Minecraft but mobs MULTIPLY when you're close

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what's up guys today we check out minecraft except mobs multiply when you get too close to them like this squid here like these tropical fishies I'm about to drown and yes as you can see here it is every single different type of mob our goal today is to get to the nether so we can see if we can get our hands on a couple blaze rods needless to say we run into a couple of misadventures along the way you guys voted for this minecraft challenge and so we decided to do it but I have another challenge opportunity for you all to explore right now choose between these two challenges and leave a comment in the comment section letting us know which challenge letter you want us to take on next okay new world I want to see how legit this is let me see oh well that's a heck of a start okay hi hi oh okay yep it's real may as well collect this gunpowder we'll probably be able to make TNT a lot easier so what if we get close to a mob it just yep it just instantly turns into four I have an interesting idea we need chickens y'all what's up little chicks yup four but here's what I want to see if they breed does it make for more instantly as well did we get four baby chickens for our trouble here dude if so big chickens it's that late okay I'm gonna keep lead this baby all the seeds until it grows I want to see what if a baby will turn into an adult and then quadruple and multiply right off the bat you really need all my seats look at lost interest right play these games yeah they're definitely just they're definitely just multiplying I'm gonna yeah I have made a mistake feeding all those chickens the same okay that should solve our food issue for a while but we're gonna need a furnace to cook up we got a stack of chicken for bet oh my gosh those were farm raised fatties Hey okay so big on my to-do list is get a bunch of gunpowder because we've got like infinite gunpowder with mobs multiplying and I also want to find a village because we're gonna be able to get so many new trades if we've got four times as many villagers constantly appearing before we do anything else though it's time to go to sleep one thing to make know mobs that have quadrupled cannot quadruple again and mobs that appeared from the quadrupling cannot quadruple other mobs so only fresh mobs will be able to get us quadruple mobs as you can see that one didn't give us anything that's because he was one of those clones all right let's make a bed skip the night want to get sick all right iron is cooking up I want a nice pic of some horses I know we don't have a saddle yet but I think that if we come at least make some armor plus look yo oh yes yes so many horses oh my gosh and pigs too I guess you know whatever are they all the cloned horses become white okay well we're gonna be riding around on Shadowfax tonight oh yeah we definitely need a satellite and I was thinking oh sick there's a village we literally spawned right over there baby okay so we're probably gonna need to add some work blocks to them because they're gonna keep multiplying and none of them are gonna have any jobs let's go find some that are actually doing something with their lives none of these guys have jobs but they do have rather large extended families okay we have a huge problem right away they are going nuts with the duplication is that uh plication I said did we get for farmers for you know hey ayan Gollum oh my gosh yes yes this village is stacked and I think I heard someone doing some work in here hey what's up apothecary hmm maybe he was one of the ones that was duplicated already okay would needs handled have more wood than I'll ever need anything to do with why well all these bum villagers need jobs and the easiest way to get them one is to put a barrel down so we got 21 of them coming right up baby alright so if I'm not mistaken placing one of these down will let that villager get a job of some sort so we're just gonna place down a whole bunch of these and hopefully we start seeing a bunch of guys get hats real soon look it's working they're all starting to get hats everyone's getting hats yes work you fiends I don't even need fish trades I just want them to do something you gotta be a productive member of society I'll kill you okay I managed to scrounge up enough iron in order to get us a shield maybe some light armor I'm gonna take to the caves I want to find a mob spawner so that we can see how nasty you guys hear the doors how many oh how many are in here hey let me in dude they can't make up their mind about who's gonna split the bed this time who our first victim oh and he gets four as well see this is where it gets fun cuz now we've got like a whole mess of mobs that we're gonna have to take out at oh gosh and the skeletons at spawn and they don't spawn it with an item they move so much faster please golems defend man we're gonna have to get to the caves ASAP guys guys please please please this is from two zombies eight appear oh my god this is gonna be a very tough survival jealous of glad the kolob cyn please help no I didn't mean it you are you you know mad at me are you mad at me get the crafting people get the credit oh stop multiplying in front which one run alright cave system is it go now I'm not gonna place any torches down so