How Long Could You Survive as a Captive in Minecraft?

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hmmm I don't think you guys are ready I am I can't oh man DJ Cal you're the best what up it's me lock that zip and it's me Tyler the webcam it still sucks I know there's black artifacts I literally just bought the webcam right now I know I said I did before but I lied I kept still lying and bye yeah because I'm actually going to e3 this weekend but I haven't talked about that in a sec welcome to captive minecraft for winter realm don't look at my webcam 1.10 custom survival map well what are we supposed to do right we can't hardly move right well if you don't know what captive minecraft is every time you grabbed achievement your area of living this room you see all this it's crazy expands by just a little bit and it's our job to expand as far as possible by getting as many achievements as we can we just got another achievement getting hood oh my goodness this is by the far Landers they made captive minecraft one through three we play well I played one I played two as well and I didn't play three it was too scary but I did play four or I oh I guess I'm playing for right so what I want to ask you guys was if you had any interest in seeing these episodes like boom boom boom boom boom just instant I'm going to e3 Monday to wednesday of this upcoming week and I it'd be super useful for me to post them all like super often so if you all want to see it like way often you guys smash the ready literally if this gets like I just have to get like like almost 10,000 likes first day if you want to see them every day every day otherwise we'll probably member two days but all that thank you so much for our Landers you guys that I believe it's a team if I'm mistaken correct me I'm sorry I believe it's the team you guys are the best this is such a cool map I've always enjoyed playing these so we're gonna go ahead and just jump in and continue to get some achievements so I hope you enjoy seriously it's gonna be good now I don't think I do not believe that there is a achievement for axes I don't know we can almost reach the chest right there we're gonna need to get some stone so that we can get an upgrade for the next enchantment and again when I say I know the web the reason I would say the webcam I I'm gonna get the webcam when I get back whoa drop Hey torn journal entry what is this about day 34 and avalanche has buried my escape route back to the surface without a shovel I have no choice but to stay underground until this winter is over scary nice I like it I'll be got any other goodies well we got some gold nuggets we got some apples that will be useful for one of the enchantments I think one of them I think one of them is for making a Golden Apple mmm-hmm we can't reach that chestnut anytime soon but all right I'm gonna have to build a staircase down the proper way because I need to be able to back down very easily you know now this is supposed to be an easier version of captive minecraft compared to most but there is a very special game rule that is added just for this version it's called ultra mobs maybe maybe we'll give it a shot you see what I mean like ultra mobs have been enabled essentially what this means is creepers will explode after taking any damage zombies get super speed when you kill regular spiders they will summon cave spiders and then what skeletons just have really strong bows so as you can see I don't know do we do it I guess we can test it out cuz if I die you know if it's just too much cuz I'm down a try you know what I mean is there just no way to get further down hmm maybe I guess we can make a sword I didn't want to waste wood on the stone sword but you know what I mean that's what we got to do right now time to strike because now we can reach this chest and there we go another torn journal entry hmm so this one was day 34 this was day 18 I finally reached the area in the map today will be spent setting up camp then tomorrow I can begin to dig downwards oh man dangerous dangerous no wait a second we now have 12 pieces of gold I guess I could make a hope I believe that is one as well let's see hey yeah you know ah but we still can't reach we could do have any seeds maybe we get some seeds from breaking news that would be very convenient come on baby come on come on baby hey no fine please anything because I don't think you can get him from hole in the ground anymore let me see we'll give it a shot well it looks like you couldn't but now I'm just tempted we gotta get the rest of this wood before nightfall we need to be able to protect yourself from these ultra mobs because they might suck completely like super like wow there's a big old tree I tell you what now we better get all of it hopefully this is how many more you know I should make an axe is an axe one what we could always consult the achievements I'd even think about that so we can turn some wheat into bread if we add any we can we can kill a monster when it becomes time - there's no cows around we could make a better pickaxe haven't come across any stone yet but you know we could just go further down I do have wood ok let's do it ok there we go I think I want to make an axe I feel like there's gonna be wood to spare you know I feel like maybe I don't know anything well we'll see in a second boom alright so now we can go a little bit faster because I'm trying to mess around anymore and let's leave but we do have some seeds when did I get those someone so mad at me someone saw those instantly and is like the most upset person in the world at me because of that that's funny ok anyway we can go ahead put these won't keep eggs on us I'll wear this thank you very much and we do have some food already now we keep the rest of this alright well down to the depths we go we could make any staircase do that's more of just a plain old drop is there any other way I could go Annie Shing no it's just a straight old drop okay well let's grab some wood make it just slightly less well I'm do anything slightly less painful where my ass it's the whole point of that remember that's my sword I okay we're just gonna drop down and whoa well here we are my second favorite part the room of monuments see all these different clays and some of them are oars I believe if you add three to each of these rooms of monuments you get special items sometimes you get mobs sometimes you'll get key ingredients to help you get achievements faster so we need to be trying to get clay where possible every single piece of anything is important that rose I broke important you got to remember that so that is our secondary goal while we're getting achievements and honestly we're going