80/20 Roller Wheel & Motion Study — Fusion 360 Tutorial — #LarsLive 184

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welcome to livestream number 180 fall it is Thursday July 5th September July 5th 2018 clock is ticking up there if you're watching the recording I will definitely not blame you for fast-forwarding but today's topic is something that I think everybody should get a little bit excited about and that is 80/20 roller wheels how to mount them to a rail and then we're gonna get into something that we have never touched on the line before what is motion study I'm just a little bit early here is when I give you a chance to a jump in here I can see that there is already here I absolutely appreciate it Darren anybody in the u.s. absolutely hope you had a great 4th July what we were celebrating yesterday yeah today we're gonna get into some more of this 80/20 stuff I think that's something in here for anybody so this should be a good one with these I'm kind of catching up on the on previous ones but we're gonna get going just in that in a couple of minutes here just want to give you a chance to come in I can see that we got Peter here Bernie's here absolutely appreciate that you guys taking the time so we are on YouTube and we are on Facebook love it for both of you thank you so much and again if you're watching the recording absolutely appreciate it we will get going here as soon as we get to through to the 0 now if I do a good job today I I think if I do it and you let me know so there is one two three there's four different ways that you can express your opinion about these live streams and I encourage you to speak your voice you can like it you can dislike it and absolutely do that any comment absolutely love the comments and then of course subscribe if you haven't already to the YouTube channel and you can follow the Facebook page that's the way that you can express if you like this or not you are the judge and the jury or whatever so that's all good what should I tell you tomorrow's cam if you are into a cam fusion 360 I think you need to see tomorrow think we're gonna do five things you need to know about cam next week I will be traveling I am going to Little Rock Arkansas and I'm going to Detroit next week so I will not be on them all right I can see we got people on here we got Jay is on in Facebook it smell is on in Facebook absolutely the absolutely appreciate it and over in the youtube we are building up with a nice nice crib over there dan Ernst David absolutely appreciate you guys taking the time yes so with six seconds left hope you guys had a good fourth let me just get rid of that of the clock and we should be going right on top of the hour hey everybody and welcome to Eliza number 184 my name is Lance Christensen and this is just trying to add a little bit more value to your fusion 360 experience you let me know if this is good thumbs up if you like it thumbs down if you don't please be honest and you know it means the world to me today we're gonna talk about we're gonna jump back and talk a little bit about the 80/20 topic we've covered that before I left two times before there's links down in the description area so we're kind of like building a little bit on it I think we're gonna do a couple of interesting things today we are going to first of all so that should be something for everybody we are going to place one of these roller wheels on a rail so it can go back and forth that is one of the requests that I've gotten that it was not covered in the other one then we're gonna talk about limit oops we're gonna talk about limits so you will see that is a limit on this joint but there's actually also a contact set because there is a stop in in the other end here so that is two different ways to kind of control where this one goes now the key with this is that you can actually also with this create what is called a motion study and we're gonna do that today and looks somewhat like this and if I hit the play button and this button here you will see that the roll is gonna go back and follow a certain distance and we're gonna wrap all that up with a nice bow and I'll show you how you can do something like this might show up it jumping a little bit this isn't this is not my best render work ever I do have a little bit of limited time preparing for these live streams but you get the idea I'm having something that is rendered but also with emotion and so we're gonna we're not gonna get 100% in depth of these of the motion study but that's something we will touch on later this is just kind of like a little up you know it's like the burger and we added a little bit mayonnaise and pickles and stuff with the motion studies just to try to make it a living multi lessness and give you a little bit insights of that so that's what we're gonna cover today I hope this is useful if you right be honest okay let's get into it so I'm gonna get I'm gonna open up a new document because we don't want to do any cooking show here where you're pulling the dish out of the oven already baked and then I'm gonna start out by going to the insert insert mcmaster-carr if this is brand new to you then go around and check out the other live streams that I have done because I kind of cover some of these things and I want to keep this as short as possible but what we can do of course in here is we can search for any any 8020 content that magma and that's a lot of stuff in here including these track rollers we're gonna use today and this comes because after my last live stream on this topic a few people email me email down in the description area of this video and expressed some some questions