listen to this that's why I always say that the Bible please listen carefully that the Bible is not the Word of God we all know that the Bible is the Word of God but technically the Bible is not the Word of God why because Satan spoke in the Bible thieves spoke in the Bible okay murderers spoke in the Bible dad can be the word of God secondly the Bible is paper and ink the Word of God cannot be paper and ink how do you prove that John 1:1 in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God the Word was God the Word was God the same was in the beginning with God all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made in him him not in it in him in him not in it in him was life and the life was the light of men and the light shines in darkness and the darkness cannot comprehend it vascular wound he came unto his own and his own received him not vast wealth but as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of God 13 which were born not of flesh nor blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man but of God 14 and the world and the world and the world became flesh so the Word of God is not paper and ink the Word of God is surpassing the Word of God is a person Jesus is the word of God so why do we read the Bible we read the Bible to encounter the person behind the Bible that's why you can not use the Bible to scare Satan he has a bigger copy [Applause] so if you put the Bible under your pillow to sleep same time will bring his big one I love you he does not fear the Bible but when the Bible moves from letter into the sword of the Spirit sabatello when a demo shot Hannah are you still in the house when the Bible moves from letter to the sword of the Spirit then the devil gets to run but he doesn't fear Peppa in fact the Bible says Satan believes the Bible and trembles no wonder Jesus who said to Satan it is written Satan we say for information I have the copy it is also written it's like somebody somebody puts his Bible on the dashboard and it is because the Bible is they can have accident in fact you could have the most ghastly motor accident which our Bible why it doesn't scare the devil the one that scares the devil is the Living Word inside not paper teaching good here teaching good here so because the Bible is a combination of many things that's why it has to be rightly divided the Bible is like Journal of rice you know jollof rice okay there's gonna jello Francis Nigeria and jello France leave the side so since the Bible is like jello fries is a combination of many things so the work of a preacher is to take the jello fries break it down remove the rice remove the water remove the oil remove the pepper remove the salt remove the maguey and whatever else separate all of them then after breaking it down then put them together in an arranged fashion so that the onlooker can see how we arrived at jollof rice so the preacher of the gospel is the separation of Revelation from mystery and by revelation demystify mystery and make the words such that you can assimilate so that by revelation you understand the mystery and you function in a room beyond the natural that is the rim of power that is the rim of authority watch this Ephesians chapter 3 verse 1 it's going to be brutal desert Satan will pay for everything he has taken from you your email is looking for recharge card brother Paul said for this cause i paul the prisoner of jesus christ for you gentiles next verse if you have heard of the dispensation of the grace of god which is given me to you world mitzvahs how that by revelation next verse how that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery how did he make me know the mystery by revelation so revelation demystifies mystery until there is revelation mysteries are not demystified so if I'm going to demystify mystery I must encounter revelation so Paul prayed that the eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may have the spirit of wisdom which is revelation that word and in the original is which is so the spirit of wisdom which is revelation in the knowledge of him in the knowledge of him because it is not about him it cannot be resolution it must be about him for it to be revelation because he is concealed in the Old Testament and revealed in the New Testament so please listen very carefully the New Testament therefore is what we call the rightly divided world the New Testament and the New Testament is not from Matthew Matthew Mark Luke and John are transitional books the New Testament is from Acts how do we Matthew 26:28 for this is my blood of the New Testament so the New Testament came after the blood was shed this is my blood of the new without the shed of blood there will be no New Testament Galatians 4:4 but when the fullness of the time was come God sent forth his son made of a woman made under the law Matthew Mark Luke and John our records eyewitness accounts of Jesus operating under the law so Matthew Mark Luke and John an extension of the law but the difference is they contain in them transitional truths transitional truths like John 10:10 I am calm that you may have life but when he was saying it he has not given life to anybody because that statement was a post resurrection statement he cannot give life till he rises from the dead but it is contained in the Gospels because the Gospels are law but of graded with transitional truths they follow when the fullness of the time was come God sent forth his son made of a woman made under the law why to redeem them next