to need some of this in order to get all the achievements okay so I see I hear some zombies oh man oh there's some stone perfect and we gotta pee very careful ultra mobs are now a real thing it's a little bit it's a little bit nerve-racking I'm gonna get some stone I'm gonna just get a good amount of stone so I can make a furnace etc and I think we'll head upstairs ooh this will be fun I haven't had like a let's play series in like well Skyblock didn't last that long and before that was the custom command mod peg we are getting ready by the way for a season two and by getting ready it means I have not done anything - I'm sorry but with 1.10 out with all the structures maybe oh it just makes me hype to do it so expect it soon because I have some people that are interested in getting that wrong as well all right we should have enough stone to do what we need to do including get back up there actually we might I forgot about that Oh baby so let's see what's gonna be yeah that'll save us some stone you know it doesn't look pretty but ah man but doesn't need to well uh I couldn't I mean I tell you I could have just made the slabs but instead now we gotta be ah what is wrong with me wait oh wait there's snow maybe that's what it is am I really laggy right 47 Phipps what is that about we got to change this too fast why is it so laggy I think it's probably the okay well that actually helped a lot huh that was oh boy it's like I don't know how to play Minecraft come on man and we should now be able to reach exactly where we want to be come on that break right right right right come on yes yes how much worse snow is there okay there we go perfect up we go oh that's beautiful wait we need to make more stairs oh okay well that was easy perfect now what did we get something great Oh spruce saplings it was just from the tree nice ooh there's a couple more up there too let's see what we got man okay can't reach him so meanwhile let's see what we can do now we can make ourselves a furnace we can cook up that meat when I know I can get a ooh if we can expand to the ice we can probable first of all we're very close to get into that chest alright alright alright now I'm gonna get a stone pickaxe cuz I believe that that is another achievement right there yeah yeah can we reach this yet one more way oh oh and it's about to be nighttime okay achievements what can we do we can make bread eventually we could cook some iron if we had any can we do anything else right now we might have to wait for a monster or go kill one just so that we can get to that chest because I don't think cooking anything is a thing but wouldn't hurt to try we should make some sort of shelter as well I don't even have that much wood well I guess it's time we planted one this is gonna be a longer series well I don't know there's gonna be longer series but it'll probably be like I don't know three to four episodes at least half hour each I'd say 25 minutes you know what I mean so it'll be there at some point and I'm trying my best not to cut like anything super minor you know I'll cut it out or whatever but I'm trying to not so mom should start appearing any time now I guess hmm we should make our home out of Kabul just because that we have a lot more of that in fact I can start mine in that right here now that we have this space mm yeah that's true oh and there's some ice okay cool maybe we'll find some iron too now I'm thinking about it we're starting to have some options here man actually this looks like packed ice so I don't know if it will get us any oh man that's it that's a true point we could maybe make we do need gravel so we can make some arrows okay let's see let's see any more secrets please some kind of iron well at least we got like a fun little border around our house I'm at a place one here actually I'm gonna go ahead and update lighting I'm on super-bright all the time now that way we can see where mom's might spawn because that's gonna be important knowledge and a half second here ah where's my stone sword I didn't make one let's go okay you know what I also need I didn't make a shield we need some iron stat seriously so that's not even growing hmm like mobs aren't even appearing in here let's place you down we'll cook up our food meanwhile and he sucks get rid of you as well and then we'll probably throw on piece of wood let's cook you up good to go I'll grab you for the time be alright back there we go we need to kill some mobs we're a little more prepared now just a bit whoa I love it when it just appears like that so we'll be the first plan of action yo seriously light this place up ain't messing around let's um we'll start the staircase going down this way okay now I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not but of course it's good Adventure he's always the best man was meant to explore or something you know do we need to get some more oh I should have kept some logs charcoal oh oh we are out of torches not a good thing just keep going down not a big deal they're getting so loud they are come on like right in front of me now okay okay okay okay oh boy oh wow dude nice see they're all moving so fast I don't know about this ultra mobs thing guys oh we got monster hunter though you see they spawned cave spiders now okay well now we get that chest upstairs I don't care what's going on down there in fact I'm nervous oh okay good I covered the right hole excellent so back up we go man seriously I don't know about this ultra mobs thing oh is my gaming yo you know what it is that's what makes me lag is all that stuff being a highlight yeah yeah I'm gonna put things that I don't need I don't need those are on me right now we'll get rid of I guess I could probably burn that too now I've got plenty of cobblestone mmm-hmm-hmm no mob still which I guess is mana suck super bad I'm sorry alright it's good okay so oh here we go another Turin journal entry day 29 so this is takes place second in between the three we've got day 29 my shovel broke today but I found the ancient monuments buried deep in the snow if I adjust some hardened clay blocks and dies I could surely restore them to their original state wow that was cool I moved my minecraft window so I could slowly look up but you guys what am i cool babies all right nice we got some arrows we've got some oak saplings so we could make in fact some more trees I suppose I'll go ahead and place another down wouldn't hurt to do that at all I'm still a little singing that suck man oh man I start coughing sorry bad much better okay so I guess I'll just break you we could start with like oh that burn the axe oh I hope not oh I did not where is it won't I put it in gee whiz I should just make