ASTARTES SUCCESSOR!? | In the Company of Death | Angels of Death Breakdown

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good hi guys welcome to counterpoints my name is Connor and today we're going to be breaking down the angels of death prequel in the company of death I seriously think this is one of the best entries on Warhammer TV and the angels of death series and I want to explain something real quick to the negative nancies in my comments I think we were all disappointed with the initial offerings on Warhammer TV some of the hammer and Poulter episodes were effectively PowerPoint presentations and some of the 3D animations like angels of death or iron within were at times stiff and not in line with the lore that we know and love but I don't blame the animators for this even in the early hammer and Bolter episodes the models were beautiful but you could tell that they were working on a limited budget in a rush timeline because the differences between the moving animations and the still frames I do despite my love for the IP blame Games Workshop they need to let people that love their Universe create products Their audience will love and they need to stop nickel and diming the artists and by proxy the fans so when we see notable improvements in lore and movement like in the episode of new life eternal or in this angels of death entry I I don't want to continue complaining but rather praise the strides made so that Games Workshop knows the investment in time money and energy will be appreciated by its fans you can see the love attention to detail fluid movement thoughtful characterization enthusiastic voice acting and dare I say it inspiration from astartes in this episode and I am ecstatic to be breaking it down for you today this episode is brought to you by Magic spoon and Ewan racing I was working late one night grinding it out in the office and in between phone calls my wife brought me a bowl of cocoa cereal I had my first bite and I instantly understood magic spoon mixed with a splash of milk it is absolutely delicious and a bowl of magic spoon cereal is a wholesome 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chose to be here instead of there you gain Nothing by listening to fate catch up with them coming here unsupported we risk much honor demands we make this journey honor where is the honor in abandoning our mortal allies to die I did not make this decision like the kazarion made lucretius is among the best of us he embodies every virtue inherent in the Angel's bloodline are those Mortals lives worth so much more than his yours is mine believe he still lives or are we risking our Gene seed in order to recover his in the end brother honor is all we have honor in life honor in death honor eternal but Chaplin enough chaplain Raphael and a young Kazarian are pushing deep into enemy territory to try to save one of their battle brothers lucretius blood angels are known for their Fierce temperament but are also known for the loyalty and their Noble defense of Imperial citizens the blood Angel successor chapter of the lamenters in particular are known to launch themselves into lost causes only to win purific victories against the enemies of the Imperium to save loyal worlds this isn't as common of a trait as the stoic Defenders of the Imperial fists or the civilian defending salamanders but it is known and kazirion is nursing that wound by listening to Defenders he abandoned be overwhelmed and slaughtered Kazarian bristles and pushes back logically against the chaplain's zealous Mission but chaplain Raphael assumes his rank in chason's Kazarian asking if the lives of the Guardsmen Kazarian or even Raphael himself are worth so much more than lucretius in the end honor is all that matters and this is an important theme honor is holding yourself to a higher level of moral and ethical conduct and failingly striving to do so leading to self-esteem and the esteem of your peers the universe of the 40th Millennium is filled with temptation nation's doubts and fears cesarean's sense of honor and loyalty had him wish to stay and defend the guard which just as easily could have been motivated by his own sense of survival and him not wanting to throw away his own life for lucretius chaplain Raphael could have easily concurred abandoned one of his battle brothers and bailed himself with his loyalty to the guard and the logic of Defending a fortified position any tactician would have little criticism of these actions but the higher calling is making the tough choice to sacrifice The Mortals they fight with and risk their own lives to try to save one of their Angelic Brethren there are signs of nerd-like corruption everywhere as they push deeper into the complex hundreds of them foreign of the fury born of such diseased Souls go check Witnesses blood is not yours to waste we should drop down take the flight to Blade shower off foreign movement blood of sanctuarius even in death they suffer but contagion here is unnatural a disease of the Soul we have to [Applause] be [Applause] yourself [Applause] [Applause] other nations [Applause] all your friends is all even the Flesh of a Down Lake Marines emerge from the filth and Ambush our protagonists plague Marines are one of two things they are either Renegade of studies that have pledged themselves to the plague God or they are original members of the death guard Legion the deep and ancient lore of the death guard is that they are the sons of the Warlords of Albia a noble European territory that fought the emperor to a standstill impressed with their proto-dreadnought technology in the determination of the Ironside Warriors the emperor reached out to them diplomatically rather than burn their Kingdom to the ground to guarantee the peace the emperor offered them prestige in his unified world but would take a tithe of their sons for the first ranks of his astartes Warriors the sons of Albia were known to be intractable in defense and honorable in the offense they became the dusk Raiders pragmatic and inexhaustible Space Marines known for launching assaults at the changing of light and the guard which terrified many of their opponents those that resisted found their defense's ground down systematically ripped apart by ever advancing infantry in close range Boulder fire most simply surrendered increasingly terrified as the daylight waned terms of Peace started to expire once reunified with our Primark mortarion the renamed death guard continued their cold pragmatic and simple style of warfare winning many honors in the great Crusade their pragmatic