How I Used Duped Items To Ruin This SMP...

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for a while now I've been on a quest to become one of the most evil players on the server and while doing so I've done all sorts of things like trying my hardest to ban an entire team as well as blowing up someone's entire base in front of them and then killing them however nothing I've done previously can compare to what I'm about to do because today I'm going to take down my biggest enemy Leo look using a glitch that Will Destroy This Server Beyond recovery amazing so in order for this all to make sense I need to tell you about the lifesteal SMP it's a server where every time you kill someone you steal one of their hearts and when you run out of Hearts you get banned the other day my teammates and I banned a player known as Leo look my biggest enemy and when he died he dropped all his items along with five hearts a few nights after this he was revived and we were able to find and kill him again and to our surprise he dropped five Hearts along with all the gear he dropped last time now creating two sets of Leo wooks inventory and I immediately knew that this could only mean one thing that there was a way to duplicate items on this server and the key to doing this was by losing your final heart and banning yourself so to find out more we decided to ban our friend mapic and see what would happen and after losing his final heart he dropped all his items like normal and was banned off the server but when he was revived he came back with all of the exact same items meaning that there was now two sets of mapex gear and that duplication was entirely possible so now the only question left was what should we do with this power because now we had access to infinite items infinite Hearts infinite wealth we were now the richest players on the server and also practically Immortal because we could never run out of Hearts we were Unstoppable and now the only question left was what do we do now and for me the answer was unbelievably obvious I wanted to use this power to crush leook and his organization known as the APO you see ever since Leo looks been revived he's been trying to scam players into joining his organization and training the maxed out gear and in return receiving their loyalty and he was using this organization to take over the server which Not only was a pretty bad thing to do but it also got in the way of my team's plans which was to take over the server however that's not really something we can do because Leo looks now already done that so now I figured the only option left was to take down Leo look and when I told this to my teammates they were more than down so to start our mission of taking down Leawood and the APO we began working on a vault in order to hide all of our duped items now this Vault needed to be as hidden as possible because if any players have found this all of us would be banned from the server so to make sure the Vault was as hidden as possible we built it thousands of blocks away from spawn on the netherreal from there we began duplicating items for hours on end and then sorting it in all of these barrels which ended up taking more time than you would ever believe but in the end it was worth it as we now had a very well organized Vault for us to get any items we ever wanted it was amazing it was like being in creative of mode but in survival anyways by the time we were done with all the Vault stuff I was called for a meeting with the APO this entire time I've been posing as an APL member so every time there is a meeting I still have to attend so I left the Vault to go to leoix base and sit down for a meeting however as soon as I got there I couldn't help but notice that there was one more APO member than usual a player named parrot whose alignments recently have been a mystery what made this really weird is that the APO had a maximum member count of seven meaning that Leo wasn't allowed to add anybody if we had seven members so if parrot was here that means somebody has been kicked out of the APO and I wouldn't be surprised if that person was me as I've been spending the last week cutting down APO members on top of that Leo look had a sitting down in Minecarts and if I know anything about Leo he loves trying his hardest to trap people so there was a 90 chance that I was sitting above a trap right now in a few seconds after making that connection Leawood told us that there was a mole in the APO however instead of accusing me he accused Planet Lord and I immediately knew this was an attempt to put me into a false sense of security so the second planet Lord got up from his chair I switched into his seat as soon as I did this Leo began cracking under the pressure so parent had to step in and tell Planet Lord to sit back down when he did he asked me to go back to my seat as well I was now 100 certain that I was sitting above a trap right now at this current moment my heart was racing my parents started mumbling about the true identity of the mall and I knew exactly what that meant this was it this was the moment I was about to get trapped if I were to escape I'd have to fight through seven people completely on my own luckily my teammates were waiting for me on the other side of the nether just in case anything went wrong nevertheless this was the moment Leo began making a break for my chair with a shovel in hand I'm not surprised after nearly passing out from all the stress we were now fighting Leo's base just like we planned you see the main reason Leo look has so many allies is because he's buying all of their loyalty with armor sets so if we successfully destroyed his entire base he wouldn't have the resources to make any new armor which would in turn make most of the players on his side eventually quit on him however if we wanted to make sure this works we had to defend our teammate spoke while he blew up Leo's entire base and this was gonna be really hard because the APO members outnumbered us and on top of that spoke doesn't wear any pants so he's like a three shot luckily I was doing a really good job holding off subs but unfortunately Rochambeau got quick dropped by Leo and just a little bit later mapic also fell to the APO defending spoke and distracting the APO members has now solely left up to me however if I was able to buy enough time Rowan mavic would be able to re-gear at the Vault and then come back and help us fight so all I had to do was just survive a little bit longer and eventually Rowan mavic would be back but things really weren't looking good for me because there were three people on me at all times and my armor was on the verge of breaking and by the time I used my last stack of XP bottles spoken finished blowing up the base and went to meet mapic and Roe halfway in order to help them gear up