How I Built the MOST INSANE Ship in Starfield...

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yo what's up guys I have now many requests on how to build this USS potatoes that I've shown you guys so this is it right in uh this video I'm trying to show you exactly how you can build this uh we're just gonna make uh do a little tour in the beginning just to show you the entire ship but this is basically it I wanted to have an all-round ship technically um an end game ship that has a lot of Firepower but also has a lot of space as well and lots of cargo so that was basically my goal and I think I achieved it it should also look very nice right and I think it looks very nice as well um yeah let me go around this here quickly it looks amazing these engines are amazing by the way I uh this is an upgraded version from the one I've shown you this one actually has 100 Mobility not 98 because I actually didn't didn't know that you have to do a quest to get these types of engines now it's like an upgrade from what I had before so this one is a bit faster and it has more mobility in the end and I added that I could also add more cargo because of it a better reactor the better graph drive as well so the stats for this one here are even better than the the one I've shown you but yeah it's a pretty cool ship but yeah let's go in and show you the inside I'm having a front edge usually that is my preferred one because all in all the spaceports you are landing that way and getting in is just faster in all the spaceports you know you can fly away from yeah thank you very much yeah yeah it's okay so um this is by the way the Mantis right if you don't know what the mint is is the Mantis ship go Google it you can get the Mantis ship somewhere else I don't want to spoil you where you can get it so if you want to get it go Google it there are some things to demand the ship that is fun with the spacers uh but yeah this is uh basically all what's left for the Mantis this room here plus this edge here that's all that's left from the Mantis technically and uh yeah let's show you the ship so I have I wanted to have the captains uh quarters right at the entrance the main reason is I usually wanna just sleep one hour here to get the EXP bonus especially if you have someone romance like and Rachel get an XP bonus here if you didn't know what I'm trying 15 XP bonus for 24 minutes well so training seems to happen that's why I want to have the bed right at the entrance so I can get go quickly in and out quickly sleep get the XP bonus and get back out uh then I have here my uh my workshop technically where I can overdo all the upgrades pretty close to the engines as well let me go over here here is the Armory so you can take all your weapons if you want to head out right uh before we go up there let's go back here anything I can do for you yeah it's okay so here we have to break I think it's called brick right or something uh where you have some cells and whatnot it's pretty nice app as well let's go over here as well this guy's going and over here that is I think I think it's living quarters not sure you will see it in the Builder or afterwards if you go up here I never use the Leather by the way the leather this is a little control room then over here we have the science lab where you can access your pharmaceutical lab captain on Deck yeah why are you blocking me come on get out of here I hate these over here we have the infirmary right with another research lab with Vinita here we go so this is the back of the ship uh second level right to go back to the the first level let's go all the way to the front by the way this layout you cannot really decide where the letters are happening so technically you could you could add any apps you want right the whole app section of the the this build is completely up to you you can add any app you want if you want other apps than this then just do whatever you want over here I have a little cargo I have a little I think it's the biggest one all right it's super big cargo old let me go into the the bridge which even has stairs I love it so good and I love the big window as well I think I really love the style of this cockpit it's it's pretty amazing so yeah there you have it you have if you didn't know there's your locker Captain's locker and here you can access your cargo and over here we have the control room I think that's the day most controller which looks really sick I wanted to have the controller really close to the bridge as well because it makes sense kinda then we go to this side over here we have another control room right basically from a different manufacturer I think which are then we go back here over here we have the mess hole right why is the lighting is so weird though no idea whatever this is the mess hall also pretty nice let's go back here over here we have another cargo hole I think pretty big as well and then we go you're at the third level now by the way we go to the last level the fourth level and over here we have a think living quarters again right and then back here we have a computer uh core or whatever whatever it's called it's also pretty nice situated right it's completely pointless obviously you don't really need that technically but I mean I think it just looks cool I like to just run around and get lost in my ship that's pretty cool I think if you're if you're not getting uh out of breath running around in your ship and then you have done something wrong so yeah this is basically the entire ship and uh how you build it right I've also got to show you uh let me quickly let's go and take off I want to show you the weapons quickly when you use them and also the takeoff let's get up there [Music] please oh she looks so beautiful oh come on what what is this I don't like it get him get