about how do you insert something like this so well let's we're going to do today I'm gonna grab this roller here the bottom metric one click on that click on product detail and if you scroll down we will see down here we can get the step file that's what I like step hit save and that is now brought into our open new file you I'm gonna hit OK to this I'm not gonna move it I'm just gonna leave it like that and the only thing I want to do to this one just because I think it makes it a bit easier may be visualizing because anything you're bringing in is well this is this is a now we had an assembly right this kind of covers to what we talked about Tuesday so this is a this is a component with a lot of bodies in it okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna right click and say up here is this I just want to change how it looks and I'm gonna go into metal aluminum um and I'm gonna drag on a red kind of anodized on this and then the wheels are probably nylon so we're going to like a plastic and I'm gonna grab a little bit of black there okay so that is just a kind of like identifies over these here now we have the rollers now I'm gonna go in and and grab another McMaster and this time we're gonna grab a rail so we're not click here 80-20 and I'm just gonna select a solid solid rail um and I know that the ones I have here is is an eight millimeter T slot so I'm gonna click on that and in my previous live streams when we talked about these I was talking about that was like a two feet long it's not important I was talking about how you could actually create libraries of these rails if you're using them on a continuously basis that is definitely what I would recommend now I'm gonna hit update to this and you will see that it comes in definitely not in in the right spot where we want it and that was kind of done on purpose because we need to join these together and that's spinner that's part of this live stream is how do we get this 80/20 role or onto this one and be the right place so I talked in a previous livestream definitely make libraries so check that out now I'm gonna decide that the rail is stationary that is already in place so I'm gonna right click on that and I'm gonna ground that so that is now not gonna move and I'm also just for for my fun I'm gonna change the appearance of that to blue because that's what I like so what we have now is this rail and we have this roller that we of course want to place on this rail wherever that's gonna whatever its kind of going to go we're gonna do that and I'll talk about this in another livestream but I didn't use a roller so what's the other and you're gonna kind of get its rise we're gonna use this joint origin for that I compare this a little bit too to a pacman or a little coin that we're gonna we're gonna match up our joints with and and I'm gonna show you a couple of different tricks with this so I'm gonna get joint origin and I'm gonna place it so probably the best habit would be going to make the roller active if you got to do this so it's like a joint origin and you will see the corn appears wherever I kind of go now so you want to place this coin where it makes sense so where it makes sense in our case is this size of the nylon wheel will fit inside of the t-slot on the rail and these will rest on top of the rail so we want to end up with our corn being in the center right around here okay that's what we're going that's what we're going for so join origin and I'm gonna start out by snapping to the center of this one and you will see that if I hover over different edges it's actually gonna show different areas and if I hold down the control I can actually go in here and it is now locked down through this phase but it gives me the three constraints on that but is center of that face or in each end that is kind of like the same as clicking right here this end or this end and then if I hover over here hold down the control I can snap to right here okay so now I place the coin right here now I'm gonna say okay for a second and come back to this menu I'm gonna hit okay what I now have gotten is I've gotten the coin sitting in the center of of this one right in here but the coin is facing this way out I don't want the corner to face this way out I wanted to face this way see how it becomes paper thin I want to rotate it at 90 degrees and we're gonna do that and then lastly I want to place it down here now I'm gonna do a lot of steps right now because I want to kind of break it down for you so I'm gonna go back in and edit it again normally I'll have done all this in one operation so before you before you comment that this was many steps just understand I'm taking some more dance steps and hopefully making it better so we are back into where I just placed it down here you have a reorient I'm gonna click on that and then I can select a z-axis and now I can use this face as a reference so it will go perpendicular to that face and now if I click on that face here look at the coin see how it switches over I click on here hit OK now I've rotated the coin now the coin is perfect there we're getting somewhere but I still needed to be right down here so my last time we're going to edit this one well before I do that exit you want to see a cool trick I want this one to be moved down the radius of this do you know what the radius of this is do you know now I'm just trying to be funny maybe it's not funny if you click on a face and a circular face look what it does down here in the lower right shows you their radius huh that's a fairly new function so click here I know that I got a good that one down 29:20 1.5 millimeters so last time