Starfield Ships | [Judgement] Deimos Heavy Fighter

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all right welcome back this is going to be the second D ship I have done and this one is a recommendation uh on YouTube on one of the comments on the other deos on the crab attack uh what ship would I build if if I was damos and a customer needed to just present the end the ship that if this showed up on the battlefield the other side's just like yep that's it we're over uh we surrender this is this ship this is the heavy Fighter for damos full banks of weapons eight automated uh four regular has everything in the kitchen sink uh jump range fuel all of it you can get anywhere it's fast when you want to place your uh points into the engines and the cost isn't terrible able uh it is a little more expensive than the other ones so you're looking about mid 300s probably closer to 360 so not awful by any stretch but and it's all damos except for five parts I think I think it's five parts and I never count things like engines and the grab drive and all that cuz damos doesn't make those anyway same with the weapons and the storage they don't make that stuff so it's unfair to count that as part of the damos damos is all of the structural pieces it's all the Habs it's the cockpit landing gear it's the and making the ships appear similar to how damos builds them and sell sells them to you and I think this turned out quite nicely it's uh it's quite the Beast so let's let's take a closer look here at some stats and then we'll uh go inside take a gander so up to 11 crew it is an absolute Monster uh biggest Shield you can get it does not have the biggest grav Drive in fact I saved 60,000 by getting a grav Drive uh much lower thrust somewhere else because the 50s um that has thrust they cost 82,000 so I got one that's 22,000 that's only 38 thrust and I still have 30 Lightyear so good to go you can actually go down as low as 35 a 36 like the the be that they sell that has 36 will get you 29 Lightyear so still perfectly fine uh you're going to have some snapping issues though because it doesn't have a front snap to it uh front or back it only has sides top and bottom so just a little little odd trying to fit it lot lot and lots and lots of power what happens with this I've already fought I wish I had recorded it I should have but I didn't you know it is what it is I got jumped by three starborn you know you uh the level 72s when you see that kind of shimmering stuff and you're like what's that why is my screen freaking out and then you get closer then poof they show up uh the automated turrets melted one before it even got a chance to fire the second one they were working on and then killed it as the third one uh boosted forward to get into range and cuz they don't have 3 km range that I'm aware of at least NPC wise maybe once we have the ship and then I just unloaded on them when they got kind of close I lost 9% of my shield and I was basically just sitting still waiting for them to close the gap because they showed up at 5,500 M so holy crap power big big Shield the biggest reactor the the one as I always state that is either Vasco or Andromeda either one of those crew members if you don't like crew just do Vasco because Vasco isn't inside your ship bugging you he kind of parks himself outside the ship like a Droid or something does in Star Wars and he gives you one free power to use on any one of these systems up here and he also gives you a boost to your Shields so it's not as good as Omari Hanan but it helps and then absurd level of cargo storage uh this honestly I think is going to become my main ship because it's just outstanding and still has Shield of cargo I have the the Crimson Fleet goodies I have a multifrequency I will get back to the testing on stacking uh Jammers plus the percentages plus how much weight can you you have the weight correlation to the size of the shield of cargo Etc uh but we're not there just yet uh this says value of2 that is not right it like I said pretty much about 360 um masses it's a bit but it's not terrible the this this isn't winning any speed races by any uh stretch but it's not slow so let's go in here and just take a look what I was showing you this you have a 38 grab drum uh thrust versus the normal you would think you'd put a 45 or a 50 but this thing is so cheap in compar okay cheap is relative that number that says 27753 that is probably what it sells for if you have no Commerce skill I got it for 22,000 and something versus the 50 uh is 82,000 um yeah 82,000 because you you save about 10,000 bucks so 82,000 and I got that one for uh cuz this is the one I had on there I have this one no I had this one I'm sorry so I see the price with my thing so I had this on there at first I'm like oh okay and I'm like now wait a minute could I get away with less and make it happen so I did and sure saved a whole bunch of money so we'll get into that once we get there uh nice look to it um I have a nice black underbelly and it's just got nice sight lines to it you actually don't need six landing gear one could be taken off but I can't find a place to put this one so it's centralized and it bugs the crap out of me having one on one side but not on the other side it's just OCD I guess so what