rid of them I need to kill them like that for one of my My Perks you know I also need to be careful not to hit him hit them here right but yeah that was basically it yeah yeah give me money give me money I need money again right I don't want Salvage rights oh wait these are these are the Bounty Defenders yeah hold on um I thought you were happy let's actually just don't care about them we can just before they leave by the way try to play in this game they have like no chance whatsoever but yeah this is basically it these are if you put them all on Max here let me uh turn down the engines quickly the shields we don't need those if you're just showing the weapons put everything on max there we go now we have every weapon on max if you shoot now everything it looks like that just uh the obliter radius for example these are the obliterators to six weapons on top I usually use these to deactivate uh the enemies I don't wanna I know there's there's some that have a higher DPS in the end but I want to use these here to deactivate chips engines and they are more precise because they have a high fire rate as well and they just are amazing you know if you fire them lots of lasers I like it and then we have this one here a second that's the pbo175 I think right these are mounted in the front uh below the cockpit and then we have the a what is it called exterminators with a t right here all particle beams are pretty awesome so you can literally shred all enemies even at level 70 on very hot right let me try that and it's also very very cool ship to just fly around with it has a 100 Mobility it's amazing so yeah let me show you the the ship build in the ship Builder how you can build this okay here we are with Stroud eggplant this here is what it uh what she looks like when uh you're in the shipbuilder right just have a look at her again she looks pretty nice very solid I love it so yeah if you want to by the way buy all the ship parts uh you should go I think it's a mix between all the manufacturers so go to all the five manufacturers uh the main manufacturers if you don't know them Google them you will find them and just get the parts there right there is a you need to if you want to have this exact build you need to be at least level 60. you need to be part of the Vanguard or you need to have at least on the first mission uh with Vanguard to get these weapons here the the obliterators right obliterators and if you want to have that engine here that I just that I mentioned before you have to continue the main quest and finish the main quest with a certain I uh no not finished the entire main quest but finish the main quest all things money can buy I think with a certain outcome I'm not gonna spoil you here but you should do that I haven't done that because I've completely ignored the main quest but if you do that you will get this engine here and you can buy it there's throughout I clean this right so yeah level 60 for most of it if you are not level 60 you can I think you can still do this design but it will not have probably not have the the best Mobility not this Mobility at least yeah you can still probably do just do a lesser reactor and uh a lower version of this here and you should still be able to do this build right even at lower levels then as soon as you have the money you can upgrade to this in the end right so let me quickly let me quickly take apart the ship and show you uh how we build it up from ground to top okay this here is what the ship looks like level by level uh we're gonna start with the bottom level first I think first we're gonna have a look at the back right these are the engines as I said over years latent Aerospace uh cell 6830 engine as I said before you can only get this if you do the uh money is all that you can buy or what was it called or something like that right the main quest Mission and you will get that pretty early right you don't have to finish the entire thing so we get that with a certain outcome I don't know if you should save before so you can then check with a stratekland if you can buy it there no if not you probably have to redo it I don't want to spoil you there right go and Google it if you don't know how to get it or ask me on Reddit whatever you want and over here this is my graph drive it is a j52 gamma Drive I don't know if there's a better one even because it's not all maxed out here with graph drive but I mean it is a pretty good one it has a graph drum Frost of 50 so yeah I thought between the engines over here then over here I have an sf40 shared flow reactor shared floor react I'm sorry and this one has a power generator of 40 right and I think this one only unlocks at level 60. by the way uh you can see it in the bottom left you need piloting Rank 4 and Starship design Rank 4 to even use these there is a glitch how you can use them but this build is completely vanilla this is not glitched nothing that is mounted is glitched or anything right your body have to get piloting up to 4 Rank 4 and Starship design up to Rank 4 as well it's pretty easy to do that yeah you know there's there's tutorials how to do that online as well not gonna go into that here over here right so the the help section in between as I said before is totally up to you uh you don't need to do what I'm doing but I think I kind of like the layout how it laid it out sometimes you get into troubles where it's uh putting the the letters and stuff you know you have to just move them around to see if the leather placement is better it's a bit finicky it's a bit annoying but it is what it is right so we're gonna start with the outside here first over here we do have a demon swing a obviously you need to go to Demus right uh in near Mars to get that there's other many vendors that have that as well but yeah just get it there