Presidents Play Dawn of War: Soulstorm

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All right we've arrived on the planet Tartarus to  help the local PDF to repel a huge ork invasion.   All right, I can't wait to get my hands on-I  mean lead the Sisters of Battle to the victory.   By Inquisitorial edict I am taking control of  the Sisters of Battle. Nothing Personal Joe, but I think we would all feel more comfortable if you're with the Imperial Guard instead.   Man screw you Obama! I bet you just wanted to  surround yourself with an army of white women.   Um guys? Can we focus our aggression towards the  Orks instead?   The Tartarus Defense Force didn't ask for us to come here only for us to show them how Holy Terra makes its laws. That reminds me Ben, why are you playing as Craftworld Biel-Tan?  It's because he wants to play as the craftworld that wants to Make the Eldar Great Again by throwing out all the non-Eldar and making  them pay for it. Makes sense seeing as he voted  for you. I should have figured Benny Boy of all people would pick the most racist Eldar craftworld to play as. Don't listen to them Ben, You've got great taste! Ork encampment spotted, I'll take care of it. You may be clever and resourceful, but so am me. GEORGE?! Clan Bush is coming to liberate your human and eldar societies with the subtlety of Shock and Awe. Oh shoot, and ork commander teleported inside my base. I'll take them out for you Joe, maybe now you see the logic  in strong borders?   Do we have any anti-vehicle units to take out Bush's deff dreads? I'm still  learning how to play this because YOU didn't give me time to play the tutorial first. I can send some penitent engines, immolators, and celestians to  burn through Bush's mechs faster than he burned his voter base bailing out AIG. That's right Inquisitor: blame your president for your [ __ ]  up when it turned out to be a bad idea. Your bickering is why I'm proud to be Craftworld Eldar, and not an Imperial. Careful Ben, my forces might get sent on a wild goose chase upon hearing blasphemy like that...   I've had enough of these ork raids! I'm going to  whack their camps along the southern path while   you three tie them up at the middle. Crap! Orks  are trying to get in the city where my base is!   Relax Barack it looks like you got it under  control, I-Oh great! I forgot to upgrade my HQ   to a monastery so I can give my Marines missile  launchers! Joe, Don; it looks like the Orks are   trying to flank your Fortress again. Don't worry,  I'll pack more heat than global warming using my   arsenal of flamethrowers and meltaguns. I'm  sending some troops to give you a hand since   that doesn't sound reassuring. All right that's  one less ork camp for them to send infantry at us.   The Ork horde is trying to overwhelm us with their  numbers but we're still holding the line. Say Ben,   do you think you could make some wraithlords to  deal with their nobs and killa cans? You want   me to make what, to deal with the Orks' what? Oh  never mind, sorry I asked. I'll have to hope my   Leman Russ tanks can keep the Orks at bay until  I get a Mechanized Command. I don't care how many   ork boys I lost, I still took the Center Monument  from your petty coalition forces. Your disregard   for your own forces is another reason your party  lost in 2008. Sacrifices need to be made for the   Greater Good. Of the Great Society. Of what's to  come-uh forget it. I'll work out a response after   I win... Look at the bright side: at least the  Orks are too big to fit through that kill zone.   I'm going for their Waterworks so I can have  a relic so I can make my Über unit. I guess we   can see fewer free relics in our future when you  lead the Blood Ravens instead of the wall-building   Imperial fists. Oh stop complaining Barack!  You're in a starting position that starts the   game with your own private Relic and an enclosed  facility all to yourself. I'm an Inquisitor. The   way I see it, I'm entitled to be more equal  than my comrades. Hey save-save at least one   for me and Ben! I want to build a Baneblade, and  Ben should be able to make at least one Avatar.   Since I can't build walls in this, I'll settle  for building turrets to stop ork invaders from   pouring into our borders. Joe and I are at a  stalemate holding the line against the Orks.   Don, do you think you can sneak behind the ork's  lines to trickle-down the ork economy by wrecking   their infrastructure so we can break through? I  said I'd do that earlier Barack. Since when was   the last time I broke a promise? Well now that  you mentioned, it I have a dossier- Rhetorical   question, anyway we've reached the ork bridge!  If we can hold it, we can cut off Bush's supply   line to his guerillas in the jungle. Who are you  calling gorillas? Is that supposed to be a slur,   humie weakling? Don, why aren't you helping us  break the ork line? I feel like I'm carrying the   push, and you and Ben only have token forces here.  