How Well Does Jack Know America!?

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Top of the morning to ya laddies my name is Jacksepticeye the Android sent by Cyber Life and welcome to the 50 states quiz this is a game that I saw Ethan play recently for the fourth of July and I thought you know what as someone who's not from America and as someone who's American geography is Abysmal, like I...I don't know where any place is and I've gone on tour a couple of times in America now and we've gone through different places and every time they're like oh, we're going to this state and this state and then we're moving on to this state and I'm like I have no idea where any of these places are So as an ignorant foreigner not in the land of freedom and guns and explosions I thought it'd be interesting to see how well do I know my neighbors across the pond that don't want me there anymore You know, love you guys AMEEERRRICAAAAAA America fuck yeah So it, it starts off with Different things I thought it was just picking the states. It would ask you where like Like I don't know Missouri is, is that a state? haha a ha See, this is the thing this why it's gonna be interesting if any of you know this stuff by the way My ignorance is gonna shine bright like a beautiful star in the sky right now cuz I don't even know what places our states versus what places are just Cities and capitals and stuff so lets just play map. Let's start off with the basic "MAP" Thank you Where on the map is Ohio? Oh No now I've been to Ohio recently Somewhere in here somewhere Okay, a lot of these are just gonna be guesses. So here. oh Jesus. No, I was way off. God, that's a lot more East Coast than I thought it was Okay, right-click to continue where in the map is Delaware? Delaware's a state? Who cares about Delaware? Man it would be so helpful if I knew if it was like East, west or mid? I'm gonna go in East and I'm gonna go with There. Whoaa! I got it right. That was a pure guess oh! Here we go. All right. Where in the map is Iowa? now Iowa I know is Midwest because I went there on tour And now I'm trying to deduce this is why I wanted to do it cuz I wanted to see if I could Retrace some of my steps, so we went from Canada to Detroit And then down towards Iowa and those places Iowa was near the end. So I'm gonna guess here. daghh. Damn Okay. Okay, it's fine people. It's fine. Let's back off jack off and regroup Where in the map is Rhode Island? oh noooo Want to see which places get highlighted there. Hey, I kind of knew that one I knew it was over in the East Coast somewhere and I was like which one of them is most Islandy looking Ok. God, I'm not I'm doing way better than I thought I was gonna be. West Virginia mountain mama Take me home country roads See is West Virginia actually in the West or is it just the west of Virginia? So Virginia could be here and West Virginia Is just here. iiii Have no idea so let's blam Yeah, see that's why I figure so that's Virginia. That's West Virginia. So is that how it works? Where in the map is Utah (said ootah) Ah, it's somewhere here. It's one of these four, right? AAHA ONE OFF! oh I could've spit my way to Utah from here, ah Utah who cares about you, I'm sorry, if any of you're from Utah, but it's such a weird sounding foreign land This is sound like a real place. It sounds like what do we call this one? I dunno *cough* Like, Utah! that's good. You talk too much that's the only thing I've heard in my life Where the map is Virginia, I'm gonna guess here. Dafuq?! That we're West Virginia was I like oh man, i even knew that. This is like a memory test. No, where in the map is M-Montana? moooontanaaa That's where Farcry 5 fight takes place, right? Is Montana South nope, it couldn't be more than a horse. Oh Crap I knew that I've some I've some people that I know from Montana And I knew it was up north Cuz it's snowy. damn Tennessee! oh shit Somewhere out here ah damnit! Oh, man, what happened? Oh All the people from these states are gonna be like, how dare you not know where I'm from? Okay, I'm sorry Do you know the counties of Ireland if it was an Irish County quiz, I'd know immediately that was, Illinois I literally have no idea. ahhHH God, that was just a guess and it was so close Arizona, Arizona's out here. Fuck yeahh! im gonna one off every time Colorado oh That's where Michael Scott moved to with Hollie he moved from Scranton, Pennsylvania Is it somewhere down here I don't know. Colorado speak to me, where's the Rocky Mountains? where's my tours? YESS I kinda knew where that one was. So I just took a shot in the dark I stuck my willy out and I waved it all around and I landed on a good one Where on the map is Hawaii? down here That one I