that we run into as many mobs as possible because that's always fun here and we should really keep the rest of this iron for like buckets or nether portal related act ooh hello do we just happen across a ravine nice okay what we're looking for is a mob spawner of some sort but hey I'll take this oh I'll take that look at that I've just been cleaning over here and then look a mineshaft they got spotters in those hold on gotta get hired oh I don't even know I missed this never miss a chance to break some gravel Oh beautiful oh well didn't mean do that one that's okay we're closer to our goal but we have to watch out because we're gonna get completely trounced by cave spiders like this is how it happens this is how I probably go out oh gosh maybe we can use the creeper - yep yep it Oh did it work what kind of worked but there's a lot of skeletons right here yeah I'm gonna let's let them do their thing cuz some of them don't have bows some of them are just gonna melee me I'm actually kind of nervous to be honest please know so a bad lot of bones though and where did this lead to Oh No okay we got it seriously how much damage do they do ooh only half a heart okay that's not like that I feel like we're getting closer to the mob spawner I keep hearing cave spiders around here no oh no oh gosh I need more I need a full armor I think I'm missing my helmet because I want to look cool and have mine and have my headband showing cuz because headbands are cool still right don't answer that anyways we've got the rest of the iron cooking I'm gonna let it do its thing we oh gosh loot hey ooh looting hey Oh mom's nearby must be we could enchant that with an anvil if we wanted to and we probably should we get better looting suddenly the drops multiply it I like how bats also see ice yo he's literally stuck I can we Wow best deal they're just stuck okay well I'll take some ender pearls not a problem worse place to get stuck as an Enderman okay we're approaching Diamond level right now we're gonna need to make another portal at some point so we can check out quadruple like blazes and like series challenges like wither skeletons I do want to try and see it's like not even worth trying to go for creepers I mean they're they're basically good for killing themselves so you can get Oh some extra see it doesn't take much to start instantly getting overwhelmed by the like look look there's another one and I think one of them oh yes II do there's like eight right here oh gosh I feel like I'm so so backed in a corner right now I need to make a bucket as soon as possible so we can start lobbing some of these guys how many of them are there there must be a spawner nearby please also need a bow because they only multiply it when you get close to them and that's important to know because we can take out bad guys from a distance okay so grab a bucket of lava new form of Defense I get behind this one actually I want to make a crossbow that sounds way better than a regular bow oh I love 114 skeletons are the worst because they spawn in melee friends and they just start going to town on you look I need a new shield very soon guys guys please we can talk about this okay look I'll feed you more I'm sorry it didn't mean for this to happen oh oh that's a cave spider oh gosh no no no no yeah yeah oh oh gosh nope oh my gosh this is a bad idea look at staring this is why I got the crossbow yeah alright I'm issuing a challenge to myself we're gonna neutralize this cave spider spawner it sounds like it's like right there that's gonna I just I need to do it okay well I thought yep it's right there it's got to be oh my gosh oh my gosh okay I want to do this so that I don't die which might be too much to ask to be honest okay here we go that's good can I can I lava I can't lava cobwebs ah worst okay it's fine it's fine is there a skeleton stuck in there yup yes there sure is how can you shoot Oh No neutralized what you were supposed to be oh no oh no bad bad bad how come that one didn't multiply maybe when we were close to the wall he already multiplied or something I don't know this is a good idea guy go away go get I do not want you to duplicate thank you oh my gosh look over there he's gonna come to me okay look we can't do it this way we I have to you know uh-huh I have to do it from the side otherwise I will definitely die and I try to let that happen there we go oh my gosh oh my gosh they're all hanging out right there right and I think there's a skeleton right there - yeah I'm so glad I brought this oh no please please please please oh dude that thing would have multiplied at any moment everything is lame everything is bad oh there they go well at least we'll get some more arrows I guess that's like one of the upsides oh stop oh how did I get poisoned Oh cause he's right there next to me literally he could attack me nope I'm like okay think yep mine mine there's a cobweb in the way mine oh no dude Oh bro bro bro bro bro Wow oh my gosh we just got it oh I'm so stressed right now maybe I could put lava down yeah yeah play me like that look what happens yeah no no that's fine stooop arthropods ask problems my swords watch break this is not good oh my gosh and neither is that stop why why here's what has to happen to be honest man okay that's all she wrote I've half heart right now okay this is good cuz I think what it