Noel's Take on the George Floyd Protests

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[Music] yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's brown baby by Billy Paul this song and mrs. Jones mean a lot to me man yeah what's up everybody how are you by the way I feel a bit weird collecting donations today so if you make a cash donation today I want to want to give a piece of it to another charity yeah bro I don't know I'm thinking a lot a lot a lot of life it feels a bit weird to just come on here and act like [ __ ] is mad normal I don't know bro I want to kind of want to come into this just like speaking from the heart a little bit more and why don't we treat this a bit more I don't know podcast e some people aren't here because you know the protesting man and they're there speaking up and not all of us can be there I'll tell you why though the [ __ ] is I don't know it's very conflicting for me because I want to be out there I do and and something actually that how do I say this I think for a lot of people police brutality stuff feels distant or like it's like it can't it can't happen to them I'll mute these for a second it can't happen to them or it's like it's like a niche or specific thing or a community thing and so some happen to one of my boys and I thought it's worth sharing bro is that the night that George Floyd had passed my boy he matched the description and he is black but he he matched the description for a Latino male and so he was searched at gunpoint just offered off a description they pulled him over it was a traffic stop and I see I seen a lot of tweets about oh show me instance where a traffic stop led to something weird I think a lot of people forgot about a young a young lady by the name of Sandra by the way whenever they say [ __ ] like that but anyway and look look I'm not saying this to you know I'm going somewhere with this and just follow me all the way you know just just hang in there so my boy searched at gunpoint and that's off a description and so that goes on and he makes it out okay and they let him go which is you know you know I hesitate to use this word but I'm just glad it went that way I was gonna describe it as you know you call that like a small miracle small win that it went that way and because it could have got worse so you know off off the strength of that now he's afraid to go protest because that whole thing shook him up and then I got a lot of my friends going out there to protest one of my boys little brothers is out there and and I started thinking like you know I started seeing all these images of people taking rubber bullets to the face and to the body and and and you know all this [ __ ] right there's a lot of pain going on it's it's being that pain is being casted in a lot of different directions but let me back up to my previous thing so you know that whole situation with my boy it kind of shook me up because you know I've been on that end I've been on that side I've matched the description before all it takes is this hair I've matched plenty of descriptions with this hair I can't tell you how many times I've been searched you know oh hey bud Latino male in Honda just wait here for a second and granted all those situations went the right way but that's cuz I threw my keys on the dash and I had my hands on the wheel and I'm looking forward and I don't [ __ ] talk back that's why that went that way right I think first and foremost everything that's going on it makes it hard for me to joke because I'm not one of these dudes where it's like I'm just watching it through a window and I go oh man that's crazy because it's not just oh that's crazy it's like I've been there you know I mean it and as it's whatever but the little song I wrote for the end of my last sketch video that's one of the lines in there you know tapping on my fenders searching for aromas it's like I've been on that side so I bring that up to say like you know that's just my boy driving home from work and he has a he works for the city bro he has a he has a very very respectful job in the way of the environment and he works for the city and that happened to him and it's happened to me and so all I'm saying is it's not that far away from you so I think a lot of people try to invalidate people's feelings about the situation because they think oh it's unique to a certain set of people and it's not like it's not in the sense that like it happens every day and it's not it's not unique to people in a certain area it's like going on all the time and I want to be real focused with my words here because that's another thing I'm saying is you know I've been thinking a lot about how people are afraid to say something right or they're afraid to speak you know they're afraid to get it wrong and and I think you know I'm i was even guilty of that you know cuz I go oh I want to make sure I put out a message in a way that is meaningful to me which is great but at the same time you kind of have to look at it like why are we being so calculated about it it's like you kind of have to forego the fear of getting it wrong and you kind of have to be willing to get it wrong so you could get it right even if it's minor even if it's a misunderstanding even if it's like oh I said this and I meant that you have to think you have to be willing to commit to that a little bit if you're gonna entertain