Every Single Tyranid Form EXPLAINED By An Australian | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal I am a man of my word for example A Space Marine hentai piece is currently being commissioned for my patrons because you guys gave me the 5 000 likes and 50 000 views that I needed in order to commission it another example is the fact that in my tyranids explained video which is now age restricted for some reason that I can't possibly fathom I promise that if that video Hit 30 000 views and three thousand likes then I would make a follow-up video where I basically just outline every single type of tyranny out there better late than never you know as a side note my voice has either really changed a lot in the last year or I've gained a lot more confidence talking into a microphone because God damn 2019 major kills voice makes me cringe before we get started as we were approaching a hundred thousand subscribers you guys were demons I was getting over 10 000 subscribers a month that kind of momentum would have seen me catch up to one mind syndicate's tight conjoined [ __ ] within the year well it's kind of to slow down now as I got complacent after hitting a hundred thousand subscribers and stopped offering everyone's sexual favors in exchange for internet ego validation points I reckon we can get it going again so if you crack a smile or laugh at any point in this video or just hate Erebus then consider chucking me your subscription I am a weird person and my weirdness only grows with every click of that naughty red button I get so slap it like I slapped Timmy's ass on Tuesdays today we'll go over each and every tyranid form there is and how they could seriously ruin your day will even go over the niche as horrifying ones that are too spooky for the tabletop or just don't exist because GW is weird and lazy and hasn't released a tyranid model in over six years we'll also talk about some of the unique one-off nids that are out there because it's nice to highlight that despite being a hive mind with no personality there is still uniqueness among the space bugs of death let's get into it I want to work from the bottom and get to the top just like my YouTube career so the First nid on this list is one I've only seen once in the law and are arguably the most horrifying of all the needs there isn't a name for them so I'll just call them the little shits basically when a tyranid bioship devours your ship and needs to digest it for reasons hence it would drop stomach acid all over it and that stomach acid lifts the little shits small worms that will infest every orifice of your body and eat you from the inside out now we could be like ah so horrific those needs truly are the enemy however we do the exact same thing as the little shits are basically a scaled up version of our own stomach bacteria we are the real monsters now onto the next tyrionid type despite its small size and cute nickname the Rippers by themselves a rippers about as threatening as a human nugget having a psychotic episode but they are never alone and often come in Endless hordes numbering thousands or more now just like a tide of psychotic and nugget men a ripper horde is a massive threat as they will bury you and your cat in an ocean of teeth imagine [ __ ] land piranhas actually the Piranhas are already [ __ ] um imagine stanky [ __ ] land piranhas that is the Ripper for you next up we have the gaunts which are basically highly versatile Rank and file tyranids their diversity is insane and really puts us aside into shame when it comes to racial tolerance despite being a Mindless parasite even the tyrionids know that everyone has a purpose no matter what mutation they're given plus they consume all biomass indiscriminately so yeah hive mind for US president who's with me the gaunts can wield flesh borers which are guns that shoot [ __ ] beetles that eat your flesh they will devourers which are guns that shoot us or worms that eat your brain scything Talons which are [ __ ] knife hands spine fists which are shoot spikes that Target your central nervous system strangle webs which shoots spider webs that constrict around you and Crush you slowly and finally the spike rifles which are Harpoon guns did I mention that all tyranid weapons are loaded with toxins so that even if it's is not a direct hit you're probably still going to die anyway relatively slowly you know for a faction of aliens which aren't supposed to be malicious but instead driven by the instinct to feed and survive they really have some malicious weapons often these weapons are a part of the tyranid hence the subspecies of gaunts are determined by what weapons they hold the most notable ones are the Gargoyles which have wings hormergones which have the scithing talons and can spring at you like a demonic kangaroo spine gaunts which are gaunts that use spine fists no no [ __ ] then there's like another dozen or two gaunt types but they're not that important so I'm just going to speed run through them now turn my gaunt night gaunt death gaunt helgaunts tarragons slash gaunts razor gaunts crucy gaunts hexagons malgons morigons rendigons protogorns