i spent 700 hours acquiring level 50 skills (hypixel skyblock)

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having high-level skills and Skyblock is one of the best ways to show your dedication to the game you can put in hours upon hours of work only to receive a slight stat increase but over time those small stats start to build up and become pretty noticeable and commit a huge difference in gameplay today my goal was to get as many level 50 skills I could by doing the least amount of work possible and let's just say I did pretty all right if you add all enjoy my adventure be sure to sub in life for more game breaking content so ya enjoyed the video so this story starts all the way back on New Year's Eve you see I've been playing Skyblock since its release and I was beginning to feel a little bit burnt out so I decided to I'd take a break stream some S&P Earth for a bit and it was pretty fun you know but eventually I had accomplished everything I wanted to so after about two months I made my return to Sky blog I didn't miss much while I was gone there wasn't any big update or anything except for the fact that you could get combat XP while being completely afk the way it worked is that you would place down some gas minions and hop in an afk pool while wearing a vampire mask and because of the hats passive ability would damage mobs you would get combat XP whenever they died now the first time I saw this I was still on my break and I logged into Skyblock and saw every single one of my island members AF Kane with hats on and instead of looking into it I went and logged off and looking back I really regret that I didn't ask about it coz that farm could get you calm at 50 in just a few weeks now when I first heard about this I was kind of upset I was only combat level 27 at the time so that meant people were able to deal twice as much damage to me all because they a fk'd but it wasn't doing me any good to sit and cry about it so I put it behind me and I just moved on but that all changed when the pets update was released you see everyone wanted to craft legendary pets including us and to do that you needed a lot of eggs we made a farm that was pretty alright it looked cool but it wasn't really that efficient but 30 virus showed off his farm that uses a fishing rod and a pufferfish hat which was triple the speed of ours so we decided to copy it alright it seems to be working can't we just use guest and some chicken wait but it wasn't as easy as just replacing the chicken minions with guests mostly because the puffer fish hat wouldn't give combat XP so we had to test out a few new designs we started off trying to make a fishing rod a FK pool but for some reason the babri kept getting stuck even when there were no block around it so that didn't work but we eventually came up with a design that uses a cobblestone minion and a cobble generator to allow water to flow down but then quickly get blocked off so if I throw my rod into here and wait for the water to flow the water will lift up the rod and if I put a gas minion down the rod will actually go up the water hit the gas and give me XP and after a couple more changes this farm was able to make around 3.1 million combat XP per day there were definitely ways to make it faster but it didn't matter a few days after we made the farm the admins made a change to fishing rods that only allowed them to be cast for 30 seconds this was to nerf thirty's egg farm but at the same time they unknowingly patched our combat XP method but we weren't gonna give up that easily we figured that since there was one afk combat farm that wasn't discovered yet there might be more out there so after looking around for a bit we stumbled across cactus armored cactus Arbor has this ability that rebounds 33% of the damage you take back at your enemy so that meant if a ghast fireballed me he would also take damage without me doing anything mm-hmm so I took our old farm cut a hole in the wall and put an afk pool down now this isn't your normal afk pool this one is way more advanced in each of the corners we have teleport pads now what these do is that they change the direction that you're facing in order to get any skill xp you have to be moving your head and this is just a little way around that this was used in the vampire mask and the rod farm as well I just forgot to mention it now there's still one big flaw with this farm over time you will lose health and eventually die so to try and counter this I put 40 hot potato books on my cactus armor I set up some beacons with regen and resistance I got my zombie slayer up to eight for the plus fifty percent natural regen perk and I was holding a Reaper falchion which gives me plus 10 HP per hit and it still wasn't enough to keep me alive so you might be wondering why dying is such a big problem I mean it's not hard to put yourself back in the farm so why am i mentioning it well the problem is that we can't use combat experience because when you die you lose all potion effects and because of this our farm was instantly 30% slower bringing our total to around one point nine million XP per day which compared to our last farm is huge and it really took a hit on my quest to combat 50 but once again this farm was short-lived people were checking my stats and they were able to see what armor I was worried and they saw my gasps kills going up then put two and two together and you find out about the combat XP method then forum post started popping up and this one in particular was getting a lot of attention and a couple hours after that post was created cactus armor