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all right lads we're changing level are you all ready for pirates yeah no I part two for me and getting some [ __ ] I'm getting the knowledge down about this game thank you I'm coming for brains throne oh it's now the game at Ron game at Ron's dammit wrong game at Ron's - are you back at the start you can hit me in because it's still going okay for me thank you [ __ ] pirates very nice if he can't win it will just be the nicest one well this is bitchin I've no more strokes I can't be nice anymore wait I got no no more all right Kevin stay there for [ __ ] sake Johnny wait there you go oh thank you very much no problem nobody the holes are here shite I'll just wait on Oh boys boys this is gonna be filthy when you're all involved how are you doing this are you gonna cross the water go first yeah yeah he's gonna go for it dahi do it do it I want to see I want to see a miracle in my lifetime alright this bar is going to walk I'd walk wait you got to dedicate it to someone see hold on it's good to see you here hamish what's going on here okay what are you doing all right hold on might be the greatest players I've ever seen [Laughter] between the sandbag glides oh Jesus I got jump scared are you know it's Freddy's image popped up in there wait keV keV hold on hold on yes don't put me in the other holes be careful now be gentle oh god I didn't put you in the hole or gamma snake never mind great sacrifice thank you all right yeah why am i helping what have you done for me Kevin all right here's the vision here's the vision boys Jack I was really nice to you earlier that few times you should be nice to me oh that's true don't you try and understand yes Roger yeah at all at all oh [ __ ] hell put a panty on reset me you sick [ __ ] ten seconds it takes for ten seconds to roll back down the hill last shot good man yourself what a legend I'm coming go look at this boot no attack you're not well you're not get out of the way you hit him and then he'll hit me double coins a total positive thank you there you are everyone got over I'm just [Laughter] alright I'll go around Chitti being unreasonable I'm coming back behind I might as well be your golf caddy at this stage Kevin okay Gazza patty little nudge I just that's good I like that Oh God no you go much harder oh you unheard I'll give you her the morning to you have been whining over there right and I'll hit you to rest it away okay okay I'm gonna try and make it yeah I've made smiling give me a bit of a nudge all right away I'll be over there in a minute no watch out there's a villain near the hole I love this story that's unfolding okay hold on or else you just do this the first time keV all right give me six strokes oh good all right what's the world to know my brain is slow I think they're cheating I think they are cut yeah I think they're I'm not cheating I'm just really good fake it Oh nailed it nailed it Oh Daniel how's it goin it feels like a while since you've said anything behind me and going cool I'm just playing golf it's the only way I can make straight to have like a nice Sunday time oh yeah groaning and grunting as they smack each other's balls like Jesus they're leaving friendly at all oh good what's going on here oh yeah oh what a trick I'm coming back heaven just made it only [ __ ] where am I let's stop getting angry at me our relationship is falling apart well I would you stop I'm trying to help you would you stop movin sorry I keep pushing you away subconsciously okay everyone does that to dahi more of us do it more consciously that's actually two bogeys are better than one wait Kevin's winning I don't like this just go back to enjoy your game hi here you have to hit it off the middle of the corner I'm staying right here I'm stayin else I'm staying right here wait up Kevin I'll help you out no you're clearly stuck again I'm staying right here I'm putting a [ __ ] stop to this is fine I just don't want to lose [ __ ] Denny's a home record I play your trees too many do you want to be here all day you do yet thanks for Kevin thank you you dad oh my god I'm coming back brilliant this is lads can't we just be nice to each other no that's well made ah he tried but everyone hates it for some reason yeah go again no dad he's being nice to you and you're not being nice to anybody at I just don't want to give it because I feel like I'm on the spot right now I'm gonna pull my hair strokes I only need one more stroke oh [Laughter] [Music] nice hole lads way brain see right there O'Brien yeah you want to beat him Jack what are you doing nah nah now as long as I can stop effectors I'm keeping an eye on I'm turning I'm turning tail me and Brian are almost the exact same score right now we're keeping it even great job no word thank you thank you no bail on this one it was too busy getting my balls in Ronaldo strokes get the belt when inhale get the Bell that's how my granddad went my two shots I mean he is one shot left oh so he's [ __ ] the villain that's what happens to view good job good job good job thank you is understand I have no part in this he gets angry I'm waiting I'm waiting waiting for the betel has a bell ready jack