faster now I only had to survive a little bit longer but before I knew it my helmet was broken and I was dying but right as I thought it was all over roshambo came to the base and started backing me up however we were still outnumbered and things weren't looking good as my chest plate was about to break too and after a very long drawn out battle the enemies trapped me in cobwebs around a bunch of trees broke my chest plate and finally killed me afterwards they all scattered in different directions and left the area the APO may have defeated us but in the end our mission was completed and both sides knew that this was just the beginning of a very long War so with our first mission in the quest to stopping the APO completed it was time for us to move on to our second mission which is to show the APO just how powerful we were all with the hopes of making them surrender and hopefully disbanding their team now if we want to show them how powerful we were we needed to do so without outright telling them that we were duping but instead making them come to that conclusion entirely on their own so to string them on a little bit we decided to go to one of their most secret bases and then spawn trap literally every single bed in the vicinity and then leave 15 at the right blocks in a chest with a message saying 20 more for Leo looks ban now I know that wasn't outright saying that we were duping but oh my God that wasn't subtle at all anyways what we did at that base had the EPO trembling because the next day they were asking literally everyone on the server if they knew anything about us duping and one of the people they decided to ask was terrain an ally of ours so the second he got a DM from the APO he decided to tell us and we told him exactly what to say in order to scare the Apo most and he could say for certain that by the end of their call Leah look along with the rest of the APO were not only scared but convinced that we were duping quick little disclaimer since there's no physical evidence of us duping they had no way of actually Banning us so as long as the Vault was hidden we were completely fine anyways now that our enemies were filled with despair it was time for us to finish off our second mission by drawing them to spawn and then killing them however we weren't just gonna be killing them normally we were going to be doing so while using Stacks upon stacks of God apples you see if we were to fight our enemies while using God apples it would basically convince anyone who had any doubts about us duping into believing that we were duping which would in turn make them even more scared of us and more likely to surrender and disband their team so in order to get our enemies to spawn we decided to hatch a little plan which involved pretending to take terrain hostage and threatening to ban him however before we were even able to set up the spawn trap I couldn't help but notice an envious person trying to rob us who was none other than the man himself Lee work and shortly after taking care of him three other APL members began approaching us with the hopes of avenging their boss however little did they know they were all walking into their dance what's up hello again [Music] hot tubs [Music] sticks up the dead foot what uh do it do it do it do it okay I got them on red alone me and Romans [Music] I got it hold up nice he's chugging gaps he potted me lava frozen lava now he's done yeah this is the end of you Subs I'm sorry [Music] that was him now he's done he's taking it let's go after all of our fighting redoons and Woogie managed to get away on top of that Leo and spoke were having a meeting in the middle of our fight where Leo essentially said that he wasn't afraid of us and was going to stop at nothing until he found our vault and got all of us banned and after saying all of this he tried assassinating spoke which didn't really go too well for him but the main takeaway here is that Leo and his team are actively searching for our vault now and the first place they were guaranteed to check was the nether so in retaliation we began searching for them I want to investor on my way oh yeah yeah oh so um parrot was banned yeah apparently this entire time he just was playing on one heart so the second epic hit it while he was invis he kind of just went like you know what else is blowing up my YouTube channel for whatever reason you guys got me to like 200k subscribers and oh my God I am so thankful like genuinely I can't thank you all enough however I still need to ask you guys to subscribe because me and my friend wenbu are in a sub race to a million subscribers and he is beating us so bad so yeah sorry but I really need to ask you guys to subscribe please anyways back to the plot it was clear to us that the APO didn't care that we were duping items and still wanted to fight us as a matter of fact now that they knew we were duping they wanted to stop us even more I mean Leo said it himself they were going to stop at nothing until they found our vault and got us ban and after a little bit of discussion my teammates and I decided that we've messed around with the APO enough and it's time we finally finished them off it was time for us to use our last resort words it was time for us to begin mission three this was going to be the biggest thing that we've done so far and would be leaving an impact on the surfer that was so massive that it was practically irreversible you see one of the apo's main beliefs was to uphold and protect spawn going as far as to build a glass Dome around it so in order to hit them where it hurt the most we were going to destroy all of Spawn right in front of them we were going to show them just how useless and pathetic their stupid team was we were going to show them the power gap between our two teams and lastly we were going to show them exactly why our team should be the ones in charge of the server and not theirs and we were going to achieve all of this by unleashing thousands of Withers upon spawn oh my God there's so many of them bro oh my gosh dude I can't hear anything bro I'm literally floating oh my gosh and now they're all here dude [Music] no matter how hard the APO members tried stopping us the withers were already spawned and they could do nothing but watch as the entire server they cared for was taken from them and after it was all said and done the APO assured us that this wasn't over and that they were going to spend the entire night searching for our vault [Music] however we weren't going to let that happen my teammates and I were tired of this war and we wanted to finally put it to an end and the only ending we deemed fit was the ending where the APO disbands itself so he came up with one last move one that would put Leo and the entire APO into Checkmate one last time you see the apo's only goal at this