How I Lost 300lbs | Beefy Boys Final Weigh ins

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This was so wholesome. I wanted to hear what Jonah's body fat percentage was at the end though. Really glad he's lost some weight, 15 pounds is ridiculous. Hopefully they all keep it up.

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/onyajulian 📅︎︎ Jan 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

This was fucking awesome. Love Jeff man. His bit climbing the rope in the fat suit is awesome.

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/jwbriscoe234 📅︎︎ Jan 29 2021 🗫︎ replies

Jeffs videos are super motivational

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Sam-Avle 📅︎︎ Jan 29 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] ladies and gentlemen this is the moment you truly all been waiting for me three boys my weigh-ins are now and also jonah to see who goes home with ten thousand dollars here i am 380 pounds about asthma power pressure blood pressure diabetes without every reason to [ __ ] be playing i'm gonna conquer this it's just a mental battle it's a habit that i built and i'm gonna overcome it golden life mm-hmm make people laugh inspired people like me hell yeah good stuff makes no sense at all [Applause] so yesterday was a little tough i feel like i crossed the line i was a bit aggressive and insensitive when i found airsoft's candy bars under his bed i lashed out at him i've been feeling a little upset with myself so today i decided to put myself in their at least id shoes works it's telling me something i'm not that much better [Music] all right let's see oh whoa it looks so weird with the body this is how jonah sits and looks at his phone he just rests on his belly man it's so nice to just rub your belly when you laugh right i now understand what i'm like this is weird man this is creepy what are you talking about [ __ ] weird this is [ __ ] weird oh i can't have it i gotta leave man yeah oh my god man you're ugliest dude now you know how i feel about me gentlemen what the [ __ ] i'm a beefy boy for real now what the [ __ ] did you eat thanks no see now he has the physical shortcomings but he doesn't have the psychological ones i will work on that i apologize for how i act i was very upset at myself because of how i acted towards you i criticized you publicly in front of all of our peers having a couple chocolate bars at night and i can't lie i love having a couple chocolate bars myself at night too and this whole challenge won't be complete until i could actually live a day in your shoes so this thing this is staying on me the whole day today alright see how it feels what the [ __ ] dude you can feel that what the [ __ ] is going on you want to give me a hug you want to hug it okay oh my god man that's nice let's stop dilly dallying around here in the house i didn't get this done for nothing oh boy this is going to take some getting used to everybody in yeah all right let's hit it beach day with the boys how you doing you got discounts for big boys hey look at that whale right in the skateboard show your fat mouth i skate all the time what happened i got fat and now i can't skateboard anymore what's your name blanca yes are you single yes i am you ever been with the fat man oh [ __ ] no it's the first time for everything i'll hit you up i already got your phone number i know you're out here meeting a lot of people i want to make sure you remember me that's how it's done brother i got the digits let's go let's keep it moving all right batboy people just stare at you because you're fat yeah get used to it bro that's what happens people look at you when you're fat do i look like a freak everybody's staring at me leafy boys out all right [Music] [Music] i decided to break away from the pack because as a big fat man you live this life 24 7. so i'm gonna see how i'm treated by skinny people your model no i'm a male model yeah i can tell her yeah that's for youtube i do pranks and stuff what is it jake paul vlogs nice meeting you guys i'm not really a big fat man i'm a skinny guy trapped inside of a fat man's body oh knock it off i was rejected repeatedly scoffed at by smug influencers although successful getting one woman's phone number i chalked that up to my many years of experience and confidence that was embedded in me from my lifetime of being skinny but the truth is i'll never be able to understand what it's like to be a real beefy boy and our time for working out what's up it's time to get to our ceremonial layout i still got it you guys watch robin big oh [ __ ] yeah that's not it this is just a stupid youtube show hey bro he's off bro nice to have him put himself in our shoes so we're not going through this alone well i got lincoln so i'm not caputio on i got airsoft too getting some subs numbers yeah you got some numbers oh yeah yeah do you think you you lost some weight and you did pretty good i think i lost weight i don't know if i've won but i have to here with you i haven't been waiting yet but from what i know i've lost a significant