Every Time The Tyranids Have Actually Won | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and girl in Warhammer 40K every faction has their shares of wins and losses however to say that it is fair or balanced is to say that cutie is a good movie that should exist it's not and it shouldn't as a custodies fan I'm not ashamed to admit that we pretty much win all the time factions like the Orcs And most notably the tyranids always seem to get clapped never seeming to achieve meaningful victories and more so just acting as a punching bag for the name Space Marine characters this does make sense after all tyranids don't sell super well and it's much more badass seeing Dante go Super Saiyan mode against all Lords as opposed to the tyranids winning and like you know not being super interesting at all but in saying this the tune-ins do have some dubs under their belt worth talking about after all it would be pretty [ __ ] if the greatest threat to the entire setting had never actually won a real battle before before we get started I have two announcements regarding the major minis first off the next xenonids are out now the xenonid Warriors coming in a pack of three or you can just get them Standalone in whatever pose you want the Warriors are incredible scale the tabletop and come with both a gun and blade arm variant in one purchase this continues to round out our xenonid roster first with the Raptors now with the Warriors I'm Keen to see how you guys and gals paint this bad boy the xenoned Tyrant coin is in production which will complete the holy Trifecta of horrific nightmare fuel minis the second announcement is yes I have seen the new Dante model and it is really sick so sick in fact that I am discontinuing the Lord of blood major mini as I've said in the past with the major minis if GW releases an official or updated model that does the character Justice I will de-list my interpretation in saying that though before the Lord of blood ghosts kaput I want to give you guys and gal who prefer him or just want to be one of those few people on the planet's own a unique model to pick him up so we're doing a 20 clearance sale on the Lord of blood I think we only have like 50 left or something and they will never ever get restocked so get in before he's quite literally Gone Forever link to both the zenited Warriors and Lord of blood is below today we will go over each of the tyranid's main victories detailing how they won and what impact that Victory had on the setting to determine if the space bugs of death are actually a threat or not I'll be aiming to find a major victory over one of the each main factions now let's get into it [Music] the issue with the tyranids is that they are displayed as a threat via giving more popular factions a challenge instead of beating them every major engagement over the tyranids usually ends in a pirick victory but the Damage Done is always seemingly temporary tyranids attack mccrag nearly destroy ultramarines ultramarines clutch the Victory and completely recover the devastation of Baal where the blood angels were almost wiped out yet immediately after the battle they were given primaries to replace all their losses the tunid attack of crafter liandin sure a lot of Elder died but now leanden is full of wraithguard who are more powerful than normal Elder anyways the Tunas just don't seem to be able to secure the bag in saying that though they have done some pretty serious damage their arrival resulted in the loss and consumption of dozens of populated Imperial worlds killing billions after all they are literally called the tyranids because Tyran was the first world they consumed but their victories don't stop there during the second tyrannic war the tyranids invaded the Homeworld of the sides of the emperor Space Marine chapter these studies were overrun with only a small handful escaping they landed on the world of Muriel and were like [ __ ] yeah boys this is our new home just as the skies darkened with tyrionid spores once again yes that's right the tyranids were like [ __ ] these guys and follow them there even more sides of the Emperor died including their chapter Master before literally only a couple escape with some Jean seed the signs are now in the slow and painful process of rebuilding their chapter overall two back-to-back wins for the nids that humiliated the [ __ ] out of the Space Marines the Imperium ain't the only one to feel the Thunder though there was a world that had a locked chaos gate that was gutted by some gray Knights but instead of cows attacking the tyrionids attacks because if there's one race in Warhammer 40K that doesn't discriminate it's the Nerds due to all the violence from The Invasion the cows goat bursts open and a horde of demons rush out being like face your Dooms sons of the corpse Emperor before realizing that the tyrionids have already clapped the Imperial Defenders and the world is in Ruins so the demons charged the nids instead and the true factions face off the the demons aren't a joke they have multiple greater demons from multiple gods Soul Grinders the whole shebang but due to the superior tyrionid numbers combined with the Shadow and the warp passive the demons are beaten and vanished leaving the ninja to the victors in this unlikely three-way battle although the tyranids do struggle against the mechanicum for obvious reasons that doesn't mean they don't ever beat them the planet of yorbith was invaded by high Fleet crack into devastating effect the world was lost but there were many Imperial citizens trying to evacuate who were [ __ ] themselves the legendary nighthouse Griffith came to their aid holding back their nids long enough for the refugee ships to take off and get to safety this isn't a victory for the Imperium though jorvith is consumed and many Knights fall in battle although the leagues of votan have hit our setting in recent times the squats and their Grizzly fake to actually steal cannon that fate was a massive victory for the tyranids which was extremely humiliating for the squats off page their entire faction was gobbled up by the Nerds so insignificant it was that that we weren't even given the name of the high Fleet that did it damn