The Indomitus Crusade EXPLAINED By An Australian | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal despite pretty much every story in warhammer being a bit of a wankfest for the imperium the empire of mankind does get slapped in its nuts on the daily xeno raiders space bug invasions and that that minor problem called chaos not to mention the fact that nobody slaps the imperium's nuts harder than the imperium to make matters worse cadia the planet that was preventing the nut slapping from becoming a full-on stiletto nut stomping was blown up by abaddon causing the eye of terror to expand and cut the galaxy in half preventing half the imperium from accessing the astronomicon oh yeah and more tyrion's arrived the orcs got hornier for war and demons can pretty much attack wherever they want whenever they want now like corn [ __ ] dumped a big ass army on the imperial palace that nearly killed the emperor for a laugh so it was pretty welcome when robote giliman one of the only primarks with basic common sense returned from the dead and basically spanked the galaxy back into shape using his incredible organizational skills to gather to him one of the greatest navies the galaxy has ever seen since the great crusade with this obscenely large armada he was basically able to purge the galaxy bringing mankind back from the brink of total collapse good work g-man before we get started christmas is rapidly approaching and you're probably wondering what random gifts and presents to get your friends and family you're probably looking to find a non-expensive quirky and unique gift that would make people be like hey that's pretty good well look no further as i've partnered up with boxu for today's video boxu is a subscription service that sends you a box full of interesting unique and very tasty japanese snacks everything in this box that you consume will be unlike anything you've ever tasted before unless you've hit japan a few times then maybe not i personally brought my boxy box to a chill beers night with the boys and it was a huge hit i was the cool one for once well not that cool but a lot cooler than i would have been without this bad boy to take this even further anyone in the us who buys a box food box will enter in the drawer to get a free pair of tickets to japan so yeah that would be a pretty sick christmas gift so if you want to get an awesome gift for someone or even yourself try some unique and very tasty japanese snacks and teas and maybe get free tickets to japan then use my lincoln code magikill for 10 off your boxy subscription cheers to boxy for sponsoring this video today we'll be going over the indominus crusade how it was organized what it achieved and some of the more notable battles that occurred during its legendary tenure let's get into it [Music] let's set the scene katie is falling everything's [ __ ] there's demons and [ __ ] everywhere all of our favorite heroes in the galaxy have just barely made it out alive and are beelining to ultramar they're doing this as through a combination of the inari's death magic as well as belsari's calls technological prowess they believe they've discovered the means to resurrect giliman from the dead aberdon finds out about their plan and he shits the bed despite his best efforts gilman is revived and abaddon's invasion is sent screaming back to hell unfortunately for giliman he saw back as a result of sitting in the same position for over 10 000 years was to be the least of his problems after waking up in the middle of a war zone with zero context or tutorial on what was going on giliman then led a crusade to terror so we could talk to dad well that crusade was a bit of a disaster as the forces of titsnich led by magnus the red and kairos fate weaver constantly hurried and attacked the crusade at one point even capturing giliman eventually g-man gets to the moon next to terra and has to throw hands with magnus who is significantly more powerful g-man gets burnt with hellfire gets a building thrown at him and just has an all-round [ __ ] time eventually with a lot of help he does prevail and he banishes magnus back to the warp then he goes to the terror to talk to his dad but wait there's more corn comes out of [ __ ] nowhere and he just shits out a massive demon army on terror forcing g-man to fend off the largest invasion of terror since the horus heresy after all that he finally talks to dad and uh yeah let's just say it wasn't a wholesome teary reunion g-man sees his father and realize he is nothing more than a tool wielded by an uncaring god with a shattered consciousness so after all this tragedy a rotten dying imperium cut in half a shitty father and a lot of salty demon brothers what does g-man do does he give up does he take a holiday [ __ ] no robute decides that the galaxy is one big pair of cheeks in need of a good clapping hence prepares the largest crusade that's ever been seen in over 10 000 years the indominus crusade however not even giliman can just click his fingers and spawn a mega huge armada and an army to go along with it a few things had to happen firstly giliman purged terror killing countless billion heretics xeno corrupt people and other unsavory characters from it this was basically to clean off the rust of the machine that was the imperium in order for his future plans to run more smoothly after that he replaced most of the high lords with more loyal persons of his choosing so he wouldn't get bogged down in the politics of his ambitions the funny thing here is that the high lords he fired thought they were hot [ __ ] and they planned to sabotage and overthrow giliman however he was able to thwart them without any real effort other noble people who thought they were king dick try to rip off giliman or hold his crusade random these people quickly discovered not to [ __ ] with a primark as they ended up either stripped of their wealth and power publicly shamed and flogged or straight up dead by a large blue power fist going up their rectal orifice giliman secured the armies the mechanicus the sisters of battle the sisters of silence the grainites the adeptus custodes and more call also unleashed the primorris project adding hundreds of thousands of new elite space springs to the cause it wasn't enough though so giliman sent out a massive group text to the galaxy requesting every single available guardsman shipmaster and space marine to return to terror and prepare for war there were some exceptions if a guardsman regiment or space marine chapter was successfully holding off or even beating the enemy that was invading them then they were allowed to stay put but if a guardsman regiment or chapter was losing then they were ordered to abandon the world they were defending and head to terror the logic behind this was that worlds can always be