pyro gaunts lash gaunts Geno gaunts toxicons the names are pretty self-explanatory for the most part I'm not the kind of channel to make a three-part series about the variations of a [ __ ] gaunt so that's all you're getting next up we have the gene Steelers in their hybrid now despite sounding like a funky group of Thieves who specialize in removing your denim pants they're actually way more sucky than that Gene Steelers of the tyranid vanguards they are subtle Insidious creatures that work to infect and take over planets in preparation for the arrival of a high Fleet see Tyrion High fleets don't like war and battle they just like devouring a United planet makes for a difficult Target and they can often end up losing more biomass than they gain from attacking them hence they sent out the gene Steelers the first one being a special lad called a brood Lord who sneak onto planets make out with a few people infect them with DNA that makes them a slave to the hive mind as well as incredibly horny and then they [ __ ] their way through the planet spreading the gene still a DNA until they become numerous or influential enough to Stage an uprising on the planet although while projecting the planet's location psychically to the hive mind these jeans Steeler hybrids worship the tyrionids as star Gods who are coming to save them however the truth is that they just become low resistance food as well the purebred Jean sealers are unsubtle and Powerful whilst the Jay Cellar hybrids are similar to normal humans except they have a hard on for anything with forearms and a big jaw next up we have the unexcitingly named tyranid Warriors which are basically just an upgrade of the tyranid gaunt in every way they're bigger stronger and I would say even more attractive you know if you've watched enough tentacle hentai the only thing that gaunts have over the tyrionid Warriors is that they have way more diversity but you know you could also argue that that's actually a negative the tyranid Warriors come in the Huntsman variety the Lasher variety and the shrike variety now there are differences but the differences are like choosing what hole you get raped in either way you can have a [ __ ] one onwards and upwards we now have the lichters who are the tunic equivalent to assassins they are silent can go invisible and will stalk their prey patiently you know unlike all the other tyranids that just start autistically ring before Naruto running in they are also unique in the fact that they work by themselves leaving a trail of ferment loans to lead other tuners to them so even if you kill a lictor there's probably a whole bunch of his [ __ ] mates on their way to nomanya notable lichters include the blood slinker who was hunted down and killed by Some Space Wolves as well as the death leaper who was a massive [ __ ] he was on a planet assassinating some Imperials when he realized that if he killed the planet's spiritual leader it would just increase the level of the resolve of the planet hence every night for 10 nights the death leaper would infiltrate the Cardinals bunker Slaughter his friends and guards in front of him then leave him Alive by the tenth night the Cardinal had been driven insane and the planet was very easy peasy japanesey for the tunics to consume from here on out most of the tyranids are equally as powerful but just fulfill different purposes the next nid on this list are the bioavors which are like tanky artillery pieces they [ __ ] out spawn mines that land near the enemy and detonate when they detect nearby non-tyranid life forms interestingly enough the biovores were created by using the genetic information taken from Orcs from then now we have the horror flying tri-guns which are just like massive [ __ ] snake worms that burrow Behind Enemy Lines and randomly emerge beneath you chowing you down like Ramen the one thing worse than a horde of horrifying aliens that want to eat you is a horde of horrifying aliens that want to eat you but you can't see coming when the trigons burst through the ground like [ __ ] death worms the tunnels they create solidify meaning non-triguons can come through the ground as well if you didn't already think these guys sucked enough then sometimes they will hollow out the ground so if you step in the wrong spot you fall through the ground and into the mouth of a hungry Trigon after the Trigon we have the Revenant Engineers which are pretty much just trigons that can sense electrical waves and track them the bane of hentai watches across the Galaxy the revenues are pretty much just another example of the tyranides being excessively OCD and needing to have a bug for every situation the tyrionids have numerous flying boys no [ __ ] good luck trying to compete against an array of advanced civilizations without being able to fly one of the most powerful these The Hive crones which are like those weird vegan dragons from Avatar they dive vomit your ship and tear the shreds or just rip enough holes in your craft till you call mayday mayday once they have torn through your Fleet they'll start dropping the equivalent of a carpet bomb upon your ground