The Covenant Would Be a Great Faction for 40k - Halohammer

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if you watch my channel and have functioning eyes or ears a tall order i know you're aware i like warhammer 40k i'll admit i don't like it as much as fantasy so crucify me in the name of the emperor if you must but i like the setting a lot but i have a confession to make it's not the sci-fi setting i fanboy for the most that distinction goes to halo and you know what i haven't gushed over it nearly enough yet so welcome to the closest thing i'm ever gonna do to a lore video probably it's easy to say that now when i haven't yet run out of factions to analyze but i digress and i'll be honest if you're the kind of warhammer fan who gets connections over someone saying another faction in another universe could stand strong in the setting you're gonna dislike this video you're really gonna dislike this video also don't read the zealy sequence books so in a mini series of me showing my favoritism for my favorite sci-fi franchise i'm going to tell you why the covenant would make a fantastic faction should they suddenly become a part of the 40k franchise on the blood of our fathers on the blood of our sons we swore to uphold the covenant even through our dying breath and before you say anything yes i'm aware this would never happen this is just my wet dream of two franchises i love colliding so for those of you who don't know much about halo and the covenant first of all shame on you but the covenant are a coalition of alien races brought together by a shared religion and the belief that an ancient race known as the forerunners were gods it is said that the forerunners ascended onto a greater plane of existence via the halo rings leaving their stuff behind for their successors who naturally were the covenant which is not at all what actually happened but people believing in a false religion is nothing new to 40k remember how the emperor said he wasn't a god and religion is wrong how's that working out for him some are more zealous in this belief the elites follow pretty closely the prophets are fanatics and the jackals follow it because the other option is death for being pirates either way they have the military might to keep everyone in check so there's no staying on the path of heresy forever kind of like the imperium again actually so with the important background said and done why do i think they'd fit in how do i think they'd fit in let's do how first because it's quicker the covenant could fulfill the role of generic alien species this isn't because i think the covenant is inherently generic not at all i [ __ ] love the covenant but compare them to everyone in 40k all the xenos have a shtick the eldars are the various flavors of elf the orcs are well orcs the necrons are undead space egyptians in space who are also terminators a lot going on there the tyranids are a hive mine with a species-wide vore fetish and even the tao who are supposedly non-magical and somewhat normal aliens have a remarkable tendency towards scientific progress and general dynamism in responding to threats and weeaboo robots can't forget those but the covenant there's no space magic here there's no intense focus on technology although their tech has nothing to look down at that we'll get to that they would do a great job at contrasting how batshit insane everyone around them is by being relatively normal for a sci-fi setting they're a collection of alien races that relentlessly attack humanity that's their shtick as a whole even if the individual races have more to them in 40k that's the default for almost every xenos faction i mean hell you almost want to join them over anyone else yeah they hate human life but who doesn't in 40k sure they have a somewhat oppressive religion but compare that to the imperium who have an incredibly oppressive religion sure they don't have space magic but in 40k is that really a bad thing not having to worry about getting your [ __ ] shredded by demons for the crime of thinking too hard so that's how the covenant could fit in they could be the perfect race to highlight just how batch insane 40k is by their comparative normalcy also the names used for their [ __ ] is absolutely the stuff you'd expect to see in 40k their calendar has a time period called the 23rd age of doubt the ships are all named things like the shadow and tent or the long night of solace perfect for the setting anyways let's go to why i think they'd fit into 40k first off a pretty goddamn diverse amount of races tao think they have some good inclusion rates but they don't have [ __ ] on the covenant you've got the elites brutes drones grunts hunters prophets jackals and all the other flavors of jackal engineers to fix your [ __ ] right up got a highly varied set of units to play if you were to put these guys on the tabletop grunts are the perfect line holders move over imperial guard it's more accurate to say they breed like rabbits too in fact they're basically a middle ground between humanity and the orcs in terms of how quickly they [ __ ] and they're armed with some pretty powerful weapons for what