nature prevented them from enjoying or reveling in these honors mortarion's exposure to the noxious environment of his homero barbarous his distaste for psychers and for tyrants cause cultural Rifts between the 14th Legion its brother Legions and the emperor this resulted in mortarion signing with the Traders during the Horus heresy tricked by one of his captains to enter the warp unprotected mortarion and his Legion found themselves infected with the Destroyer plague and nurgles rot the fleet was corrupted and tortured by fever bone-breaking chills Rotting Flesh and eyes melted into pus the pain was unending but the advanced physiology of the Space Marines kept them from dying for unknown time they languished unable to escape the pain with no hope of Salvation to save himself and his Marines mortarion pledges leading to any power that could make it stop and in doing so became nerdle's most powerful champion plague Marines now emerge from the eye of Terror and the Great Rift to spread nurgle's gifts they combine the cold and pragmatic attrition Warfare of the death guard and their predecessors of dusk Raiders with a rotten pestilence of their Patron God immune to pain and able to endure wounds fatal to any other creature they March forward worshiping the entropy that consumes all which is why it's absolutely psychotic of kazarion to wish to jump down and face them in melee combat while an unblemished Space Marine might be able to match a plague Marine in speed and strength they can easily fail to kill with a normally fatal blow and a return strike can infect even in astartes with incurable disease a brief criticism is that there are more Aaron shots from the plague Marines than accurate ones even if they are infected and wielding Rusty weapons with diseased limbs they are still descendants of the death guard Marines in the scene's defense Raphael is struck multiple times and a round even Finds Its Mark piercing his armor and rupturing his primary heart lucky for Marines they are blessed with two also of note is the reloading and firing animations with painstaking detail put into getting the perfect views of beautiful violence pox Walker's next greet are protagonists which are mortal Souls corrupted by neural's raw the disease is designed to kill slow while infected Mortals have to choose between ending their own lives or giving themselves over to grandfather nerdle pointed out by Raphael the disease is not just of the body but of the Soul there will feasts on the despair of his victims and the rod of their bodies minds and souls once they accept his gifts Raphael eases their suffering with the wall of promethium ignited by a rocket assistant explosive bolt around foreign killed by plague your primary heart is seizing then I am fortunate that I have too there is a lesson down here in the dark khazarian what wisdom can be found amidst this filth the death guard are Heretics there is nothing to learn from their foulness even we are capable of damnation nothing in me is kin to these traitors foreign lack of humility that led to their Legions fall [Music] [Music] [Music] they've found us foreign [Music] foreign Focus up on me upon my voice they are slain come back bear Witness forgive me I forgot myself requires no forgiveness if it is tempered with discipline I am in control are you I am captain Rafael's heart is seizing in the seriousness of his injury is highlighted by the instantly clotting blood falling to the ground it is only the advanced physiology of anastardis keeping Raphael alive and moving because Aryan can feel the accumulated rod on the exterior of his armor and even half hazardly tries to wipe it off I really can't tell but there appears to be dimples of acidic wear appearing on the exterior of the armor and intended or not you can imagine the air being putrid acidic and repulsive slowly eating at the Marine ceramic plate while confronted by the plague Marines gazerian cannot help himself and under the sway of the red thirst launches himself at the Traders engaging at range is The Logical choice because while Bolter shells might not be instantly lethal they can at least maim or incapacitate the plague Marines and make them easier to dispatch in melee combat there's so many beautiful details in the sequence if you blink you're going to miss him one of the plague Marines catches a bolt round of the pauldron but because of his rotted form black blood oozes out where armor should be casarian is able to attack both Marines and Parry their blades at first with his weapon but then with his pauldron this may be wince because you don't want to be hit with a plague weapon at all but if you're going to be hit I guess your meaty shoulder armor makes sense xeria narrowly Dodges a vulture shell meant for his skull and is only saved from a follow-up shot by Raphael's timely intervention gazerian delivers a beautiful push kick to give him distance and disarms a plague Marine literally before making a canoe-shaped hole in the other's head I don't care how blessed by nurgle you are you can't thrust with a sword without an arm and you can't control a sword arm without a brain the block followed by the amputation reminds me of the soup human astarty's punch sequence I fell in love with so much that we use as an introduction and while I feel this isn't a perfect successor to estarties it is absolutely a beautiful detailed gory and fun entry in the Warhammer animation Canon finally Raphael comes the frenzy Kazarian which I find Darkly hilarious because while I find kazarion's blood less bordering on Reckless I can see why he was sent to the death watch to kick some alien ass considering he just killed two plague Marines in melee combat foreign [Music] [Music] the rod has not set in here we must reach lucretius [Music] by the angel lucretius [Music] fight us to the throne die by the Angels played Santa to gracious listen to me laughs why the black rage this this is what it does to us you knew I am a chaplain it is my duty to know and to make safe such knowledge for the good of a chapter a hero died here Kazarian he died with honor that is the report with [Music] honor [Music] as casserian and Raphael breach lucretia's position they find dozens of Slaughter to startis and Guardsmen forebodingly some of the Guardsmen do not show signs of rot they find lucretius possessed by the black rage every blood Angel carries the red thirst but is their fate that they eventually will succumb to a curse known as the black rage blood angels were once known as the Revenant Legion and were so named because it was their job to hunt