it's a little wing and over here on the other side as well right it's all of the same over here we have a normal Galactic ng20 landing gear right and I think there's different versions of it you just need to to grab this one here that looks like that right you can if you select it you can switch it to different versions just get it get it to this version here and then you're fine here we go uh four of them here on both sides there we go and then here for this landing gear I have a tire that's running pinpoint 3G landing gear um with one Lander Frost you can also switch them around like that right there's a back four at the front but uh there we go over here you just have the front of it the same is the same same thing just get the front of it and then free four or four of them over here and four of them on this side as well all right so here back here I do have the lower Galactic brick as I said this was the one with the cells in it and over here I do have the Stroud all in one birth with a pre of size of three by one or something right or something like that people news and over here we have a little lower cross Bridge which I think is pretty nice it's just a poor little detail you know you can add like technically you could add cargo here and then see what it's doing but uh you're probably gonna lose Mobility I try to max out the cargo but I didn't say that by the way from the one that I've shown you IMAX I added a ton more cargo this one is 6200 cargo now opposed to the 4.6 that I've shown you uh on my Reddit post but yeah over here we have just normal hope that company anyway you don't need to put hope Tech here obviously you can put an overall companionway whatever floats your boat right just do it and this one here is the Deimos Armory I think this one is even the base one I still have from the from the the Mantis yeah I think that's still the same one mantis also as demos and the Mantis quarters Captain Quarters is also from the the Mantis all right and this one here is just the workshop as well I think this one I don't know I think mantis didn't have a workshop in it can't remember it's been a long time right I had a workshop here also from Davis uh again you can choose any manufacturer it doesn't matter this one here is still the Tayo Landing Bay ship to bed 200 that's also the base one from the Mantis as well then over here we have the Galleon s204 cargo old I think that's pretty much the best cargo hold like uh Mass to Cargo efficiency that you can get right uh doesn't have a lot of mass for the cargo you're getting so add that one over here then over here we do have another little companionway this one uh the game likes to place ladders where there's one companion or like one compartment or Hab um just know that right that's how I forced it to do a ladder over here so I don't I only have to walk all the way this year to get to the second level and then very close to the get get as fast as possible to the bridge technically that's what what my goal was every year right and over here we do have a nowhere weapon mount as you can see over there and one over here same thing and then we have weapons mounted over here the pbo175 ultra helium beam is mounted over here it's a b-class weapon pretty nice another one so we have four of those over here on this side and this was basically it for the first level um yeah pretty cool right let's go to the second level the second level over here is uh this one over here I think I'm gonna just interact the whole thing here quickly over and get it over there select everything just move it over it's like Lego I love it Lego for adults so over here now we have this one placed second level right over here we do have a Stroud cowling uh one l a s t so this is what you can buy straight at shroud again uh two of them over here and two of them over here all right I think if they even have variants so click through them until you get this one so they float on this side like yeah just you know you know you know how to do this right then we have uh the cargo holds here again three of them over here straight into in the ship I think this is pretty cool because all the cargo holds are basically inside the ship and they they don't ruin the design outside you know so I think I like placing them inside which looks pretty cool and over here we have a tire infirmary obviously you can add any infirmary you want uh two by one then we have a tire control station over here and then over here we have the big Novo Galactic cargo roll three by three all right that was basically already the second level let's go to the the third level this is this one over here it's a bit more complicated to move these things around let me quickly grab everything here boom boom boom boom then I need to select every single weapon as well and these back here all right let's put this one I put it right I hope it is right there you go second level is set also right I love this so over here back here we do have an h30 atlas H3 tank uh maybe you can add a bigger one even I haven't tried it yet but I think I think this one is pretty good for the mass right it provides and I had like I get I get like 800 uh jump fuel from this which is more than enough to jump across the entire thing uh Galaxy so I would just add these to be honest um so we're here we have an over Galactic cargo hole again and then we have a lower Galactic mess hole in between again if you wanna interchange them it's up to you then over here we have a Nova Galactic control station two by one and over here we have a hope Tech pedal station 2x2 which is pretty cool oh it's the Hope deck it's not the demos so I hope Tech looks pretty cool and then over here we do have a Stroud crowling I think this these two are the same right you know no Strat crowling or cowling I'm