What the [ __ ] do you mean by "token" exactly?!   Relax guys I have an idea. Gee Don, I didn't  know you had it in you. Says the guy who still   hasn't built vehicles or an avatar yet. Anyway I'm  sending my army back into my base to deep strike   them behind the Orks' lines. My assault Marines  will jump over the river, and thus be the foot   in the door to drop in and wreck Bush's base.  Wait what?! No you can't just steal my strategy   from me! Sorry warboss blood & oil, this is the  Blood Ravens you're dealing with here. Next time,   be the Deathskulls so you could steal it back from  me. What's the hold up? Why are my Marines-AGH   Joe! Why did you block the monument entrance with  a line of turrets?! What's the matter Donnie?   I thought you liked walls... It doesn't matter to  me if you're building in parts of the map where   it would make the least sense, Joe. My boys have  snuck behind your lines to make out room-I mean   make room. You're not ignoring my wall this time  George. Now I'm prepared with listening posts and   Border troops to snipe your conspirators. I  wholeheartedly vote in favor of this for the   time being, but not if it becomes an unpopular  move later. Barack, everyone here heard you   and I'm not an Imperial. You can't mind wipe and  kill all of us. I can just jump into the Webway,   and there would be nothing you could do about it!  Ben, I'll do you a favor and clear out the Orks at   this Relic. Just capture it, and make an avatar so  you can match your mouth with your muscle. Part of   me feels suspicious that Donald Trump; President  of the Bloody Magpies, uncovered a golden Relic   he didn't steal-I mean "acquire". But I'll take  it before Joe nabs it. Ben, I have enough money   to hire you as a maid. Besides I want you and Joe  to build avatars and baneblades because I want to   win this match. While you were distracted saving  your Outposts of Tyranny, I took the liberty of   liberating your assault Marines from their mortal  shells into the Gork-forsaken warp whence they   came. Actually, you know what?! I'm sending  my assault marines to the other side to hit   the ork base at the beach. If I can take out Clan  Griksnocka, you three can send your army through   and help me take down the Orks in a pincer move.  Don't you dare storm my dessert-my desert! Too   late, we're here to take your land and your oil  to make Tartarus great again. And unlike certain   other presidents, I won't be retreating from my  enemies occupying this desert. Oh shut up about   Afghanistan already! You didn't do [ __ ] besides  break a promise to withdrawal, and throw me under   the bus! I love it when a plan comes together.  What's that supposed to mean, George W. Hush?   Sorry Normie, that secret will die with us in  the Illuminati. Now that we can see the ork base,   I can call in a dro- orbital bombardment. Why do  we need our infantry to get within visual range   of the ork bases? Don't your ships in orbit have  the satellite imagery capabilities to see what's   on the planet's surface? No, but the Imperial  Guard headquarters has a scanner that can show the   fleet where the ork baces are so the fleet can hit  them. Wait, what my head-cutters have a spanner?   I swear to the Emperor Joe! Oh great idea Obama!  You were so concerned with Biden not keeping his   hands to himself, you left it to him to guide  orbital strikes! Oh just calm down everyone.   Donald's attack on the ork capital is keeping  them distracted. Took out Clan Griksnocka's base,   how much longer before you're out of the  woods? The thieving orks are shelling us   using stolen guard tanks as artillery. You may  be dangerous and resourceful, but so are we.   You never stop thinking of new ways to harm  my ork boys, and neither do we. You mean those   weren't ogryns with green camo paint I gave  those Leman Russ tanks to? Damn it, Joe! Guys,   I'm so sorry I put him in charge of Tartarus's  PDF guard instead of making him a Guardsman   Sergeant. I guess we should just be glad we got  to Tartarus to save the Guard and Ecclesiarchy   so they weren't the last line of defense. Ben, I  wouldn't throw stones from a glass house if I were   you seeing your lack of an avatar, indicated by  your buildings not glowing red. Give me a break   Barack. Do I look like a seasoned gamer to you?  YES! Ben, the builder units grayed-out buildings   tell you what you need to do to make vehicles and  the Avatar. It's not that complicated! Even if you   guys only have a few units left at the bridge  entrance, any help is better than no help to   make the alien ork swarm pay for their trespasses.  What better way to make my love for free trade by   giving you a taste of Imperial/Ork Firepower? For  the Love of the Emperor, how many [ __ ] tanks did   you give him Sleepy Joe?! We need to prioritize  destroying their Mek Shops, and fast! For once,   I agree with Inquisitor Obama. I don't have enough  Brightlance Platforms to 360 Noscope those tanks   and kans before they kill my paper mache army.  