I Attempted a Two Player Nuzlocke

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2021 🗫︎ replies

It was fun but I wish she'd just done it normally? Like the Soul Link was fine, but I'm not a fan of randomizers so it kinda made me like :/ about the video.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AuraSweet 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2021 🗫︎ replies

Such a fun and entertaining and well made video!! Made my Sunday evening :))

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/lenjaminbang 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2021 🗫︎ replies

So does this mean there won't be another nuzlocke video from Jaiden? These were some of my favorite videos from her, and I'd be very sad to see them be over.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Upbeat_Group2676 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2021 🗫︎ replies

i knew that already max :/

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/walterhoward 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2021 🗫︎ replies

Does anyone know the ending song? It says made by Nintendo, but I can't find the track.. Thanks so much for any help!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Tropicana55 📅︎︎ Dec 22 2021 🗫︎ replies
you know the drill at this point pokemon faints it dies catch one pokemon per out and nickname it to set up for emotional trauma but this time we're doing something a bit different a two person nuzlocke it's technically called a soul link but no one knows what i mean so basically you and person two play the same pokemon game at the same time following the same nuzlocke rolls however your pokemon are linked which means if my starter dies player 2's starter also dies and they can't do anything about it plus we can only have one primary typing for both of our teams combined so if i catch a water type and add it to my team person 2 can't have a water type at all on theirs and cherry on top all pokemon are randomized i can walk into the grass at any point and accidentally find god and maybe he'll just kill all my animals right then and there so with all these new rules in place i needed to find a player too one who's a real pokemon master able to adapt improvise and strategize all at the drop of a hat and who else other than pokemon master himself jacob alpharad who at this point in time has a 50 50 nun's log win ratio here's our pokemon heart gold soul silver so link nuzlocke we both go downstairs barely greet our mom and immediately beeline it to professor album's lab to see what pokemon he's got for us because we don't know they're random in case you forgot what i just said we stroll up to him and he pats jacob on the head and goes here choose from these three i picked them specially for you torterra tentacruel or ludacolo all right what do i get why not make iariatus awesome jacob takes torterra and i take manky and we name them franklin on our way to talk to mr pokemon jacob runs into a reggie rock in a random patch of grass which just flat out explodes on him no one died luckily but also oh my god we get an egg and immediately professor elm calls and tells us he's been robbed and bullied you really couldn't handle being alone for 10 minutes could you on our way back to help a grown adult we stumble onto a shady figure who scoffs challenges us to a battle with pokemon he stole from elm which we immediately win scoffs again then drops his wallet passport credit card driver's license social security target gift card on the ground in front of us for the world to see dude get your crap together you can't be doing that when you're a wanted fugitive back in the lab elm is crying on the floor as the police and our neighbor are trying to comfort him and the police asks us if we saw anyone suspicious yes we saw his info now here we get to name our rival jacob and i try to think of someone that we both shared some sort of rivalry with when we remembered a certain professional pokemon nuzlocker has been consistently reacting and critiquing our nuzlocke so far some of his comments were more critical than others and directed at one of us more than the other mr policeman his name is jan hi jan let's see if you can destroy us from the inside out anyway our neighbor takes us out to some grass to show us how to catch a pokemon runs into articuno catches it in a pokeball in the green and turns to us and goes see just like that they give us some pokeballs and we can finally start our journey we both run around in the grass and our first encounters are barboach and houndoom this would have been awesome for jacob if he could catch the dang thing since we only had pokeballs hounded was not getting in the ball no matter what and we ended up not getting that pair but you know it's alright there's plenty more encounters like hop it farfetch that jacob accidentally kills or dude gyarados that jacob accidentally kills or tyro charizard that jacob accidentally kills hey why do i get this and jacob gets all this and why do you keep killing him jacob but finally in the ruins of alpha we managed to catch a new pair sandslash camerupt not bad at all we try to name them michael but both misspell it so welcome to the team michels then on route 32 we catch totodile bidro which is also pretty good mainly for just me we started combining the two pokemon to create their names so we ended up somehow with pedroto we ran into a trainer who had a freaking polka on his team fun fact did you know if you googled palkia type weakness google will tell you that he's weak to fairy and salamance no other dragons just elements so jacob and i started joking around every time we saw a palkia oh no if only i had a salamence uh oh don't have a salamance over here it was kind of strange how many polkas we ran into but that didn't stop us from bullying every single one so we take on faulkner the first gym leader who has kyogre bronzer and metagross dragonair oh my god after a lot of difficulty we both managed to beat him with no casualties i don't know how that happened but hey everyone's all right oh he's gonna take himself out oh my god how about some encounters to lighten the mood oh hello shuckle suicune that jacob accidentally kills in azalea town we challenge bugsy who luckily wasn't as stacked as faulkner and as we step outside jan who is surprised we haven't been demolished yet yeah i'm surprised too challenges us to a battle which we also win we run into maw wild deoxes in the forest who someone accidentally kills and