sorry free Las T this one here and this one here is the Shroud cap a um photo I add these two as well over here and this one is the same again as here below demon swing a right and the same on both by the same on this side as well then over here we have added the five of them right the 60s on the top five of the Vanguard obliterators Auto projectors again you need to have uh Dawn uh you need to join the UC Vanguard and do at least the first Quest right uh I don't wanna I wanna I don't want to spoil you but if you do that you get access to these they are pretty cool to also deactivate ships so I will get them they're also great to Fire and they have a lot of damage as well right so they're not the best damage technically there's better ones but let's just I think it's the best trade-off technically and over here we need to have the Exterminator 95 Mev Alto helium beam which is also pretty nice so insane fire rate and uh this one is an even more insane fire rate 6.65 and this one here has a five fire eight which is insane you know I love it so uh adds two of them over here just below looks like a fighter right just below the wing and then we have this cockpit here is an over Galactic c3x Bridge technically you could add the C4 bridge but I haven't I think the C4 Bridge just has a little bit more cargo um maybe I could end up you could add C4 bridge I think it doesn't matter but I just had this one here because I couldn't buy the C4 back in uh when I when I bought this first and it doesn't really matter right it's a little bit more cargo like 20 40 more cargo just add it in front there you go and then we have the last part guys uh just take this one here and we select it like that that would be cool ah not everything goes with it we can edit like that boom then take this one but before I add this one here I'm gonna explain this one here quickly so this one here is just a demos spine C aft or half whatever it's called just a weapon holder then the Exterminator on top these two items here are the comp Spike and the conduction grind grid right I don't want to spoil it for you as well but you need to do the the Crimson Fleet quest to actually get these if you don't have these it's not that big of a deal right but I just have them here because I did the quest I'm gonna add those over here let's take a look at the rest we have over here we have the Nova crowling 2L TF over here same over here then in the middle we have a Nova bracer right these are by the way structural everything that is not apps is basically what I'm showing you structural and this one here is also structural this has no point that you could also leave it out if you want to um it's a Nova bracer looks cool I think kind of looks like rockets over here right and then over here we do have the Hope tech computer core which looks pretty nice two by two looks pretty nice in my opinion then over here we do have a Nova Galactic living quarters right on top and these two here are just portals over here and here you can leave them out you you save some Mass if you don't want to look outside right I think it's pretty cool to look outside sometimes and then the last no that's not the last piece but this piece here is the Assurance sg-18 1800 Shield generator I think it's the best one I'm not sure if there's a better one but this is pretty nice all right and then over here we have this is also just a structure this just looks very cool makes it very Sleek right almost looks like like a speedy car or makes it look like a speedy car the Deimos tail a I think you've seen that with many ships earlier that is basically the entire build of this ship and has insane cargo 6220 good Shield good Hull I think these stats here don't be fooled by them right the DPS uh I I don't know why they are not showing them the DPS of everything technically would be much more useful than showing this here because uh in the end you can burst out way more damage because of the fire rate then all the weapons that show a higher value here but it is what it is we have Max 13 crew I think you can only have nine or so but it's just because of the apps it's up to 13. it's not that I have 13 crew or something again this is unmoded we have 30 light years jump 100 Mobility top speed around 30. uh I think if you want to go higher top speed you need to have a lower class ship than the C-Class but I'm not sure I I need to build one but I think this is I think this is maybe you can go a little bit faster than this I don't know I don't know you know I don't know everything about this game but I I really like it and yeah let me know if you have any questions about this here you need a ton of money to build this by the way right uh just grind until you can get the money I did all of this without cheesing or anything so you can do it you can get the money I also just installed these here by the way and I think every single one of them costs like 50k and I am down to 27 now because of it that's absolutely insane these are so expensive it is so crazy it's a pretty Sleek looking ship yeah if you have a opinions or modifications I could do just tell me right um always open I love this I wish this game would support the sharing of these builds to other people so they could just buy it with the in-game money in a shop somewhere that would be cool I think then I could share this with you guys but yeah let me know in the comments if you have any questions thank you for watching and have a good one guys
Channel: PsychoHypnotic
Views: 147,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield c class ships, starfield ship build guide, starfield ship build
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 13sec (1813 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 20 2023
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