means is I can mine I think I did it I think I did it I think I did it I think I did it I think I did it no that's it do we get it we got it we took out this border so happy because I was literally about to die that would have been so bad alright let's clean up house over here oh no I just duplicated we're out do this more is there another spawn please please I really need a new sword what is he what yeah good okay all right oh we're in the wrong part of this mineshaft hey there ooh a nametag and some more call and a bread this is the biggest mineshaft ever by the way we're literally at Diamond level we've just been exploring around should have got some water to be honest no not in Minecraft I'm just thirsty best part of mine shafts at y11 yes that's it that's exactly what ooh nice and good my Jeff whoever get some emeralds and some redstone this is my day I'm telling you all right back at it again time to make another portal all right let's just build this puppy now mm-hmm just like that oh you know we need a flint and steel well thankfully we got a whole bunch of gravel right here oh wow a first try what am i luckiest maybe should go buy a lotto ticket or something okay put that away get in there check out the nether [Music] looks promising just kidding no idea where we are hopefully we run into a fortress yet another fortress I always forget the name alright the first of our troubles what's that pig yo instantly this becomes an awesome place to farm gold imagine pig farms gold farms with just four times as many pigs as normal ooh I'm gonna have to attack these at some point I mean look we're here to have fun I have one more arrow could always make more with gravel but one more arrow let's cause some problems let's make all the pigs mad at me this is a good idea by the way guys this was a really good idea oh haha this is uh this is not a good idea actually doesn't look like he's mad at me how come they like stop being mad wait unless they do they wait for this one to be mad at me and then I look cute the clone ones they don't have swords well that makes me feel better oh that's weird I wonder why you know okay it was just real laggy no no no they're all mad at me this is not what I had in mind well I guess it is okay how do we okay well they can't reach me anymore right you can't reach me now because there's a yeah baby go on push your parent off oh no you're on the wrong side oh boy how many of them are cloned there's a lot of pigs down there okay well I'm gonna just kill you while you're here then that probably makes them listen I just threw my sword are you well I gotta get it oh gosh oh my gosh I'm literally out of arrows okay I managed to escape the pigs don't appear to be angry with me anymore they appear to be obsessed with their gold once again the hunt continues though for a ghast ablaze with a skeleton fortress I don't know it's like this place is just too big oh yeah fortress well hey that's nice so then ooh that's what I was looking for nice blaze Spana can I uh okay that's fine and then rather than please don't be mad at me guys please don't be mad at me okay so I think I might be able to oh gosh if we do this right I can prop oh my gosh this isn't a good idea they haven't even multiplied yet they're literally just escaping from their ridiculous little well let's just fall and then we can just dip out in a second dude that was way more damage oh my gosh if I if I get hit by fire that's it for me all right we need to be swift like the wind where did I just fall from where's the oh it's over here okay like the wind we replace this bed down blow up this spawn up BAM dad you I did it yeah that was nice we're not running seriously did a number to them I kind of want to check out how good I am at this game I'm so good ah and modest too all right well it's asking for that one I guess huh so did y'all multiplier nope now they did oh my gosh okay this is if I catch fire I die if I catch fire I'm dead eat whoa just realize we may have needed the blaze spawner so that we could get blaze rods if we decided we wanted to take this to the Enderdragon eventually oh great great that's that's good can we thank you just diary am I gonna die dude if I die oh no oh great please please ooh some loot sick happenings I'll take you dimed boys wait where this could be bad I hear whether skeletons ooh nice oh we got some of that another war uh-huh I don't need that actually I need those um okay oh no oh no oh come on this stupid sword effect it made me hit one of the pigs by mistake oh no bro so now I go out it's not how it happens nope Oh die die nope that's that's how it happens come up
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 633,370
Rating: 4.924068 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, minecraft but mobs multiply, minecraft survival challenge, minecraft but challenge, mobs quadruple, minecraft randomizer survival, survival, update, minecraft update, new, new minecraft update, secret, logdotzip, no cursing, 1.15, challenge, datapack, sethbling, crafting recipes, random mob spawn, wither boss, enderman, ender dragon, illusioner, minecraft hardcore, zombies, minecraft zombie apocalypse, rare, mobs, multiply, mobs multiply
Id: 8G0jqTyhI0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 08 2019
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