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play Thea's just need to be route divided when your repotting I'm just gonna stop you need indirect sunlight and warm weather for them to really push out welcome back you guys I really appreciate you coming back here it means a lot to me to be able to connect with you guys and chat and learn new things be corrected all that stuff it's been great it's been so much fun and today I thought let's just talk about different propagating methods people on Instagram asked me daily about how do i propagate certain plants and I do a lot of explaining so I figured let me just put it all everything that I kind of know which is not a ton but I'll put it all together on this video just to help you on your journey of you know creating new plants or wanting to take cuttings for display just sometimes people want to put them in water to watch the roots grow because it is actually quite beautiful to see roots growing through clear glass or you just want to have things like other than cut flowers around your house if you have more than five or six plants you potentially could cut some moranto leaves and put them in a beautiful vaz for display and guess what on top of them being beautiful you can potentially have more plants from that action I'm going to go over the easiest way to propagate things that necessarily the only way because there are many ways to propagate plants and from as we learned from the monstera video from seed with ferns you can use spores I'm not even gonna touch that I'm gonna talk about how easy it is to propagate certain plants [Music] so the bird-of-paradise when they start growing even when they're small like I had this small one that I am pulling apart to make three separate plants because I love the way they look small and individual and you can also do it when you're dividing I'm sorry you can also do it when you're repotting it so when you're repotting your bird-of-paradise and you see that it's gotten unruly and large you can take like a big knife to it or something or a shovel and you can separate and divide the roots and create more plants from that one plant that is the easiest way to propagate a bird-of-paradise bromeliads I don't have a ton of experience with bromeliads I do have one that as you see needs it needs to be repotted and also has a little bit of an offshoot I am gonna pull that off shoot off and replant it this one's in a little dire need of more care so I'm gonna help it and I'm gonna help that little baby out so root division on vermigli adds is definitely the easiest way to propagate it as well oxalis oxalis are very pretty plants they look like four-leaf clovers they come in purple colors they come in green colors they come in very gated colors they're quite beautiful they also go dormant during the winter in most cases so right after they go dormant maybe wait a few weeks you can separate them you can pull the little bulbs out because they grow from bulbs and replant those bulbs in a different pot with different potting soil mixture or the same but in a different pot and you will grow more oxalis that way don't despair if you see your plant declining after the fall because that is very normal that's what they do they go dormant so again pulling the little bulbs out from the mother plant you can make more plant babies that way that's the easiest way and theorems the best way to propagate in theory UM's is to stem divide them so basically once the plan starts growing it starts to kind of create multiple stems and at this point you can take it out of the pot and separate those offsets those smaller stems from the mother plant and keeping in mind that you need enough root system that that plant can last on its own in its own pot make sure you have enough leaves on the plant too so it can make its own energy that is the easiest way to propagate an anthurium piece lilies I have not divided a piece Lily yet but the easiest way to do it is by route division again throw it down on your potting table cut it in half cut it in quarters and make more space a phylum make more peace lilies that's the easiest way to do it crotons if you want more crotons the best method and the the easiest method is to take the soft the soft tips the first four inches or so before it gets woody and hardened cut them off drop strip off the lower leaves and stick those cuttings in water and let them root it will probably take about over four weeks for them to root but it depends on the environment they're in if you miss a week that's okay I often miss miss weeks and it's still fine if you find the water's turning green and stinks yeah you better change that water because it's not gonna work peperomia family there was a lot of peperomia and there's so many different ways to propagate peperomia but for me the easiest way is to stick a cutting in water water propagating it is the easiest way so you'll want to and you potentially could use a rooting hormone but you don't have to I have a watermelon peperomia that's been in water I have about five leaves I've been sitting in this opaque vessel nothing nothing nothing for weeks and weeks and weeks until just the other day I saw these beautiful little white roots shooting out of the bottom of the petiole I was told right this is really interesting somebody on Instagram told me that if you put both those cuttings in with the peperomia it releases a hormone or a chemical that actually helps the roots to up on the peperomia so next time I'm definitely going to do that so you can take a leaf cutting with a little bit of a petiole still