Personal Protection: 10mm vs .45 ACP

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[Music] [Music] all right we're out on race today so please bear with gunfire here in the background today we're talking about the 10 millimeter Auto sum of its pluses and minuses and specifically how does it stack up next to a 45 ACP well there's a lot of different handguns available in both calibers so to account for as many extraneous variables as possible the guns I'm going to use are the Glock model 21 and caliber 45 acp and the Glock model 20 in ten millimeter these two handguns are of extremely similar size and weight and the only significant difference being the caliber now before I go any farther I want to say that a lot of people have asked to see a presentation on the 10 millimeter and because of donations to the patreon account I was able to purchase this 10 millimeter so thank you everybody so let's shoot the 10 mu meters side-by-side with the 45 and see how they compare and see if the pluses of the 10 outweigh the minuses the 10 millimeter has a reputation for being very powerful is it well let's see if we can shed some light on that got the chronograph set up at 7 yards and I'm going to start by shooting the 45 now I've got this loaded with Remington green and white locks 45 ACP 185 grain metal case Remington calls it metal case I'll see what kind of velocities I get with the 45 and then see how the 10 millimeter compares 1029 1024 1015 1022 and 968 now let's see how the 10-millimeter compares now I've got the 10 millimeter loaded with Remington green and white box 10 millimeters 180 brain metal case so let's see how we do 1115 1112 1109 1104 1121 now let's go crunch the numbers our 45 ACP has a 185 grain bullet and the 10 millimeter has a 185 grains difference I think we can live with the mean velocity of the 45 is 1011 while with the 10 millimeter is 1112 a net gain of 101 feet per second I'd say that's significantly more but this stuff is targeting ammunition how about some serious carry ammunition well I've got Sig Sauer elite performance and again our 45 is a 185 grain bullet and our 10 millimeter is 180 let's see how these compare and with our elite performance a mo will again start with a 45 1005 1035 1012 998 1036 now let's see how that comparison 10-millimeter and now we'll try the elite performance 10-millimeter 1230 1202 1220 1231 1243 let's go crunch those numbers now with our elite performance animation 45 ACP has a 185 grain jacketed hollow point and we've got a mean velocity of 1017 feet per second that's not that but with our 10 millimeter and it's 180 grain jacketed hollow point we're going to mean velocity of 1225 that's two hundred and eight feet per second more than the 45 ACP so to the question is the 10 millimeter powerful yes is it more powerful than a 45 yes significantly so but that also brings up the question will that greater power give you greater recoil yes I could feel more recoil but to what degree will that greater recoil negatively affect accuracy especially if you're trying to shoot multiple targets quickly well let's see if we can put that to the test now I've got 9 knock down plates set up at 7 yards I'll shoot 1 through 9 do a magazine change during which 1 through 6 will come back up and then I'll shoot them for a total of 15 shots and I'll start with the 45 then I'll repeat that with the 10 millimeter and we'll see to what degree does it's greater recoil slow me down now let's see how that compares to the 10 and now let's try the 10 any difference and if so was it enough to matter now we'll get back to shooting in a few minutes but right now fair warning this is the boring part of the presentation where I talk and what I want to talk about is that when you have a discussion of the 10 millimeter it seems inextricably linked to a discussion of the case of the late Harald fish now I've done some research on this and it comes with the normal caveats the source materials don't always agree with each other and I'm trying to give you the very short version of a very long story but basically it goes like this Harald fish lived in Arizona he went out for a day hike in the woods news carrying a ten millimeter pistol at the end of his hike when you return to his vehicle he was so he claimed accosted by two dogs he fired a warning shot into the ground and that solved his dog problem but he was then charged by the man who was with the dogs he was forced to shoot in self-defense hitting his assailant three times in the chest mortally wounding him fish rendered first-aid saw help the paramedics and the police arrived this made a statement to the police well shortly thereafter under some political and social pressure the district attorney decided to charge fish with second-degree murder fish was convicted of second-degree murder and sentenced to ten years in prison he served three years after which his conviction was overturned and his case led to some changes in Arizona law now again I'm giving you the very short version of this one of those changes was it shifted the burden of proof away from a citizen having to prove their claim of self-defense was legitimate to the state having to prove that claim wasn't legitimate and that's the way that criminal prosecutions are supposed to work now there are a lot of people who will posit the opinion that Harold Fisk was fraudulently charged for the crime well I wasn't there but based on what I could learn about this that is an opinion I would tend to agree with however there's also people who will say that he was fraudulently charged based solely on the fact that he had a 10-millimeter and that's just not correct there was a lot more stuff involved in it than that such as he had given some conflicting reports of what happened and some of the things he said were contradictory to what other people had said for example he said this happened