make our way to goldenrod where there's a security guard that'll give us both a pokemon he hands me a poor gun too which i'm ecstatic about turns to jacob and gives him reggie gigas which we can't use because they're both normal types of all the legends you had to get of course you get the only normal type besides actual god we beat whitney and in the national park find piplup flaffy which we named plap i pitched to jacob that i'm willing to trade the badrodos to make room for this new pair so he essentially switches beedrill with flaffy which we shake on welcome to the team plaps and then my plap immediately almost gets killed jaden i'll fix it i'll fix it sorry my bad we find dragonair shepard which is an actually insane pair we could use right away but yeah i ended up killing that one look i'm sorry jacob it is harder than it looks to catch these things we pour water on the strange trees on route 36 that actually turn out to be cradly silkun we kinda named them dilly-doo and could have added them to the team as death fodder but we ended up forgetting to which is yeah a pretty silly mistake but what's the worst that could happen who needs death fodder and a nuzlocke jacob and i make it to ekritik and walk into the burn tower as we are about to go down there jan runs up and is like you're only trying to catch suicune to make yourselves look stronger than you actually are and we're like no we killed him a while ago but he still wanted to battle probably to show off the mew he somehow found we beat him yet again go downstairs scare off the dogs and go challenge morty jacob didn't have any trouble for the team morty had for him but for me i was having a bit of a harder time because he had a lugia which neither me nor my team could even handle all i could do was bubble beam it with plap and pray i don't get crit one shot as jacob just sits there watching but it ended up working out we arrived in olivine and climbed the giant lighthouse almost falling to our literal death along the way reached jasmine at the top who's like climb back down and go get medicine for amphi and sean wood and we were like we almost died getting here surfing to see in wood we encountered obama snow pupitar and i know what you're thinking yeah we did catch them obamatar joined the team immediately and suddenly we've got a pretty powerful lineup going on also a random guy in town gifted us a mewtwo and weeping bell finally i'm the one with the legend now but we had to box him because we couldn't have two grass types all of this sudden shared luck combined with our zero death win streak got us feeling pretty confident which naturally means it's time to get kicked in the throat specifically by a black belt martial artist gym leader chuck was indescribably tough in the most bullcrap way possible for me jacob had no trouble at all because he's jacob he had a kingdro which i brought obamatar out for nothing else on my team could really do anything against it the main drawback of this is abomitar's snow warning ability which creates hail damaging every pokemon including my own that's not an ice type which is pretty inconvenient in a nuts lock i even made a a teeny tiny comment about it when i first got him i can i ca i'm gonna call it snow is gonna kill one of my pokemon kingdra goes down and chuck's only other pokemon he's only got two is frost lass who if you don't know has snow cloak snow cloak makes the pokemon 20 harder to hit if there's hail you want to know how many pokemon and gen 4 have this ability five three of which being mammo swine you want to know how many pokemon there are in heart gold soul silver 493 now i know these odds sound pretty awful already but you know what this process does she uses ominous wind ominous wind has a 10 chance to boost every single stat of the user she gets the stat boost twice in a row after a lot of strategizing we both decided the best option for us would be to send in my chill as death fodder to heal a plaque because he is the only one that can really do anything at this point and what happens please don't get another stat boost you're he's good he's so good no no oh my process crit one shots michael as soon as he comes out our first deaths poor camera he was so proud for making it out of jack's gym and then just falls over dead for no reason i got plap healed up and basically started heel stalling which sure isn't a noble strategy but come on after literally struggling against my own bad luck for what felt like hours finally frost goes down finally holy jacob practically drags me out of the gym and we head to the bc we decided to add a pair we caught back on route 35 which was charmeleon dawn fan named darfell a fantastic duo i was admittedly and i think justifiably still really salty about what we just went through but jacob convinced me that we should just move on we got our darfels leveled up and returned to olivine to feed amphi the medicine that we picked up so jasmine would finally do her job and check this out already done you're right oh my god look at our two screens real quick nah it's all right she also had a g-axis we headed to mahogany town catching and adding nidoran and barrel named barrel to the team and in the lake of rage jacob cut a kyogre paired with my swallot we never use this pair but i just wanted to mention it for reasons we approached the glistening shadow of the lake beast activate the encounter and find a shiny banarian dawn fan not you know the best but hey free shiny pokemon doesn't hurt to cat oop i killed it that's again my bad sorry lance walks up to us and goes hi i'm lance grabs this by the wrist kicks down the door to the mahogany town 7-eleven kills one of the guys in there and runs into the rocket hideout where he continues to wipe out any living organism he finds down there classic lance we decided to copy them and beat up all the executives in their power generator right before we fly to goldenrod we pick up the seventh badge and then continue curb stomping team rocket we are getting a bit too comfy though and as jacob wasn't paying attention mainly because he just got a chicken sandwich obamatar was killed by a golem's earthquake oh no that was a really bad blow and stung much more because we weren't paying attention but we did have to move on especially since we were literally in the middle of a gang fight we shoved our way to rocket executive and big boss archer and give him a bit of a throat chop so he would calm down and stop doing whatever it is he was doing and everyone is