verse that were under the law that we might receive the adoption of sons so as long as I am under the law and the servants if I'm going to be a strong I must be redeemed from under the law and be free from the law as long as I'm under the law I'm a servant for me to be a son I must be pulled out of the law then I cannot be a son because his son is not produce under the law of Moses the best the law can produce a southern Moses was a servant with all due respect Elisha was his servant Jeremiah was his servant Ezekiel they were all servants okay Amos Obadiah Isaiah Zacharias upon ayah Malachi Jonah now whom all of them we are servants I am NOT a servant so if I stand face-to-face with Moses Moses who write notes because there are things was he said but didn't know I know if I met Moses now I will teach him from what he said you know I what Moses said was misty so he himself died was speaking it didn't know what you were saying but what he said as mystery I have revelation Jesus am i teaching here why because I'm not under the law I have been redeemed from under the law I have received the adoption of songs question how was I redeemed Hospital 118 put it up first Peter 1:18 for as much as you know that you we are not redeemed with corruptible things such as silver and gold from your vain conversation received by tradition from your father's so no money no gold no diamond to pay for you the fall of man demanded so much that the only way God could pay the price to by man back watch this man fell but God loves man man cannot approach God but God knows man God cannot come to man because man is in a sinful condition but God loves man man wants to come to God he cannot God wants to come to man he cannot so this is a pressure God looked at the universe to see what can be used to pay for man seen the diamond mines in Congo we are not enough the gold mines of Ghana were not enough the oil wells of Nigeria we are not alone all the treasures of the world couldn't pay for man so God said but I love man and I cannot waste man and if man seems are not paid for man will have to die eternally but I love man so God said to himself the only way man can be redeemed is by me so God sat down and God advised himself that since I have to be the person to pay for man so God decided as God God stood up worked out of God God looked at God and God said to God you go I say am i teaching that let me drop something for you to chew on throughout the night in Genesis 1:26 pay attention Genesis 1:26 the Bible says and God said let us make man in our image that man was not Adam the man in Genesis 1:26 was not Adam because in chapter 2 then we now see God formed man and the man who formed in chapter 2 was Adam but in chapter 1 is Elise McMahon let's make man that man was not Adam how do we know that that man was not other revelation where's revelation ep stools the Old Testament is mystery the Pistons are revelation of mystery so the mysteries are revealed in the Epistle how do I prove that before we deal with Genesis 1 we're going to do a lot of things let's get back to Romans 16:25 Romans 16:25 now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel brother Paul personalized it he called it my gospel so what is the gospel of brother Paul my gospel and that word and in the original Greek is which is my gospel which is the preaching of Jesus Christ so the gospel of brother Paul is the preaching of Jesus Christ the message of brother Paul is Jesus Christ which is the preaching of Jesus Christ according to the revelation of the mystery Old Testament mystery the preaching of brother Paul revelation of the mystery meaning what brother Paul is teaching is an unveiling of the concealed truth follow carefully the Old Testament is Jesus conceived the New Testament is Jesus revealed ok that's when the Old Testament you know c-jes us is concealed so the only way you see him is in types shadows prophecies promises watch this the Old Testament is the New Testament concealed the New Testament is the Old Testament revealed let me go deeper the Old Testament is not books and the New Testament is not books because we see the New Testament in the Old Testament and we see the Old Testament in the New Testament so what is the New Testament now before we deal with that we are do we see the New Testament in the Old Testament abraham believed God and it was counted to him for righteousness devoid of works Abraham did nothing he just believed God called him righteous but under the law you must do something but for Abraham he did nothing why Abraham operated in the New Testament that is older than the Old Testament that was interrupted by the Old Testament with Jesus came to complete in the New Testament so what did I say are you here what I'm simply saying what I'm simply saying is that the Old Testament is younger than the New Testament what I'm simply saying is that the New Testament is older than the Old Testament what I am simply saying is that God's plan was New Testament the Old Testament was not the plan of God the plan of God originally was the New Testament but the New Testament that God's patter in genesis was rudely interrupted by the Old Testament that Moses introduced in Exodus how do I prove that Galatians three seventy Parillo watch carefully please passage and this I say that the Covenant that was confirmed before of God in Christ before of God in Christ the law the law which was four hundred and thirty years after the law which was four hundred and tatties after cannot