How I survived middle school mean girls

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recently a friend of mine told me that i say sorry too much and yeah he's right i'm sorry i'm the kind of person where if you bump into me i will say sorry because according to my subconscious no no no i was in your way please don't be mad at me even if you're just a display stand of cookies at the grocery store and sometimes most times yeah kurt goes both ways all parties were at fault somehow so everyone should just shake hands and say sorry let bygones be bygones but sometimes too other people just hurt you unprovoked they're upset about something else entirely and they take their anger out on you usually their name is karen and it sucks i know i've hurt people like that and i've said i'm sorry even though nothing can make it better besides a time machine but still i think we all deserve to hear i'm sorry for what i did how can i help fix this but getting to that conclusion takes a lot of effort and part of growing up is learning to accept that in some situations one word can't undo that kind of damage in sixth grade i was bullied by a girl i'll call minnie that's obviously not her real name by the way minnie was taller than me stronger than me had more friends than me and did sports she wasn't some preppy popular kid but she was chill with just about everyone even some teachers i on the other hand was a quiet nervous nerdy shy kid who had a crush on kovu from the lion king 2 and that's still me today baby my middle school was grades six through eight the incoming student body was a mix of like two or three different elementary schools and thus i was completely separated from my longtime friends of fifth grade so now i guess i had to make brand new friends and i guess me being alone made me a target for bullying that's not my fault gosh and that's why i found it so weird when minnie started picking on me at the very start of sixth grade like dude we just spawned why are you getting so aggressive i don't even know you i also remember her two little followers willow and frankie also not their real names and them finding me in the hallways between classes to discover new ways to call me fat and ugly and stupid and brainstorm allowed new animals to relate my body to penguin was their favorite and they'd walk behind me in the hallway like penguins to mock me i found it really weird how no one said anything to stop it this made her behavior seem acceptable and thus it made it okay for others to treat me like this too i try to talk to people and make new friends but they'd just straight up pretend i was invisible when i'd raised my hand in class some kids would mock me and others would laugh it seemed like i couldn't do anything without being picked on for it this made me hate school so much and i was scared and sad to have to go in every day and the only way out of this was to wait for it to be over i had to wait a whole year for seventh grade to roll around so i could pick different classes away from mini like i took typing class to avoid mini i'm a millennial i can type it was a waste of time but okay i did get to play papa's pizzeria for like an hour every day because i always finish my work early so okay maybe it worked out but my point still stands no one wanted to sit with me no one wanted to be on my team and no one wanted to be my friend for fear that whatever was wrong with me that minnie didn't like would rub off on them too like lice but i don't have lice i'm sure everyone else did though because they all had slumber parties and i didn't i wrote fan fiction by myself in my room alone every night to cope thank you very much i was so confused and shocked by it all but i thought surely this won't last surely an adult will step in at some point and one day my teacher did so okay i have acid reflux the acid in my stomach likes to do the vertical boogie of my esophagus and thus my tummy makes weird noises sometimes and one time during a test it was making weird noises the class quietly laughed at me which was normal and happened a lot but then i heard my teacher say alyssa stop making stupid noises and then my classmates laughed at me not so quietly and that sucked so miss middle school teacher i am very disappointed in your behavior me and my kovu plushies we dislike you for that anyway back to minnie this situation proved to her that not only did the teachers not care but they were also on her side and i knew this too so i tried everything to avoid minnie and her friends new routes to class even if it was longer new clothes similar to what kids like her were wearing even if i didn't like them new and different things to eat at lunch and hope she wouldn't mock me for simply eating again but none of that worked and you want to know something crazy these girls couldn't have been that much bigger than me we were all like the same size if they were chill we could have been friends you could be borrowing my coveted lion king shirt but you're not and whose fault is that not mine minnie speaking of friends i did manage to make one friend in sixth grade but i say friend with heavy air quotes because she instilled confidence in you and supported you and you finally stood up to the bullies god i wish i dreamt for a day that would play out like a bad tumblr post where all things would magically work in my favor because i had funny clever comebacks and and then everyone clapped but no here's what happened back in the real world i'll call this friend crystal but crystal wasn't really my friend she was friends with willow frankie and minnie so when i'd vent to crystal about all the awful things they were doing and saying to me she would say i know but they're nice to me so oh my god what i just want to be friends with everyone don't make me pick sides dude you can't be friends with everyone i'm proof of that well you know minnie was right europe so when my frenemy crystal wasn't there for me i went to my parents about minnie and asked them what to do and my parents told me this just ignore it and i know that's often the go-to answer for these kinds of situations but i'm starting to wonder if that advice is given by people who maybe haven't been bullied before because i was already just ignoring it i would walk into school get mocked and bullied for being fat and ugly and i said nothing and i did nothing i'd ignore them because they just wanted a reaction and i refused to give it to them i'd be in class and when i'd answer a question i was mocked and bullied for being dumb and stupid and i said nothing and i did nothing because they just wanted a reaction and i refused to give it to them i ignored it they found out i was on my period and they dumped out my personal belongings onto the floor for the whole class to see so i told my teacher who saw the whole thing and she told me to just ignore it so i ignored it then they stole my clothes during gym class and stuffed them in a urinal