saved on our way to blackthorne we catch frost's ass corefish which put me into a vengeful trauma spiral you and then jacob caught himself both a sweet and an ass elf we arrived and took on claire who led with a mewtwo against me which at this point i shouldn't even be surprised but all the rest of our team was pretty much a pushover for both of us claire's a bad sport and refused to think we were good trainers so we talked to the old man behind the gym and he's like so do you beat your pokemon and we're like no and he's like awesome claire give him the stupid badge what so now we can head to the elite four hey guys i think you should go fight a horde of asian women in a critique uh so we enter the equity theater and start fighting the women and the second girl for me sends out ambipom as i switched to franklin it screeched which i didn't pay attention to and ambipom double hit killed franklin our starters died dude that was really sad we were about to make it to the elite four with them and bam not alive anymore they were with us through everything pretty much the backbone to our teams man jan's gonna make so much fun of us when he finds out as we're still mourning the last kimono girl rest spams with wailord do you have any dignity woman we're lamenting over here we try to leave and the girls are all no no go catch the legendary pokemon he's already got three so i head to whirl islands and jacob scales the bell tower and what legends do we find the legendary xangoose and loudrid finally we have some freedom again and as soon as we touch the water in new bark to head to victory road what pops up from the bottom of the lake but entei himself and doduo oh my god hello doday that's going in the box because fire types we catch cascoon reggie rock in victory road and heading towards the exit jan sprints up from behind us and i iconically say this is your last chance to kill one of our pokemon jan and what happens oh my god no what happened oh that's not great oh he killed one of our pokemon yeah that sucks that really sucks darfel was an incredible pair we've had since the fifth gym and we really grew to lean on we lost quite literally half our team right before the elite four we beat jan for the last time enter the indigo plateau and immediately bolt to the pc to see what kind of damage control we can do after a very long time of trying to stitch together the best teams possible we ended up with this ampharos and polion the barrel nidoqueen beautiful cradley dodrio entei and victory bell mewtwo i know i know wow jaden super balanced you've got mewtwo and entei and jacob has a beautiful eye look i this is the best we could do i promise tell him jacob tell him anyway big deep breath here we go into the unknown depths of the elite four will coda and bruno were all no problem at all we breezed right past them everything was going great this is fine it's done yeah he's oh oh oh my god uh it's fine i win these on the other hand karen was not as nice no i just mean what if he does any charge move oh okay he just did crosstalk he's dead it's fine i was safe to fly him i'm just paranoid oh my god oh my god oh my god oh no guys we're so sorry we got you killed in the first like 15 minutes of having you we ended up getting out of the battle with no more casualties but facing lance with a team of four each is really not ideal to say the least but we walked up to him nonetheless whether we win or lose here this is our last battle he leads with fiona and lydian which we were both like hahaha lance is this all you've got and then he hits us with the no jacob was up against his porygon z rampardos licky licky zapdos and plussel and even though it's a pretty stacked team he was holding his own and getting through them really well on my end i was dealing with a giga impacting snorlax which i really had nothing for i just had to pray for no crits and as many misses as possible it goes down eventually and what does he send out next polka oh i could really use the salamance right about now this is what we get we believe pocky has so much during our journey here looking at my team i don't have anything that can handle palkia either except for mewtwo and what happens he gets spatial around crit one shot turn one i am in a lot of trouble i took so much time getting past snorlax that jacob was already done with his battle so all he could do was watch this massacre from the sidelines i sent out dilly-doo to confuse stalum and just try to chip away at him with basically nothing and my god was i lucky because if pokey hit one more crit at any point dilly doo and the run was over and i was forced to dance on that line for a long time but eventually dilly doolins the finishing blow i was so proud the pair that we caught so early on and deemed as death fodder was the one saving us we're so sorry for doubting you dilly doo thank you for sticking by us and not dying but that was only half of lance's team might i remind you clap took out his sand slash which stung but bastion on came out tanked plap surf and killed him with metal burst i was in shock with that one that was our second oldest pair ever since our franklins died jacob and i both started seeing the plops as our star members barrel came out and revenge finished the basket on and lance's last pokemon was a big ol hard hitting tanky freaking azumarill i sent dilly-doo back out because beryl would die immediately and started the chipping game again if that wasn't bad enough azumarill set up the rain and an aqua ring for itself which turned this fight from uh to ah this awful one-on-one lasted 10 whole minutes i slap him he slaps back much harder and then heals and then i heal but eventually dilly doo wins the stalling battle and azumarill goes down in an unpredictable turn of events dilly doo saved us from utter defeat what an adventure we just went on insane encounters insane bull crap friends death bullying and the dilly dudes thanks for going on this journey with me jacob i quite literally couldn't have done it without you and a salute to the buddies we made along the way except you [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Jaiden Animations
Views: 10,146,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jaiden, animations, jaidenanimation, jaidenanimations, pokemon nuzlocke, pokemon, jaiden pokemon
Id: HePvLYiZVko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 12sec (1212 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 19 2021
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