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this was kind of far yeah man let's give it another shot huh ya know whatever y'all get the picture okay hey what's going on guys log that zip here hey check out my house it's right behind me it's loaded up with a whole bunch of futuristic doohickeys to secure me from all the bad guys I hate them oh you know we got those magic door locks to keep out all the bad guys we've got the turret defense system in the backyard that sets any intruders nearby on fire we've even got high detailed security cameras to cover it all we got a potted plants lots of we've even got force fields we got it all now what is going on here exactly well a series of tools you're gonna add to your house is to make one of the safest bases you possibly could everything to make in Minecraft jump pads five times portal teleporter blasts chairs you ain't got chairs in that's good so if you've ever wanted to add lamps to trees that's a chance in this hospital - showing you I use all these futuristic security house tools that were made by mr. max Stein oh yeah y'all know him already you watch how his channel is linked in the description of this video he is the maker of this tool and he's got so many other amazing videos on his channel as well we're gonna be showing you how they all work and we gonna be decadron yeah we gonna do things backwards okay if you do make sure you drop a like on thanks for subscribing on first grade she was a useful one it's known as the multi chest finally extra space in my chest exactly what I needed to store all my dies kind of random but that's okay we gonna go with it uh I got a book here and if you look here the rhymes a multi chest lies you saw five chests in a single place press the button to cycle between them now you don't need to make it easy things you just get it when you grab the funk you see it's it's great it's great right click the deed is done hear what he's like and now he's gone all gone we got five got him five different jets that we can cycle through I think five or is it five yeah it's five so look you put the orange in there we go filler on up looking at yeah nice and full right right press the button brand-new chest telling you we all do the same thing it's not decorator's much press the button brand new chest press the button brand new chest Oh press the button freeze brand new Jets they get five right you get five so we pressed about one more time we're back to the orange chest use this to keep all your goodies nice and stored in one little compact area it's beautiful really and if you if you mess with thing maybe if you break this a little bit I can't tell if that's how it's gonna work let's break things see if we can like get rid of the decoration around it does it still work press the button it does it does do you get rid of the stupid quartz around it as long as you keep probably like this part in play let me test again oh my gosh it still works how exciting I see the light my friends namely cuz we're doing lamps laughs is up next here you go you got a spawn lamp egg and you got another book right clicking and sealing with spawning to place down a beautiful lamp first of all we don't turn at nighttime it just makes perfect sense Oh gorgeous sunset look at that lovely orange purple mountain Majesties there's actually no mountains like any one say but look behold you place this down and what's what the village is saying place this down you get a nice experience orb looking something or other lamp slowly rotating it's got nice rotated glass and other rotating things and I like rotating things and look at what you see villagers appear partially in the top of that nice I love it it looks so festive I don't get why it's rotating I thought it was just a lamp but I'm not gonna ask you a question go set it on back to daytime so you can see the next creation in full visibility the teleport pad everybody needs these in their worlds honestly now stand inside teleport pad and look to another one that you want to teleport to and you will sneak to start the tell petition process you can place these things anyone your world with the spawn egg that was found in this chess Liz place when it's down boom village it appears briefly and then you got funny magic text this text actually means something I'll know if y'all realize that this is actually like a language it's like an official real-deal language but if you look around very carefully you'll see that we've got another teleport pad that's been placed so I'm gonna stand right on top of this puppy we're gonna look our crosshair right of the other pad and I'm gonna just sneak we don't sneak and look starts making noise alert starts making noise alert and then I like accidentally let off the sneaking you just you see look what you see we teleport man the sound effects disappear it wasn't as good but now we got another one right over here we gonna work it in the same exact way sneaking and then all of a suddenly everything starts shaking there it starts quaking I feel like bacon and then you teleport why am i teleported come on okay now where's that pig I was talking up some bacon ah much better let the teleportation begin take us to our next device please hey you want to come to or something now I don't think so bigger you got to stay over there we got another creation show up force fields oh this one's good get a load of this this one comes special blocks place force field on the lime concrete block while looking north pond collision with a block enforcement will be created or if a maximum of twenty blocks is reached that's right force fields keep your mob safe and and by safe I mean the in danger because if they hit the force fields it probably hurts a little bit we're gonna place a force field down round them not land block look what happens we get particles start to emit outside of this thing and it places the other force field fence right there and all it takes now is a little bit of time to see it slowly creep together just like that no mobs can go through this but you can just fine look at that you see in that lovely look he's getting pushed away he's like literally hey get over here hey you stupid animal get over there look at it gets put away actually nice if we wanted to make a full-blown pin using only force fields we'd want to place down a couple more blocks I'll place one right there and then we're gonna line things up real good real nice right right look at this place the force field down look it's gonna hit this block over here it's gonna cause another force field pillar to appear and then they connect and then if you want to connect these guys even easier could not be any more simple break the bottom block place down one more force field a little chamber something-or-other and that wall will appear right there now we're gonna have some mobs placed right inside and you can see they start frolicking and start getting goofed they either get pushed to one side or they get pushed to the other so as long as you place your mom's correctly from the get-go you can actually have a nice easy way of