dishonor that it shall make the promise of non effect what are we saying that the New Testament was before the Old Testament so what was the Old Testament again the Old Testament is not books and the New Testament is not books because we see the Old Testament in the New Testament we are in Acts chapter 15 they were see circumcising what is circumcision law but we see it in the New Testament charge so we see the Old Testament in the new we see the new in the old so if it is not books then what is the Old Testament and what is the New Testament the Old Testament is a relationship with God that is based on what I can do to qualify the New Testament is a relationship with God that is based on what Christ has done that qualifies me didn't hear what I said the Old Testament is a relationship with God that is based on what I can do to qualify the New Testament is a relationship with God that is based on what Christ has done that qualifies me so what is the Old Testament thou shalt not thou shalt not thou shalt not draw nigh I draw nigh ox you receive the responsibility is on you what is the Old Testament if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the Lord our God I shall observe to do according to all that is written Darren then this blessing shall come on you but if you shall not this cautious will come on you what is the New Testament he has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly sphere in price am i teaching batana hebrews chapter 8 verse 10 put it up God punished the devil Hebrews are you here are you here I'm filling this dinner for this is the Covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days saith the Lord I will put my laws into their mind I will write them in their hearts and I will be to them a god and they shall be to me a people Old Testament thou shalt not thou shalt not thou shalt not New Testament I will I will I will all Testament you New Testament God is responsible so in the New Testament you do not in your blessed why are you blessed for doing not him Christ did it for you how do we prove that Romans 8:1 there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are where in Christ Jesus all right vast you for the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set me free from the law of sin and death verse 3 for what the law will not do for what the log will not do in that it was weak through the flesh the law was weak through the flesh you didn't hear that the law was whipped through the flesh okay God sending his son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin condemned sin in the flesh next verse that the righteousness of God may be fulfilled in us not by us I didn't fulfill righteousness Jesus fulfilled righteousness for me when he fulfilled I fulfilled it is called substitutionary he's my substitute how we see my substitute so God walked out of God and God said to God you go I stay in theology we say it like this the pre-incan it said to the incan it the pre-incan it said to the internet they will put it like this the lord said to my lord the lord said to my lord the pre-incan it said to the incan it you go I stay that's why Jesus is God because Jesus is God who did what the Greek called genome I you know mind means a change of shape and location that God Almighty removed God put God on the throne compress himself as deity into flesh and appeared on earth because of man does a love of God am i teaching here that's a love of God that God Almighty compressed himself as date into mortality and touch a body that is frail a body that can be tempted a body that can be tired a body that can be weak a body that can have malaria God humble himself into that body because of you he didn't need to because he didn't sin using what is love for you will let him let you go so God became a man because of you God Almighty United with Satan come on your hand like this God and Satan became one because of you God Almighty was joined to see them as well Gordon sit on were united as one and God took Satan with him in unity and died in that dead crook the power of it because listen listen if the fall of man was separation from God and God became a man to pay on behalf of man then god of necessity must assume man state kasi substitution he couldn't have come on at gloriously to pay the price of a sinner no he himself will have to become sin his identification when he died the power of sin was broken what did John call him the Lamb of God that that pompous the sin of the world what does he do to see did he take it away when did he take it away across how about yourself this question why would Jesus be crying for a cop oh oh I don't want to take this club oh I don't want to but he came for the cop but now he's changing his mind I don't want the cop I don't want the cop Oh father I don't want the cop I don't want to take it then he remember you he remembered you he remembered you he remembered you not as I will your will be done the question is what was in that stupid cop what was in the stupid cop they will make go to weep that was a he cried until his his sweat was like drops of blood he cried vehemently he wept not just cry he wept deeply dad Cobb contained the scene of man from Adam every scene man ever committed from Adam to n Jesus came and that cop contained everything that was being committed at the material time and that cup contains everything that mankind was capable of committing in the eternity to come all put together in that cop because he died once he didn't die twice and that