knew? Cuz I actually had to look up Hawaii recently because I I don't know why I was looking up Hawaii stuff but I was sitting down with scene and I was like Hawaii is somewhere like off in the middle of nowhere on its own, isn't it? I know it's off the coast of America off on the side. And then I realize how far away it is It's what further away than I thought it was gonna be New Hampshire? New Hampshire's a state? God I don't know Who cares about New Hampshire? are you from New Hampshire? No, you're not. Nobody is put them up as Mississippi's down here somewhere, right? DAmNIT. okay. I'm picking quick because picking slow does not change anything. North Dakota. Nobody cares about the Dakotas Dakota what's from Dakota Oh, New York. I should know this America I don't know where your country is. Okay. I don't even know where North America is you give me a map. I'll point Australia I'm just kidding. I know where it is. I just don't know what's in it. Okay. We'll do one more in this, Alaska That made me feel good Wisconsin You know equip with your head that's my lesson. Wow a new best personal score you got five. Man I don't know where annnyy of these places- I would have known the Carolinas, I would have known, California and Nevada I've been told that you're supposed to say Nevada. I'm not, Nevada I wouldn't say Nevada anyway Because I feel like that's a such an American way to say it which is surprising since it's in America But all the Americans pronounce it, Nevada except for the people who know better or the people who are from there and then they pronounce it Nevada which is the way an Irish person were to pronounce it anyway MOVING ON all right play I kinda want to play shapes cuz I feel like being a five-year-old play mottos I don't know capitals, capitals I know less than states. nicknames? I only know a few like like New York could be the Big Apple kind of thing or California would be Satan's butthole or Texas it be the fuck you Let's play some mottos What is the motto of Maryland? (he said mary it's actually said more like mare-lind tyvm) Everything prosperity liberty and independence fatti maschi, parolee femine it is that one! the manly deeds womanly words that's sexist, Maryland (yeah we know) Come on. What is the motto of Delaware liberate Liberty Liberty? Laboratory and Independence *gibberish* Oh This isn't as fun as I thought it would be goddamn it. I picked up right it's on the top left What's the motto of New Mexico? Where's the motto of Kentucky united we stand divided we fall Agriculture and commerce. Come on What is the motto of Virginia, why do we exist? Oh god, they're all in like Latin and That one yeah, I got one I give up let's play shapes or to play shapes I know this one shapes or as I like to call them Shar Peis Okay, New York. That's that one damnit. ah which shape belongs to Oklahoma. Uh-uh haha I was right I just took a guess. Which shape is Texas? That one! It's that one. I know it, it's the fuck you state! Mississippi Damn Which one's Montana? Damn, which was Wyoming. Come on Wyoming's a square That's where all the squares live Come on, Wyoming which one's Michigan that one? I know that one which always Colorado. I just got it now. I can't think of it Colorado's the square as well? stop being such squares. which one's Alabama Which one's Louisiana? Yes five five five and five. which one's Utah YEsS I'm better than I am worse, Pennsylvania Yeah, I'm just gonna go for that one cuz I looked a little tick that was on it Jones, Indiana, Indiana Fuck off America. North Carolina Out of these two ones doesn't that wound up more north than that one this one's cut off here I don't like you America I love you California I knew that one. It was yellow though and as freaking me out which one is North Dakota, I Hate you squares. Alright, you know what screw this? Okay. I'm gonna show off my real knowledge not America knowledge Okay, I don't care about your freedom and your egos and your flags in the background and your stars and stripes Alright, I'm not from there. I don't know stop blaming me. I'm gonna go to somewhere that I do know look at her Ireland Lovely place grando place awfully look at it. That's where I came from look at it, doesn't it? Look like a little gun? Okay, where is Meath? Meath is here nope that's Longford. shit, um Yeah, okay. There's Meath. Okay, I'll know this one we're doing well. Okay. Where's Cavan County Cavan? Correct. That is Cavan. Okay, where's Kildare? Kildare is here Oh See, I know my motherland. All right, where's Louth? It's up here Wait is that Louth That is Louth. You see cuz Louth is the loudest county in Ireland Get, you get it. Okay. Yeah landed jokesters. Where's Waterford? Kenny Whoa, Wexford