amount of weight i'm not too nervous i don't know we'll see we'll see what happens so because i want to keep the results private until we get back i want to use his mask as a blindfold and not reveal the results right now so we'll see it but he won't pop up on here whatever happens we worked our asses off we had a good time we're changing the world we've inspired america it's crazy that mass on fat people don't really work they're not meant to lincoln my man i know you're gonna kick some ass on this thing so i'm excited for this like the weigh-ins in the ufc and i'm joe rogan my main beefy boy the motivation behind this entire series you stopped this one out you motivated your friends and i'm proud of you over this past week you became the nick antonian that i once loved look at that little ass it's america's little ass [Music] it all comes down to this look familiar it looks like the spot we started all this absolutely this is where it all started and it's where it's all ending it's not it's not over for us whatever happens happens but our weight loss continues i don't believe what i see before my own eyes i have already said everything i had a great time with you guys would you guys like to say anything before we release the results actually yeah nick at first i thought you were a huge disappointment you didn't show up to one of the exercises the second one you showed up super late but you know what it came through [ __ ] inspiring let's keep this weight loss journey up together you know it's something i won't forget that's for sure seeing people around me that look like me you know who weigh as much as me it's comforting you know when you're you're always with like a skinny person you're intimidated by them it finally felt okay last but not least you have anything you like to add oh yeah hell yeah i love it his opening words and his closer ones man is there anything you have in your pocket right now that you'd like to show me oh yeah you got me for the last time gosh let's cut the sabi chit chat let's get the check girl out here and let's heat up this competition well what are you doing you don't show the front of the check you're going to ruin the whole ceremony flip it flip it you stupid jerk stand over here is this even okay hold on get out here he's going to fall and we're just going to see the check keep the check facing the other way cover up those nipples man those are going to get me age restricted those look like girl boobs show us your penis take it out show everyone no i need i need it on video we don't want to do that no we're good man okay okay you're allowed to show the nipples i just wanted to clarify that it was not girl boobs we were showing here on this tv show should we get down to business let's do it i hope i don't [ __ ] this up first up we have airsoft fatty nervous it's nothing to be nervous about we're all just a couple friends hanging on a rooftop releasing our bodyweight statistics to each other for cash oh yeah airsoft when i first met you you're a very interesting guy i was curious to know you were putting on an act the whole time and if you were playing me and now at the end of the day i realize that you're genuinely just a good person and thank you for being you when you first weighed in you were 388.2 today when you weighed in we clocked you at 390.1 you gained 1.9 pounds damn but i have some good news i did this the right way this time around i didn't just bring out the palette scale and weigh you guys like you're a bunch of animals i told you we were going to measure your body fat your muscle mass muscle does weigh more than fat and we've been working ourselves off your body fat percentage when you started was 50.3 you're now at 47 body fat come on good job that feels a lot better knowing that you lost over three percent of your body fat that's the hardest part not water weight three percent of 300 pounds you lost 12 pounds of body fat but unfortunately we didn't keep the diet squeaky clean we weren't able to cut weight like we wanted but your overall health has increased drastically hell yeah your lifespan has improved because of this past week hell yeah man your health is on the right track you made a a serious difference how do you feel a lot better just hearing the weight i would have been like not that was a complete failure but at least i know some of it's going to muscle link in my man you started this challenge at 274 pounds today when you weighed in you were 262 pounds bruh you lost 12 pounds that's sometimes get a little bit of cut yeah bro good [ __ ] lincoln good job bro i'm pretty good lincoln your body fat as well you went from 36.5 to 33.9 you lost about three percent body fat these are really impressive numbers guys whatever you're doing you're making positive changes to your life and your body and i'm proud of you and you're hilarious i don't know what it is about your comedic time and i've been trying to figure it out your goddamn genius i mean that thank you now down to nick my arch enemy okay you and i have been butting heads for the