one death paid for eternity past eternity future it is that one dead that paid for the sins of your great grand children that will be born he's not going to die again I'm teaching here tonight if you're catching my flu shot I hear I hear [Applause] got one dead paid that's why he cried but even in the cry he didn't change his mind the Bible says he took the cop not as a wheel your will be done are we here and he took that code now remember the cross is not where the price was paid so tomorrow we shall figure out where the price of speed because if the price was not paid on the cross then the cross is just a symbol of everything if you remember on the cross he had not died so somebody asked me over why did Jesus say it is finished it was not seen that was finished he wasn't seen it wasn't seen because he has not yet died the price of sin will have been the death and I'm going to explain that tomorrow so if it was not dead what was finished because he merely mounted the cross he shouted Italy finished Jesus what was finished because you are not even died you are not even being buried you have not even risen from the dead and you shouted it is finished and it was not a fit confession so what was finished I will close with that tonight then tomorrow I have two things I didn't finish for you tonight Adam is not money Genesis 1:26 shown that I'll show you tomorrow we have a whole week man we're going to have fun in this house if you're ready Sharad what was finished I have to finish on that tonight on that note tonight in Genesis chapter 15 Abraham walked to God Oh God rod I walked to Abraham and said I am your shield I am your exceeding great reward I am God Abraham said God hold it hold it hold it enough of promises don't promise me anything is the end Genesis 50 they Abraham said to God what will you give me now seen a go childless you bless me I have money I have everything and the only thing you gave me as a human being is a is a servant is it this southern that will inherit my world where's my own child so God showed that Abraham has started doubting his promises and God cannot work in an atmosphere of doubt so God has to fix Abraham from doubt because without faith is impossible to please God God how to fix a brown from doubting because remember God told Abraham in you shall all families of the earth be blessed so I have to fix this guy so God Almighty said what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna find out what do they do in Abraham city to put an end to doubt because Abraham is already doubting my plan so God came to Abraham city on a tall to find out what do they do to put an end to doubt and then God discover that in Abraham's city they had what they used to call the Covenant making the covenant making ceremony and the reason why he is to make covenant was to end out it's like in Africa you promise somebody something he said are you sure you would do it are you sure he says look I swear to God is that true in fact in Nigeria we will touch the ground I swear nothing will change it so God came to Abraham's town to find out how they do and so that God can do and for Abraham so the Abraham who stop doubting or when God came a father died Abraham's down it was covenant how did they used to do it if there are farmers and fight us the fighters because of fighting don't have time to fund so when they finish fighting battles the combat they're hungry the farmers because of too much fighting they don't have time to train so when the harvest come their enemies who come and collect it so the farmers and the fighters will decide to cut a covenant the farmers who say to the fighters will provide food the fighters we tell the farmers we protect now but that's not enough so what it used to do in Abraham's time was to cut covenant the elder of the farmers and the elder of the fighters will meet two of them and discuss the terms of the Covenant and it was usually a lengthy conversation and the end of discussion when they agree on terms they will now come to the families of Fighters and farmers and share with both families the terms of engagement then they will take animals to what we call the covenant making site and they will come with the covenant making sword then when they arrive they will line up the animals and the priests will slice the animals in two equal halves two equal halves when the animal bodies fall into two equal halves blood will come from the two sides into that middle of the pieces of the animals and create a bloodline the elder of the farmers who stand on one end and the elder of the fighters who stand on the other end and the eldest among the two elders will do what we call the walk of blood so they will pull of their shoes the families will be on the both sides watch him and the elder will go like on behalf of the farmers I walk the walk of blood and I swear to social so deity that we all believe in that from today we under farmers of a blood blood brothers and if we betray them may we die the death then the other elder will do the same then two of them will come together they will walk unmeet in the middle of the blood line then they will cut their bodies they will mix their blood they will lick their blood then they will mock every member of the families and give them a covenant mark they will share gifts and from that deal the farmers and the fighters have become blood brothers and if you touch one farmer thinking is a small person the whole fighters will come on you because you touch one you touch