is and what is not damos everything you see here is damos except these two because everything I put on here I I I I couldn't get this little chunk to work right and actually look right and these look appropriate to what damos does use is these and so okay fine sue me a little bit that it's not 100% Dam most and this guy right here so this hope Tech radiator because I needed something chunky back here to raise the profile a little bit I'd actually like it to be a little bit higher but I damos does have anything you know I stack two of these on top of each other woo that looks cool yay you know and then put another one of these up on top of that and then put this thing on top of it it's just like no I I don't like it so screw it I've got a few pieces that are not damos and let me check here just to make sure obviously I never count this stuff because you can't get that at Doos anyway um yeah got the engines of damos even though they don't make those all of the all of these are damos yeah so obviously the cockpit now I went with the cheapest cockpit that they have you only gain 60 storage plus bonuses for talents uh by going up to the higher one and it cost you like 12,000 more even the base one is like 29,000 with uh 44 in Commerce so it's still pricey uh also the other ones don't actually come available until later on uh but it's kind of irrelevant because this doesn't come available till much later on like I don't know 50s or 60s levelwise so th this the the 40 power doesn't come available till much later 62 I think is what this one comes up um same with this Shield it doesn't come available till much later so there is going to be something weird you're going to see we're back out of this um don't actually fully power my shield on this I don't need to fully power my shield I fully power all the weapons now I've been reading up on that and that's another thing that I need to test there have been tests done that say you don't actually need to fully power all of your weapons and then tests that say well but if you do it still helps uh on damage but it doesn't help anymore on the reload so you come into a battle stations these are all going to be deos right next to that you so there's how you uh dock this is where we came in right there and this is where you dock you got the Captain's Quarters with the ouchy bed and then we're going to go straight from this section that's 2x3 through a 2X one it's connected direct this is their computer room sound of my voice huh and I mean obviously pick anything you want for any of these oh let's sh them we jump over into a 2 by two this is how I'm how I'm controlling these doors jump over to 2x two engineering Bay good day Captain which I think works very well because this is meant to be the end I'm calling the ship judgment because once this thing lands on grid they are there to negotiate the surrender of the opposite the opposing Force that they're they're not there to talk anymore I mean they are there to talk so someone has suggested that these are the beds that they actually open there and pull out or they slide out from that part right there and then the above is like storage for your bedding or clothing or whatever maybe they are maybe they're not I don't know but you know we're just going to play like they are and that works for me this is their uh 2x two living quarters is there a way to go FAS than the speed of light andone of that so it's a very nice layout all one floor easy peasy to get to everything and then we go to the big cockpit uh for those who haven't seen it yet it is a monster I'm afraid I don't have any news man we're just building ships I must confess the hum of a grab Drive makes me feel alive I would sure love it if they gave them more maybe it'll be a mod pack with one of the modders where they give them like a hundred new comments each or something like that so they can say something different all right so there's your interior tour I'll be back in a minute we'll have this all Tor down and we will take a look at all the parts all right let's take a look at this thing now uh there's not a lot to it but uh you'll get to see how I've done the layout pretty well here so you've got the damos landing Bay very simple you got the de landing gear like I said you only need five of them so if you want to configure it differently for example you don't want to use this bad boy if you took this off and stuck another of the giant ones right here you could put move one of the landing gear right to here take the other one off and it probably would still work just fine and you would end up actually you might end up with more storage 312 though man that's a lot of weight anyway and then you've got a shielded side side cargo and it's nonshielded uh representative plus you got your Docker so this is just the it's called top Docker but then you when you stick it on the bottom it shs it to the side so very simple nothing special about it you go to your main deck and you can see the layout so you've got it's almost an x minus the fact that you know you don't have a 2 x two here and a 2 x two here so it's very easy on the layout you come up right there you come out right there so super super super easy you got a 2 by two in the battle stations with a Captain's Quarters