forces you know I'm really not sure how the tyrionists keep losing most of their battles like bruh they pretty much always outnumber their enemy and have a tyrionid for every situation the struggles of not having named characters I suppose next up are the Dima cherion damn I'm getting good at pronouncing [ __ ] not these tyranids are an incredibly powerful combat form whose sole purpose is to kill your boss they are kept back until the nids identify either the leader of their enemy or just the most powerful dude there or chick I guess but mostly dude they then beeline at them killing everything in their path until they reach their target at which point they will then drink them like a smoothie gaining more power epic next up we have a psychic tyrannid called the zoanthropes which do actually seem to show off the hive mind's limits [ __ ] with the warp is not usually a clever thing to do however when done correctly allows you to wield a powerful weapon the hive mind knows this hence developed the zoanthropes levitating Stephen Hawking looking dudes they are physically one of the weakest tyranids however their psychic powers more than make up for this sporting a massive head these floaty boys shoot lightning and other whack [ __ ] left right and Center however due to such a crude use of the warp their brains often explode mid-battle good thing the tyranids have pretty much an infinite number of these to throw at you a a more powerful version of the zoanthropes is the neurothrope who tend to explode less and are more of a pain in the ass in general it's theorized that these were created from the tyranid experiment that destroyed in the entire craft world one of the Prototype neurothropes got into the craftwood's infinity circuit devoured a bunch of souls then got so op that it could take on the entire Elder Army defending it nice zoanthropes and neurothropes were made with the help of Eldar DNA getting even tougher now we have the carnifexes literal tanks these hulking tyrannibs curb stop their way through the battlefield flailing around their massive array of fat Weaponry they do partake in a fair amount of diversity themselves however this only really extends to what combination of Weaponry they are using to ruin everyone's day A Unique Kind effects is old One Eye who is kind of invincible its eye was blown out and his brain scrambled during a battle against the ultramarines yet he was able to heal from that and cause Havoc until he was once again shot in the eye and had his brain scrambled but then he recovered again and now he's a massive pain in the ass across Ultramar now onto the turvogon which are the pretty expensive unit for the tuners to run this is because they use that biomass to not only produce a variant of the gaunts inside them but they also stay awake when The tyranid Fleets are traveling through the void of space and act as guards that can quickly wake up the fleet if someone rudely awakens them nine out of 10 times this rude person will be the silent King if you kill a Turvy gun then the psychic backlash will also send the nearby gaunting spawn to the graveyard as well so yeah if you see some nids near a Turvy gun and you only have one rocket then you know you should blow yourself up with it or you know if you like being finely eaten the name for the Turvy gun we all have toxic people in our lives but none of them are as toxic as the tox creamy now to its credit out of all the tyranids this one looks the most like a tentacle hentai monster well it can smack you with its tentacles the tox crane he prefers to just gas your ass with a toxic cloud of malicious microorganisms make sense they can use this toxic cloud to terraform planets mask a tyranid approach or just you know kill the [ __ ] out of you moving on we now have the Haru spec who part of my French is a fat [ __ ] all they do is eat they aren't meant to be Frontline Vanguard Warriors but if you choose to put them there then the enemy is going to have a [ __ ] one as the mouths of these boys can fit many an unfortunate Guardsmen or even Space Marine within it the Harrow specters also bulimic and will vomit up the content sense of its stomach before then going back on a rampage of consumption once again next up is the exocrine I'm not pronouncing any of these [ __ ] names right doesn't matter doesn't matter every alien race has something that looks like a [ __ ] for the tyranids it's the exocrine which are walking tyranid mortars not really much else to say about them to be honest it's a big gun and it looks like a dick getting more serious now we have the Tyranno effects which if you couldn't already tell by its name is a large boy who doesn't muck about they are to the tyranids what the Imperial Knights are to the Imperium huge walking tanks that put the card effects as to shame they're an upgrade in every way bar one they suck at melee can't really blame them it doesn't look easy to pull off Jiu Jitsu when you're a giant spider crab alien who has to haul a heavy ass gun around next up is the Tyrant guard who you guessed it defends The Hive Tyran they are stupid blindly loyal and very tanky makes