keeping them in place you don't close it off they can never escape I hate sheep look at them use idiot Hey look at he escaped yeah you smart you I guess you're not loyal really but you're smart moving swiftly on we've got jump pads up next everybody's favorite I say they feel like everything use the spawn egg to place jump anther everyone they can be removed by destroying the block underneath it could not get any simply place one down you got a jump pad you jump on it you can jump that's the whole you'll be really coming we gonna set the spawn point right there so that nothing bad happens and we're gonna tempted you complete a little bit of a jump at to our core see how well we do hey in your comments place your bets right now am I gonna make it yeah everybody knows I'm not gonna make it let's just try okay we got to be confident ourselves i okay well if it's long enough touch the bottom at the ground it counts okay we'll see can we do it can we can we make it can we always go be good whoo this was kind of far e man give another shot huh ya know whatever y'all get the picture okay next up mechanical doors this one also exciting the star looks pretty boring right well I mean either boring you'd say huh now remove it and place mechanical door on the mark block instead you can place as many as you want in your world and they even work the same exact time we don't break it and we gonna place it check out this door press the button and look it's so cool it's it is spins it's a spider than the bottom you can walk right on through and as you pass through it slowly replaces everything if nothing happened you can press it on the other side does the same exact thing and as the book said you place as many of these things as you want they might are they direct their directional and you can even operate them all independently of one another look at this all slowly doing their thing not even that laggy to be honest like I thought it'd be a lot more laggy than it was and it wasn't and such a good thing we don't press them and it's like it looks like transformers more than meets the eye ooh this one's fun portals yes please place another portal on the mark Blanc behind you the special part will only activate when you get close and show a fancy animation so here's the portal look at this when you nearby it does a fun long animation when we get right up next to it it turns into the portal once again it's like a Stargate or something just slowly rotating you got that new block color coming in would have ready for ya and then you get close you can get in the net now when I go to the nether I just want to show you that's how it works you step away goes back to weird idle mode alright I think it looks sweet this was a no brainer this should be like in every house it's chairs wait he don't sit come on you guys are crazy now here's how it works right click spawn a plate that chair couldn't be any simpler whatever direction you're facing that is where the chair will appear once you place the chair right click with an empty hand you can sit right on its side a little bit oh it's beautiful other way to piss to be in vanilla forever and you can even switch between the chairs at a moment's notice and some chairs have more health than others I don't know what it means when I ask questions just be happy you've got healthy chairs congratulations this next one mind-blowing security cameras you can truly make your house the most secure base ever in Minecraft and I can tag them to fit it now I'm gonna get billions of views exciting you place up to five security cameras the same area once Oliver plays step into the control center and select the camera you want to access so right now we've got one camera placed if we were to step in the control center which is right over here you can actually control what camera you want a view from so we're gonna click camera one and then look I got teleported and I can actually see I can see it okay I am the camera oh wow this is fancy oh this is fancy huh yeah that's good if you want to go back to your area at any time you press cancel down and as I was saying all you need to do is place down cameras in other areas so that you can utilize those as well now again you can only place five of these puppies at once if you do any more well it simply won't work so here's our fifth if you try to place another and that thing happens sorry mr. riller it's nothing personal back to the control center you'll once again be met with all the different camera options and now as you can see we are switching between all of them oh man that's that's a bad angle that one looks stupid and of course camera five right over there in that just something it's not just exciting it really is like I love it I really do we only only can click cancel and get to our next creation which is a flower pot decoration now this one's it's literally just a decoration right that's mine place to add a flower pot they don't do anything apart from looking pretty and that's okay okay they are art they don't need to be useful stupid let's check out this place when these down you get a multitude of green objects in each of the little flower pots this one is jungle leaves this one is the cactus we got Medellin we got cactus we got jungle leaves do they have other types of leaves can we get some regular leaves any kind of regular leaves please with the leaves leave me alone I mean no no you guys are good I'll talk with the plants no I'm not insane bye ciao that is the final object to show off in these bills so I'm gonna go ahead and get all that messy out of that inventory there placed our fire towers protect your base against moms they'll come out of the ground wherever mobs come close and burn them to death why not burn them to life certainly huh this is what it looks like and the moment you get close it will actually spawn out an amazing looking fire tower and take out any nearby head and that nice that's exciting to be honest look I take the pig to the water and he failed because the fire tower is really effective and as long as there's no mobs nearby they actually completely hide themselves but the moment of body appears look you see look operate that's right they burned in babies the disco inferno and now my friends the fun begins we've got every single spawning of all the furniture as well as a lovely house Baroque sofa excusing that man that we're gonna be decorating out and decking out with all of these security and futuristic features so I'm gonna go ahead and one at a time we're gonna figure out where all these baby don't go we replace the cameras first this one's kind of a no-brainer we got an entrance one cameras gonna go right there you can see exactly what's going on outside at all time I think it makes sense place one right there no one's really noticing you got to have one at everything you know what I mean of course you gotta hit him with that front camera it's always nice to spy on your guests or at least have the option to I will place one right in the kitchen so that no one can steal my food we replace our camera control in the master