they are whoever you are you're gonna feel a fuel rod cannon to the face as for the next unit if you've played halo 2 on legendary then you already know what the boulevard of jackal snipers is capable of galaxy's finest marksman these brat bastards they've also got some cool energy hoplite shields when you really need to get up close so that's a nice bit of extra protection drones are great for making master chief want to kill himself and they'd be great at that in a tabletop setting too some meanwhile key word that would be great at harassing enemies in fact i think i just described swooping hawks but buggier you want something dead you want that something to be a tank these [ __ ] mean business you do not want to be caught in front of one of them you think you're safe from their fists and then it shoots a plasma behind you for 10 seconds straight you think all right maybe i'll outrun it and then it lunges 50 feet like it has the commando perk before smearing you across three dimensions and of course they come in pairs and yes when one dies the other goes super saiyan they're like the hulk if the hulk was made out of worms but maybe you don't want the biological tank that is the hunter maybe you want the hairy orc that is the brute able to take a hit and keep on going with nothing more than the power of monkey i mean if you've played halo they need no further explanation [ __ ] with the name brute they require no more explanation they smack people good and hard it can take a smacking good and hard and a gravity hammer is basically just a cooler thunderhammer anyway so hey they can already fit in perfectly but maybe none of that's for you and you want someone with some actual brains not a coward wearing a sailboat or a write it out chimpanzee but a bonafide strategic mastermind brave as all can be and with a brawn to back it up well the covenant still has you covered with the elites just ask the coolest cutscene in video games to date master they outnumber us three to one then it is an even fight [ __ ] love that cutscene master warriors master strategists that masters are given some wild head plus they have their own unique honor code to honor valiant warriors and respect a worthy foe which helps them fit into warhammer while also having a better honor code than warhammer ones because they aren't [ __ ] stupid the elite see remember that killing an enemy who can't see you instead of charging at him from a mile away screaming isn't dishonorable it's just smart mentioning no coordinates you've got the prophets and their fancy floating chairs too can't forget them maybe not great in a fight but they could certainly provide some morale and other kind of bonuses to their troops on the battlefield and finally for the last of the races that matter we have the engineers you know how eldar bone singers just play some tunes and that rate night is magically healed that's engineers but they don't use prissy elf magic they use their tentacle hentai arms and they do it in seconds literally the perfect support unit because if they get under attack they can just float away like i bro i'mma head out sure they themselves can't attack but when the scarab you brought down to one wound has full health all of a sudden that's not gonna matter much is it i think it's just infantry they can square up with nope they got vehicles you want light vehicles they're almost all skimmers zoom across the battlefield like an eldar you want heavier stuff a locust isn't that far off from a knight especially in terms of size you might think the covenant has no answer for when the titans start shooting and that's where you're stupid and wrong and i hate you look at the scarab and so you know i'm not making it up here's the size comparison between the warlord warhound and scarab yeah yeah [ __ ] you imperial [ __ ] and they can make more scarabs anytime they want since it's not made by technology impossible to recreate it's made by worms as for their spaceships let's run a comparison the apocalypse class battleship is roughly 12 kilometers long the cso super carrier is 29 kilometers long groovy one a bit smaller well the cas carrier is only 5 kilometers long but it carries up to 40 000 troops not crew troops also armed with the [ __ ] teeth and has energy shields smaller covered in spacecraft are still fearsome and are of course armed with ubiquitous energy shields and plasma weapons i could go on about the various weapons and [ __ ] they have and believe me there's a lot to go over but you get the idea i wanted to give everyone an idea for all the stuff they could have access to if they were given a position in warhammer tabletop somehow or indeed if that halo tabletop game wasn't shelled but that's its own problem there's one thing i want to address before i get on with the rest of the video their technology as a whole and what it's capable of doing a lot of warhammer fans have this opinion warhammer wins against other universes because it's warhammer i hate that opinion when someone says it wins because it's 40k i want to crush them for heresy their heresy against the great journey that is in addition to that the halo games