retaken restored and repopulated so there was no point losing valuable soldiers and resources protecting these doomed worlds some did ignore g-man's orders and decided to make heroic last stands but many more returned to terror the administrative requirements for this undertaking were so obscene that gilliam had to form a new organization called the officio logisticarum sure close enough whose sole purpose was to run the books and numbers for the indomitus crusade it's [ __ ] like this that puts the imperium above the rest you reckon chaos has millions of people recording ship logs resource requirements travel times [ __ ] no this is why chaos crusades go to [ __ ] crusading takes organizational skills organization is the literal antithesis to chaos on a fundamental level finally the big ass fleet was assembled and ready for war in terms of size the indominus crusade was made up of 10 legendary fleets that were broken down further into battle groups overall the crusade had about 1 000 or more ships in it however the plan wasn't just to eat a mega huge 1000 fleet ship at one target at a time that would have been overkill and inefficient hence each fleet spread out from terror like forking tendrils slowly breaking up as they cleanse planet after planet the crusade never really ran out of steam as the losses it incurred could be recovered by liberating worlds under siege each battle group was very diverse and contained at least one squad of custodies sisters of silence and tech priests this was due to the fact that the secondary objective of the indominus crusade was to provide the various space marine chapters with primary marines as well as the technology to create primary marines the custodies were there to be like say yes to primaris the emperor wills it if you say no i'll [ __ ] you up boy the sisters were there to keep any warped shenanigans away from the primaries tech and the toaster boys were there because they were the only ones who knew how to use the tech the first main battle of the indominus crusade was against the cornite crusade of slaughter a dark crusade of blood god simps who were tearing their way across the galaxy fleet terratus which was only one of the tenant dominators fleet engaged the slaughter crusade and massacred it showing off the might of the imperium left right and center the forces of cows were [ __ ] blocked world after world system of the system was liberated as the burning vengeance of humanity was on full display giliman himself led one of the fleets and fought against various greater demons and demon princes each time he walked away unharmed as the enemy was either banished back to hell or straight up perma-killed by g-men's flaming sword eventually the indominus crusade became so feared by the enemies of the imperium that the mere mention of it was enough to halt a planet-wide rebellion in its tracks this is what happened with necromunda for example funnily enough when karachan was visited by the crusade the demons that invaded it had been long banished so it was less of a liberation and more of a recruitment visit if a world could not be saved then it would be avenged it wasn't a 100 victory rate though some systems and worlds had to be abandoned for a later date as the crusades fleets could not be bogged down and waste time for example the alpha legion were able to wage a vicious war of sabotage in the pregman genesis system hence g-man pulled out of it here are some of the greatest moments of the indominus crusade the battle of volis where abaddon tried to use shattered necron pylons to prevent the indominus crusade from being able to warp jump this ended poorly for abaddon but honestly mad respect for his initiative the devastation aball where the blood angels made a last stand against highfleet leviathan despite their mighty effort they were outnumbered at least one thousand to one and could not hope to win giliman arrived in the 11th hour and he broke the tyranid fleet saving the blood angels and giving them much needed primary reinforcements the battle of gathelmore where the werebearers were using demons to overcome the sisters of battle and the morty and iron guard defending the world as the battle was coming to a close and all seemed lost the indominus crusade arrived as trajan veloris himself led an army of custodies and grey knights to save the day and look good luck with that one word bearings the rapists had become the rapies as all the traces of chaos were quickly annihilated the indominus crusade was wrapped up with the battle of rockhorse which saw the word bearers iron warriors and black legionnaires get absolutely [ __ ] on after that the goal of the indominus crusade had been achieved secure imperium sanctus which is the side of the great reef that still gets the light of the astronomicon hand out the primaris to basically every single space marine chapter and secure a reliable access point to imperium nelius which is the dark shitty side of the imperium that can't use the astronomicon it's likely the indominus would have continued beyond the battle of ralkus however mortarion was getting horny for ultramar since giliman had to return home to fight off the forces of the plague god so whilst officially the indominus crusade is over the many battle groups and fleets still work to liberate imperial worlds and clap some demonic cheeks when it first came out the indominus crusade lasted for over a hundred years but due to the fact that this low key meant that a lot of our favorite non-space ring characters would have died from old age as well as other logistical writing issues the crusade was retconned to have lasted for a bit over a decade which is more appropriate in my opinion some people are a bit about the imperium getting another wankfest crusade where they basically dominated every battle but i like it the imperium had just gone through some serious [ __ ] so without something like the indominus crusade the setting would have become hopeless it's grimdark sure but grimduck isn't just a cesspit of darkness and hopelessness it's the dying light that holds back the darkness if i wanted to engage with a super depressing hopeless setting i'll just play [ __ ] dark souls if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be really 1 per month give you access to a boatload of naughty content is it still hentai if it doesn't come from japan i feel like it isn't but i could be wrong hit the subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more dominant content join the discord for more memes and i'll see you in the next one peace [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 603,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: n5fVhrOFETw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 15 2021
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