Just How Powerful Is Constantin Valdor Really? | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and girl I've always had a soft spot for the custodies their armor is dope they are loyal as hell their combat prowess is insane and they're wildly confident but can back it up attitudes is always Charming their original leader Constantine valdor is an absolute sigma-based Chad totally self-aware of himself and the fact that he is more or less a slave but doesn't care carving the emperor's enemies apart without a moment's hesitation here's what almost nobody else in 40K is reliable but we aren't here to stroke his shaft and gargle his gravey I want to know just how powerful valdo actually is how many space runs can he take out at one time how much greater than a normal custodian is he and the real question is he more powerful than a Primark before we get started Father's Day is around the corner which means it's that time of year for us to say oh [ __ ] what does dad want that he hasn't already bought himself and I'll tell you what he wants the handyman from manscaped their latest and greatest innovation in the Men's Grooming space unlike the legendary lawnmower 4.0 which is designed for body shaving or your dangly bits or the beard trimmer which is designed to keep the facial area shaped but still very much intact the handyman gives a tight clean facial shave without the need of a razor or other ration juicing devices it's also Wireless and compact meaning it's perfect to take on holiday and doesn't require shaving cream all in all a Nifty device that will save you time and stop those gross razor bumps rashes and cuts that ruin your day on top of the handyman and other Shavers manscape also has some other great hygienic grooming products including the plow 2.0 a safe single bladed razor for when you want to get the cleanest shave possible the body wash and shampoo which has a nice refined gentleman smell as well as a deodorant to keep that smell on you at all times all of this and more can be yours for 20 off and free international shipping when you use my Lincoln code magical below cheers the manscape for sponsoring this video today we'll analyze Constantine battle's impressive battle record to determine his strength speed durability skill and War gear to see how powerful this bloke actually is oh let's get into it Constantine valdo was not a normal custodian the emperor literally moved mountains to find him and whilst he may have received the same genetic modification if not slightly better as his brother custodians the result was Leaps and Bounds crater he was fast as hell completely unflinching and unwavering in his duty with his skill being obscene I do want to make a quick meta point though when GW first introduced the custodians they were a side grade of Space Marines the early Horus heresy books literally mentioned that they were equal in power with the Thousand Sons book having them killed like they were just foot soldiers it was only later that GW decided custodies for a league above while valdor does have one piece of law where he suffers from this issue that being a nemesis when he ship his shot down and he is unsure if he can take on a group of heavily armed but mortal Raiders fortunately it's a very minor piece of law that doesn't actually affect valdo's power as GW never showed him in action until after they decided custodians were badass all that we saw before that was valdost squaring up to Horus without flinching and staring down a thousand son's super cow spawn monster without blinking so fortunately his record is pretty much totally clean with that in mind how strong is valdor custodians aren't bulky creatures they're actually well proportioned and only have a single heart and two lungs as opposed to Space Marine two hearts and three lungs this might sound like a disadvantage however custodian organs are so Advanced that they literally don't need backups so once they are lean they are strong as [ __ ] one custodian was able to break the bones of an ogre that was grabbing him simply by shrugging and then he was able to throw a pebble so hard at another ogre and that it killed him instantly valdor is another percentile above this he would be able to punch through space runs like they were nine-year-olds getting hit by a train he can block and Parry tons of force without breaking a sweat and has the strength to be incredibly fast despite the weight of his weapons and armor other examples of Bonkers custodian strength Feats that would only be a fraction of valid or strength include kicking over a tank lifting an elevator and Swinging it around like a lasso as well as matching the swarmlord blow for blow and then killing it we don't ever see valdo hit a bench press however the law states that valdor is around 11 feet tall significantly taller than normal custodies and on par with the shorter primarks like alfarious when he briefly drilled with alfarious they found themselves to be equally matched neither Warrior was able to swap the other's weapons aside nor did one worry have to dodge and evade the other's more powerful attacks valdo was also able to easily outclass his shotan the greatest of the Thunder Warriors a warrior that had just barged its way through Space Marines and thrown them around like ragdolls so we can say that valdo's strength would be at the bottom end of the Primark strength tier list comparable to those like lorga alfares corvus and Magnus but notably weaker than Ferris Vulcan anger on a Horus but strength isn't everything what about speed valdo is obscenely fast and agile these reaction speed literally allows him to perceive as if time has stopped around him as he fights like a blur by far his greatest show of speed and skills when he took on 30 000 Suns blade Masters at the same time the blade Masters were the best of the thousands son's Warriors channeling their psychic energy into not only enhancing their own speed and strength kind of like what savitar of the night Lords does but also to see into the future hence when they fight someone they can foresee their opponent's moves valdo took on 30 of these at the same time and killed 30 of them he was so faster Not only was he able to Parry and block dozens of strikes every second but also counter and kill despite his enemy knowing exactly what he's about to do let's compare this to giliman getting ambushed by a squad of alpha legionnaires sure he killed them but he very nearly died as a result or let's look at Conrad fighting a space Wolf Pack despite him having the advantage of the Shadows he actually ended up struggling a little bit sure he beat them but they landed numerous blows and he only ended up killing one or two in the end how about alfarius taking on a force of Lucifer blacks once again yes he killed them pretty easily but their leader was able to get inside out faris's guard and stab him valdo's feet is much greater than all of these Primark Feats combined sure he did receive one wound but he shook it off and kept fighting custodians also have been known to block and deflect Las weapons and auto guns so their reaction time and ability to respond to that kind of stuff is obscene valdo is noted for having response times in the zero point nanoseconds able to completely absorb and understand a new situation before formulating an