My summer as an after school teacher

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all right everyone this is miss alyssa she's a new teacher and she'll be watching you guys this summer hello miss alyssa yes how old are you i'm 19. oh so you're almost an adult as you guys know i have a cat named luigi and as you also know my parents said all right you can get a cat but we can't help you pay for it so to make that fat cat money i worked at an after-school program for kids k through five i actually went there too when i was their age and when i got older the supervisor so my former teacher asked if i would like to work there i'll call her miss sheriff because boy did she run a strict town but guys in all honesty this was my favorite job no other job will you wake up before the sun walk into a workplace where a million little voices cheer your name and everyone comes and gives you a hug at seven in the morning every morning okay maybe disneyland but i've never worked at disneyland cause i'm not tall enough to be anything more than a chipmunk anyway i think as adults we become so wrapped up in our stressful adult lives that we forget what it was like to be a kid we forget that we once were a kid but before i tell you these stories quick important disclaimer to protect names identities and privacy i'll be using fake names for everyone and their character designs will not represent what they look like in real life so let's start with delaney alright if delaney was a food she'd be fun dip super sweet and a hundred percent made of sugar the way she introduced herself to me was hi my name is delaney i have two lucy is my favorite color yellow because it's bright happy wonderful like the sun she was just a ball of happiness and optimism like i've never witnessed before and i hope she never loses that another memorable kid i'll call devin he loved all things sports and being active outside but he was also really caring and genuine see one day while i was getting snacks ready this little dude stomped and stormed in did not pass the snack table did not collect the cheez-its and that's how i knew something was up so i sat down with him but before i could get a word in he turned to me and said do you know what the most evil thing in the world is and i'm thinking oh devin i know a million horrible things about the world so what on god's green earth did you find out today but you know out loud i said no tell me what is the most evil thing in the world and he says plastic and he goes off about littering landfills fossil fuels acid rain co2 emissions are carbon footprint this little dude just learned about pollution and he was fuming and i love that for him because you know there are people my age who think global warming is a myth so i'm here to assure you guys the kids are all right however this job like any job has its downsides well just one downside customer service and by that i mean dealing with dissatisfied parents this last story is about a kid i'll call beau during my first few shifts i noticed beau really like to play pretend with uh how do i say this water guns like this was the only thing he wanted to play if some kids were playing dinosaurs he'd find a way to make them go extinct early if some kids were playing house or shops he'd be the bad guy robbing and threatening them this was the only way he wanted to play pretend for hours day after day and this kid was like six and his preferred pretend play was very graphic and explicit you know for a first grader but i mean it was also the south and i wasn't raised in a gun-toting household so i figured maybe i was just the weird one here so i told my supervisor hey uh that little boy beau really likes to play um guns should i be concerned and she looked at me like oh he knows better so apparently this was such a known bad pattern of behavior that it was agreed playing guns was instant time out with miss sheriff and that was huge because that's super time out you go to the big kid room and sit with the big kid teacher in big kid time out that's basically jail for a kid but you know credit where credit is due kids are smart this little dude figured i didn't know and boy was i played like a fiddle so the next day as soon as i saw him pick up the big block and pretend it was an r2d247 or something i said bo could you come with me we need to go talk to ms sheriff and i swear to goodness the look on this kid's face said it all how did she know like come on little dude we knew this wouldn't last forever later his mom enters the story and i'll call her karen that's not her real name i never got her real name but i think this one fits so karen saunters into my k through two room bow in tow she's clearly already come into the building and broke her child out of big kid timeout so i was like oh can i help you and she says yes why was my son in time out oh well i may be new here but i've been caught up with his behavioral history and what do you mean by that well beau likes to use blocks and other things and pretend they're guns and then pretend that he's killing his friends and we don't allow that kind of pretend well why not it's just pretend it's not real uh [Music] because that's very inappropriate for a six-year-old why what's wrong with guns ma'am this is a child that's not exactly what i said but it didn't matter anyway she proceeded to chew me out about her second amendment rights and how people like me are the reason that guns are being taken away from people like her and it is a shame that people like me are watching kids like hers and right at the height of this monologue miss sheriff strolls in and without skipping a beat karen says so that is why my kid should oh there you are miss sheriff oh alyssa here was just telling us how bo was playing guns again and while they talked i just stood there dumbfounded by this woman's behavior and it's times like this i feel really bad for some kids and their households i mean i was confused by this and i was 19 almost an adult i can't imagine how confusing this could be for a six-year-old so once she left for good i turned to my supervisor and said you know what she just did and my supervisor said what did she do she was just berating me for sending bo to timeout for playing guns and going off about why he should be able to play guns but as soon as you walked in she no yeah no yeah so yeah that's what working with kids was like thank you for watching hit like if you liked it hit subscribe to see more don't play pretend guns or i will send you to timeout and as always stay safe [Music] you
Channel: illymation
Views: 2,532,206
Rating: 4.959918 out of 5
Keywords: illymation, illymations, illyanimation, illystrations, storytime animation, animated storytime, animation, illymation real life, illymation face reveal, illymation ex, illymation boyfriend, illymation abusive boyfriend, illymation song, illymation animal crossing, illymation vidcon, illymation cat, illymation luigi, summer job, work stories, first job, r2d2, work stories animated, first job animated, teachers stories, good teacher, bad teacher
Id: r9ncv3pflDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 47sec (467 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 24 2020
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