and again when i told the teacher who saw it all play out do you want to know what she told me just ignore it so i'm sorry but i'm not sorry to inform you all ignoring bullies doesn't work ignoring stuff like this means ignoring who is starting the fire and ignoring the people who are getting burned and when a teacher says to a child just ignore it it teaches the kid that no one cares because at this point everyone knows exactly what's happening everyone's witnessed it on multiple occasions and you know what they've decided to do ignore it and ignore you too so you stop asking for help and the bullying gets worse because it's clear no one cares do you have any idea what that does to a kid so i'm here to say you must ignore the advice to just ignore it i don't care how much you hate yourself because of what others made you believe you're not stupid you're not ugly you're not a loser you are a person with so much inner power that your vibes intimidate people at the very least i'm starting to suspect that bullies may not be the best judge of character i think those girls picked on me for being quote fat and ugly not because they wanted to go on jogs together and then go to sephora for a makeup montage no i'm pretty sure these 12 year old girls they felt fat and ugly and then they saw me someone who didn't feel bad about the way they looked and was simply vibing or maybe it was because i was confident in my hobbies and abilities i enjoyed drawing my stuff got into art shows i got a's and b's and wrote really good papers so again no idea where the logic is and calling me stupid they obviously took offense to my confidence because they were jealous or felt insecure or if not any of that maybe the reason they bullied me was because making others feel like garbage is the only way they know how to be happy and frankly those kinds of people are pathetic and i'll tell you now they grow up to be a nasty breed of karen so to quote the playground parable i'm rubber your glue whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you i'll save you kovu so that's why i ignored my parents and my teacher's advice i refused to ignore how minnie willow and frankie were treating me so i went to my teachers about it again and this time i insisted we got the office involved because i wasn't playing around not anymore and i knew i'd be called a snitch for it and i sure as heck was but hey i've been called the other itch word a million times by now nothing i couldn't handle so me my three bullies and my frenemy crystal were all called to the guidance counselor's office and i recall for a brief moment they were nervous for once they were quiet in the hallway here's the messed up part about life it's not a tumblr post where everyone claps at the end once all the cards were down the guidance counselor who was kind of weird and spoke to students in the third person and was totally not qualified for this job but hey that's public school we're underfunded so we take a week again looked at all of us and she said look girls mrs last name just wants everyone to be friends can't we all just be friends these girls are not my friends you have to act like someone's friend in order to be someone's friend that's why we're here mrs guidance counselor oh wise one we can't just hold hands and sing a barney song when four out of five of us have stinky hands and yet the guidance counselor insisted we all just be friends again and everyone just say sorry and that is when my 11 year old brain realized a lot of things i was dealing with people who couldn't care less about telling the truth about being respectful treating others the way you want to be treated you know like all the posters in this office said i had no one by my side for any of this crystal didn't have the courage to back me up my teachers didn't care nobody did so what did i do this elimination video is brought to you by the letter c for confrontation learn her respect her but do not fear her i relate again very firmly that these girls were not my friends they were my bullies and peace was not an option but the counselor didn't listen she insisted i and i quote stop bullying my friends and apologize so that's what i did after that i said nothing i did nothing and nothing changed until i was able to move classes one year later i used to have this storybook belief that when people hurt you they will eventually say sorry and mean it but when i was a kid i learned that no that's not how the world works at all there are people who will hurt you there are people who don't even know you who will hurt you there are people who will turn on you just for fun just to see how much they can get away with because all of us have been hurt before and all of us are still hurting we're all out running something that we don't want to deal with but you know what i truly am sorry you're going through it but so am i so is everyone so you don't get to toss your crap into someone else's yard just because you don't want to clean it up maybe you quit pooping in your own yard so you don't have to deal with this oh no where do i throw my poop problem this is a metaphor for self-sabotage and i don't care who witnesses me throwing your own crap out of my yard and back in your face to deal with because we both know which stinky hand it belongs to the second you stand your ground and take no crap you will have that power back the power of pity looking back i feel sorry for minnie and willow and frankie and crystal they were probably going through something awful and that's why they acted so horribly of course that doesn't excuse it and no amount of sorries can change the past but the way i see it you either run from it or learn from it oh the only way they could fix the situation like this is to face whatever's making them so upset so they can finally be happy for their own sake and for others and i won't lie the things they said and did to me back then obviously still stick with me but i do want to assure you if you're watching this and you're in school right now when someone's making fun of you for being weird or walking weird or dressing weird or whatever crap they throw in your yard just remember that is just a baby karen and their karma will come we've seen it i know this video is a bit different from my usual content but if you liked it hit like and if you want to see more subscribe to my channel and as always stay safe you
Channel: illymation
Views: 1,853,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: illymation, illymations, illyanimation, illystrations, storytime animation, animated storytime, animation, illymation real life, illymation face reveal, illymation ex, illymation boyfriend, illymation abusive boyfriend, illymation song, illymation animal crossing, illymation vidcon, illymation cat, illymation luigi, middle school, mean girls
Id: MY4AyLiz_pk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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