at 6:30 while someone who was some distance away but heard the gunfire said that it happened at 5:30 there was also the fact that the coroner or medical examiner gave some very damning testimony and among that was he testified that of the shots that entered the thoracic cavity Warren had already passed through the decedent's hand I don't know where and that that definitively showed that the decedent was in a surrender position not an attack position also the angle of the wound channels showed that the decedent was standing still not coming forward as fissioned claimed well I didn't see the autopsy report but I find assertions like that that something proves that someone's in a defensive position not just getting ready to hit you with with an open hand or any defensive position not coming at you to strangle you or that someone was standing still not moving forward I find conclusions like that to be dubious at best now in looking at all of this and again I haven't seen all the information but based on what I do know I'm of the opinion that it is very unlikely that fish committed a crime at all and because he didn't commit a crime there is very little evidence to show that he did and so a district attorney under some political and social pressure to get a conviction to bootstrap a very weak case and he did that in several ways among that was trying to exclude what many people would consider very important exploratory evidence for example there were several people ready to testify that the decedent in this case had been aggressive and combative and violent on previous occasions but he accosted several people but the district attorney successfully petitioned the court to exclude that evidence and so the jury didn't get to hear a lot of that now what this has to do with a 10-millimeter is another thing the district attorney did was he tried to vilify fish for having a ten millimeter pistol saying that this pistol was more powerful than what the police had and because it was loaded with hollow-point ammunition that demonstrated that fish was violent and obviously wanted to kill somebody okay so what can we take away from all of this well a few things one of which is in cases like this the people whose job it is to investigate these things such as the police and the people whose job it is to decide whether or not you're going to be prosecuted and then prosecute you in like the District Attorney's Office those people approach these investigations with their education their experience their knowledge their wisdom but they are human beings and sometimes they can also bring with them their lack of experience their ignorance their prejudices their bigotries and sometimes their political agendas and quite often things that absolutely should not matter end up mattering things like did you shave that day what were you wearing and your choice of firearms and ammunition and anybody who's ever been the victim of gender bias or racial bigotry knows exactly what I'm talking about but specifically about a ten millimeter there's a couple of things we can take away from this two of those being one if you own a 10-millimeter or you're planning on buying one I would really recommend that you appoint yourself with the details of the case of the late Harold fish because if you're discussing a 10-millimeter it's very likely his name is going to come up another thing is if you are in the process of deciding whether or not you want to buy a 10-millimeter you should make that decision based on are you buying a good quality firearm does it fit your hand does it fit your needs does it fit your budget and the list goes on but there are a large number of people out there who are for lack of a better term bigoted against the ten millimeter and that's something I think you should take into consideration too so all that having been said let's get back to shooting now here's some 3a body armor and here is you we know 3a body armor will stop the projectiles from calibers like 9 by 1947 Wesson 45 ACP when those are fired from what would be considered stereotypical hands on length barrels but what about a 10 millimeter well I've got my 10 millimeters loaded with four rounds two of the Remington green and white box 180 grain metal case and two of the Sig Sauer elite performance 180 grain jacketed hollow-point and I'll shoot this from seven yards and we'll see what happens now a lot of times even if this body armor stops the bullet there's enough concussion to crack that soda bottle so if you see soda leaking reserve judgment until after we do the neck rocks the body armor did stop the bullet but there was enough concussion that it chewed up this one soda bottle pretty badly so I'll set this up again with a higher quality duct tape and then let's see what happens well three things one it stopped the bullet too even if the three a body armor can stop the bullet it looks like the 10 millimeter can still do a lot of damage and three it looks like this advanced level duct tape wasn't quite as advanced as I'd hoped for let's try one more shot and here's the three shots we fired our two hollow points in our one metal case round so in the contest of three a body armor versus 10 millimeter pistol I've got to declare the three a body armor the winner marginally now this is the point in the presentation a lot of you have been waiting for where we shoot the meat target in fact I'm going to bet some of you have fast forwarded to this part but in shooting the meat target with a 10 millimeter we have to approach that differently than we would with other handgun calibers because a lot of people not only have a 10 for home defense or something like that but they carry a 10 millimeter in the field for protection against lions tigers bears oh my and so we had to come up with a meat target that would be representative of that now if you were being attacked by an