all so winged God so that God said well this is interesting Abraham get animals is the end Genesis 15 get animals let's go cut covenant because I want to end your doubt Abraham took animals they went to covenant making site go to Abraham's lies the animals into equal halves Abraham's lies do to animals into equal halves God stood on one side Abraham stood on one side and because God is senior God started a walk of blood and God said I jump over because there's none greater than I I swear by myself that from this day I will not lie to Abraham the moment God started talking and walking the walk of blood Abraham fainted because Abraham was too small to watch stages where now when Abraham fainted God walk that walk of blood and came back and waited for Abraham to walk on behalf of man Abraham was dead my friend that guy couldn't wake up God waited and waited Abraham never woke up God left his end Genesis 15 after some days Abraham woke up and went back then in Genesis 17 God came to Abraham and said young man they already what happened to you I was waiting for you to walk the walk of blood you never woke up and then God say ok to prove to me that you believe me go into your room and circumcise yourself I need you to bring that blood from your body so Abram entered circumcise himself to convince God Regina believes God now but remember that covenant is not complete because a covenant is a pledge and agreement between two or three parties to carry out certain terms and now in that covenant only God walk man never walked so the Old Testament is an incomplete estimate I you with me here so one day Jesus showed up on behalf of man Jesus the man on the way to Golgotha when he carried a cross they began to beat him blood was dripping and was walking the walk of blood on behalf of man to complete their covenant that was started and nobody could complete it they were beating in the blood was dripping as they were beating the blood was dripping so that's where the momentum mounted a cross he said it is finished what was finished the Old Covenant is finished I have completed mass demand of that covenant I feel I can preacher if you're hearing me shout I hear I hear and listen five ten minutes I'll submit oh are you catching the revelation summary say can you prove it yes it happened between David and Jonathan the Bible says the love between David and Jonathan was stronger than the love of a man and a woman and one day David came to visit Jonathan and the army I mean the soldiers internationals house - David out and said would you wanna see bloody civilian and David said I want to see Jonathan Jonathan was a five-star general in the army of Saul and so they came in and told David and David I mean Jonathan Jonathan let him come in David came in and told Jonathan I don't like the way your men assaulted me all the time I've come to see you is there something you can give me that gives me access so Jonathan said no problem from today they will not assault you anymore Unicom pulled out his five star uniform and give to David and collected David civilian uniform now how many of you realize that when David was coming in he was stopped and questioned but as he went in he's changed uniform as his coming out with the five star general uniform how many of you know those same soldiers will have to do an attention for David because it's not about David is about the uniform I don't know if you're hearing what I'm saying one day Jonathan died and only David was left Saul died David took over the throne in Israel one day David stood up and said is there not any left of the house of Saul let me show him some kindness of God I want to display goodness on somebody and then zhaibar said to David as one by the name of of mephibosheth but Mephibosheth is in the city called Madiba we'll go get him they went and got me few he was lame on his two legs and lame people are not permitted into raw reality but this guy was lame and the King has sent for him so they brought me free to the City of David David came out and looked at me see lemon islets and he said Murphy from today you will eat continually on my table for Jonathan sick maybe said I'm sorry I'm a layman I'm just a dog David say you can be a baboon you can be monkey it doesn't matter it's not about you it's about unit I'm preaching if you're here is shot I hear you give or Chikara Jesus and God enter the Covenant on your behalf see the Covenant is not between you and God the Covenant is between Jesus and God Jesus represents man and God represents deity between the two of them God cannot fill Jesus cannot feel that Covenant is an unbreakable covenant by two immutable things it's impossible for God to lie what are those things God and Jesus so listen carefully you and God don't have covenant you ain't gonna have covenant because for you ain't gotta have covenant means you have to keep terms and if you feel you die and there's no man that cannot fail God can trust you to be in covenant with him you will wipe away the human race so God God created man out of God to represent man in the Covenant so listen to this God and Jesus are in a covenant you're just a beneficiary you're just a beneficiary am I talking to somebody whether you like it or not once you're born again you are blessed whether you pray or not before you call I will answer listen when my father and mother got married the Covenant of marriage was between two of them I am just a beneficent so my father must pay my school fees my father must give me house to