you have their base level AIS Bridge the cheapest that they have cheap I'm putting in air quotes because it isn't cheap by any stretch uh you've got the Crimson Fleet dude ads which if you get to that point in the quest Lane they're free as long as you don't finish they're free so you might as well stick them on all your ships they do benefit your ship uh which one gives this one gives 25% Shield regeneration and then em damage is reduced by 50% so they're actually going to damage your systems uh less than they would normally without it and this guy just helps you to take over ships because you're your em or more effective and then you've got the multi of course which I'm still working on trying to determine uh someone just commented if you have four or four in deception you can do that plus the shielded cargo and you don't even need a Jammer anymore and you still hit the 90% now that's of course probably with low amounts of uh Contraband so then we move to I used a damos wing on both sides and attach to that the bumper I don't love that you know it sticks up a little bit you know it's not it's not the same exact shape but how else am I going to get that kind of I would have preferred It Go in further but if you look it it almost matches this so I think it works pretty well in there and then I just copied that over to here copied it into the back and in between I put one of the wings that looks like it's a radiator and then one of the Bas that isn't like a radiator and then you have the one of three sets of weapons all full weapons so four or 12 total weapons these are the class C's these are just absolutely ridiculous that's the one in the middle down here the par 218 and they they just shred everything it's insane how much damage they do then you move back to yes a not available at the Deo Shipyard however that's not available there that's not available there these weapons aren't available there you know it is what it is they look nice and if you want this is what I did originally I had that which looks okay it's not terrible it's not as nice but it's not terrible so you could do that if you chose to do that uh I just think this looks better along with the radiator spines and then we're going to move back a little bit we go into a 2X one pick whatever 2 by two 2 by1 you want all this is is to force a door here and to force doors right there nothing more uh I have Mid Engine and grab drive on this so you do have the biggest reactor but the lightest weight of the biggest reactors so this one that has a 5.8 repair rate the superior variant of this you can get at Stout ekan and it's that one that has the copper like hexagon shape to it it repairs at like 6.4 versus this 5.8 or something like that it's a tiny bit heavier but not very much like 122 over 116 and it's going to cost you about 8,000 more but I if you are concerned with the repair rate then by all means uh go ahead and grab that one I was trying to keep the cost down to as much as I could but I was firm on certain parts that I wanted it had to be the 40 reactor but the grab drive as you can see it's only a 38 the 36 will get you a 29 jump range so but the the lowest after that is um is it 34 let's see because the lowest uh below that will not work okay it's not 30 34 I tried 34 but that drops it to 27 so you're going to need a 35 or 36 the 36 is the class B but you're going to have some issues snapping if you put it in here because you can only snap to this side and this side which means you won't have this piece that sticks up and you'll just have to find something else to put there or drop this down one but then you want to have a clean bottom it it's you know personal choice on that then we come back here to a 2X two living quarters and a 2 x two engineering Bay again dealer's choice on that pick whatever you want I do have damos holes I have a lot of them actually to continue the lines to give me something with SNAP points to bulk it out and allow the space to flow but I didn't want rooms like what's the point of putting a one by one here who cares oh I got a one by one I can go into and just stand in a dead end nobody cares so I didn't put him there and I've got stuff behind all of these snap to all of these everywhere I don't unless I put them on the bottom I can't even put portoles but it's a military vessel there you're not there for a pleasure G uh Cruise you are there to show up and go hey guys um look at all our weapons you might want to you know surrender then we've got a big boy tank uh it's actually surprising left I tried to go down to the 550 but it's heavier it's so wild uh so screw it stay with the the 650 because it's only 60 mass and you again you got another pair so these are your four and then you got the engines and these engines are amazing and I love these engines but one thing some don't tell you they only have side snaps that's the only way to put these engines on that's what these are here for so without these I can't run these engines and if you're any kind of a RP I mean I am too that's the intake for them and I'm just kind of yeah screw it it can go up against the the the back of the hab nobody will [Laughter] notice so that is your main layer and then we go to the decoration the fluff in the house and it's just essentially