Every Single Tyranid Hive Fleet EXPLAINED By An Australian | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal tyranids are the big bad of warhammer 40k not the obnoxious demons the promiscuous space elves or the sentient mushrooms no it's 100 the tyranids purely due to the fact that they seem to be basically infinite in number and the high fleets that have already caused so much destruction have been mostly referred to as merely scouts on top of this every single victory against the tyranids and yes there has been many have been mostly benpyric with the victors often suffering greatly farsight's home planet crawford liandon and even the ultramarine's capital of world of mccrag have felt the fury of the tyranids and been left permanently scarred or even destroyed to make matters worse the tyranids upload all their data and knowledge to a hive mind meaning they are only getting more and more effective at invading the galaxy the silent king a dude who has been alive of 65 million years and has even traveled beyond the milky way has pinpointed the tyranids as by far the number one threat in the universe case in point space bugs of death op but we aren't here to wank off the lethality of the tyranids there's already a video for that instead we're going to go over all the currently known tyranid high fleets that currently are or have plagued the galaxy in the past before we get started 200k is just a flick of the dick away hey that rhymes so if you laugh smile jerk off or prolapse at any point in this video then consider tapping that juicy red button at 200k i'll release the new magickill merch as well as do another drunk livestream which is great for your entertainment and my wallet but incredibly detrimental to my liver let's get into it there are two ways a high fleet can form either they arrive in the milky way ready to go or a fragment of a high fleet splits off eats a bunch of planets then grows to such a size that they become a high fleet in their own right first on this list is the first tyranid high fleet to officially grace the galaxy hi fleet behemoth it's also the first high fleet alphabetically so you ocd demons should be getting a great kick out of that the arrival of behemoth was very spicy as neither side knew the other strengths and weaknesses there was a lot of leroy jenkins tear charging and a lot of people died due to poor decisions many worlds were eaten and billions suffered before the tyranids encountered the ultramarines now the ultramarines were using an extremely outdated book to fight a new enemy and they initially failed miserably they had to reassess their tactics and slap themselves for getting too biblical on a book that was only designed as a basic guideline the ultramarines once again engaged the high fleet and despite getting a solid pounding they were ultramarines hence behemoth was doomed the highfleet was destroyed and the ultramarines went off to have an ultra sook whilst the imperium learnt a lot about the tyranids from the encounter with behemoth the tyrionists learnt a shitload more about the imperium hence their next high fleet high fleet kraken came in hot and caused an insane amount of damage way more than behemoth did kraken used genestealer cults to weaken the defenses on imperial planets and then it split up its forces into splinter fleets who would go off and consume poorly defended worlds whilst the main force would focus on the more difficult nuts to crack this was working incredibly well and it looked like it could end up bringing the imperium to its knees for some reason the tyranids decided that this strategy was too overpowered and that they felt bad for the imperium hence they reunited all their splinter fleets to put their entire force against a single planet the ultramarines arrive do their ultra [ __ ] and the majority of kraken goes kaput the remaining high fleet of kraken then heads to crawford leanded and skull [ __ ] the [ __ ] out of it wiping out most of it and only just being beaten back at the last minute by prince uriel wielding an overpowered godspear hence the end of highfleet kraken but you better believe the tyranids weren't done yet boyo hence the largest high fleet has recently arrived high fleet leviathan the war with leviathan is ongoing and will take multiple battles to end as this is kinda doing what kraken did the imperium has scored a few wins against his bad boy with inquisitor cripman going balls to the walls to stop this invasion he literally plotted the course of the high fleet and exterminated all the planets in their trajectory to deny the tyrannies resources obviously this is a bad look imperial planets going kaput is never ideal however when they were blown up the orcs came in to claim these now dead defenseless worlds when that happened cripman got the boot his tactics actually worked out pretty well though as the orcs that took over the planets became really powerful and now act as a hectic ball walk against the tyranids blocking their advance in a never-ending war it was high fleet leviathan who invaded baal and nearly wiped out the blood angels and even when the blood angels with the aid of you guessed it the ultramarines won and slaughtered the tyranids the high fleet was like that was just the tendril of the fleet the best is yet to come now whilst behemoth was the tyr in its first official invasion of the galaxy