sense they were created using Space Marine DNA after all they are okay in a fight but their real goal is to just eat damage for whatever they are protect or if their Master dies they enter into a rampage to try to take out whatever ruin their very simple purpose in life it would be rude not to mention the hive Tyrant next these are the cream of the crop of the tyranid forces the commander of the tyranid armies and the strongest unit they have they are also Immortal as if they die their Consciousness is just transplanted into a new Hive Tyrant body this sounds overpowered but then you realize it basically means the writers can kill the hive tyrants off whenever they want without a worry for the world as they always come back leading to a lot of situations where something like the swarmlord the most powerful of the hive tyrants have been unceremoniously killed in fights that easily should have won when you know matched up against named Space Marines they are supposed to be the Pinnacle of tunid intelligence yet when the Swarm Lord was about to kill Dante and beat the blood angels it just stood there for a second and abroad allowing Dante to blow it to pieces with his overpowered handgun to be fair though I like Dante a lot more than I like the swarmlord so it is what cities doesn't matter everyone needs a side piece even the tyranids hence they have the norn Queens who are similar to female escaped in the way that they exist purely to pump out Warriors fortunately for the norn Queens they don't have to get excessively raped in order to do this unlike the less fortunate female skaven no one Queens also get to pick and choose how to evolve their tyrionids and can experiment with them it's like playing R-rated Spore if the norn queen dies the high Fleet is pretty screwed as they are the brains of the operation and attitude without Direction just becomes like an Australian animal terrifying but can be dealt with everything about the tyranids is alive their guns are organisms as are there bullets and transports their starships are no different aptly called bioshifts they fulfill all the normal roles of a normal high Fleetwood other than the fact that their ships can eat you they have Hive ships which are their Capital ships devourers which are like their heavy cruises void Prowlers which are like their light Cruisers razor fiends which is just like their normal Cruisers Krakens which are like their frigates tyrannos sites what the [ __ ] which are like their drop ships escort drones which are like their destroyers and finally their navals which are ships that are essential for The nid Fleets traveling faster than light that's all they do it will be cool to see the animation about the blood angels versus the tyrionids that GW is putting out soon it will show off a lot of the tyranid space combat so I'm quite interested last but definitely not least we have the bio Titans I'm glad that all the xeno's response to the Imperium having Titans was to build their own Titans to fight them firstly there is the hierophant which is the largest of the tyrionid forces and fulfills the the role of heavy shock and damage they have no weak spot Beyond bombing the ever-living [ __ ] out of them another biotitan is the haradden which while they aren't as big as hierophants can fly which sucks for you the hariden can vary in size with the bigger ones upwards of 30 meters in length and will bomb you smash you eat you or [ __ ] you or you know maybe all of it once the next bio Titan is the dactylus which is just a large more of a powered version of the biovore and finally we have the dominatrix bio Titan which while that sounds like a good time is Once Again definitely not they are the most powerful the biotines and are incredibly intelligent and well armed they can boost the power of tyrants all around them or even carry Norm Queens on their backs if the tyrionids are feeling especially cocky the biomass and effort required to make the dominatrix is so immense that the tyranids rarely feel the need to there are a lot of tyranids all of them can kill you and that does it for today guys all the different types of tyranids explained if you enjoyed the video and want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be here with only one dollar per month give me access to a boatload of Warhammer hentai including that tyrionid piece that got me in [ __ ] hit the Subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more edible content join the Discord for more memes and I'll see you on the next one peace [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 545,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tyranid, Warhammer, Forms, Warrior, Titans, 40k, Gamesworkshop, Tyranids, Norn Queen, Lore, Story, Explained, Gaunts, Old One Eye, Swarm Lord, Hive Tyranids, Tyrant Guard, Lictor, Space Marines, orks, Eldar, Tau, Astartes, Emperor, Primarchs, Hive Mind, Chaos, Nurgle, Tzeentch, khorne, Slaanesh, Biotitans, Bio Ships, Blood Angels, Ultramarines, Australia, Australian
Id: yu-pC8eQdVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2020
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