down the mutants and technobarbarians of the waste of ancient Terra during the wars of unification they would enter a war zone with thousands of astartis and leave the battlefield with more than they started with this is because they're especially powerful Jean seed carried within it a gift in a curse it was capable of taking the lowliest wretch the most malformed mutant and if they were pure enough of Soul turn them into genetic Perfection yet with this gift and with its use on the most barbaric of Humanity's drags came a great flaw every now and then a Revenant would lose his mind and slake his bloodthirst on enemies and allies alike as if to harness this vile gift The Remnant Legion took to cannibalism and blood rituals distrusted feared and even hated by their fellow Legions and Imperial Army allies the remnants were deployed to the most haunted and feared corners of the Galaxy emerging Victorious again and again with new recruits The Remnant Legion was poorly supplied and equipped meaning that while their brother legion's perfected Warfare strategy and Logistics they instead use jump packs and poorly maintained transports to launch themselves at the enemy and rip them limb from limb with chain swords preferably but bare hands if need be The Butchery they conducted was on far with or worse than the world eaters and earned them censure from rogeldor it was only after they were reunited with their Primark that they gained a sense of nobility to temper his son's anger the Primark sanguine has forced them to craft their own weapons and armor to study art poetry tactics Logistics and diplomacy within a generation the reviled Revenant Legion became the blood angels the most noble cultured and loyal of The Emperor's Sons however when their Primark was slain by the traitor Horus their bestial nature was Unleashed a psychic backlash saw the blood angels butcher all that stood before them and cement the flaw into their character now every blood Angel fights The Temptations of the red thirst knowing that if they give in to it they may never come back if they become possessed in battle it is known as the black rage they imagine themselves to be sanguineous himself facing down a horse in their final battle and they butcher every living thing within reach the Guardsmen without rot were not the victims of nurgle at least not directly when lucretia's position was attacked many fell and the creatures succumbed to the black rage in his rage he butchered the enemy but then turned his blade on his allies Raphael did not simply abandon the other Guardsmen to save a fellow Marine but also to find out if lucretius had succumbed to the black rage and to keep that secret even if it meant killing a brother a final note before we close out is just how young tazerian is and just how old Raphael appears blood angels are the longest lived in the chapters with Commander Dante now surpassing 1500 years old if they do not fall in battle it is not known if estardus in general or blood angels in particular can die of old age in the 40th Millennium it's unlikely we'll ever find out which brings us to the end for now if you like my breakdowns like share and subscribe and ring the bell so you can see whenever new content drops comment down below and feel free to fight it out in the comments section over Laura narrative interpretations if you can't think of anything to say then type in comment for the comment Gods I'll salute you in real life with an Aquila but I'll reply with an 07 in the comments section saluting you for your service become a YouTuber patreon member to help support the channel or check out our sponsors I appreciate you I'm going to catch you in the next one until the end hey guys Connor from counterpoints here and I just want to show off my even racing gamer chair because they asked me to and they're a fantastic Channel sponsor so let's go ahead and check out this bad boy and I'll show you all the features so I'm currently in my living room because uh basically the baby is sleeping in the office and the office is a mess and I don't want to show off everything that's going on don't mind the laundry over here we'll we'll get to that but this is my bad boy even racing chair it's it's super sturdy down in the bottom it's really easy to assemble I'm actually crawling under here with you very simple hex bolts for assembly they all came in I was able to do this thing by myself within a few minutes uh literally assembly was within like 30 minutes it was not bad at all as far as comfortability and size I am six foot four 230 pounds and this bad boy can accommodate me all day it does come with really comfy pillows um I kept the back pillow I got rid of the neck pillow I didn't need it for my body style posture but they do have a neck pillow that comes in this area and basically if you need additional support you can do that there and then this thing is crazy comfortable and not only that I had a competitor's chair beforehand and this one was about 20 less expensive not including the coupon code that is available through the channel right now and there are no features missing this thing is crazy well built comedy is my size accommodates my frame has all the features that I'm looking for and then let's go over some customizations so I'm not sure if you're going to be able to see this but I'll do my best to demonstrate so it actually does have a lot of height variability if you need to be higher if you need to be lower let's watch it together also when it comes to the hand rest armrests lots of angle variability so if you find yourself working a whole bunch throughout the day you can change everything that you need to change and make it comfortable so you can type you can work all that kind of stuff finally just to prove how much faith I have in this chair oh let's say you're working throughout the day 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guys I'll catch you in the next one until the end
Channel: Counterpoints40K
Views: 195,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: counterpoints, connor, based individual, politics, review, warhammer, 40k, veteran, marine, cop, pig, Astartes, Astartes 2, Astartes II, Breakdown, Reaction, Commentary, Cinematic, Warhammer Cinematic, Angels of Death, In the Company of Death, Warhammer TV, Counterpoints, Debate, Space Marines, Space Marine, Blood Angels, Plague Marines, Death Guard, Lore
Id: GomIA0EdM7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 46sec (1906 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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