Handgun Speed & Accuracy Tips with Jerry Miculek

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welcome back everybody this is Eric from all spawn and gun I have a very special guest at my range today in case you don't know this is Jerry Mitchell act he came out to talk to us today we're gonna be talking a little bit about intermediate handgun marksmanship basically transitions drawing sight picture trigger control ways to improve speed we could not have a better instructor out here with us today so Jerry won't you take over here and give us an idea what we want to talk about what we're going to work on guys is basic coming out of the host to making the first shot what you trying to do here how to make that consistent what I'm running is my mep open pistol it's the pro series so as an open gun I can do anything I want to it I run a tactical light to add a little bit of weight to it okay and it's magnified it actually quite afford it it has a vortex of raising red dot on it has a magazine well has a tungsten guide rod 26 round magazine so it's an open division gun I can do what I want to it and you can get away with it it fits into the into that package really nice so what I like about them and peas guys it's actually a very functional gun you can change the back straps it comes with three different back straps sure so it fits just about any hand size just so you guys know you know Jerry's talking about his MMP here this is the standard MMP pro series and this is what his gun essentially started life as now his gun does have an aura more cut and that's how you got your optic on there right there right this is the MP Pro Series it's that core model which means it's fit for optics already comes with five a different adapter base it'll take seven different sites available ok aftermarket red dot sights and it also Co witness on five of the the red dot sight so do you want to have a package where you can have either or a table that's just actually going to get guys it's right it's ready to play right out of the box so it's been a great gun oh he's gone alright well let's say let's have a look once you got going on here grab some ears what you want to remember when you're when you draw your pistol out of a holster you wanted to come right up on under your dominant eye you don't want to have to tilt your head or lean or bend your knees so if I'm standing there looking at the target all I want to do is draw the fist through and bring it right into this into the target zone all I want to do is move my hands and bring it right under my dominant eye and a good way to calibrate where you are as a shooter is we do a drill called the bill drill which you come out of the holster and six rounds on one target it counted what what you're doing with this drill it teaches you rapid-fire but it also teaches you how to lock your wrist in the elbows so every time you fire an accurate shot no matter what platform you would have in your hands it's going to return right back to the center of the target if it's not returning right back to the center of the target net holding right so it kind of calibrates you to the platform that you have being a shotgun rifle or pistol so working with a pistol what I'm looking to do here just come out of the holster shoot the target in the middle of six times for a nice little tidy group and see how long that takes all right it's a good way to start go ahead and load her up here good to go good to go eyes and ears guys here we go holy smokes so just come out of the host to keep it under your dominant eye first jobs are 1:13 what's smoking but it's an average out of a tactical host and not a bad draw so when you go back and review your shots plates we had 17 to 15 a 13 to 16 and 15 and a 15 so we run in six rounds see a total time was so we shot six rounds on target pretty much about eight tenths of a second you know we're not too much work so you saw they're pretty pretty tidy so what I'm without the ultimate expression of that would be to go ahead and do that same performance but two on each of three targets in the same amount of time just as fast as you just did it but in all three torso we had a 189 so let's see if we can run across and do the same drill I got to see this Wow well that was blindingly fast so we're right back there again guys so what you saw was the same the same performance but on multiple targets and the only thing I did there was use my time wisely in between shots vision wise and you see it came right across had good hits first targets pretty good oh yeah so what you have to remember there guys good technique is a foundation of all your shooting if you watch I'm gonna stand right here to the side if you watch there if you watch the muzzle of the gun what I'm what I'm trying to do here when I shoot rapid fire is not let the platform jump at all the least amount of this dirt of dispersion you have on the muzzle it's going to amplify greatly a distance so what I want to do is have a technique to when I hold that pistol it doesn't matter what caliber good right here yeah all right you watch if you watch the MOT you watch my muzzle here I'll go ahead and shoot it you didn't see a lot of flip right there I'm just not letting it jump we've got 13 12 another 13 so we're under about 1,300 splits per shot and keeping them on the target pretty easy so what you have to realize good technique is the foundation of all your shooting so if the gun is not consistently coming back to where you're looking and to a site picture you need to tweak and get it back in line hold it with that show them show them how you grip a pistol like you're your grip on the pistol we still get a close-up of that okay you know I think that that's where a lot of people fall short at least in my bit of experience with it is that you really have to have a good purchase on the gun and I'd like for people to be able to see how Jerry actually holds a pistol well the main thing guys has to line up with your dominant eye so when I grab it you also realize that this thing wants to fly out of your hand so the idea of shooting position on any handgun was to have the boar in line with the centerline of your hand then they could only know like pointing then it would only recoil straight back but the way it's designed of course the barrel sits over the hand so if you give it leverage point that's more leverage point where the room say so what you have to do as a shooter is try to get as high on that gun pistol revolver so when you fire it it's going to try to recall straight back so you