How Irish Are You!?

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(*whipcrack*) Top of the Morning to ya, Laddies! My name is Jacksepticeye and Happy St. Patrick's day again. Good old Paddy's day. We're going to do some more Irish stuff for this one because I feel like it's going to be fun for the day that's in it. Why not celebrate our Irish-ness for the day by taking some awful quizzes- asking me how Irish am I? This isthe "How Irish Are You"? Harder than the Leaving Cert. I don't know man Leaving Cert was pretty hard and there was actual stuff that I could get wrong. Right, Okay. Question: The First "You've lost your phone. What do you do?" *reads choices on screen* *continues to read*. YOU PRAY TO ST. ANTHONY! St. Anthony he's the saint that you pray to when- you pray to whenever you lose stuff and then hopefully the next day it'll show up, and you can also leave a little statue outside your front door and that helps you find stuff, apparently. Ireland's very, very, very religious. How long should a wedding last? Oh God.. Now, hopefully it doesn't get too specific because I'm not exactly the greatest of Irish people, I don't know all the proverbs I don't know all the sayings, I don't know who all the ministers are Umm.... *reads A* Yep that's wrong *reads B* *Reads C* *Reads D* Well, that's kind of true weddings and Ireland are an all-day thing. Y-you wake up Everyone's getting their hair and makeup done or putting on their suits or whatever you need to do. Step 1: Go into the church umm... Step 2: Getting the marrige all done and dusted Step 3: Then you go to a hotel or somewhere afterwards for the reception where all your family and friends are YOU ALL HAVE CHICKEN. and then, Step 3: a DJ comes out and it goes into like the a.m. So I'm gonna say over 10 hours, but I kind of think See some of these are true, but these can also fall into this one.(Next) You're in a corner shop what do you purchase? NONE OF THESE If you're gonna corner shop you're purchasing and penny sweets Oh, man Back In My Day: With FormerGreenBoy I used to love penny sweets back in the day, you'd go to the shop- yer mother would give you a POUND You'd be able to go into the shop and say a hundred penny sweets so one sweet per penny And it was amaaaazing and some of the shopkeepers that just had these big buckets of sweets like jelly beans or a little like Chocolate like white chocolate buttons or whatever and they'd all just be a penny each and some people would actually count them out But other people would be like okay I'm not *arsed* to do that so they just take a handful like three handfuls to put them in and then you'd go home and You count how many actually got it be like O_O I got... 300 SWEETS FOR A POUND! and your friends be like WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW! It was crazy. *reads again* *more reading* In Ireland it would be milk and fags actually, but I guess BuzzFeed can't put that up on their website because The internet would go crazy ummm... (number the 3rd) All of them I mean, what time of the day? If you're heading out to work. You get a breakfast roll, a jumbo breakfast roll What is an appropriate way to end a conversation? *reads options* *talking about last option* That one, that is how everbody- My mother finishes all phonecalls like that It's like *imitates his mom* ok yeah see ya later now yep bye, good luck now yep bye, b-bye-bye-bye-bye-bye OMG It's like- saying it out loud right now might not make any sense to some people if any Irish people are listening to it they're like: Yes That is how you see it. Well, all of these. You know- Well none of us say goodbye. That one should just be replaced with "You don't say goodbye, you just leave" (like everyone in my life) Which is also what Irish people do, that's why it's called an Irish goodbye You're out drinking for the night, and then fucking Deco goes missing and it's like Where is he? He probably just left. He probably went home. Cuz you get to that certain critical point where you get so drunk that you're like "I need to be in a bed right now, and my bed is seven miles away" True story: I walked home in Limerick one night very very far from town out to where my campus was in college Don't recommend it, bad things could've happen to me, but I was hammered Umm... Which of these phrases invokes the most terror? *choice A* *Choice B* No.. *C* or *D* that one kind of yeah But if you're Irish you're out drinking every weekend, then your parents are disappointed in you all the time Honors maths, honors math That's terrifying it hated honors maths I did ordinary maths I can't do honors maths. My friends did honors maths, but didn't do very well And one of my friends did fair, play to him Would do these the most socially unacceptable Never gettin in get never getting around in taking notions acting the maggot and picking your nose Socially unacceptable will act in the maggot is just having a bit of fun Your acting the maggot you're just a you're so wormy Rican me kinda guy. You're out you're crack your own for scoops You're up for fun taking notions. No never getting around advice Where do you call your parents mom and dad mommy and daddy their first names mom and pop not me and daddy It sounds weird. It