honestly sell the covenant short in terms of their tech in the games a grunt shoots with a plasma pistol and you go come here little [ __ ] and turn him into a corpse in the lore a grunt shoots a marine with a plasma pistol and his torso melts off the covenant's level of technology is absolutely ape [ __ ] but you wouldn't know that just playing the game every single one of their infantry has the option to grab a plasma weapon and go you know plasma the thing in 40k that's close to the top tier of weaponry nearly all of the covenant's weapons are plasma and unlike 40k plasma weapons it isn't a literal roll of the dice on whether or not it's gonna blow up and halo when a plasma weapon overheats you burn your hand go off [ __ ] and then it cools down in 40k when the plasma weapon overheats it takes the operator and everyone a 10 foot radius with it whoopsie daisy i'm pretty sure it's possible to overheat a covenant weapon like that but it'd be on purpose you can bring up individual weapons that are more advanced than what the covenant has and you'd be right there are certain weapons that can now tech what the covenant has i mean the prophets never played pokemon with god for one but compared the humble lasgun to faction-wide plasma weaponry and hopefully you'll begin to see why i think the covenant can stand proud in 40k you might wonder that they're so advanced how come they didn't win in the halo universe and the answer to that is they were winning and nearly did the master chief wasn't [ __ ] around on an alien megastructure in halo 3 because he thought it'd be fun he was doing it because it was a hail mary to stop the covenant from wiping humanity out almost every engagement that you would see beyond the scale of some odius ts versus a squad of brutes was a loss for humanity and a win for the covenant hell reach makes two things abundantly clear from the start the planet is the largest and most defended one in human space beyond even earth and it's doomed to follow the moments discovered forty percent of all of the united states navy was deployed to reach and they still lost it's not like 40k where the writers tell us the imperium is fighting a losing war and then every battle we see they effortlessly stomp the unsc actually was about to lose and humanity was going to perish it's almost like we never see what covenant weapons can truly do because they're up against a version of humanity that can't hope to stop them sure the covenant probably won't be able to stand to dark age of technology stuff or the pre-fall eldar but you can't count that because it doesn't exist in any meaningful way anymore they don't have the ability to make that [ __ ] any longer plus there's intentionally not enough information about the period to say for sure exactly what humanity had beyond really advanced tech guys for real so saying that 40k wins because everyone used to have really cool things in the setting isn't an argument it's a cop out in the same vein as someone using an everything proof shield during recess on the topic of things that aren't me complaining let's talk about slip space it'll be quick so i don't bore you to death with the specifics of pretend and space travel covenant slit space isn't as fast as warp travel can be that being said it's infinitely more reliable the warp can take you across the galaxy in minutes or you can arrive at your destination a thousand years too late or a thousand too early or you arrive and everyone in the vessel has aged to death or been replaced by demons because you aren't just traveling to another dimension you're traveling through hell to be fair imperial warp travel is reliable it's not as memey as the fan base often makes it out to be but that doesn't change the fact that things regularly go wrong and [ __ ] arrives late all the time i could repeat this wiki article word for word but i'll just let you read it short of it is that when you have all of these flaws in your ftl travel something is going wrong by contrast while covenant slip space isn't as fast as warp travel at its fastest it's still pretty goddamn speedy the speed they have is roughly 912 light years per day in slip space that's pretty much instant between systems that are next to each other so the covenant could show up over an angry world one day glass it then invade the forged world the next sector over also when something goes wrong in slip space a single person disappears or you feel sick for a few days when something goes wrong in the warp the dark gods eat the soul of everyone involved and because of how reliably made it is these slip space problems almost never happen on covenant chips only the shit-tastic unac once also warp drives need to reach a certain distance away from any major celestial bodies in a system or to put it in academic terms shit's about to get [ __ ] souls taken ships exploded planets corrupted that kind of fun stuff covenant slip sweet strives meanwhile can jump mid atmosphere and only cause damage to the surrounding city in fact the only reason they don't do this more often is that the reverse engineer attack is so advanced they don't know they can do it they