notice the web of my hand as it as high as possible on the back of the pistol high as you can get it okay all right the thumbs I don't actually do anything with my thumbs they're just end a way so I just let them get some air that's usually what I do to know what happened we try to drive with your thumbs a lot of things can happen especially when you do reloads and working really fast out of the holster so I'll just kind of get them out of the way so with my non firing hand the other thing you want to remember is your your wrist position is going to be critical on how well you can control recoil the more straight up and down there the harder it is the more muscle lock it takes so if it's broken over Center like this it's a lot easier so basically you support hand you just lay it in there you want to try to get as much contact as you can when that grip panel and bring it on out to the target and make the shot well a lot of folks have trouble is actually try to drive the handgun with the trigger finger this job is only to fire a shot and reset the trigger so if you try to do anything else with it it burns the clock and you're not gonna have a fast second shot all right give us an example of that like how would how would someone okay well what I was doing there was as soon as I fire a shot I'm letting up so when I'm coming into the second target I'm gonna on the trigger hard enough to where as soon as it gets in the center it's gonna cook off another shot okay if I do if I do anything different I'm gonna be behind the curve sure so the idea of firing a shot is when you start shooting a handgun the noise and the and the the recoil effect makes the average person want to drive with their trigger finger well they wanted they wanted gern they want to hold it and let it come back down on target didn't release what you should do as soon as you fire the shot and it's coming back into the target zone you should be coming back with your trigger finger should release it during the recoil cycle and pick it back up come back in there and make it hot now standing is that simple what is that hard but what you once you figure out the pull and release you can actually cook them off pretty good I've got my open division magazine of course it's a limited to one hundred and seventeen millimeters so this package hose 26 rounds pretty comfortably so I'm going ahead go ahead and top that Smith & Wesson off come out of the host and put see if I put 26 on the target there see how long that takes all right target in the middle all of that only one miss that's amazing yeah I got to uh I got to looking over the gun there whew and done that in a while that was wicked fast actually picked up 27 so I must have had 27 in that mag after the springs take a set they'll actually hold a boarding that they started with so it's a 4.5 and the first shot was a 102 so 4vets at three three-and-a-half seconds put those rounds on target 27 rounds on target so it's kind of fun that's wicked fast but what I'm looking for when I was actually doing that performance was trying to drive it between the edges of the target you see how the other group was straight up and down now just kind of letting it bounce and just not over overworking it just riding the trick I try to get you know what it is it's almost like you know in my experience shooting machine guns you know if you're behind a belt-fed machine gun you're letting the cadence of the gun sort of take over and then you're reacting that cadence you're just letting the gun do what it needs to do and you're controlling what the guns doing I shoot machine guns excellent but in your case your hand is kind of a machine gun so you're kind of like you know just letting it give you an idea what we did there was an 18 11 to 12 a 15 13 so I start to get back in cycle 12 of 12 it said 17 13 11 14 it's at eleven fourteen eleven that's a pretty hot splits in there 13 this gun shoots so easy that I have a tendency to work it too hard so as I was shooting I had to I was in and out of how hard I was holding it to make this happen I haven't shot at rapid fire in a while so it actually takes a little bit different technique to that just make them burn sure if you if you over muscle it it you you want to drive with your trigger finger so there's that there's a fine line between control and and rate of fire so and that's an amazing display of pistol marksmanship I tell you what I don't know if I want to try after that let's hang them up and give you a rush yeah absolutely I'd love to try it with that crazy race gonna be awesome yeah awesome all right I'm going to try the same exercise that Jerry just did I'm probably gonna do it about double the time that's okay I've got one of these amazing 26 round magazines which I'm gonna have to get a couple of these bases these things are just awesome and they work that's the beauty of it so I'm actually not wearing a holster I'm just going to kind of I guess leave the gun kind of low and ready that way we're keeping it in a safe direction let's try this thing out so I was three to half seconds for 27 rounds let's see if you can do it yeah I don't know about that whatever you ready shooter ready right I'm bi very nice that was a five point seven for use for your time on target 27 rounds so about double the you're actually shooting pretty good okay yeah modes of control was excellent just got to work on the speed the trigger release is killing you because I'm basically what I'm doing is I'm I'm probably moving too much with my foot trigger finger might be I'll tell you what guys this core MMP is just an awesome pistol especially the way Jerry has it set up here it's all in a gun it's not me no it's you I promise you all right we're gonna try again same target all right alright you ready to do it yes shooter ready stand by not bad he had a couple of them fly away from me but yeah bad that was actually a five point four or five not the same as for the first to the last shot yeah yeah cool what am I doing wrong my trigger finger excited let me see if I can excite my finger one more time all right you got a second yeah absolutely go right ahead I hate to load a magazine you know what I found about ammo when you open a box like that and once the air hits it it goes bad got about a 30 30 minutes shelf life so yo open a box ammo guys you got to hurry up and get it downrange go right ahead it's fast try that you'd hate to see it spoil they shoot the target on the left let me see if I can crank it up a notch oh I'm thinking give me another mag you shyster you're just