appropriately violent response the ability to kill [ __ ] with strength and speed is dope but to give a punch you gotta take a punch how durable is valdor very these armors mastercrafted custom Aurora might which is even greater than Primark plate with his body being over engineered to the point of insanity if you stab valdel through the heart more likely than not his heart would be able to clot the wound and keep him in the game a custodian once had most of their brains blown out yet despite being a bit woozy kept fighting on and was even able to escape with his brother Warriors custodian bones are like titanium their skin like Kevlar they were created on a molecular level as they grew from toddler or infant their DNA itself being custodian this contrasts with space Brands who have [ __ ] implanted in them which changes them into a Space Marine hence custodians blood clots faster its wounds heal faster while a custodian can definitely feel pain and even be incapacitated by it it takes a shitload of it before the custodian is actually affected by it once again by pulling up the Thousand Suns example valdo was wounded it doesn't say how bad but he was definitely shaped with the sword and he didn't seem too bothered by it here's the most important one how skilled is valdor no amount of strength speed or durability will get you anywhere if you don't have the skill to use it all just look at any bodybuilder vs MMA fighter or Jiu Jitsu Grappler video whilst a lot of people say that valdo used to spar and even beat the primarks back in the day I can't actually find the law excerpt that supports that if you do then please comment it below but take that with a grain of salt what I will say though is that during the war in the web way a blood Angel was so impressed with how the custodians were massacring demons and Trader marines that he says he reckons that valdo is on par with the primarks in terms of Blade work and skill this is supported by valdo briefly during our forest to a standstill with both combatants confident they could be the other as well as valdost stating that he believes he could beat rogal Dawn in a duel you've got to remember that custodians aren't prideful or vain they are confident because they know what they are capable of when a custodian says they can do something 99 out of 100 times they can do it once again the example against the Thousand Sun Springs to mind the skill required to defeat them seems to go above any other example of Primark for Space Marines that we have even Horus when he took on a bunch of ultramarines was shot and stabbed numerous times valdor only suffered a single wound against some of the best warriors in the Galaxy you've got to remember that valdo has arguably fought in more Wars and battles than all of the primarks the unification wars were hectic with technobarbarians wielding duck age of Technology Weaponry valda also took on the Thunder Warriors Warriors who we have established as clearly more powerful than Space Marines with the recent Inquisition books pretty much confirming that valdor was still around and in command of his own pocket Dimension who knows how much greater his skills have become primarks do train and they do train hard but more often than not that they rely on the innate's power and coded skill whereas valdor and his custodies train to absolute perfection you can also better us that valdo has analyzed each primark's fighting style and has spent thousands of hours formulating a way to kill each and every one of them finally one of his War gear as I said valdo has custom mastercrafted Aurora might armor same [ __ ] as the emperor he also has a custom iron Halo which creates a force field around him in combat he also wears a custom area shrike a Dark Age of Technology Jammer which means that tiger locks do not work on him and even been in his presence causes technology to malfunction but wait there's more valdo also wears numerous Digi weapons basically very small weapons often rings on amulets crafted by those orangutan-looking jacaro [ __ ] they can be used as incredibly powerful mid-range weapons [ __ ] like a laser beam ring that you could use to take your enemy completely by surprise valdo also carries a plethora of very powerful grenades the most powerful of all was his apollonian spear a weapon handcrafted by the emperor himself and he time valdo kills someone with it he relives their lives and memories the emperor did not want valdo to become an automaton an unhuman living weapon so he gave the spear to valdo as a way to help him maintain his humanity and eventually free himself from the empress servitude the spear is ridiculously powerful but it was actually designed to curb valdo's power not increase it the emperor already created one living weapon it was called the angel of Destruction and whilst it was effective it was also a huge problem then he had to lock away the emperor did not want this same fate for valdor does valdor have any special abilities well apart from his Godlike physical prowess and indomitable will we don't see anything else too crazy he isn't a psycho he can't see the future nor can he shoot lightning out of his dick hole in saying that though valdo created a pocket dimension in the warp that is full of winged blood angels supercharged blank clones other custodians and a huge battle Fleet which isn't something a simple Warrior can achieve hence just like corvus embracing the walk to become a loyalist Crow demon valdor has likely embraced a hidden power within him as well probably when he was able to free himself from the emperor's will and Forge his own path so with all of this in mind how powerful is valdor really well Space Marines don't stand a chance he could kill their very best including Khan or Abaddon within half a second he is also much more powerful than under custodians in terms of primarks I would say that he is mid or upper tear amongst their ranks maybe even higher depending how powerful he's gotten since the end of the Horus heresy his War gear is better his skill and blade work is better and his Feats are more impressive he also very May well be just as fast if not faster than the primarks the only thing that they would have over him is size and strength but not even by much see the primarks were given all their power and ability it was Gene coded within them valdo was also enhanced but he became this Godlike Warrior through practice discipline and experience thus I think valdo could beat or Draw with most of the primarks with only those such as the lion sanguineous Horus and maybe Lehman having an edge if you doubt me just remember the 30 blade Masters vs valdor example no other Primark can boasts defeat of Martial prowess like that if you enjoy the video and you want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be well there's not only a boatload of battle mace 40 million hentai but also a bunch of live-action nude cosplays hit the Subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more glorious golden content join the Discord for more memes and I'll see you on the next one peace thank you [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 215,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: lHxH3aX2810
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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