sounds especially if it sounds weird. It's like 'cause saying 'mummy' is like a very baby thing to say or saying 'daddy' or like a "mmmm, Daddy" ;) kind of thing... the Internet's ruined that, but in Ireland its like oh yeah, mummy and daddy were out last week and to Irish people that doesn't sound weird, it's when you say it to other people their like: you call your parents "mammy" and "daddy" -o- Like yeah, we do we like them, they're good people A cup of tea. *reads options* Do you have Earl Grey no no Earl Grey! D:< *reads option D* WHAT?!?!?!?!? That is not an Irish thing to say "I don't like hot drinks." No every Irish person loves a grand.. old sup a TAY!!!!!!!!! And if you're not a TAY!!!!!! person, then you're usually a coffee person, but it's mainly TAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm gonna have to go with lions Cuz I won't know that's what my old good friend chase Brody was into the Lions gold blend and then when I did that Bro average video I was your I've thrown stuff into a Lions teabag box with Lions tea bags And then Lions tea saw it and sent me free tea bags And that's the most Irish thing that's ever happened to me. You might have left the immersion on how does this make you feel? Oh no *inhales with clenched teeth* It will keep up it will not if the immersion is left on you're gonna die your house is gonna explode I'm sorry. I have to go home right away. Oh, no. I thought it was on a timer. I'd to go home right away if you left the immersion on That was a- that was a wooden spoon across the back here head if you'd have to immersion on the immersion is The switch you turn on to get the boiler in your house going So you turn on the immersion like an hour before you have a shower an hour before the shower And then the water would be hot enough for a shower guys coz.. Back in Ireland. We don't have time to oil errs apparently And if you left the immersion on the water, it was just gonna be overheating forever. It didn't all her turn off he left the immersion on the water was gonna boil over the Boiler was gonna explode your house was going you were dead Bono is the lead singer of u2? music musician and activist a famous Irishman a pox epoxy However, sorry you got as Irish as the late late. I shop yes That's that's as Irish as you can get I was on The Late Late Show You saw that recently I uploaded videos on it if you haven't there's a vlog gone up Where I went at the Late Late Show and got interviewed by Ryan turbody It was amazing The Late Late Show is a really big deal in Ireland It's like the it's the longest-running talk show in the history of the world First and foremost, but it's like the biggest talk show in Ireland and everyone watches it, but The Late Late toy. Show is A toy show they have every single Christmas, and that's the most-watched TV show in Ireland every single year It's bananas, which is crazy because it gets like a couple million Views like 1 million people watch The Late Late toy show in Ireland. It's like oh I think that's not that big some YouTube videos half a million views and Less like in that amount of time a lot of my videos Have a million views like it doesn't really seem like that big a deal when you see in that context But this is like mainly Irish people watching it, and there's what six seven million people in Ireland pretty big deal Just as he if I'm totally Irish we're going to do a whole truly Irish area quiz from The Daily edge Which cup of tea oh? no, oh No, this is where I'm gonna oh This is me. I'm a milky tea boy I like my tea to be super milky because I like you to be cool down and I like it to also have that Flavor to it Milky, I'm a milky boy. Wait if I pick another one. Oh Justin. Tell me if I'm right or wrong Oh shite You're heading to the beach with a picnic when it starts to rain. Do you turn the car around I think I saw Trivial Pursuit? No every areas first at home laughing their asses off with this one now We all know the right answer sit in the park eat and dab sandwiches with windows steamed up Trudged around in the rain because you're here now, and it will be a shame to waste it go to the pub It's either one of these Actually going to the pub is a good one as well But like you know when you go down to like trolley or something unless you're from trolley then no one cares The rest of us when we go down to trolley or you go to salt Hill out and garlic and it's like well We're out here now for the day. We might as well make the most of it Sometimes you might actually eat damn sandwiches just window a steamed up I'm gonna go with this one Treasure Island rain cuz roll here now be ashamed wasted because that's a very Irish thing to say How much does the national anthem can you sing? See Again, I'm not a proper Irish person because I actually know with the full national anthem It stuck with me all these years cuz I had to learn it for school one year We had to say it out loud in class Everyone just had to learn it and I just remember it ever since Shane Athena fall tough week, yeah, leg Errand-boy, it's a joke that not every Irish person knows the national anthem the first four lines And then the last line obviously dad the last time I heard it I was drunken in the country nightclub that could