if there's anyone that knows how to kick tyrionid ass it's the Tau their long-range Weaponry combined with their basic Common Sense tactics does wonders against the hordes of the spacebugs of death however the tunics were able to devastate Commander fireside's Homeworld of the orders as the nids invaded the Tau enclaves were powerless to stop the onslaught fireside's mate a genius earthcast Tower called obesa was trying to develop a nanovirus with some other earthcast Tower as the tunein's overwhelmed farsight's final line of defense he and his men are forced to withdraw giving the Victory and the planet to the tyrionids however the nanovirus does its work see as the Earth cast scientists were being consumed they injected the nanovirus into themselves as their DNA was taken to the digestion pools the self-replicating virus was unleashed infecting the entire Splinter Fleet and destroying it in hours so like sure not exactly a tyranid win but they did wipe out Commander fireside's world and Splinter fleets are not particularly special or hard to create probably the most famous and impactful tyranid victory in recent times is the octarius war when inquisite equipment had the bright idea of tricking a tyranid high Fleet into attacking an orc Empire [ __ ] got real [ __ ] real quick I mean the idea was kind of okay it let two enemies wipe each other out however in reality it just made both factions really overpowered the Orcs swelled in size and strength due to all the fighting whilst the tyrionids had an endless source of biomass to consume whoever won the octarius war would emerge as an absolute Powerhouse and the Victor was actually the tyranids with the swarmlord himself recently killing the orc over fiend and shattering or cohesion the war isn't totally over pockets of orc forces are still scattered throughout the sector slowing the tyranids down as they finish him off but yeah [ __ ] Mega juice Mega fed tyranids are about to spill out of the sector there is actually a rumor that the tyrionids will be the next big Xeno threat for 10th edition kinda like how the necrons were the new Big bats for nines if that's the case I expect the octarius Victory to have a big hand in that in a war of endless Zerg rushing the faction that looks most like zergs are often going to win when the Elder and tyranids fight the Elder wins almost every time their fighting style and low amounts of biomass is tough for the turnits to deal with however the nids did achieve a massive victory over the Eldar once in a very bizarre way as the Elder were destroying the last of high Fleet Naga a single bioship Leroy Jenkins at Crawford malentai it was destroyed however not before unloading a final Spore payload the spores and tunids that landed on the Crawford were hunted down and destroyed all except for one experimental tyranny zoanthope that was able to feed on psychic energy and souls instead of blood and flesh like the others do it made its way to the Crawford Infinity circuit which has come loaded with souls and psychic energy and begun eating away by the time the Elder realized the zoanthope had more or less become a god completely invulnerable it proceeded to destroy the entire craft world with only a handful of survivors Escaping The Elder cannot create new craft worlds each time one Falls that is literally an entire branch of the eldest population that falls with it whilst they wouldn't call this next one a major victory it's still pretty funny as it involved the dark Elder getting clapped and there's no one that deserves to get clapped more than those space elf rapists when the TuneIn fleets are traveling through empty space they will go into hibernation to preserve energy like any good organism would the dark Elder discovered one such Fleet and thought it'd be a good idea to board the need ship and steal some of their hibernating Warriors for the Arenas of Kamura unfortunately the dark Elder didn't appreciate just how quickly attuned can wake up moments after boarding the high Fleet awakens with millions of nids rushing the dark Elder they die screaming as their ships desperately try to escape realizing the mistake they made way too late [ __ ] good a big question people often ask is that have the tyrionids ever really beaten the necrons can they even beat them well yes but no a decent number of Dorman necron 2 Worlds were eaten by the Nerds but even a paraplegia can beat Conor McGregor if the latter is in a drug-induced coma when the necrons invaded Forge World Lucius they got ganked and beaten up by high Fleet Kraken the silent King also lists the tyrionids as the greatest threat to the Galaxy but necrons are just such a good hard counter to the tyrionids in every way shape and form the tune is achieving a genuine victory over them just doesn't make sense I mean maybe in 10th edition if the octarius nids go beat up the stormlord I could potentially believe that but as soon as the silent King steps in any nid within a thousand light years is going to go kaput the only two factions who have never lost to the tyranids even when considering minor unbalanced and unimportant battles other custodies and harlequins I think the former because the custodians are bosses [ __ ] and the latter because the harlequins are bosses [ __ ] seeing a bit of a pattern here either way the tune-ins are indeed a large threat even though they don't win too often its losses are usually pretty devastating for the Victor if the nids get the spotlight for 10th edition then I would expect the Galaxy's [ __ ] to get significantly more destroyed in a much more severe permanent way if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then pick up a major mini the xenoned Warriors are ready to go and remember we're doing the final clearance sale of the Lord of blood hit the Subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more consumable content join the Discord for more memes and I'll see you on the next one peace [Music] fall to me [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 353,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: YcZ87v9ch2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 20 2023
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