Perks of Having Asthma

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i was the sick kid growing up i was the one always having coughing fits i was the one sitting out at recess and for me the common cold was common indeed [Music] and part of this was because i have asthma every morning and every night i had a few extra steps to my routine number one blow into this thingy to see how my lungs are doing green is good yellow is not and red means take this girl to a doctor right now number two advair hold the ufo with two hands and breathe in that gritty purple stuff and lastly take two puffs of the inhaler use a spacer to ensure you get all the medicine and that was a lot to do as a kid and even when i did those things i still struggled to keep up with all the other kids at recess so growing up with asthma i often felt like a wimp until now guess who was third in line for a vaccine the wimp with asthma so obviously i'm kidding there's nothing fun about having asthma and if you have it you know that already one sign of incoming asthma of my family and i weren't aware of till it happened was childhood eczema often leads to asthma eczema is a skin condition where your skin can become inflamed scaly dry and super itchy for no reason at all and when i was just a babe it was all over my adorable wittle body my mom often told me this story where she was in target with me and some kid bless his heart said mom what's wrong with that baby my mom didn't think it was as funny as i do though and it really upset her cause i was being taken to a ton of different doctors about this and nothing was working until we saw one named dr pros who i allegedly called dr pros he was a cool guy he gave me the proper care and treatment i needed and he could wiggle his ears very cool party trick and soon enough my eczema was well treated and managed so now kids don't point at me in public and ask their moms what's wrong with me anymore but i'm lucky currently eczema has no cure it can only be treated with medication to make life a little less hard to live my parents were relieved though as it seemed all their worries about my health had subsided but then i remember one day in the summer before first grade i was really out of it i was at my after school program summer camp as usual but i remember just sitting in a chair feeling really sleepy and and trying to focus on a light so i wouldn't fall asleep i was tired i had trouble breathing and i was really weak eventually i told my teacher i wasn't feeling good and asked if i could lay down somewhere when i woke up i could hear my teacher and my mom anxiously talking about me my mom took me to the er i was admitted to the hospital and we found out i had pneumonia which in simple terms is an infection inside your lungs we also found out i had asthma meaning my airways were already susceptible to becoming inflamed or filling with gross stuff so the odds were not at all in my favor my mom explained this to me in a way that i could understand as like a five-year-old but i still remember being really scared truly it was a really scary time but the icu was pretty cool oh uh icu sadly does not stand for illy cinematic universe it stands for intensive care unit i remember the nurses taking my vitals and also pricking my finger to test my blood i hated that part but i got to watch any movie i wanted to from bed my mom took me for rides around the hallway in a little red wagon i learned the joys of eating crushed ice and green jello i got to visit the hospital's little arts and crafts room to keep me busy and every night i got to watch the sunset from my bed and after about a week in the hospital i recovered well enough to be sent home but again that's when i had to blow into the thingy take the advair do my inhaler and some days were harder than others my parents and i argued a lot to get me to take all these yucky medicines to keep me healthy or whatever but the next summer hey liz uh do you want to go to camp camp like how all my friends go to camp every summer exactly like that yeah i do so one summer my mom took me to camp coast it was a weekend retreat kind of thing that took place in camp don lee you know the one down in arapahoe kind of near new bern shout out to my north carolinians so we get down to the campgrounds we've got the forest to our left and the ocean to our right and my mom and i got the cutest little cabin in the woods man i wonder what we're gonna do first maybe we'll go swimming or hiking or maybe even fishing or oh canoeing i don't even know what a canoe looks like okay everyone what is this one called outfit and what does it do it relaxes the lungs to improve your breathing very good oh a question yeah uh when are we gonna do camp stuff oh you silly goose this is camp stuff this is camp coast we're here to help kids like you learn how to manage your asthma [Music] i wasn't at any old camp i was at asthma camp i didn't even know that existed i was so mad like what is this some kind of punishment you dangle the great outdoors in front of me and then hold us up indoors to learn how to breathe i was sick of it but that part ended and we got to go outside we got to go swimming we did arts and crafts we learned about animals i got to hold a snake or a turtle or something and then asthma class again okay everyone what is this one called peak flow meter i guess what i'm trying to say is it really sucks being a sick kid there's so much you want to do and you want to do it but you just can't sometimes it can make you feel weak or not as good as all the other kids all because you have to deal with something that you have no control over and knowing that makes maintaining your health and taking your medicine just the worst because no other kid has to do this but if you're anything like young me i hope you come to understand what i did you are strong no matter what but no one is invincible and truly the only perks of having asthma are having access to the proper health care you need to survive if i wasn't this lucky and privileged enough to get the medicine i needed i don't know if i would have made it back then and that's why this video is a fundraiser this video is sponsored by tab for a cause a browser extension for chrome and firefox that donates to a charity of your choice every time you open a new tab and you don't have to pay a cent so if you're the kind of person who opens 80 freaking tabs every time you get on the computer consider downloading this extension it's easy it's free and it helps people effortlessly just by browsing the web per usual tabbers have raised over a million dollars through tab for a cause users can choose and support these 10 partner charities by donating their hearts personally i'll be donating my hearts to give directly a non-profit organization that gives directly to those in need and you can listen to their stories under the recipients tab thank you tab for a cause for sponsoring this video thank you guys for watching my videos hit like if you liked it so i know subscribe to hear more stories and as always but especially now please stay safe anyone else go to asthma camp or just me uh thanks for waiting for this video to come out i was a little burnt out but i'm back back to it i'm excited about the videos i'm doing and thank you guys i'm i'm almost about to hit two million subscribers that's that's so cool wow look i'm getting him getting choked up i'll talk to you later bye
Channel: illymation
Views: 654,149
Rating: 4.9640603 out of 5
Keywords: illymation, illymations, illyanimation, illystrations, storytime animation, animated storytime, animation, illymation real life, illymation face reveal, illymation ex, illymation boyfriend, illymation abusive boyfriend, illymation song, illymation animal crossing, illymation vidcon, illymation cat, illymation luigi, camp stories, summer camp, asthma, asthma camp
Id: A-sYwhfuhec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 17 2021
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