stopped giving XP but it still did cactus armor still gave combat XP and it wasn't because the patch didn't work it was all because of thorns so even though we technically still could use cactus armor we decided it would be better to swap to a different armor set that had thorns and just humor the fact that cactus arm was fixed so no one would look into it further I set aside my hot potato book cactus armor and replaced it with my superior set that already had thorns on it the good thing is that we didn't need to make any adjustments to the farm because the only thing that changed was the armor but now that I'm in superior it's pretty much impossible to die meaning that I can use potions again and that instantly boosted our combat XP gain to around 2.4 million XP per day this was also around the time that I found out that cactus armor and thorns were a known way of getting combat XP but nobody used it because it was too inefficient I looked around a bit and I found people that were using cactus armor and only getting 200k XP a day when I asked to see their farms they showed me a farm like this a huge obsidian box with gassed minions scattered throughout and the reason this is so inefficient is because if you afk here and the box is filled with guests if the gas in the very back wants to shoot you he's gonna shoot this guest and it just becomes this whole mess of gas accidentally shooting each other and the only one that you could possibly get combat XP from is this one in the front but even then it's still a coin flip whether you or the gas behind you will kill it but with our farm all the gas spawn in the exact same block and that makes it so that the fireballs will never hit another guest how is no one else thought of this there are much smarter people in this community and it took an idiot like me two seconds to realize that this was a massive flaw and find a way around it the following two weeks were pretty uneventful I only lost one superior helmet to ghast fireballs so I'd say we're doing all right I also invested into crafting a hunter ring which gave +5 Combat XP which will really add up over time the only downside is that it cost 40 million coins to craft making it one of the most expensive talisman of the game but if it meant I was gonna get more combat XP I'll do whatever it takes another thing I forgot to mention our farm doubles as an afk pet leveler and the pet that we chose to level up is the wolf pet the wolf pet is a pet that's meant for wolf Slayer with its damage reduction and extra crit damage but it also has a third perk that's perfect for our needs combat ex people you might be looking at and thinking that a point three percent boost isn't that much but the more you level up the pit the bigger the boost gets and a level 100 you get a free 30% XP boost now when I first started I had a level one wolf pet and over the weeks it's been slowly leveling up alright my wolf is currently level 99 and a few kills away from a hundred a level 100 and I got an achievement alright I think the plan here is sell this and get free money and I'll just start leveling up another pet and it should be close to level 100 by the time I get combat 50 all right so I auctioned the pet and I listed it for three days average price for them at the time was around 45 to 50 million so I just wanted to be safe and make sure I could get that a day goes by and somebody bids 50 million and I'm happy with that and I log in the next day I'm AFK watching YouTube something and somebody bids the funny numbers completely overpaying but I don't care I just made a lot of money I get up for five minutes I go downstairs I come back and uh somebody bid three hundred and seventy million it's literally at the top of the auction house once the bed ended I partied him to see if it was an accidental bid or something but instead he gives me the pet back and then just leaves the party without saying anything else so I get the pet and 370 mil and we couldn't even hold that much I had to go and upgrade our bank because I know if I'd be walking around with a hundred fifty mil I'd probably lose it a couple days later I wake up at my normal time of 6 p.m. to find I was disconnected overnight nothing unusual I log back in run over to the afk pool and bonus earned 20% more skill experience this is a part of the out of school player server thing which happened at a really good time because it meant I had to do 20% less a fkn because now our farm made an extra 500k bring the total up to 2.9 million combat XP per day we were so close to reaching 3 mil a day but I'd done all of the optimizations I could bother with I mean an easy one that I could have done was replace all the enchanted lava buckets with foul flesh and every minion that would have easily put us over but foul flesh is expensive and we're broke so I decided not to but then I had a breakthrough I was talking to a friend who was trying to figure out my gas form design and he asked me the question are you using suffocation or cactus now I had been using suffocation to help lower the help of gas so it dies faster and I thought about using cactus but I figured they both do the same thing but apparently cactus has this neat feature where if you damage a mob and it dies on the cactus you still get the combat XP now this was huge because some of the gas were dying from suffocation instead of thorns which was an issue but with this cactus feature it solved both problems and boosted the farm efficiency by 25% which now totals to over three point six million combat expiry date this farm was now powerful enough