I'm gonna go in and edit this one right click Edit origin and I'm just gonna drag it down that - 21.5 you enter so I did this in many steps but I just got what I needed I got a coin sitting right down here parallel to this now I just need another coin this is where I'm talking about like libraries I would save this part out if I know I gotta use this one again I would save it out as a file and then I can always bring it in with that origin in it same thing goes for the rail down here that if I if I were just gonna use these in a regular basis I would save the corn so I never have to do it again again if you gotta mess your distances so now we want one between the slot check this out measure I'm gonna select this edge here this edge here 9.25 it also shows up over here now I can't remember what I had for dinner last night I can't remember anything well did you know you can just click and it will clip it to the clipboard so click on that and it will remember that number so now when I go in and say a and on a joint origin I'm gonna select right over here see how many options we get over here it's gonna make sure it snaps right to there and then I can drag it back and forth here so now I can go to my offset do a control V because it remembered that number in there it's gonna be in mine number though and they do a -2 there is that coin there so I hope this someone makes sense just my attempt to kind of like show you a couple of different ways let's go up and activate the top component up here and now it's just a straightforward joint right click joint I'm gonna select the coin here I'm gonna select the coin here it's gonna snap right over to it you can flip the direction that you want it to be so I'm gonna flip it and the difference between mates and joints is that mates you are removing one degree of freedom joints you are fixing six degrees of freedom and then you let him go so right now this is rigid but if I change that sort of slider look at this now it is now it is sliding so we now have this and if you're going to look at it from a normal perspective you will see that this is sitting right flush here that is sitting right in the center there is exit clearance on these models what is kind of cool because you probably want that but this is how you insert a wheel into a rail and somebody asking me well wait a minute that wheel is not spinning that is true friends it is not and you know Fusion is not an animation software is a mechanical software and I would absolutely never ever try to do that I just don't think that that is uh that is way too much to put on this okay so now we can do this but you can see it can also do this motion and get off and I'm gonna show you two different ways to kind of control that one is joint limits and I've gotten some questions about that's so hopefully today I answer some of those hopefully those people will watch these live streams if not then they are hundred percent out of luck so there's two ways you can do this one is using now what you got to do is over here in the folder you got joints click to expand it here is that joint we just placed now right-click on it and say edit joint limits and you get this little dialog here okay you can do minimum and maximum but I'll show you a little trick about this because it might be a little bit confusing to you so let's turn on a minimum and that is zero millimeters and let's turn on the maximum and let's make that fifty millimeters okay now when I turn that fifty millimeters you will see that it's it jumped over here off our rail you can click the little animate button and you will see it animates and you will see that now where we had this 50 in here that Sarah didn't become where I had it but became where those those two coins Matt's okay now here is is the little trick that you need to know um and that is that if we are doing normal CAD we might think oh inside fusion we're just going to make this value negative to get it to go 50 the other way and yes you will see that it goes 50 the other way but notice how the minimum also became 50 you're like well wait a minute that should have stayed zero so then you go up here if you like me and you say well I'm gonna make this zero but then when you do that the maximum comes zero and that's when you're like what and you know email hours and you're like why if the reason is that it would be weird that minimum could be higher than maximum it just I guess that doesn't make any sense so you just always have to have minimum to be smaller than then then the maximum okay so first of all if you're looking at where it's placed right now at zero zero is right on the where it's gonna fall off and that's actually not probably great so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna move the the maximum to minus ten that's gonna move the minimum to minus ten all servers just discovered but now because I'm gonna go high I'm gonna go minimum of the maximum I can go 550 and you will now see oh - - I see I just make them stay - - ten I forgot to - now I have the minus 50 minus ten minus 50 now we have that that movement there that we're looking for so just always remember that if you have to make this - if you have to go on the other side then minimum also has to be smaller than then maximum that's the trick I hope that I didn't make this confusing so this is all great all right now we have this limit now I'm gonna do something I'll go higher than a 550 I'm gonna go 800 just to show the next step and and hit okay so now what we have is we have a limit mate on this one break this one down boom I can't move my mouse any further move this way here till it comes to 800 and I can't