damos parts you've got the uh cowling on the front you have the hulls that leads into the engine and the uh reactor or sorry reactor and the grab drive then you got your big storage this is what you could if you chose replace this with one of these take that off move that over delete that and have it a five way uh if you wanted to do that and that'd be perfectly fine uh just know that right here the fuel tank sticks down so it's at the same level below as these are I I I'm a weird about that I'm about Aesthetics to it doesn't have to be symmetrical to beet I mean this one is but I'm all about Aesthetics when I build a ship it's got to also function but it's got to you know look good while it's functioning uh then you go back to the Tails and in the middle you just start with a spine a go to the spine D the spine F this one does not have a weapon hardpoint that's a standard hardpoint just like this so you can actually place things on it that's nice because you could place other things here to get your height up if you wanted to and make I don't know some some other Fantastical thing here that stands up and goes over and kind of covers the shield you go to a hole here and then you have the the experimental Shield that getes you the 1600 and then you go back to the Hope Tech radiator just to chunk it out and give it uh more of a vibe the weapon systems on this level are your uh B turrets uh the reason for that is there isn't another automated turret for the class C in particle weapons you could choose another type if you wanted but not for but not particle weapons and since that's what I have all my skills in I've said this before that's why I use particle weapons because I have all my skills in that so you know pick and choose if you want to go all lasers you want to go all ballistics it man it's totally up to you so we've got the pb1 100s pp0 100s we've got a Doos spine a damos and then you go into the radiators here back to a tail this is the same on both sides and then we have our manual weapons now some are going to say w why didn't you go with the Vanguard not the obliterators Vanguard has a c at the bottom these actually do more damage it's not much it's just a tiny bit I will show you the Vanguard the Vanguard would look cooler don't get me wrong these the aest particles so literally on this every single thing is the same here except for this number is 34 instead of 36 so 3630 3439 yes they look cooler I would rather have those on there but this ship is all about maximizing the damage and otherwise they're identical the that is the only thing that changes is the actual damage output and I wanted more damage output you can see if I put these it' be 145 it would goes up when I put those so and that's just because I always hovering over it so that is your build and by Magic we're going to snap it back we there we go so that is your overall very nice very fancy uh still I'll admit it's still a basic build you know it's still a basic shape engines in the back weapons all over the place in the front I mean oh I put my M it's a mid Mid Engine mid reactor but whatever still has a cockpit in the front you know it's it still has landing gear on the bottom in a bay on the bottom but what else am I I'm working on I'm trying to train my brain to do something different and we'll see if I can come up with something so there's that I am going to cut this now when I go see if I can find this fight now it's going to take me a while you'll be instantly back with me but I'm GNA go try to find that triple uh level 72 starborn to fight so I can show you be back all right we're going to get into a fight and this is going to be Major Spoilers do not watch this if you have not done New Game Plus or or approaching new game plus uh main story line towards the very end of the game don't go to this system don't watch anymore just stop the video because it's going to be Major Spoilers I have not pushed this character to New Game Plus but this is going to be a good test of combat for this ship imagine how Solomon must the S we're here Captain I haven't come alone we'll stop you from exploting the artifacts you and the hunter maybe but we aren't going to surrender the way to the unity easily enemy engines are offline destroy a few byby engines there you go go three level 72s theem loses a few more friends uh I went from 75 to 57 I wasn't even moving I just stood there this ship is amazing so I'm going to actually revert back to a save because I don't want to push this part of the game yet but you can see does crazy amounts damage other than jumping into uh CCS if you are not friends with the Crimson Fleet that would be a substantial battle but I can't on this character because I'm still uh allied with them so to speak so thanks for watching everybody
Channel: DeLindsay Gaming
Views: 4,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: letsplay, starfield, starfeild, star field, starship, starships, starfield ships, starfield class a ship, class-a ship, max power ship, how to, tutorial, cribs, spaceship, space ship, mrkrabs, mr crab, mr krabs, spongebob
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 36sec (1656 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2023
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