Home Defense 9mm or 45 ?

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alright guys welcome back to the X ring so I was shooting a 45 PCC the other day I got to 1911's what's the difference one is in nine-millimeter ones and 45 the reason I want to do this test is because when I was testing that 45 Banshee from CMM G everybody was saying oh it's a perfect home defense weapon why I want to know why and you know the questions the questions were raised oh well you're not going to get over penetration out of your house and if you're in an apartment it's going to stay within the house so what I've done is I've built a little house so for purposes of this test I've actually used James Hardie fiber cement so this would be an exterior wall that's usually attached to plywood we've got a 2x4 with void we have sheetrock here with a space this will be the room space we have another piece of drywall or sheetrock insulation and then another piece of sheetrock so I've put two targets here and what we're gonna do with those 45s because I wanted with the 45 on the 9 is I wanted to shoot them and compare and see if one would actually go through the drywall on the other one not now most of you are probably carrying a defensive round in your pistol at home you're probably not carrying Full Metal Jacket I don't know maybe you are but you shouldn't be but in my opinion you should not be that way you don't get over penetration issues and you are delivering all of that energy into the target the intended target so what we're going to do is we are going to shoot at the top one here with a 45 ACP with spear gold dot 230 grain then I'm going to go to the 1911 with a nine-millimeter I'm going to shoot 124 grain plus B because that's fair it's as fair as I think I can get it and I'll do it here we'll do a slo-mo camera we'll see if it'll actually we're gonna start it from the inside so let's say you're inside you're shooting at someone here you miss it goes through the room let's see if it'll make it through the room and let's see if it'll go outside of the apartment or the home stay tuned alright guys 45 ACP 230 grain jacketed hollow point top dot here we go all right let's see what we got damn it I should get that ballistics to gel and trap the bullet on the backside all right guys so the very first round that I shot with the 45 went through and through and through so the whole argument of well the 45 is not going to get over penetration I would have lost that through the house if I would have shot at this dude in this room and I missed it went through this drywall and through the other room then it went through the exterior wall that does have insulation in it as well but now I want to trap the bullet and see what kind of depth do we get we're gonna use the same 230 I love these tests it's just like the whole ice pick through a bulletproof vest so you're learning what I learned so let's go ahead and load one round I am this time I'm actually going to go into the orange dot so I'll aim a little higher and maybe we can trap the round in the jail let's see what we get all right guys so not only did that go through the drywall then the building it penetrated into the ballistics gel 9 inches deep after going through an exterior wall the other thing you're gonna notice is we got no expansion on it so I'm sure it filled up with drywall and fiberglass or the insulation but you guys can see the bullet right there I'm not gonna take it out because I want to do the same test with a 9-millimeter and see what we get with that cool stuff all right guys so we dropped the ballistic gel down now this was the first round this was the second so it was fair because it did not go through an existing hole or anything like that this was the first shot with the 45 that was the second we also have two entries there let's try it with the 9 alright guys the next up we're going to use nine-millimeter we're going to use a Nighthawk custom Dominator I did review this pistol years ago on the channel but it is nine-millimeter so everything should be fair so we're gonna use the 124 grain plus P spear gold dot here we go let's check it out alright guys so just my luck the 45 was here and it was stopped but it was facing that way when I shot the 9 it actually hit glanced and went up through here so I need to test it again I will cut these out but I can't hit that 45 bullet when I do ghost happening that jacketed hollow point is filling up with those fibers and it has enough energy to just continue on out and through so I want to test one more we've added some more I'd like to really catch this bullet let's go ahead and check and see again on the nine-millimeter here we go let's see what we get alright guys so out the exterior wall into the ballistic gel that's a fresh track almost sega's in it out of the side but either way we're at about thirteen and a half inches of penetration what do you think my conclusion is alright so that last shot guys I just cut it out right here and there's that bullet you can see the drywall that's inside of there we did get expansion let's get these other ones out alright guys you see that no expansion at all on that nine millimeter and what I want to do is dig this out and see what it got plugged up with it's probably gonna be that hardiplank let's go and get 245 out of there yep all right guys when we just cut this out this insulation came out with the same pocket so I guarantee you we're not gonna get any expansion it almost looks like a new bullet just a little flatter let me show you something you're driving along discharge somebody all right thanks for that intro bye is your six covered if you haven't seen this channel go over there and check it out so what we're gonna do is we're gonna do five rounds Full Metal Jacket 120 for grain and we're gonna see if you're safe inside of your house in a second room five shots see what we got I think I can see one keyhole right up there from the get go through sheet metal which is the same as roofing sheet metal let's go check it out dude that's all throw me that those I got one exit right here oh look right here you got the camera right here in between so there's your Full Metal Jacket we have one here we have one actually that's not it that's from a knife test so we did have one escape and go through there that was the one that exited through the side here at an angle but we do have other bullets inside so what are my thoughts on this honestly I think the whole argument of 45 ACP is a better home defense round because you're going to get less pay over penetration through exterior walls not hitting the room and all that but I think this test right here shows you the difference is marginal and so when it comes down to it do you want to be stuck with eight rounds or like 18 rounds depending on the platform that you're using it if you're using a Glock 21 you're still not going to have like 14 rounds as opposed to like 18 or 19 rounds so ultimately it's going to be about shot placement not missing that target because even with these jacketed hollow points and all Byatt it's not going to stop when it hits this drywall it's going to continue on just like a formal jacket it's a really cool test I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I did this is actually pretty cool see if we can do some more tests like this in the future like share and subscribe Oh dropping bullets I have a good one
Channel: X-RING
Views: 286,377
Rating: 4.8150287 out of 5
Keywords: 9mm, 45acp, 9 or 45, 9mm and overpenetration, 45 and over penetration, ballistics tests, 9mm or 45acp, xring, speer, speer gold dot
Id: yh_tTXzUcfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 04 2020
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