a stone one but I'd rather use this until you know cuz resources are tight times a tough man you can't just willy-nilly all the time no wait a second I should make a shovel so that oh that's got things in doesn't matter doesn't have many things I don't I want to move operations hmm it's not even I want to move operations downstairs it's just you know I'm gonna do I'm a pause for this one I'm gonna make a fort or something yeah well it's not much to look at but progress and that's all man can ask for or something you know what I mean so whatever worry about the roof later Malthus this is gross it's a nice dirt nice suck dirt on the inside why would I put dirt down I need a better blocks in this but this will do for now do I make my even don't even have any wood lift what is this and I didn't give myself a way to get back in on boil boil man alright that was different wood okay cool is that needed really y'all I'm gonna do it just because you know it sucks is I think I accidentally reset the pro grass on my trees I am almost certain I did oh boy this sucks at everything okay well plays one here um because I don't think that they are affected by the world border thingy you know to me so that's good and did I just lose that what oh it's right here I just have a lot okay cool we will place you here perfect so that is a solid amount of what can we do now we need to get water somehow we need to kill a cow no cow has been around yet we already got the monster hunter man get some iron whoa like we're gonna get that one anytime soon you can't make those anymore okay gosh there's we we need to catch fish get iron and those are probably the closest things we can do right now in terms of more achievements but are we even that close to them you know I mean can I do see we're just out of reach over here - hmm now that is a hazard that's no good oh we can break this water I don't remember if I need a break with a pig axe or not okay good we can now catch some fish oh man but wait we need string okay we need to get some string we kill spider Oh No nerve-wracking let's play some things and chests okay we can put our plet will you put our furnace down over here and then the crafting table we will put over in the corner because I just like things placed in areas where they're all near you see and uh nice now we also could use a bed at some point we can make wool using spider string so that might be the key to skipping night because we're gonna be playing with Ultra mobs I'm not gonna feel bad for ooh if we get a pumpkin we can make a snowman assistant actually I'm gonna keep that on me not both one Wow I mean actually now they think about it with my health currently yeah might be the way to go perfect okay wait am I wearing my armor still where's my armor are you kidding me what happened to it did it break I throw it out by mistake oh are you kidding me I don't have any armor now get real get real all right well down we go hopefully all mobs have spawned they take all creeper if creepers take any damage at all they explode what do I do come on no come on no come on what how much wood to do this I'll lure him down cuz I don't want to blow up in here no chance uh-uh oh boy oh man now I can't see anything did he lose the torch oh dude oh dude and the winch always they're haunting me get out are you serious okay oh man oh man we need to let the spiders only you know what I mean spiders can climb yeah that's what what that's how it has to happen okay cool okay cool at least we have a game plan come on up spiders spiders only we only want spire difference can you guys even see this right now how's my brightness looking zombies all there they're fighting who and that guys hold string dude this is so alright they just took out the skeleton oh my gosh oh man oh they're like right there get out I can't even believe this we gotta hit the creeper a bad idea terrible Oh No best idea ever probably I feel like there's still a lot of moms but I only see a couple right now no there's definitely way more oh dude ultra mobs super cool actually it'd be super super slow about this there's the string I need there's actually a lot of things right there I could use that which is getting so mad skeleton yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna just get it and go let me get it and go i'ma get it ago I have to now now I have to get it and go i'ma die i'ma die this is how it happened this is how it happened oh ultra mobs whose fantastic idea get I need to I need a sword come on get real oh I grabbed it died in the middle that's fine I'll die in the middle man oh man now it's a scramble ultra mobs real thing dude that's crazy okay okay as long as we're dying in the middle get the sword have a good time come on pickaxe I'll take it oh boy I'm turning off ultra mobs I can't do it we'll turn I'm gonna get my stuff game rule it's too much for a second you know what I mean or you want me to lose everything when we lose everything I lose everything get real you know that's what's happening here I'm getting my items then we turn it back on once I escape that's the only copy right I'm not gonna lose all my stuff I'm telling you now how it's gonna work promise oh they're all dead at least they're all dead dude are you serious good just always met me oh I can't see anything right I order it off order it off I see the spiders there's a spider right there oh oh did I grab oh man no we're gonna keep this one it sucks oh I got a poison me die die faster man this is almost out I might need that oh boy this is all sorts of bad oh great and that's a God's awesome thing to see oh man oh man that's I don't know about this this is this is funny this is funny oh man well that is one heck of a first episode if I ever saw one the Catholic minecraft for winter realm holy moly hey you want to see more super often or whatever then smash the ratings otherwise it'll come out maybe every two days every three days I don't know but I hope you enjoyed thanks so much for watching thank you our ladders awesome map can't wait to play despite my desk might just reload the map if I'm being honest we'll see you for part 2
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 2,979,306
Rating: 4.8818774 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft kids videos, kids minecraft channel, no bad words, no swearing, captive minecraft, captive, captive minecraft 4, iv, four, captive minecraft survival, minecraft captive, survival, lets play, logdotzip, gaming, world border, world, border, ultra mobs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 36sec (1596 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 11 2016
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