move it further so now I have this movement here that is the first way that you can control this and of course we could make a mesh measurement and we could use the limit made in the other end the other option is to use enable contact set and this is another extremely powerful thing what I'm gonna do is I am going to I'm going to start a new component right click new component down here open up a sketch on the back face of this rail and I'm just gonna draw a box so to make it bigger than anything and I am going to do cone incident between this sets and this adds on the on the roller here : here so here and this line I'll be : here from here to here to here to here Oh hole in here this line to this edge better listen this adds to this search and then I'm gonna do the last one I'm gonna make that : you're not sue the rail but to our part over here okay and then I'm gonna exclude that component out like all these different sections in here I'm just making a block okay and that's your next y'all is we made it right now I'm just gonna ground it so it sits here on the rail now so right now what I've done is I just created a little block if you watch Tuesday's license you'll feel bad about this but of course this happens see this year now we have the limit up here the other one could go 800 to about there so now we can go in and say enable contact sets right click new contact sets I'm gonna select the tool component that's going to collide so this little block we just created and this one hit okay now there we have our limit but now we our contacts that's right here see that that is two different ways that you can control the movement of this one now there is always a catch a caviar or something there's great power great responsibilities friends that is it's getting warm in my office that is that is important throughout to understand here that there is there is a catch catch is that when you do the limit mates then of course it's constrained on that coin and that limit you put together if you do the contact sets then you are putting some constraint on your computer and what I mean by that is Fusion is a solid modeler right so it's constantly keeping track of things and that means that every time you're moving the component the software is constantly on guard to make sure that it doesn't hit anything so if you have like a big assembly then contact sets can be they can be draining on your software but I wanted to show you two different ways to control this movement now with that in here and again you know thumbs up thumbs down leave comments any questions and we'll tackle those but with this done here hopefully that answered a bunch of questions I want to turn to do something else move this to space here that is this motion study down here um and we're gonna get in and I'm gonna show more about this later on and all I've seen but this isn't perfect kind of give you a little taste of this this is part of the today's dinner dish a little side so I'm gonna click motion study and you get this window up here this all has to have joints so you have to have joints in here this is all driven per joints and we have one right when I take on that when I click on that John you'll see we get a purple line down here now if you ever done the animation steps over here it's somewhat works in the same order that you have a bar that moves back and forth and that is counted down here in not in seconds but in steps it's a little bit different but what we can do is we can insert a value by clicking on this joint line and I can set some kind of a value so I'm step 18 ad sorry I'm gonna put - 550 remember that was that first value I had I'm going to click enter and when I do that you will see that that moves down to here now if I hit the play button you will see that this joint exit stops from wherever we were when I started it so this is different than when we when we did this this slider join that would start from where the two coins were together this one starts from wherever you you are okay so that was what I wanted to try to show you that it was where I had left go on this one that's where this motion started start with what is kind of cool in a fact now over here you kind of get a table of all the different joints you are creating you can an end time close it remove it and now we're back to where there's nothing amazing if I cancel out of this I can now if I want to get the full movement of this I can move it back to where our two joins are click on motion study again so now when I click on the join now then it would be from this location hope that make sense click on AV again - 550 hit enter and it's gonna be down there now when I hit play it's gonna stop there hit play again okay now you can have some buttons down here you can either go back stepwise each step each second whatever you want to call that you can go all the way back you can go forward each step or you can play it to the end then you get a couple of buttons here you can go one way that's what we been doing so far one way stop one way stop the next one is one ways forward one way back so that starts with sampling the motion and then you can do the last one what is the loop but just means it's gonna go forward and forward and forward and forward and fold you get it this is pervasive on one you can control the speed here about how fast you will go back and forth and that is the motion study in its easiness but you can of course add more joints do different things rotations and you know all these kind of things but now we have a motion started folder over here and that means that of course we the movable joints in our modeling environment right