bedroom I mean it makes perfect sense at a moment's notice we can now switch between all of our nearby cameras let's see what the backyard looks like nothing going on in the backyard love it camera two nothing going on the side there we got camera three nothing going on inside thank goodness or we're gonna be in trouble cuz I'm nearby the house no one eating at my table rather unfortunate and that fifth camera well no one's at the front door so we can get back to that crater now here we are an outside right by the garage and to be honest with you I do not want anybody touching my cars nice car we're gonna place a forcefield right from the garage so that that's it that's a chair much better the force field and as you can see it's gonna hit these blocks right over there and turn it into well it want it well look no one's gonna get in okay just let me look much better this was now before we start decorating anything extra in the house with our futuristic tools even though this is this great window and great sunlight coming in I want to add a couple lamps just to make sure there's no terrible lighting that we got to deal with later so we'll place a nice lamp right there place a nice layer we go get to really the buddy system twice the light it's so bright in here I uh ways this must be my garage what is this my car car looks like a very long donut well please lift and coupling the master for good measure perfect we're all amped up now we start replacing some of these chairs they don't even work with yours they do please cheer now my chair and my chair not my problem is that now it works I can actually sit in these chairs and it it's so exciting look I've seen it look hey I'm ready to eat food what the heck am i what where am i well no one said it was perfect but you know we got pretty close ok so just I mean these chairs look nice but they just they just do you can't send them and they're made of doors so you know I got I got pretty good reason I mean these ones are made of stairs but all right cut technicalities this and that details details break already much better and look I can sit in any seat we're moving around the entire couch this is great my legs are tired of course this front door won't do boom nice now we get in like this oh yeah now literally not mad about it at all where's the front door we can't replace it all baby oh yeah I mean looks a little silly with that part but like I said nothing looks silly when you've got rotating like transforming robot doors plants that's a no-brainer wherever there's a Pottery thing we're gonna place one of those down it just makes sense really I like how they're all made of villagers real place some around on the top here some nice decoration for the table it really does look nice like this is coming together I don't have security but you got that aesthetic to baby you know again the house gotta look good it can't just be well-protected it's gotta look good you're gonna have cactus in glass Glac dis glass now see why bother with this kitchen with all the shelves everywhere all you really need is one single multi chest and you're good to go you don't gotta worry about moving everything around you just place your grass block in that one you press the button you place your black carpet in that one and you've replaced the other black carpet in what kind of kitchen keeps banner's stone slabs inside of its pantry mine now naturally no house would be complete without a way for you to jump onto the balcony after those jump pads come on in look at that no longer do we need the stairs to spy on their friends or cameras for that matter we could just trouts them as they're eating well that's exciting I'm a jumping jump yeah it's good now can we do one for the roof though where can we I gots an idea okay hold on we're gonna get one right here no one's gonna know what's right there uh-huh and then well right there and suddenly ah just shy that was always missing now naturally the roof of any good house is gonna be where you place your teleport pads down so we've got one teleport pad there and maybe I want to quickly get back to my nice little showcase area so we place the other teleport pad right there now good luck trying to look at this one from the roof I mean you can look at it from the roof but you can't like that other one so check it out check it out check it out y'all ready y'all ready y'all ready oh it's time please teleport me right please don't look good for anything just don't mess it up can we we gonna get it but can we go back oops I let go this thing oh it did work anyways yeah of course what kind of backyard would this be without fire towers all over the place protecting us while we barbeque our delicious food you know like I said you got to think you got to think ahead you never know when the creeps are gonna show up where's the creeper eggs and start goofing everything instantly catch on fire you stupid and is it an animal I don't know where's my support somewhere we're just gonna place the portal right outside the front of the house that way we can see any nasty nether demons and piggies coming in right at the last minute we can protect them and then BOOM well I guess they can't get through cuz the portal only activates when I'm nearby talk about good defense baby either way my friends pretty appreciative I'm liking out this house is looking we got lots of futuristic tools here whether it's not the forms that only activate when you're near by him force fields that won't let any mobs nearby security cameras that let in spy aren't everything going on your world or all the other things you've seen today showcase this is the command you need to future-proof your house hope you enjoy these futuristic house tools courtesy uh mister max time go check out the world download well too bad it's mine but if you want you to have to come up sorry worse guy you want you at the command no that is publicly available you can find a link to it on Mac Stein chat which can be found in the description of this video if you enjoyed the video why not drop a like on thank you so much for subscribe and then hitting that Bell as well my friends and nice no you can't abusing these for your house and if you want to see more stuff like it have a good one that is my mouth and we'll see you late
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 2,448,442
Rating: 4.7919936 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, CREATING THE WORLD'S SAFEST HOUSE, house, worlds safest, safest, secure, private, secret, base, minecraft secrets, most secure, most secret, most private, most secure base, most secure base in minecraft, secure minecraft base, secret minecraft base, only one command, minecraft command, secure minecraft house, redstone, commands, traps, no cursing, funny, challenge, how to, custom, tutorial, command, games, troll, secure base, new, logdotzip, logdotzip minecraft,, minecraft 1.12
Id: wB9jmFa8Bsg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 4sec (1144 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2018
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