to get a player from combat level 0 to 50 in just over two weeks I had taken a known method that everyone had just disregarded and made it into one of the most broken afk farms on the server so it's been like a month and a half since I first started using the combat XP farms and I've gone from combat 27 all the way to 46 which is really good but it would still take me another month just to get combat 54 May of Cain the reason it's taking so long is because it's not just me going for combat 50 it's the rest of my coop too so I ended up sharing the farm with them and that meant I was getting less combat XP per day but I was getting impatient I can't spend another month afk in combat there's much better things I could be doing plus the 20% skill boost is still active and I want to take advantage of that while I can so I made a slight adjustment to our farm so that I can use a fishing rod to kill the gas but hey whoa I'm not I'm not gonna pull at a brand he's a macro no no instead I'm just gonna get a wireless mouse and tape it to my hands so I can be holding down right click while I sleep ok I actually think that might be Banda bull but in the end I decided to just watch the entire Star Wars saga while holding down right-click I left a couple signs for any staff members that might spectate me and mistake me for macro Ain and just to be safe I recorded the entire time with hand cam I'm not risking anything man oh and just to give you some stats this farm makes around 450 kxb an hour which is a major step up from our afk farm which is only around 150 K an hour just walking the farm when it's not even active alright dude one hour left until I'm free oh hey finally I've wasted so much of my life just to deal a little bit more damage to mom this is now worth it i sat here for 30 hours in the past two days dude I'm just so glad it's finally over I can finally sleep but sadly this isn't where it ends I still had more skills to max an easy one to get was alchemy it's it's not too exciting you just broom and chain and sugarcane for an hour or so and it wasn't that expensive either at the beginning of Skyblock I manually farm my way up to alchemy 32 and it only cost me like another 40 mil to hit level 50 the next skill I went for is enchanting and if you thought alchemy was boring and expensive than he you're not gonna like this one to start it costs around a hundred mil worth of grand xp bottles and the best way to get these is to buy the resources from the bazaar and craft them yourself then here's the fun part you have to spin the next few days doing nothing but enchanting books and the amount of time it takes is really dependent on your ping because the higher ping you have the longer it takes to open the enchant now for me I've got around 40 ms and it only took me around 20 hours to hit in chanting 50 but my co-op member jin who averages around 350 ms spent easily 50 hours on it here's a side by side comparison of our speeds for everyone booked genin chance I have already done two and now that I have both enchanting and alchemy fifty I have a base intelligence of over 200 which I believe is one of the highest you get now the final skill I decided to level up is farming and this time I had a good reason I found out that it was possible for me to get more health than my co-op member haskó now I understand this doesn't seem that interesting but hear me out for some reason haskó put himself through getting all of his Slayers to level 9 which gives a bonus HP of I think 11 well my Slayers are a bit lacking now for any normal person the only way to get that HP is actually to do the Slayers but I had a way around that do you remember back when the park was released and with they came brand-new fairy Souls well when it was first introduced it was actually possible to get glitched fairy Souls the reason for this is because the admin team might have forgotten to remove the six fairy Souls you had already claimed on the old Island now me being the fairy soul man made my video on the new locations and whenever I was claiming my bonus I realised this bug and I've reported it immediately and it got fixed now the reason this is important is because I still have those six extra fairies Souls which is enough for me to claim the new rewards and with that came plus 22 HP so now all I had to do was get farming 50 and so over a hundred hours and six million pumpkins later it was finally time wait 50 thank God suck it buckle boy Haskell obviously wasn't too happy with this and I mean I would be too if I grinded my Slayers to max and someone that came up and clicked a couple heads before I did got better rewards he tried to overtake me by doing fishing but I wouldn't let that happen and did the same and I think that's when he realized he wasn't gonna win this so currently with the exception of potato boy my entire co-op has at least three level 50 skills but I have four and Haskett was closing in on his fifth not all of this was cheap either and together we've spent upwards of 800 million coins on skills and now we're pretty broke so since I had an extra one of these laying around I might as well try and get something for it yeah that seems pretty reasonable all right so that's gonna do it for this episode of breaking Skyblock if you enjoyed you know go ahead and subscribe or closing in on 200k also I have a Twitter you can follow and more videos you can watch so uh yeah see
Channel: TimeDeo
Views: 3,515,148
Rating: 4.9425263 out of 5
Id: I1VwX8TF37o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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