stay my father must give me food whether I pray or I don't pray whether I fast or adolphus if he's a responsible father I didn't beg them to bring me out two of them agreed and brought me out I didn't beg God to get me born again God got me born again by the death of Christ the ax for God has to take care of me he has to look after me he has to provide for me he has to protect me why it is his responsibility what is my responsibility to enjoy what God has provided as your ma will come latwanda I professor you we'll enjoy the blessing you will enjoy the grace of God you will enjoy the provisions of God somebody said I receive a receipt the Covenant is between God and Jesus you are just a penny Fisher he doesn't bless you because you prayed he blesses you because of Jesus he doesn't heal you because you are smart you know sir sometimes you hear preachers say well there are ten steps to healing no step there is no step say you've been in the evangelistic field sometimes people that get you don't even believe in Jesus they are not even Chris things they can't even pray sometimes they don't even say Amen yet they are healed so there are no conditions my friend he heals because he loves you are you hearing listen one time Jesus acts humble someone asks Jesus heal my child jesus said do you believe the man said I don't believe but Jocelyn I don't believe help my unbelief I don't believe you but I just want healing Jesus a take so even in unbelief he will bless you [Music] there are some of you here in the sound of my voice what has not been working for you is just started working for you if you stand up a shot at a man it is working for you right now does not have closed the case is also open for you if your MN is loud abrasive it by grace I say receive it by grace I shall receive it by grace I shall receive it by grace summary lifter to us i see i am a beneficiary of the relationship between Jesus and God both of them are responsible for every good thing that happens in my life I receive right now from the finished work of Christ I'll receive right now every blessing every favor every grace above all I'll receive total adoption into the best of God and I declare I am in him he is in me a house god sir again a house god one more time a house god what cannot touch God cannot touch me he cannot be seen I cannot be seeking he lives in me my body is the temple of the Holy Ghost therefore I declare right now I receive the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness and I declare tonight by faith I am righteous right now can I hear powerful amen [Applause] [Music] who is righteous in this house tonight listen to me very carefully Jonathan and Davey did he have to beg for anything it happened because of a covenant relationship there are things you've been praying for since January this year and God spoke to me before I came to the service tonight they'll tell you good news you've waited and waited is like it's not coming but I came to tell it as just calm that a man is not good enough it has just come I said it has just caught incessant shows me release closed doors have just opened what you are looking for is looking for you if you're a man is louder receive the baptism of favor receive the baptism of favor receive the baptism of favor and I declare and I declare by the apostolic mantle upon my life for some of you that have not our celebration in your houses for a while in the next seven days in the next seven days people will have a reason to celebrate oh there will have a reason to celebrate in your house they will celebrate in your office they will celebrate your family they will celebrate he a walk they will celebrate your business is about to be celebrated good things are happening to you right now somebody shot I receive a receipt listen the Bible says it has pleased God through the foolishness of preaching through the foolishness of preaching sometimes you wonder you just you just mean just by talking like that things are happening oh my goodness it's happening big time it's happening big big time just like that yes just like that you don't have to have a reason right up listen if everything that happens in your life can be explained you are far from grace there are some things are show happen in your life where you say I don't know all i know is it has happened the man said once I was blind now I can see how did it happen I don't know but I can see am I talking to somebody from now till there is over it will happen to you beyond explanation [Applause] no one knows a man is Donna is happening for you right now receive grace receive grace receive Christ receive Christ receive Christ somebody shot I receive a receive lifter - hands up to heaven and I want to hear your chemistry Kunduz I pray in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus Satan take your hands take your hands off the property of God's people now you receive a delivery of manifestation receive manifestation receive manifestation received manifestation it is done it is done in Jesus precious name can I get a demon on a note of finality chloride [Music] Hey [Music]
Views: 104,666
Rating: 4.7516341 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. Abel Damina, Rev. Steve Mensah, Charismatic Evangelistic Ministry, Fireconference, Fireconference2017, 2017, sermon
Id: iY_lT_Ux7Mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 7sec (4267 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2017
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