be very true the nightclubs end when the national anthem comes on Shane Avena fall I don't even people know that people know ashamed afina fall at our feet Alec Aaron probably and then sure, Liv Carney, or or Naveen That's the part everyone knows so the first part in the last part the last part Everyone knows because that's the part where everyone gets hyped up. It's like you get ready for the end of the song honey. You're on Come on Yeah, Limerick that kind of stuff on the base come on Ireland. You're so served substandard food in a restaurant do you? Finish the entire plateful in case you come across as rude Irish people don't care about that when the waiter asks you how the food is replied delicious while feeling somehow guilty Refuse to complain while secretly enjoying the prospect of moaning about it later This is where it always flabbergast Smee for a great word whenever I go to America and We're there eatin food and if something on your plate is something that you didn't order or if like you ordered Noodles, and they came out with spaghetti whatever. I don't know I We would sit there, and I'd be like it's food. I'll eat it I love all food anyway But all my American friends are like no we will tell the waiter that it is wrong And they will bring out you a new plane of food, and they should give it to you for free whereas I'm sitting there like no that's so embarrassing Irish people do not complain on Until we're away from the parent where we should be complaining and then we complain about everything That's what it is to be urged the waiter comes out. This could be wrong for all I know but That is the truth. It'll come out. It'll be a completely different me, and you'd be like Actually, I need it anyway like I don't want to be I don't want to be a nuisance I don't want to be a bother and even though he might hate it, and you might not eat the whole lot of it But then the waiter comes out and saying how was it was like ah it was grand. Yeah, I lovely now Yeah, grand great big food great grub, and then then you go home later I think you never guess what happened to me out in Dooley's earlier. They got me fucking dinner wrong ashtray no No, it was disclosed - no I came out with this old fish And I ordered chicken and like the other people would be like I that's horrible it wouldn't be like well Did you complain and send it back? It's like no no the prospect that that is horrible Did you hear who's after dying? Ah go away out her dad Jimmy? No I? Love that that's a question The Irish people are so oppressed Irish people are so miserable. This is the this is the dichotomy of Irish people the duality of man Irish people when you meet them everyone says the Irish people are the friendliest People in the world that they'll help you out no matter what they're all talkers They'll all talk to you. No matter where you are in the world and that's true We are very very very friendly people I am some would say we're the loveliest people in the world because we're just so nice and we're carefree you're easy going Until we're talking to other Irish people where everything is miserable Yeah, the fucking rain Jesus me me me benefits me. Oh, let's call it I Can't think of the name for it like when you get like social welfare I Can't think of it. I'm not your social welfare didn't come in or something that you're always complaining about something and We're that were bad for a garden with each other That we have the only things that we revel in is talking about who else has died Irish people are obsessed with the obituaries It's like like going home and any Irish people out there This will be like rings so true to home for you right now And any other people would be like what the fuck is wrong with you Go home from school. If your parents collected your something going home from school if it was the perfect time of day the obituaries are come on in the radio and Your parents your mother to tell you quake them down And she turned up the obituaries just so she could hear if anybody in your area died cuz Irish people know everybody All Irish people in your town because the town's are so small and there's not that many people in them we know fucking everyone that lives in those towns and Then it's like oh no Peter died IJ's he wasn't looking well. No no he was fierce shook. Yeah, no he wasn't he was getting on in his ears. Yeah, oh my god I Think it's being away from Ireland now I miss it here, and all that kind of stuff because we have a very special way of talking oh Jesus You go to the pub just for one I know NZ Do you have just one big day at work tomorrow sure you never have just one dear or if she never have just one dear It's up there own At least not sure what happened But I do remember shifting a minor tv3 news reader and coppers like the DJ played keep are moving by five Yes, that one shiftin is making out or snuggle or kissing french kissing We did you get the shift? Did you did you get the right did you? Which of these would most strike the fear of gardenia wooden spoon immediately terrified terrified no wooden spoon Bishop len brennan he would scare you but he was also hilarious people are coming from Gdansk to see the film if you ever have a way of watching father, Ted online I