still appear directly over planets pretty frequently though so on top of powerful weaponry their ships also have an amount of mobility that 40k ships really can't match maybe eldar ships and i guess the orcs don't really give a [ __ ] about space osha protocols so them as well so i've talked about why i think they're equal in 40k long enough how would they act when putting this [ __ ] storm of a galaxy well first of all i don't think it'd be hard to put them in 40k honestly not really just a little bit of retconning and presto they're located in some isolated corner of the galaxy and only discover humanity sometime the late 30 thousands maybe an imperial guard force responds to some planets losing contact before they themselves go dark and the few surviving transmissions show a variety of strange aliens working in unison to take down the guard then comes the official announcement for your destruction is the will of the gods and i i am their instrument after that human world after human world starts going dark of course this isn't a war the covenant can win despite being able to fight on even flooding with the imperium they can't produce on an even footing with the imperium it's too big casualties will be enormous but the covenant will be fought to a standstill that being said like many enemies in 40k the imperium will be unable to finish them off as they're surrounded on all sides they don't have nearly enough industry to fight the imperium uneven ground but in the stalemate that is 40k setting they can certainly hold them off the sides would enter a cold war that occasionally turns hot the covenant seeing humanity is once again desecrating the gifts their gods left behind you know with their dirty human footsteps only this time they'd be even more furious because instead of just studying for runner artifacts humanity would actually destroy it for being zeno's garbage on top of mechanicus of course studying anything forerunner they find in fact depending on what you do with the lore they might even especially hate the space marines seeing them as humanity's latest iteration of the demons they fought in millennia ago psychers will be their greatest weakness at first they won't have a god damn clue as to what's going on and even when they figure it out they won't have much to do beyond shoot the guy making lightning come out of his crotch which to be fair is an effective strategy but it'll still be rough going for the poor grunt caught in a smite as for the other factions it varies covenant would despise chaos a religion that isn't worshiping the forerunners combined with the fact it's mostly humans glass and aks fleets on site please and thank you plus these humans are worshiping literal demons so it's not like they need the encouragement while some covenant members might join chaos for a variety of reasons like grunts defecting to nurgle for a better life or roots to corn because big stupid smash god make monkey brain happy most would likely stay in the path of the great journey in combat chaos xengenergle in particular would be on an avoid at all costs list between plagues and magic the tau would be ignored probably first contact if they did reach each other would probably go something like you joined the covenant no you joined the greater good then there'd be a fight and the covenant would decide the blueberries aren't worth the effort though if they did decide it's worth the effort a thousand warships and an attack moon showing up over the tao capital would probably change their mind on incorporating the covenant pretty quickly you know before they're glassed off the face of the galaxy in fact speaking of the tau the coven would probably be the nicest race in 40k in this scenario which is so [ __ ] weird to think about but it's true their hate boners deserve for humanity as long as they worship the forerunners they'd probably welcome any other client races and honestly all those miscellaneous creatures in 40k that don't have an army list might end up joining them if only for protection from the imperium they fight the orcs which is a revelation i know plasma weapons help keep the york spores from spreading so that would be in the covenant's favor but expect them to constantly be under siege as the orcs realize those airy kits and split jaw boys put up a proper fight the other would probably be neutral with them with the occasional spout of hostility when the covenant land on a maiden world and blton gets its panties in a twist over it of course the elder would most likely stick to indirect methods of warfare since they don't have enough of attack advantage to outright smash the covenant and certainly not enough numbers to wear them down suckers once again will play a huge role in combating them dark elder would occasionally read them for supplies and torture slaves but as with every other faction they wouldn't cause enough of a problem to warrant focusing the covenant's full attention on them not that it'd help if they did decide to do that given that kamara is the most compact and defended [ __ ] in the universe governor might even hire some corsairs for a while they can convince