on it put that in water invert that you can also put that directly in soil and keep the soil moist until the roots develop so there's two ways I find the water propagation is easier because you can actually see the roots develop and then you transfer it to soil before the roots get too big don't let those roots get past an inch because pepperoni in general have a very like a weak root system a shallow root system so you don't need a lot of root in order for them to start rooting in soil Chinese evergreen you can propagate them by stem cuttings or by division division Division is probably the most effective way because you have an instant plant you cut it one plant you have two plants but you can do stem cuttings on them as well I haven't done stem cuttings I've only done division Zizi plants okay so Zizi plants have these big tubers right so if you've ever taken a soil away from yours easy plant you'll see these big potato like tubers and there's a couple things you can do you can wait till those easy plant starts creating more tubers on the outside of the main kind of root structure or you can divide the Zizi plant in half or you can divide it in multiple plants if you'd like but if you the easiest thing to do is wait till it grows a little bit and then pull the plant out of the pot and just remove on the tubers and put that in a new pot another way you can do it which is a little trickier if you happen to knock a zz plant stem off and you just staring at it and it has no roots and it has nothing you can stick it in water and it will grow roots it takes time change the water frequently and have patience but it will eventually grow roots it takes a long time spider plants okay you know the spider plants babies start hanging off the mother they look beautiful they're like these little helicopters wait until you see little roots growing from the bottom of the the baby spider plants that are still attached once you see the roots you can snip right above the foliage and put those little baby spider plants right in soil you can put like four or five in one pot so when it grows up it'll be a nice full plant keep the soil the surface of the soil moist until you think that the roots have developed more like into the soil and then just back off and water like you normally would a spider plant let it go partially dry and then water it thoroughly so that's a super easy method Pylea pepper moieties just do it on their own they just propagate on their own they're just popping out babies left and right so take the little babies from the mother plant remove it wait till it's about two inches or so put it in a new pot or pr2 put a few in a new pot so you have one big giant pepper pepper say pepper Oh me by Leah pepper my bees anyway my brain is moving so fast my mouth is like can't catch up easy easy easy they propagate themselves all you have to do is remove it with enough root system so that little new Pylea will function on its own without its mom sing go diem sing go diems root so easily in water that you can take a section make sure you have at least like one or two nodes in there pop it in the water wait a few weeks and then you'll see some roots developing still change the water out you don't necessarily need rooting hormone with Sango neum because they want to grow roots and once they grow roots to about an inch or so I pop them in a soil mixture and do the same thing I've been doing with the other ones I've been telling you about keep it moist until the roots develop and then go to regular watering watering habits Hoya is a big genus right there's a lot of Hoyas but the good news is that they're relatively easy to propagate thing is it takes a little bit more time for them to grow roots than some of the other vining plants and you might want to give them a little bit of rooting hormone it'll just help facilitate that growth but just change the water at once a week don't be impatient put it in a brightly lit spot not direct sunlight but in direct sunlight and they like the heat so if you give them those requirements they're going to put out roots for you and then all you do is transfer them when the roots are about - into a well draining soil mixture and then treat them like you would any other newly planted plant keep it moist until the roots develop keep it in a brightly lit spot and they're gonna be great but Hoyas work just takes time so let's say it's kind of easy it's easy to do it's just not easy to wait but you gotta wait ficus elastica is a little trickier the rubber tree plant it takes the best way to do it is to air layer it air layering is not super easy but it can be done and that's the most effective way to propagate a ficus elastica so you want to remove the bark between the nodes on the inter node that you're taking the skin off of it right and you'll have this SAP this latex that comes out so in order to stop that latex from going all over the place you can put some rooting hormone on it to stop the bleeding so once you have that wound created you want to take some wet sphagnum Moss and wrap it around that open wound and then wrap the moss with plastic you're going to wait for about four to six weeks for any roots to develop and they will it needs to be warm it needs to be a brightly lit spot and in the meantime before the four to six weeks go in there and spray because you want to keep that environment moist to promote root development so that's air layering and I have unsuccessfully done it because I did it on a sick ficus Audrey which was my bad so I'm gonna try it again and see how it goes lipstick plants