Panic attacks

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you look you texted me oh my god you still talk to her I know all right I'm sorry oh no you're fine okay God some people write like got your phone and look up can I see your ID okay you look young for your age oh yeah [Music] thank you have a nice day thanks you too hi my name is alyssa i make youtube videos i go to conventions i have a social life and i have social anxiety I know how is that possible I ask myself that question every day social anxiety isn't about just not liking attention its defined by an intense anxiety or fear of being judged negatively evaluated or rejected in a social or performance situation for me I worry about what other people think of me what they're saying about me when I'm not there I worry about offending people or confusing people or making someone angry or sad or I don't know the possibilities keep me up at night to the point where I spiderweb into what-ifs what if I invite someone to the movies and they don't want to go but they say yes anyway what if they're just going because they pity me or they feel obligated to what if no one really wants to go to the movies with me what if no one really likes hanging out with me what if everyone secretly hates me what if I'm not picking up on their social cues and it's just a matter of time before I lose all my friends wait why am I even doing YouTube if I'm so afraid of what others think time to quit this kind of thinking doesn't go for everyone but those are the kinds of irrational thoughts I have and sometimes it's a struggle to admit to myself that those thoughts are in fact irrational so what do I do I don't know about you guys but telling myself to just calm down never works and that's because it's usually too late by that time I've already dug myself into a deep anxiety holes that I can't just climb out of by just thinking positively or whatever Pinterest quote you got I need a lexapro Susan and a ladder sometimes being really really stressed out can make your body go into fight or flight which releases a blast of adrenaline into your system so you can fight this big threat that's stressing you out so much but the problem is we aren't in the Stone Age anymore the stress we experience nowadays is mostly internal so when there's nothing to fight to burn off all that adrenaline you just sit there boiling in it this is basically a panic attack when I'm having a panic attack my heart beats really fast like I ran a marathon my chest hurts and continues to hurt for a while I can't breathe really deep or well at all my hands shake and get really sweaty it's hard for me to talk and I just end up staring into space and I can't concentrate on a single thought it's like a million thoughts happening all at once it can make me feel crazy gone like I'm not really there I'm just floating and barely existing and again all of this is happening because my brain thinks there's a bear in front of me but there isn't what's happening is I showed the cashier my ID'd by Mike's Hard Lemonade and I'm terrified she thinks it's a fake ID because I look so young but it's not a fake ID but I'm scared she's gonna think so anyway and called me a liar and cut up my card and call the cops I'll be sent to jail seriously that's what my anxiety does to me and now I'm like wow you guys must think I'm crazy so why would I ever talk to anyone about it but what do I do about it well it's taken a lot of trial and error but when I feel a panic attack coming I discovered that distraction is the best thing for me that works something that requires my full undivided attention like watching a really good TV show or reading something I find great interest in or smelling something with a smelly smell that smells smelly there was one time I was just working on a video minding my own business and then hearts took him like a train for absolutely no reason but then I got a whiff of the candles sitting on my desk it was a gift for a friend's birthday but it was so distracting and I figured she won't know so I sniffed it and I felt better that is the good stuff I got to get more hey got the stuff yeah we got Chesapeake Bay Yankee Candle Bed Bath and Beyond front me Carl I said do you got this stuff oh yeah that's the stuff do you accept paypal or venmo yeah I don't know how but I felt better sniffing that candle so I snipped it and there was nothing special about it nothing special about the scent but whenever my heart rate would start picking up I'd sniff this candle and I'd feel better and a weird thing happened where instead of worrying about my next panic attack and what I'd have to do to get out of it I just kept that candle closeby cuz I knew it kind of worked and that preparation made me feel even better but I admit there are times that I don't handle my stress correctly and those times leave me with scars every now and then I relapse and it sucks this is a negative coping skill and I don't recommend it at all because it doesn't work and it only leaves you with more problems I told my therapist about my ups and downs and she recommended I should keep something that smells nice with me to sniff when I feel anxious I'm not much of a perfume person cuz they're expensive so I looked into essential oils I still get vaccinated and you should too but anyway headed to Whole Foods huffed an entire aisle of $6 liquids and decided on the eucalyptus scent it's super strong when sniffed directly but then it kind of chills out so do I so I bought it it turned out to be pretty good timing too because I was going in for my first pap smear you can google that I wasn't too nervous leading up to the appointment but afterwards I needed to chill so while I was walking down the hallway of the hospital I took out my eucalyptus and what's nice about it is it has this little dropper to drop just a little bit on my wrist and sniff but I guess I should have practiced this motion beforehand because when I went to use the dropper I spilled the entire bottle I got it all over my arm my leg my foot my shoe and the floor and it turns out eucalyptus juice is yellow so it looks like pee it looks like I peed on the floor in the middle of the hallway who does that why did that girl pee what is wrong with her thankfully the restroom was right there so I grabbed a bunch of paper towels and cleaned it up as quickly as possible but then the little lady of the desk came up to me Oh what happened oh it smells wonderful here oh yeah I'm sorry I have eucalyptus because it smells really nice it's really relaxing it's so relaxing yeah but I spilled it and smells so good yeah and now the floor smells good well that's okay you know you could have asked me for help here let me help you and that's when I really felt my anxiety going away maybe it was because 10 fluid ounces of eucalyptus was filling my nostrils whether I liked it or not or maybe it was because my social blunder was met with understanding and kindness in a moment of panic I always feel so ashamed and embarrassed I forget that I can just ask for help I can talk to someone about it it really is that easy sometimes but it doesn't always feel that way a big mess may seem big and messy and impossible for me to clean up but it may not seem so big and messy to someone else wow it smells really good in here yeah so eucalyptus thank you so much for watching my video I'll be coming out with a music video next week if we're in the future and it's already next week you can watch it right here otherwise turn on your notifications because I'm gonna go even deeper into the mental health stuff and thank you Hannah my sound editor for editing all this sound it sounds great check the link in the description to find all her stuff and also check out my patreon Thank You patrons and Happy Holidays
Channel: illymation
Views: 3,618,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: illymation, illymations, illyanimation, illystrations, storytime animation, animated storytime, animation, stress, advice, life stories, panic attacks, mental health, anxiety, social anxiety
Id: gfWGmgz8BiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 12 2019
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