animal as it's coming toward you you'd probably shoot it in the front but in a lot of hunting scenarios it's very typical to shoot a lateral thoracic shot that you want to pass through both lungs so the meat target we have today is our double lung meat target and we've got ribs on both sides but their beef ribs not pork ribs beef ribs are a lot more robust than pork we do have our pig ear skin and then over that our leather jacket skin this animal has a thick hide and behind that as always the high tech police bullet stop now there's two questions we want to answer one is the 10 millimeter going to be effective and the other is is it really going to be significantly more effective than 45 ACP well we'll start with the 45 and I've got it loaded with the Sig Sauer elite performance 185 grain jacketed hollow-point so I'll shoot from 7 yards and we'll see what happens effective I'd say so bullets went through the ribs where they hit the ribs broke them pulverized our lung tissue but we see a big loss in energy our second watermelon lung doesn't have near as much damage and all of the projectiles were stopped by the ribs on the back they didn't even penetrate the plastic wrap the ribs come in a couple of the projectiles lost their jacket one of those jackets was stuck in this second watermelon now let me show you a close-up of them here's a couple of projectiles that hit the ribs and they're just mangled here's the jacket one of them one stayed intact and the expansion looks really good now we'll try the ten millimeter with the Sig Sauer relief performance 180 grain jacket effective again I'd say yes first let me show you a close-up of the bullets so like the 45 hour 10 millimeter bullets are mangled one lost its jacket and the jacket was stuck in the second water going and one stayed intact and expanded very well so our 10 millimeter projectiles went through the ribs on the front where they hit a rib shattered it destroyed our first watermelon we see greater retention of energy than the 45 had and more damage to our second watermelon but still all the projectiles were stopped by the ribs on the fact they were just barely stuck in there so it was the 45 effective yes was the 10 millimeter more so yeah maybe a little bit but let me show you one other thing now I'm going to shoot the meat target with 45 acp Winchester white box 230 grain Full Metal Jacket round nose now let's see what kind of penetration we get so how do we do the 45 ACP Full Metal Jacket well the bullet went through the ribs on the front didn't do a lot of damage to our first watermelon even though it has four pretty well centered hits did a lot more damage to the second watermelon this is where the bullets are starting to tumble all of the projectiles hit the ribs on the back penetrated them where a bullet hit a rib shattered it went through the leather jacket hide on the back and then they were all stopped by the first layer of fleece so it would appear that although 45 ACP hollow points are good and 10 millimeter hollow points even more so when it comes to getting complete penetration on what would represent a large animal plain old 45 acp 230 grain hard ball is hard to beat and it looks like it can also be pretty effective and there you have it and of course I could have gone on for days but I was trying to be concise so what are the real takeaways from this well first is the 10 millimeter powerful yes is it more powerful than a 45 yes is it more powerful than a locomotive been able to leap the tallest buildings in a single bound no and that power comes at a price in several ways first literally these two boxes of ammunition purchased at the same store on the same day the 45 was $19.75 the 10 millimeter was 22 75 $3 more that won't break the bank but these two boxes of ammunition again purchased at the same or on the same day the 45 was $27 the 10-millimeter was $37 that's a big difference there's also a price difference in the guns very commonly you go to a gun store and you see two pistols of similar make and model one to 10 millimeter 1 to 45 the 10 millimeter is more expensive there's also the matter of availability it's very common to go to a gun store and they'll have a pretty good selection of 45s and they won't have any 10 millimeters and that goes with the ammo as well I can go to buy Mart Walmart whatever and find 45 ammo any day of the week 10 millimeter not so much and it's not rare but it's just not as common as 45 and there aren't as many varieties of 10 millimeter as there are a 45 animal then there's the matter that although the 10 millimeter is more powerful there's some types of 45 ACP plus P and they're not all created equal but there are some 45 plus P rounds that really narrow that power gap but then those come with the downside of there's certain 45 pistols in which the + PM will just shouldn't be used so you've got pluses and minuses with both calibers there's also a social stigma attached to both of these and we talked about the 10 millimeter a little bit earlier if you have a 10 millimeter some people will assume you're a criminal and you'll also make all of those people that have 40 Smith & Wesson's reading envious of you but then if you have a 45 ACP people will assume you were born in 1911 t12 so again both calibers have the real pluses and minuses and the real bottom line is of course that no one can decide what's right for you except you and hopefully you'll do that with some good input and I would hope this was good input so as always don't try this at home on what you call a professional and thanks for watching the 10 millimeter versus 45 video [Music]
Channel: Paul Harrell
Views: 1,690,930
Rating: 4.9308643 out of 5
Id: iBkjdutVmFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 58sec (1258 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2017
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