are pretty easy to propagate they propagate like Koya but they grow faster so cut a section that's five or six inches remove the bottom leaves put them in water and let the roots develop I can't tell you how long it'll take for the roots to develop but the more indirect to light and the warmer it is the faster they grow and also don't forget to change the water once a week at least okay I mean you might forget it's okay but the more you change it the more fresh oxygen and the less chance of bacterial damaging your new and the cutting and killing the cutting change the water it works snake plants there's so many different types of snake plants but the good news is that they all can be propagated the same way here is the easiest way to propagate your snake plant get one watch the little offshoots a little pup starts shooting out from the soil and remove them it's all you do is simply take the whole plant out of the pot and you pull away the new baby plant wait till it's a little bit bigger don't do it when it's so tiny because just give it give it a chance maybe maybe like five or six inches like there's one here's one here I'll show with you wait till it's big enough so it can survive on its own remove it separate it from the mother plant and then repot it that's the easiest way the second easiest way is leaf propagating so if for some reason a leaf breaks off your snake plant put the leaf in water change the water it takes quite a long time it's a little bit faster during the summer and the growing season put it in water let the roots develop and then transfer it to a well-drained soil mixture that's it pretty easy snake plants I'm not sure if I spoke about propagating senecio but if you want to propagate string of pearls string of bananas string of beads string of Tears it's very simple to do you can just simply soil propagate it by layering the strands on top of the soil and keep it moist until the roots develop it's a very very easy method and you need a lot of bright indirect sunlight in order for them to take and humidity not as much as you need the sunlight in direct sunlight you need in direct sunlight and warm weather for them to really push out there's some other vining plants that are super easy to propagate in water or directly into soil and that would be your aphid áfourá tetris Burma and monstera atta sony i a cebu blue EPIP remanence skinned abscess all those types of plants do super well propagating in water or in soil and they're really easy to do it they're really the easy to do so don't be afraid to give it a little cut stick it in water or stick it in soil because you will definitely have more plants coming from that action you will really I promise you I do it all the time if you want to propagate your clay the--is I would suggest waiting until they're big enough where you can root divide them because it's really the only effective method that I've come across so just wait wait they're full wait till they're ready to be repotted and then you can take off some sections and create new plants that way but do it late winter early spring you don't want to interrupt the foliage growth and the new root development are actually more just the foliage growth when they're shooting out new growth in the spring so do it late winter early spring and you should be fine you'll have a lot more cleave use this in no way is a very extensive comprehensive propagating video it's more about understanding what plants you have and how to begin propagating them if you want to propagate and make new plants or if you're making centerpieces for a party or your don't want to use cut flowers anymore and you want to cut foliage how to cut so you can actually grow roots from those cuttings because we like to decorate with foliage I love doing and I do it all the time and guess what if you do it right you have a new plant you can give it to your guests you can put them in a different room I don't know you can do whatever you want with them but it seems wasteful just to cut and throw out and if you cut and make new life that's pretty cool stuff so just wanted to pass that along for those of you who are just entering into the world of thinking about propagating alright it's fun fun making new plants ah alright you guys I appreciate everything if you have any suggestions for future videos please let me know I'm always thinking about different ways to show you guys things or I don't know just any ideas would be great I think I'll be doing some more styling videos because it's fun and I will definitely be getting into making doing some DIY stuff because I miss my tools and I want to get back in the workshop I think I'm gonna take some of my plants out of the workshop and start moving some tools back in for this because I need to make some stuff all right I'm done thanks again I'll see you next week have a great weekend I don't know propagating
Views: 701,673
Rating: 4.9108968 out of 5
Keywords: indoor plants, indoor plant care, indoor plant, houseplant, house plant, houseplant care, house plant care, interior plants, interior plant care, foliage plants, propagating plants, plant propagation, air layering plants, best houseplants, best indoor plants, easy care houseplants, easy care indoor plants, easy indoor plants, low light houseplants, office plants, bedroom plants, indoor gardening, plants from cuttings, pruning indoor plants, BEGINNER HOUSEPLANTS
Id: 7UJe6n-b4AI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 34sec (1054 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2019
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