looked at its channel for father Ted is an Irish TV show made for British television Which is weird was made for channel 4 in in England? But it's it's about priests in Ireland And if you're Irish it's the best show ever because it pokes at all the Stereotypes everything in it is such perfect Irish humour so if you want some really good phony Irish humor to watch go watch father Ted it's so good, and I've made a lot of references to it in my videos, and I love it so much It's one of my favourite TV shows. I've ever watched in my life. I me and my brother and my Like the rest of my family my brothers specifically I watched a lot of it with my brother But we watched a lot of it together So good. I love father tape with the wooden spoon your mother would be coming after you with wooden spoon That's how she got you into bed Glen role would be over when I was younger 9 o'clock And you hear the Glen roll music and if oh can I find the Glenroy theme? oh my god No No, it's such a bad theme But hearing the Glen Road music meant that you had to go to bed cuz dentro would finish at nine o'clock and then After that would be like bad boys be edy bed And if you didn't go to bed is like you gotta go to bed school in the morning And if you didn't go to bed you got the wooden spoon across your arse How do you describe the weather in this picture grand soft day? That's only hazy great for the crops rain all of them my god, this is coming back to the optimism of Irish people think you meet somebody on the street and It's it's windy It's like ah sure it's great therefore drying So you leave the clothes out in the clothes legs like that's great. They for draining the old clothes if it's pissin rain It's like ash. It's a great day for ducks make lessons a bad day rain gray for the crops Sure, Tony hey Z if the grass. I don't know all of them thirteen you're on a wedding 11:00 p.m. The party show signs of winding down. What do you do call it night after all it's been 1 p.m. Since I think it no ask the DJ for a maniac mm drawing every uncle in the room like helpless puppets to the dance floor remain cam cocktail sausage and triangle sandwiches of Whatever everyone a second wind all my god Every party in Ireland Comes out with cocktail sausages the little small ones with toothpicks in them you have sandwiches Maiden triangles usually made by somebody a friend of somebody who's going to the party or a family member who's at the party if the wedding think somebody made them just a bunch of people in the parish got together and Just had a sandwich making party, and then everyone ate the sandwiches that night. Oh my god. It's all coming back holy shit Oh Didn't do anything you have other than that it's like chicken nuggets and chips Commence military started planning to get everyone into the residence. Where are small groups People I'm gonna ask DJ to play maniac mm. Oh that was a jam and Finally wait a minute. That's a lovely outfit. You're wearing Thanks Thanks pennies. Ha ha ha Thanks pennies. Oh my god pennies is Primark by the way Prime Eric is like a discount store in England, but in Ireland it was called pennies And you never said thanks you had to say. Thanks where you got it because it's like that's a nice outfit It's like ah she's gratis Nick. Yeah 4 euro and pennies because you had to show how much you got for how little that's how that's Oh mein Irish people are Congratulations. You're as Irish as Miley from Glen Rose supporting a creamy pint of stout You are the true epitome of arsonists holds your passport with pride buys Our lads were as Irish as a fucking day is long. That's good Miley from Glen Roe. I got our Glen roe Poor old Miley. I think he I think he died in real life as well. Yeah, see I'm doing it myself. Oh Jesus you know tight money from Glen role Shocking shocking to the world altogether I didn't expect to go often so many tangents and reclaiming all my childhood and all the stuff of Ireland But man that was fun. Hopefully you learned a thing or two. Any of the Irish people watching I really want to know in the comments if you Experienced all of these and I want to know if younger Irish people growing up now -have any sort of new stuff, 'cuz obviously Glen ro isn't around anymore... But a lot of that stuff like the wooden spoon and everything that stuff is ageless That's gonna go down through all the generations older Irish people and especially Irish people my age will know Exactly what all of this stuff means oh? man anyway Thank you guys so much watching this video! If you liked it, punch that like button in the face with the old wooden spoon and high fives all around Thank you I'm for bed buys B-E-D bed
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,333,052
Rating: 4.9734797 out of 5
Keywords: Jacksepticeye, irish, irish slang, irish language, irish voice, irish accent, talking irish, speaking irish, irish slang words, understanding irish people, jacksepticeye irish, irish slang jacksepticeye, st patrick, saint patrick, saint patricks day, patricks day, paddys day, pattys day, funny, funny slang, quiz, st. patrick's day quiz, paddy's day quiz
Id: p5hqou8B1vQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 17 2018
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