past two years you said you loved me now 30 minutes ago i wanted to slit your [ __ ] throat every time we do a barbershop episode and i show up down there to my set where i bring celebrities and you got chinese food all over the table and you got cakes and all types of sweets and it just looks like a pig sty and it's bad for my brand i'm building right and having you show up looking sick all the time makes you depressed makes me depressed there's no way to live for us this is a tough business we chose a tough profession it's stressful but we're partners here i mean technically you work for me that's not good that's nice but it's not you cut that out of the video i didn't think you were gonna do [ __ ] here i thought you're gonna not drink water and then show up to the weigh-in thinking you had it in the bag with your cocky attitude but you stuck it out you motivated these guys and i was very proud of you regardless of what this says i'm proud of you just off the way you treated these two you made these guys feel at home and i love them i want to be seeing them around so i thank you for that when you got on that scale last week you're a big fat mess i was you were 249 pounds the heaviest you ever wore in your entire life you look like you were gonna die i did but today you weighed in at 234 pounds you dropped 15 pounds you came in first place you won this thing oh yeah wait wait wait before you give it over there lincoln you came in second so as i told you in private it's gonna be a second place prize five g's oh man that's all you thank you now you can bring over the check yeah guys we did it once again the antonian comes home with the wind although it is a great honor to you know win this money i want all of us to be healthy and i want us to all lose weight and i want us to live long i want to give half my money at airsoft seriously bro yeah i want to give you five thousand dollars holy [ __ ] for real yeah but you have to promise me one thing you have to watch what you eat we all three have to watch out eat and you have to promise me that you're gonna try to lose weight and i will promise the same thing every day of every moment of every [ __ ] second bro and it ain't just going to be something that we just lose the weight it's going to be keeping it off and keep it strong dude we're going to i'm proud of you boys to the [ __ ] hunk of tears man that's all it's all i ask of you is to stick to the plan best plan man i'm tearing up i can't even hold back okay yeah those checks are like 150 bucks to print oh yeah hell yeah the beefy boys every one of you guys is now a five thousand there so so so good yeah it's all good it's clean money don't worry sorry i worked your ass off this is a perfect ending it feels scripted because it's too perfect we all go home even money we all lost 12 to 15 pounds each some of us even gained some muscle mass instead of fat bro you packed on so much muscle climbing up those mountains or 400 pounds on your back yeah yeah yeah i mean whatever man come on bring it in man you're the man nick all of us yeah against they all doubted us and we did it anyway [ __ ] you sorry i was kidding we've been working on this for two weeks i'm gonna go inside we'll wrap this up i'm so proud of you i never thought i'd say that ever thank you i'm proud of you you got a good series you uh helped guide a few people that you know needed guidance i did all this for you [Music] i found these fat guys i found one way fatter and weigh more problems with his body and his health and his heart and his blood pressure and i found one that's not even in bad shape he's pretty athletic and he's hilarious and there's two ways you go on the spectrum one is get slightly skinnier still have a little meat on your bones for comedic effect and you can be hilarious and likeable or you could end up like airsoft who's still very likable but it's tough it's really really tough but airsoft on the rail i i'm gonna make sure i personally keep up with them yeah you know like i'll shoot him a text i'll give him a call and i'll ask him how he's doing with his diet yeah here we made two friends we made our own squad and we're all going to support each other this has been a life-changing experience and who would have thought it all started as a joke just so i could with you i hate seeing this i i don't say this to anyone but i love you mom you know you helped me out a lot with yes i support you and i send you positive vibes bro okay you just set it for me huh i just wanna go to burn the man and suck my own dick i just wanna go to burning man and stuck my own dick on a spaceship
Channel: Jeff Wittek
Views: 1,999,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jeff's barbershop, Jeff wittek, vlog squad, David Dobrik, barber, barbershop, haircut, interview, podcast, how to lose weight, beefy boys, weightloss, airsoftfatty, ufc, bruce buffer, mma, shyawkwardguy, jonah, antonyans, 1000 lbs family
Id: Vxsls_uShaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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