the massively arrogant elder to help for a bit unlikely but not impossible the exodites would get the short end of the stick like usual the first few maiden worlds would probably put up a fight until the covenant learned it isn't worth the effort and it's best to just glass them off the face of existence or turn around and find another planet to bother i have no idea what the harlequins would do maybe capture some brutes and put them in a circus or something the necrons would have an advantage here with both races lacking psychic powers the much more advanced tech the space tomb kings have will grant them victory often that being said any recently awakened or unawakened tomb worlds that are discovered would be glass before they could get ready and plasma weapons are still plenty capable of hurting the necrons before anyone forgets that fact i know i sound like a broken record with the plasma weapons but it's important to emphasize and i like saying the word plasma so i'm going to keep doing it anyways the tyranids would probably be on their hit list too because it's very likely they'd see how similar they are to the flood and freak the absolute [ __ ] out they'd be more than willing to scour any tiered infested worlds clear one single flood spore can destroy a species were it not for the arbiter's council i would have glassed your entire planet but unlike any other faction in 40k because they use slip space they don't need to fear the shadow of the warp expect them to be pretty effective at dealing with tyrants because of this advantage of course the tyrants are still going to avoir plenty of covenant worlds expect to hear curses against the parasite often to end the video i'm going to say something that's going to make a lot of people [ __ ] a brick i think space marines depending on the chapter will get [ __ ] stomped by the covenant now before you mail me a pipe bomb covered and come hear me out i've talked about plasma weapons enough here i won't repeat myself but the thing is a lot of space marine chapters don't fight in a way that would help them against the covenant they're obsessed with honor and closing the gap to fight in melee meanwhile i think the covenant has powerful enough weapons to take them down before they do so the elites like i said are also obsessed with honor but that honor isn't brain dead they'll use stealth technology and any possible advantage to get the drop on the space marines you might say a sudden rapid assault like drop pods is the answer but keep two things in mind a the covenant is able to shoot these drop pods down they've done it before in the halo games and b the covenant used them too often they also have experience fighting the unsc who uses them as well so they know how to fight back against them so the space holes or blood angels will deep strike in and hope to get the drop on the covenant only for them to get mowed down by two grunts on a plasma turret and a group of elites that drop behind them armed with energy swords and fuel rod guns of course this isn't across the board i'm just trying to point out that i don't think it'd be as simple as space marines beat covenant big surprise spartans didn't beat the covenant by out flexing them they use their superior wit and ability as the ultimate special ops unit that just happens to consist of demigods to outfight the covenant at return and even then they still took casualties off him go play halo on one of the higher difficulties and directly run into every turret you find for how that would work out for the space marines still certain chapters like the ultramarines with their adaptability would be able to stand their ground very well and honestly i think chapters like the raven guard would be the most feared because of how close they act to the demons the covenant is used to facing and the melee chapters would still bloody them i just don't think it's a war of attrition they can win and of course a bolter is still a grenade launcher assault rifle it's gonna hurt whoever it hits once again the covenant will view humanity's super soldiers it seems to be feared but deems to be slaughtered nonetheless so that's why i think the covenant would be a great faction in 40k will it ever happen no of course not officially anyways there is however actually a fan codex for the covenant between third-party models in the dead halo war game it isn't impossible to find some minis for him either way i hope you had fun with part one of this mini-series the covenant like i said can't stop the 40k galaxy not even close let's see if the four runners can do better master chief could take a space marine in a fight [ __ ] you fight me on
Channel: PancreasNoWork
Views: 541,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Halo, Halo 3, Halo: Reach, Covenant, The Covenant, Halo Covenant, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 40000, WH40k, 40k, PancreasNoWork, Space Marines, Eldar, Tyranids, Necrons, Tau, Orks, T'au
Id: sq_rih_8Um8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 18sec (1158 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 07 2022
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