various small tyranid fleets had entered earlier either due to warp spaghetti or just being fast the first of this was high flit arubarus maybe there has been some retconning such as the tyrion's lack of ability to use warp spaghetti which might change this but it doesn't matter basically it seems that uruborus came to the galaxy sometime in the 36th millennium and were a massive pain in the ass a huge imperial crusade speed hitted by the space wolves were able to clap arubarista's cheeks and send them to the shadow realm however it seems that a handful of ships from uruburus were able to survive and enter into hibernation they have recently awoken and are now once again been a giant pain in the ass highfleet tiamet is an interesting one that also seemingly arrived before behemoth tiamet however wasn't interested in invasion or war or tiamet just wanted to be a farmer hence came in and seeded a cluster of worlds with life never mind that that life was extremely hostile and basically only existed to be consumed by two nerds at a later date the next high fleet is very niche and potentially not even canon high fleet colossus basically this was a high fleet that was in command of the zoats the zotes had escaped from their tyranid masters who would use them as diplomats yeah like i said probably not canon however being any color other than black white or yellow in the imperium is a no-no hence the zotes were attacked and exterminated sorry colossus the imperium had been copping the blunt of the tyrion invasions a bit hard and the tyranids knew this and were sorry hence they sent in high fleet naga with the sole purpose of [ __ ] over the eldar after chowing down on some eldar maiden worlds highfleet naga was eventually put down by a combination of like three craft worlds naga is considered a small high fleet two needs op elder hated by gw all the high fleets i've mentioned so far have been original fleets that entered the galaxy however when a splinter feat of a high fleet gets big enough they get their own cute name from ancient mythology hence we have highfleet dagon who is believed to have been a splinter of high fleet behemoth this fleet has been nothing but a headache for the imperial forces of the jericho reach and by a headache i mean a full-on brain tumor it's taking a massive amount of effort from the death watch to keep this high fleet in check and the conflict rages on or maybe it doesn't i don't know the law hasn't gone there yet whilst dagon went to go clap more imperials higher fleet gorgon another splinter of behemoth went down and ate some of that big titty towel girlfriend however the tower fiercely protective of their girlfriends hence put up a mighty resistance both sides of the wall were constantly adapting and changing to better suit their opponent for example when the tower focused on long-range bombardment and their pulse weapons gorgon would [ __ ] out tyranids that suited to that and so on eventually the high fleet was destroyed when the tower and the imperium teamed up nothing brings racists together like a terrifying common enemy am i right the extreme variety of weaponry and tactics across the imperial guard in the tao armies were too much for dagon to adapt to hence the high fleet said sayonara which means they died the highfleet died chaos created a unique issue for the tyranids demons have no biomass and they vanish upon death hence battles against them were always costly due to a lack of bio profit as such the tyrion has avoided chaos like they avoided necrons however since avadon's poor sportsmanship resulting in a blackstone fortress being thrown acadia hence resulting in a big-ass demon scar across the galaxy chaos is becoming very difficult to ignore hence highfleet kronos was created a special high fleet that utilizes long-range weaponry as well as an extra powerful warp nullifying aura two things that demons [ __ ] hate cronus gets flung at chaos on the daily often popping up mid-battle ignoring the non-cow side and just going straight for the demons although cronus still can't eat demons for biomass hence still can't really profit off its battles it gets around this issue by following a splinter fleet of high fleet leviathan which invades worlds destroys their defenses then leaves their vulnerable biomass for cronus to swing by and consume very considerate of them not all high fleets are so wildly successful though high fleet scarabists fought against canadian shock troopers in a siege battle scarabs got completely sodomized whilst acadians barely lost any men in a similar fate high fleet locus was clapped by some alterings during an ill-fated invasion of an imperial world yeah look if you have a high fleet which is named after an insect instead of an ancient mythological beast or deity you probably aren't going to achieve much sometimes high fleets picked the wrong meals like when high fleet lowton engaged the armies of the death guard on a jungle planet both sides were bombing the [ __ ] out of each other with all kinds of bioweapons and plagues eventually the battle became so toxic that the atmosphere seized and the world turned into toxic sludge when the tyranids absorbed some of the sludge into one of their ships the ship began to seizure and die and was actually blown apart by other ships in its fleet needless to say lowton did not end up getting a feed that day