here but then we also get this very cool option that you're standing in front of a customer and you're saying well you go into the motion study right click hit edit set it to go back and forth and you can speak down a little bit it played and you can now talk to the customer about how this will go go back and forth of course you can add multiple movements in here so this is very basic but that's like how I like to to serve up new functions so this is really cool now this gets a little bit better I'm gonna read this up you can render this out so I showed that in the beginning it became a little bit late here is this rendered out now I did it on the roughest setting because I only have a little bit of time to prepare for these but just to show you how this works so this looks pretty good right now we have a render environment and this goes back to our rendering video with it the other day so you could go in here model and you go into the render environment and we talked last week about Monday I think the last look back the last couple I suppose you talked about about rendering I can't remember it was we talked about all setting this up now there's a couple important things to know if you're gonna do the motion render is that when you render this you gotta save you the sign first when you render this oh come on just hurry up every time you need to use cloud render for this that means that's gonna cost you credits now when you install Fusion you already have credits in there and you can buy them all credits depends so here I'm on one final the best quality it cost you two credits or two dollars about two dollars I think if you click on standard that was what I did the video you saw it didn't stand then it will be one credit of course you can control the size you want to render this out in so you have to render that out so it's gonna costume in this case you have one dollar to render that out that takes 15 10 15 minutes you could also if you just wanted a picture then you could just of course do it local and then it doesn't cost you anything but if you need the motion in there then you have to do as a cloud render one or two dollars depending on the quality you want when you've done that I'm gonna go back to this model here when you've done that then hang on then you get an image like this and if I you click on that then you will get an option you normally don't see you have to have a a motion study to be able to get this this button you click on this one dollar rendering and now it would let you rendering out as a movie now that is also gonna cost a credit so make sure you have so go make sure you go ahead and look at this image first right and make sure that it looks good and then you can go in here and this also the amount is gonna cost you depends on the quality so to go final the best quality it was 60 to cloud credits but also size you need so I make C 12 1080 1920 by 1080 s so 1080 P if you go to smaller then it becomes less 15 cloud credits so you can get as low as 7 cloud credits but that will then render out that kind of image you saw me playing in with in here now what I did doing what I did do and this one was that I did our little trick from the other day because if you ever do any light renderings you know that this background can look a little wishy-washy whatever you call it so I did do what we talked about last time in the rendering was was I had created that back and I laid it within that background here right I brought it in and the only thing you have to make sure when you do if you do this this would make more sense if you're watching the rendering livestream make sure your contact sets and your motion study is on top it's gonna be in the upper level of the assembly that you're rendering out so here is actually the role I brought in and the way I just model up the first part that would be did the motion study would have been in here but I brought that into to the top one but that is how that you can get something like this and like I said I have very limited time I can prepare for these live strength you guys I got other things to do so that is why maybe this is not for some of you guys this is not really that impressive but just that sweat off a little bit here before I get back on camera it is it's about 95 degrees in here now I need to get this is where we gotta end the live streams what is that 35 Celsius that friends was what I'm showing today I hope this was useful as always thumbs up if you like this it means the world to me thumbs out if you don't let me so well summer - I want the feedback from you guys I really appreciate that and of course you can subscribe to the YouTube channel I really appreciated that or follow it on the Facebook guys absolutely awesome 130 people in the in the YouTube or across Germany in the Facebook but we appreciate it also of course if you're watching the recording thank you you guys are the best tomorrow as can fire things you need to know about cam inside of fusion 360 you might don't want to miss that one until then I hope you have an awesome awesome day take care folks [Music]
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 68,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, Design, Manufacturing, Tip, Beginner, Lars Christensen, #LarsLive, akn_include, Best Practice, Modeling, cam, cad, tutorial, How to, 3d printing, free software, software, Product design, Mechanical engineering, fusion 360 tutorial, fusion, Motion, 80/20
Id: Mq-8yopol9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 11sec (2111 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 06 2018
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