trying to die I'm thinking now instead of shooting all right holy smokes did you imagine somebody rob robbing a liquor store while Jerry's in there buying a beer or something and you know he just happens to be you know coming back from a match or something and then unleashes out on somebody that's like an mp5 Oh mo how fast was that oh by the way Bob running by myself by my first run oh wow yeah but not as fast I used to be so anyways being modest it's just fun gun fun gun absolutely yeah I tell you that the trigger on that thing is just beautiful and I think that what I tend to do when I'm trying to shoot fast and you can probably mirror this this concept when I try to shoot fast like when I'm running in saiga-12 or something I've outrun saiga-12 before very rarely but like like we were testing ourselves on the s12 the other day and I was dumping like ten shots in two seconds which in theory you think okay yeah that's fast but it's not really when you think about when you look at the slow-mo and you see yeah the technique that's being applied in the fact that there's so much movement there if I'm actually fully releasing weezing again like you said it's like that it's like that anticipation like the recoil forces are almost causing you to break your concentration off a proper trigger discipline and their discipline is hard to maintain in a recoil cycle where you're really watching everything that's going on in and trying to pay attention it's fun to shoot it is fun to shoot it's fun to shoot but I realize that now after watching you shoot and seeing the techniques that you employ and like that just really good trigger discipline I was watching you while you're shooting and and just the way that I mean like you're literally just you're just really like kind of riding that area between the sear and the brake it's just that it's a small amount where you just you found that sweet spot that you got to minimize the motion on the trigger exactly cuz that kills time that's what's taking so long yep minimize motion always faster than the other guy less work is always better that's right yeah it makes them so less you have to measure work delay the least same thing on a draw yeah if you cut out all the stuff that doesn't contribute their performance and just use what it has to what you have to do to get a gun out the hosters gonna look a lot better no doubt more consistent no doubt well um so what would you say to somebody I mean if they were really wanting to let's just say not even get into competition but just say someone wanted to become a better pistol marksman they wanted to really take the time to learn just how to defend their families better how to protect their families in their home or how to how to just be a more efficient plinker even just the home hobbyist basic pistol marksman what would be like the best amount of if I see would give to someone like that to get better well you have to start with accuracy first being able to hit a target consistently and I liked well we train we shoot night matches now so we do like we do low-light and we do highlight we do stressful shooting and competition so the idea is when you're shooting well and you and everything is in your favor well that's that's one thing but when you go to competitions you out of your favor of you or you in situations where you're you're nervous you don't really know the course of fire it's a stressful environment and what that does to you it makes you a better person a better gun handler and that's what you're trying to do when you when you compete and not necessarily that you win the match or you lose the match is that - or that you were better that you're a better competitor you take something from it you know you take something from that competition that makes you a better shooter moving forward and you just take all of those experiences and they compound and they compound and then they integrate into your training exactly and then one day you're you know you were there so what you want to look at yourself more as a gun handler than a shooter like I tell people that take concealed carry class if you if you bought a violin and put it in the trunk of your car and you're driving along the highway and you're and you're passing a violin concert you're gonna go up on the stage and be a violin concert no no you're not gonna be I cannot go better do that so same thing with that handgun if you're gonna buy a gun for self-defense and you never go in a in a situation that puts you off level of what you're comfortable with sure non petition or whatever night training you're never going to you're never gonna have that next level you know you're always going to default you're never gonna increase every stress cause this yourself you have to default to learn so when I when I go out and do drills I always try to leave with something that I can't do I stress myself there then I'll do something that I can do and I get a good feeling they go back to the house and try to figure out why I didn't do this right and I come back and to practice again well guys pay attention as Gerry knows what he's talking about I've been really lucky to have you here with me today I know we're here over the last couple of days Jerry and I have been filming a lot the farm here it's been a lot of fun and I've been really honored and privileged to have a guy like Jerry here because he just got so much experience in the gun world and he's so well-respected and it means a lot to me to have him here to be able to share his knowledge with you guys and if you guys up to this point if you don't know who Jerry was or don't know who he is you should now obviously but subscribe to his channel check out his videos he's really wanting to do the YouTube stuff allotting and get more of the YouTube videos out there so they're really putting together some awesome content and you should really check him out and Jerry I appreciate you coming over thank you my pleasure to be here thank you sir thank you we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Iraqveteran8888
Views: 3,132,109
Rating: 4.906045 out of 5
Keywords: reelmen8888, walking dead, iv8888, iraqveteran8888, mall ninja, fps russia, eric and barry, eric and berry, prepper hillbillies, game of thrones, zombies, moss pawn, moss shop, Moss Group Securities, 88 industries, Jerry Miculek, Handgun Speed, Accuracy, Pistol Marksmanship, Handgun (Sports Equipment), miculek.com, miculekdotcom
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 04 2014
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