moment was to find our vault and get all of us banned so if we got rid of our vaults we'd also be getting rid of their only goal which would then render their team completely useless giving them no choice but to disband so that night we gave Leo an offer if he were to disband the APO we would show him our vault and then destroy everything with him and after a little bit of back and forth Leo look agreed and just a little bit later we all set out to the Vault and began destroying everything every single barrel all of which were filled to the brim with duped items were now all burned everything in the vault was blown up or destroyed in some way or another The Vault was completely destroyed and in the end there was nothing left it was time for us to start a new era an era without duped items an era without the APO and lastly an era where my team owns spawn in Leo Works didn't at the end of it all the war was over and my team came out on top spawn was free for the taking and we could finally have it to ourselves just like we always wanted Leo look was finally defeated I had won and at long last I was finally at peace or at least that's how I wish it was throughout this entire war I've had a big issue that I've been keeping secret and that's the fact that I can't stand duped items something about them just creates a massive power imbalance it's allowed us to go into battle countless times without fearing any consequences and now that the war was over I was glad to be rid of it however my teammates weren't they decided to keep doob stashes around the server all so that they could continue using duped items for the rest of the season and something about that just didn't sit right with me and as soon as I made that realization a bunch of other things started coming to mind I began looking back at everything I've done since I joined me big and Rose team and I was filled with regret all because of my actions this server has been destroyed Beyond repair duped items were being passed around left and right spawn in all of the areas around it were now just massive craters I've destroyed multiple bases just for the fun of it I've ruined this entire server I felt as if everything that's happened on the server was entirely my fault I felt the weight of the world I felt completely alone and I felt like I needed to do something anything to make up for what I've done and that's when I got an idea mapic gave me the locations of all the dupe stashes so if I went to all of them and took them for myself I could destroy them and save the server from duped items after a lot of contemplating eventually I decided to go through with it I felt awful but at the same time I felt like this was the only way to make up for what I've done for the sake of the server I was going to betray my closest friends I felt horrible while doing this to them but after all the awful things I've done to literally everybody on the server the bases I've destroyed the withers I've spawned the players I've killed finally I'm doing something that has their best interest in mind as opposed to my own foreign however things were nowhere near over yet because as soon as I made my way back to my base May pick and Rochambeau logged on and immediately they knew what I was up to and wanted to meet me at spawn so I put most of my duped items away and made my way to spawn to talk to my former teammates one last time as soon as I got there roshambo began questioning me he wanted to know what I did with the four shulkers and why I stole them so I explained that I needed to take the items for myself because I couldn't trust it in their hands anymore so naturally they began questioning me more why would it be safe in your hands why can't you trust us and after a very long talk I eventually mustered up the courage to tell them that I've been having trouble trusting them recently and that I want to leave the team and naturally this made them quite upset so that's exactly when they revealed that they had multiple backup dupe stashes this meant that the shulkers I stole were nowhere near all the duped items they had meaning that everything I've done so far has been worthless essentially I stole those items for no reason I betrayed their trust for no reason I felt awful but I also realized that that means that they never really trusted me to begin with both sides have done something behind the other side's back neither of us were in the right for any of this and all of it is because of duped items as we continue to argue on the nether roof I began thinking back if only I had never killed Leo walk that day if only I had never told any of them about the dupe I discovered if only it weren't for duped items as the talk went on eventually we reached the boiling point doing that so bad it's just it's not right how are we supposed to ever lose how are we supposed to ever win if we're ever in the wrong on something then they should be able to beat us and prove it to us that we are in the wrong beat us to prove we're in the wrong all right people need to be able to beat us to prove we're in the wrong we just approve we're in the wrong damn so be it [Music] I don't want to do this it doesn't matter bro he does we're giving everything back not a snooped items I don't think he has a right to those God apples [Music] thank you oh he's restocking I'm so sorry nice nice and just like that it was all over at first I wanted nothing more than to destroy my enemies and take power for myself but in the end all I wanted was to get rid of the power that I brought into this world and now after everything I've done I was left with nothing there was nobody on the server that I could call my Ally and there was no spawn for me to return to within 24 hours I had lost the only things on the server that I cared for and all of it was because of the items I do however whether the duped items existed on the server or not was completely out of my control I did all I could to stop it and now I just want to be left alone if I could spend the rest of my days here unaffected by the rest of the server then I think finally at long last I'd be at peace thank you [Music]
Channel: PrinceZam
Views: 259,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, dream smp, tommyinnit, brothers smp, challenge, clownpierce, deadliest smp, funniest minecraft video, i went to war over this axolotl, leowook, lifesteal smp, mine craft, minecraft but, minecraft challenge, minecraft funny, minecraft manhunt, minecraft server, minecraft smp, minecraft smp server to join, minecraft speedrun, minecraft speedrunner, minecraft speedrunner vs hunter, modded minecraft, school smp, smp, minecraft survival
Id: T2YGguqIcL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 21sec (1221 seconds)
Published: Mon May 22 2023
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