Waterford all these places or shit holes That's Wicklow That's Wexford That's Kilkenny Oh Bad, okay. Okay. We're gonna start over again. Where is Kilkenny? Okay, there it is. Okay. Where's Longford? I just realized I don't know Ireland as good as I thought I did correct. That's Longford. Okay, where's Dublin? That's Dublin. Where's leash? Yeah, that's Laois where's Wexford Good old Wexford. Where's Limerick? That's Kerry. This is memory cuz never expire. I went to college Okay started from the top now I'm here. started nah, flee grew up there Then I went to college in Limerick for music production technology Then I left that after two years then I came home Then I lived in a log cabin in the middle of the woods. Then I went to Waterford Westmeath not waterford it's in my brain now cuz I didn't know where it was I went to Westmeath and I lived there For a couple of years and I went to college there for hotel management Boom, there's your Irish history knowledge. Where's Limerick? Oh, no, that's Limerick. Where's Roscommon? Roscommon issssssss That's Roscommon. Yeah, where's Kerry? That's Kerry. Where's Donegal that's Donegal. Where's Galway? AH, ???????. Where's Westmeath? Westmeath is there. Where's Carlow? That's a good question Ha ha that is Carlow It's been a long time lads. I don't know where these places are. Where's Tipperary? That'sTipperary. Where's Clare? That's Clare Where's Sligo? on device. Where's Wicklow oh that fucking yes, where's Offaly OHH the sunshine bouncy baby bunny byes Where's Mayo? That's Mayo. There's mayonnaise. Where's Leitrim? Oh I got Leitrim already Where's Leitrim. That's Laois. I already got these and I still forget. Where is where is it? But I can't even see it Lee trouble Alright one more time there's Waterford look at it hanging down there. I should have known it's in the name a water Ford Goddammit, not. No not a car made out of water. Where's Kilkenny? Kilkenny be just boy right here. Where's Longford That one no, that's Cavan That's Longford. I click on it a bunch of times and I don't remember where it is. Where's Monaghan? THat's Monaghan Where's Limerick? That's fuckin Limerick. Where's Kildare? Kildare here Because between often even Dublin medical who killed airhorn you livin off me to get the dough buddy, you know I'm sayin her slate go play goes up the top. Where's clear clear down here. Go to oh Claire Where's Wexford down here for super Ares display right here up the tip by the Vice. Where's off me Hall County? There's where it where's where's a the best who's best Latin iron came from where's leash me so here to say that Where's any gossip the NART fight? Where's Ross confidence? It's fucker right here next to next to war or less me Does that go up to a flea and if you want to call they don't mean you to go through Roscommon, you know? We're Dublin's over here. It's taming it place. Where's Kevin? Who's all up here bites? Where's Colonel? I know Carl. Oh now, where's mail is the best. This is the better. I'm the best at this game Where's Leitrim that one? Where's Cora down here? Where's loud there? Where's Carrie dere? You're insane 76 of 78 no, come on. I got them. All right, that's what it's about. Okay, don't fancy flags in the background or anything just 32 counties and forty shades of green that's all you need bites. Ok geolock geological Geographic I can't talk It's fun, I like doing that that was a funny record You guys take the state's quiz and let me see how well you do Cuz that was a joke and friends at one point to see how many earth could you get all the states in? A certain amount of time and then a whole episode dedicated to it and that's like I Didn't know any of the states from that but at all whatever I see these state quizzes or a county quiz or anything like that My brain always goes to that episode because it's a fun one, right? Thank you guys so much for watching this episode if you liked it Punch that like button in the face like a BOSS High fives all 'round! *wishho wishho* Wapoossh waposh (Follow @isabella_haines) and I'm gonna see you dudes in the next video!!!! Ireland Ireland together standing tall
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 3,500,251
Rating: 4.8960133 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, the 50 states quiz, 50 states quiz game, gameplay, steam, steam game, how well do you know the american states, american states game, states game, 50 states game, how well does jacksepticeye know america, irish counties, irish counties game, counties game, guess states, guessing american states, guessing irish counties
Id: ws2jlxXI28k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 09 2018
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