Well, the good news is I have another Land Raider   on its way. A beefy tank brigade is what you  can build with a Trump economy. Say Joe, do you   think you can move your entrenched heavy weapons  teams up ahead? We need a clear path for our tanks   to drive through. They're busy protecting the  path from orks who sneak by Trump's army. Joe,   I think it's time to move your heavy weapon squads  out of the path before I invoke eminent domain,   if you get what I'm saying. It won't matter  Donald, my weapons of crass destruction will   bomb your Space Marine chapter into more pieces  than Iraq when I was done with it! Let's see how   effective your stolen tanks are against my angry  supporters when we get ripped off. Just make sure   you send backup so Bush's Freedom™ Fighters don't  just have them all killed or imprisoned. Oh come   on Ben, I've managed to whack two ork bases on  my own. Where are your armies, and what are they   doing? Don't worry, I'm sending reinforcements. I  swear Ben, that better be an avatar you're making.   Another Banshee Squad?! You've got to be kidding  me Ben! Is it a lack of resources?! Here,   I'll throw money and power at you three, just make  your Relic units! Don't worry guys, I just built   a Mars Pattern Command so I can start sending  Baneblades to end Bush's Invasion. See Ben? Even   Sleepy Joe does something right every now and  then. Where did you put it, exactly? Somewhere   the orks can't reach. Where would that be; the  same place Iraq's WMD's were hiding? Dang it,   he's learning! Oh for the love of Isha! Guys, look  at the trenches behind the fortress. You've got to   be kidding me Joe! You built your Mars Pattern  Command in the trenches where baneblades can't   maneuver out of?! I guess I spoke too soon by  praising Sloppy Joe. Says the guy who's sicking   his Living Saint on a listening post. Yeah sorry  Barack, that is kind of pathetic. Says the guy   who got a Blood Raven to give you a free Relic,  and still hasn't made an avatar yet. Fortunately,   Bush's orks are nothing I can't handle on my own.  They're usually more challenging on this map,   but I guess Bush's leadership is taking a bigger  toll on the ork military than on the ork economy.   That's the last ork base, there must be stragglers  in the forest on our side of the bridge if Bush   didn't lose the game. I'm sending my army back  to go find them. Just don't get lost in the   woods like when you built a Mech base behind  our lines. You terrorized the wrong ork clan,   fool! Hopefully, my flamers, Inferno pistols, and  immolators will be enough to take down that Lord   of the Rings ripoff. Even if it isn't, I still  have my army that wrecked Bush's four main bases.   He had one of those Gargantuan Squiggoths back  there, but I'm sure the one you three are fighting   should go down easy since Bush is giving it less  support than Hurricane Katrina victims. I'd be   hesitant to repeat the things Kanye West blurts  out if I were you Agent Orange. Before you know   it, your goose will be cooked when you're Goose  Stepping to the tunes he's singing. Yeah? Well you   aren't going to be much of a military threat  without your squiggoths stampeding fledgling   Nations you're trying to conquer. Barack, Joe,  Ben, are you still fighting that squiggoth?   We finally managed to kill it, and cleared the  entire map except for one area we forgot about.   Tremendous, I'm sending my boys back to the  orbital relay so we can deep strike wherever   they're at. ...wait, what do you mean I'm under  attack? The Taliban and Al-Qaeda taught me a thing   or two about hit and run attacks... [Bush loses another base]  Dagnabbit, there goes another one of my  clans! Curse the annihilate game mode,   and the requirement that my surviving buildings  have to build troops. George, you were done for   once Donnie knocked out your bases. Don't worry  George, the pain will be over now that Barack's   battle sisters gave me vision into your last camp.  History will vindicate me, seeing as this map is   supposed to take place before the dawn of War 1  campaign. [Bush disconnects] And then just like   that, BAM! We win! I guess Joe couldn't get a  baneblade stuck if he never built one. Y U NO   AVATAR Ben? That settles it. Before doing another  game, we make sure we're all on the same page and   learn how to play first. Nonetheless,  good game. The greatest because I won!
Channel: KommissarReb
Views: 48,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, W40k, Dawn of War, Soulstorm, DOW1, AI Presidents, Presidents play, custom map
Id: 65dHgiuN_jM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Tue May 16 2023
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