next up is highfleet perseus because [ __ ] naming conventions i guess highfleet perseus fought the ultramarines i'm sure you can fill in the rest now we have high flight megalodon which is a splinter of high fleet kraken and just kind of exists and eats people and and yeah tyranid law isn't the most fleshed out they can't exactly do a pov book of some tyranid dude for obvious reason next up is highly drag mundier which i definitely mispronounced because apparently they ran out of greek monsters so they had to go further up north jory as i call it because i'm lazy has had a bit of fun since its arrival it acted smart targeting lightly defended worlds to build up an impressive massive bio its highlight is definitely when there was a space screen chapter which had half-gone renegade and was in the midst of a civil war during the battle jory came to eat and the chapter called a truce and agreed to tackle on the new foe together now in normal stories this would result in the good guys and the bad guys coming together and beating the worst guys but not in warhammer baby the space rings got [ __ ] and were massacred the ones that escaped were soon hunted down this is why i love warhammer now on to highfleet medusa this cheeky monkey thought the ice world of shadrach would be a nice little meal i don't know why it thought that the world was made of [ __ ] ice but either way they found themselves fighting against the space wolves which ended very poorly for old mate medusa another pretty irrelevant fleet we now have high fleet pythos who fought some space marines and yeah coolio the name molok is very overused in warhammer 40k it's the name of a significant planet the name of the alpha space marine spartan himself and it's also the name of a high fleet mullock was on the way to chow down a planet that contained an stc now despite that sounding like an unpleasant form of genital wart it's actually a super handy blueprint that the mechanicus wanks themselves off to hence a large army of guardsmen including karachan jungle fighters and meridian iron guard sacrificed themselves so the mechanicus could scuttle away with their prize mullock would continue to be a pain in the ass for various imperial guard regiments and scored a draw against the 9th of austrian firstborn regiment by draw i mean absolutely everyone died next up is high flitofida who was big and strong and scary until it wasn't and is now mostly destroyed with a couple ships still floating around in case anyone actually painted their tyranid army in our feeders colours the dark eldar are incredibly intelligent but also extremely reckless often their recklessness outperforms their intelligence such was the awakening of highfleet nagar this high flight was asleep and was discovered by the dark eldar instead of blasting it to smithereens they decided to board it and capture sleeping tyranids so they could experiment on them and [ __ ] unsurprisingly tyranids don't really like being boarded hence the high fleet quickly awoken and the dark eldar got shat on i would say there is a lesson to be learned here but i thought it was common knowledge not to board tyranid ships for the lols next up is a bit of a two-for-one deal high fleet charabitus and scalia although separate these high fleets are both moving in the same direction and are concerningly close to terror now if they got remotely near terror they would get absolutely massacred however they seem to be moving towards the craft world of sam han so unless those speedy boys pack up and leave they could find themselves in deep [ __ ] high fleet immunities i'm pretty sure they're just trying to make my job hard with these names at this point while sunisha not well known is still making a bit of an impact it fought against the tower led by commander shadowsun before then engaging some space marines as the timeline goes forward more and more high fleets are popping up everywhere highfly chimera grendel and harbinger are just some great examples of this who haven't yet done anything too spicy but a highfleet is a high fleet so i'm sure some named character has got a tyranid-shaped inconvenience on the horizon last but not least the least would definitely be high philippe scarabus we have high fleet proteus i'm not really sure if this fleet is alive or not it was heading towards terra via inwit as in which was the home of rogueldorn and the imperial fists i doubt they will get far i'm very curious as to what gw does about the tyranids in the future as of now it appears that they have written themselves into a corner and it's only a matter of time before the galaxy turns into one big tyranid parmigiana and that does this for today guys all the tyranid high fleets if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be where only one dollar per month gives you access to a boatload of warhammer hentai hit the subscribe button then hit the real subscribe button for more buggy content join the discord for more memes and i'll see you in the next one peace [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 495,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, Superanchors, mad, angry, why, epic, gaming, legendary, Trayzn, Orikan, Necron, Infinite and Divine, book, Audible, Audio, Hive Fleet, Swarm Lord
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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