9mm vs .40 Cal vs .45 ACP - Cinder Block Test

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[Music] hey everybody how you doing as you can see right here behind me today we're doing a cinder block test we're gonna be testing today pistol ammo the nine-millimeter the 40 and then the 45 we're gonna see how many walls of these cinder blocks does it take to stop these full metal jackets and the 9-millimeter we're shooting 115 grain in the 40 we're shooting 180 grain and in the 45 we're shooting 230 grain all these are Winchester mo thanks to Winchester for making these bullets let's go have some fun I'm gonna shoot the 9-millimeter first then the 40 and the 45 let me stop here and take a guess you see these cinder blocks here how thick they are I think that the nine-millimeter is only going to go through one wall and the 40 and the 45 are going to go through the second wall and I've got stuff underneath here so hopefully we can even still catch these full metal jackets but we'll see what happens I'm thinking nine one wall forty forty-five two walls let me know in the comments down below what do you think is gonna happen who knows maybe he'll surprise us and each one will go through four or five but let's load up and see what happens I shoot the 9-millimeter first all right here goes the first shot with the Winchester 9-millimeter 115 grain [Applause] we hit the block that's a good thing let's see how many walls cinder block that nine millimeter went through alright there's an obvious hole in the front wall doesn't look like there's anything behind it so we look at the second wall there nope it definitely hit right about there you can see now the question is is the bullet in here come around from this side and I think that's the bullet right there now is it hot not too hot but look at that pretty wild how that jacket who it is hot it's burning my hand but I want to get the shot so I'm leaving it you can see the bullet there and then the jacket around it how it deformed pretty cool this got block all stuck to it pretty cool we caught that 9-millimeter answer for the 9-millimeter went through one wall I know the 40 is gonna go through more than the 9-millimeter I think let's see if the 40 in the 180 grain bullet punches through two walls now we've got the 180 grain Winchester 40 caliber I know we hit the block with the 40 so that's a good thing let's see how many walls a block that it went through there is the hole in the first block anything back behind it oh it's looking like it might have not gone through the second wall looking at the second wall what do we got looks like exact same thing looks like it hit the second wall there but did not go through is the bullet down in here anywhere hmm got a little piece of jacket right there but you don't have the bullet nope no bullet there you have the answer on the 40/40 went through one wall and we didn't find the bullet I don't know if it's because the speed or the energy of the 40 it just disintegrated the bullet into a lot more pieces in the nine-millimeter but next 45 is the 45 going to beat the 9 millimeter or the 42 more than one wall so far the results are kind of pitiful we need something with some more power let's try the 45 see what happens it's either gonna go through one or two I bet you but let's load up 45 see what happens and now the biggest of them all the 230 grain Winchester 45 caliber 45 did it go through more than one wall did it go through more than the nine millimeter or the 42 let's see what happened first block yes we hit the block and there is a hole in it 100% is there a hole on the other side of it it does not look like it so oh I just saw the bullet we caught the 45 pretty sweet but first of all like we saw went through there coming over and looking at the second wall same thing as the others did kind of hit it there in the center and if you look we did catch the 45 there and I betcha that sucker is gonna be hot whoo yeah it is hot but pretty cool there whoo that's burning hot pretty cool there it mushroomed out almost like a hollow point so that 230 grain 45 mushroomed out when it hit the first wall almost like a hollow-point you see the inside and then the jacket they got pushed back around the edges but pretty cool they're pretty cool that it didn't fall apart there's that 9 millimeter next to that 45 able to catch both of those we now know the answer is on these cinder blocks every single one 9 millimeter 40 45 they all got stopped by that very first cinder block wall pretty cool to see they all pretty much had the exact same result but as always thanks for watching guys really appreciate you guys watching especially taking the time to comment don't forget to check out all the links in the description down below follow us on all our social media sites love hearing from you guys don't forget to make comments down below ideas for future videos and if you haven't subscribed to the hootie-hoo channel go ahead and do that to share the video with your buddy who thinks caliber is better than yours but thanks for watching guys stay tuned to the next one who do [Music]
Channel: WHO_TEE_WHO
Views: 3,111,416
Rating: 4.7239795 out of 5
Keywords: 9 vs 40 vs 45, 9mm vs 40 vs 45, 9mm vs .40 vs .45, 9 v 40 v 45, 9mm v 40 v 45, 9 vs 40 vs 45 acp, 9 vs 40, 9 vs 45, 9mm vs 45, 9mm vs 45 acp, 9mm vs .40, 40 vs 9mm, 9mm vs 40, 40 vs 9mm vs 45 acp, 40 cal vs 9mm vs 45, 9mm vs 40 vs 45 cinder block, 9mm vs 40 vs 45 cinder block test, cinder block test, cinder block, 45 vs 40 vs 9mm, 45 vs 9mm, pistol comparison, best pistol comparison, pistol comparison video, caliber comparison video, 9mm vs 45 for carry, 40 caliber
Id: qFwntHIWjaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 36sec (456 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 06 2018
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