oh it's ieave I'm ready to tickle oh that's unfortunate goodbye oh oh I know I'm over here I wanted to look cool like the rest he hold on come over Jack and help the old now [ __ ] off I don't one you smell the handouts you want to get into an abusive relationship like this no no you don't deserve it [Laughter] bouncy buddies here we go this this map is darkest dog [ __ ] you feed your dog better phone I don't like it I can't see Jesus Christ yeah hold on it's so dark so dark because it's [ __ ] nighttime and it's indoors there we go I know what's wrong with this brightness setting you know I actually have a plan here please I don't know if you don't know anyhoo second really bright free wait someone said elf or light yeah I tried out oh my god any hole walks boys if you go hell is happening ah I see okay yeah cuz it delights me come on baby come on baby my ball is so prized Sahib right balls they call them hey let's see just got it checked out I got her I got her lamp installed the latest thing is a smart ball pimp my balls they call it alright here we go I'll take a hole in mine I won't no you suck Olivo Oh what are you waiting for a standing ovation Haryana shined on me phone and I'm tweeting think I can do it what are you tweet yeah come on yo can you help me out I need a youtubers wait what effect this Jesus you're supposed to bounce off the target up here that all just loops around to itself hose it away where do we go oh come on I didn't even I have to hit my shot from here there's another [ __ ] oh there's another pass up there I remember the suffering you caused me oh babe right that's true he did caused a lot of suffering I did Oh what I ran out of strokes I ran out strokes but it was worth it didn't even hit me though that's a brain gets what I got a hold in mine I got a birdie I like it I like it a lot I'm not doing this I don't I'd not do it I'm not doing it either you gotta go I'll end this server Oh what who are we ah Tito yeah I just dedicate my life oh I almost got a hole in one then [ __ ] I got an albatross how did you hit that brain that's a [ __ ] oh I I did it but I don't understand it it was so close that would have been [ __ ] awesome and then there was one just wait and I allowed why I believe who would have thought that in a [ __ ] group which I accepted a in it he wouldn't be the loudest one whoa Jesus Christ straining oh no do not get in the hole jeez Kevin who's knocking me about helping people further [Music] was everyone helped Kevin I shall help you though come on okay now help me okay I'm coming over I hate this I hate this I've went too far fall out strokes game is horseshit oh I agree completely nevermind I'm a legend no [ __ ] it I hate it oh Jesus do I go for the job god you're just going blind you can't tell what the courses I that's where the funnies [ __ ] what all right this is water planning vice okay okay that's not hard enough okay all right guys we'll be here to make everyone else miserable I'm sorry no no it's already working your presence come on come on oh baby oh yeah what are you doing I'm trying to hit you into the bar okay I'm gonna stream the same place a wise I hate I will kill you but just I welcome death am i doing I don't know what's happening I'm back at the [ __ ] water Annie back at the start no all right a motor strokes thank God Thanks are we going I did win stream fine holy [ __ ] are you serious Almighty fair play fair play I think we need a few bills watch this watch this Daniel watch this okay go it almost worked once I'm trained for the [ __ ] trick shot I don't even care anymore look at this are you guys all in well I don't like that oh really no no no no no no no no yes No oh [ __ ] it anyway anyway I'll fake it anyway one time I actually need a no this isn't the end of [ __ ] I thought that was the end of the level this is like Mario Kart god I'm [ __ ] welding his ball next to me this is not fast enough I just want to restart so much better when you almost get a 10 no I like I got to the end of it I just like tapped it and didn't quite get it in gotta hold him to come on I use my camera so close to me oh I scrolled next one is this one is oh that was it I was ready to enjoy life yeah I'm in a dirty place stop it dad it's the last round let us have her fun you [ __ ] Lucifer i reset i reset like a [ __ ] gobshite oh no oh it's got you keV well it's a good thing this is the last hole then I don't know what you're so to do Brian no I didn't it's I ran out of strokes [ __ ] I ran out of my mind oh here here that's good [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 1,491,654
Rating: 4.9743652 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, Golf it, golf it funny moments, golf it gameplay, golf it funny, golf it jacksepticeye, irish youtubers, daithi de nogla, terroriser, callmekevin, rtgame, funny clips, gameplay, funny moments, funny montage, funny, golf with friends funny moments, golf with friends, online multiplayer, collab, multiplayer, mini golf funny moments
Id: x4qGJk2ysvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 26sec (1286 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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