and you're gonna be a public figure because you know it's a bit selfish to want to entertain and want to have everyone's attention but then when they kind of you know they're looking for someone to maybe vocalize something that is not so crazy it's not so terrible at a time where it feels that they can't speak or they don't have the power to speak I don't think it's crazy to be in entertainment and and and assist that in some way you know and and I think to anyone like if you are in entertainment and you're watching me right now and you're afraid to say something I think you got to be willing to say something even if you get it wrong and you got to go amen you know I worded that real stupid or you know I see the other side because the whole problem I feel that a lot of us are seeing right now the thing that's getting exposed a lot is like this sort of deep narcissism and this nihilism that's just kind of like you know like right now I'm sure there are people gonna leave this stream does they're gonna go man I don't want to hear about this anymore and it's like boo-fucking-hoo one day out of the year three days out of the year look at that look at that all these people left look six hundred people did that's what I see on my [ __ ] on my stream labs right now sixteen hundred people left maybe it's wrong maybe it's bugged I don't know but people wanted it because two three days out the year it's not about them the timeline isn't what they want the entertainment isn't how they want it and it's like well why is that so crazy man why is it so crazy man something and this is like a STONER thought this isn't really that deep it's not that smart I don't I don't think I'm a super smart guy all the time you know I but something I've been thinking a lot about is like when you when you look at I feel like look at the people in Hong Kong and granted they have a whole different political context of what they got going on but you know they're very good at working as a unit and I and I kind of think like we lack that a little bit right because in America like we're really big about the individual and and that is that that is a that is a benefit we all have is like there is focus on the individual and we get really dialed in on like what I want and you know and and how I'm feeling and all that [ __ ] and you know I think sometimes it's hard for us specifically in America to like put down our individual wants and needs and our unique wants and needs and just like like look at the conversation already the conversation is so much about the protest and the philosophy of looting and what's right and wrong and why you shouldn't burn down a target and it's like dude this is all happening because the dude was murdered in the street on film and people are upset and they should be you should be have said you should be upset a guy died and then I see people say you know I see people on one side go oh well this happens to other kinds of people too dude then be upset you should even more reason to be upset you should have some degree of everything where you're like this is [ __ ] up it's [ __ ] up and it shouldn't be so hard for all of us to just go this whole scenario is [ __ ] up and it shouldn't be about so much the you know the nuance of well this is right and this is wrong and blah blah blah like I think sometimes it it does is benefit you to focus on the just one issue you know we also caught up in like the minutia and just me already already while this is going on the bullshit's happened in the county coroner's trying to say oh he [ __ ] he he had underlying condition and that's what contributed to him dying and his family got to sit through all that while people chastising looting and blah blah blah they got to sit there through that whole thing and it's it's it's kind of its kind of shitty right like I just I just went live and I and I tagged 5,000 people watching this cool and then 1600 people take off because off I don't want to it's like man you get entertainment you get to have fun 365 days of the year you can't just put yourself beside yourself for a little bit it's that's like come on man come on just it costs you nothing to care why is it so wack to care why why I don't get it I don't I don't get it man here's the thing the lot of you that are sticking around I appreciate I really do because you got a you know and and this goes against everything I just said but just sitting in my position it's a it's a weird thing right like people like in you know and I'm very I'm very thankful that people enjoy what I what I like to do but it's a it's a weird scenario when when you wanna help and you want to be vocal and you wanna even passively I'm not telling anyone I'm not I'm not sitting here going like this to you I'm just talking about my experiences and my friends and and that's enough to put people off and like that [ __ ] you know it's easy to sit behind that and like be afraid and go oh I don't want to you know I don't wanna I don't want to [ __ ] I don't want to hurt my stream averages by talking about something sensitive and I got you I'm kind of looking at this is like this is an opportunity for me to do something like real and tangible and meaningful even if it's just like you know 10 $7,000 from a donation and maybe another couple thousand it's like I know I'm [ __ ] I'm alright something's going somewhere and it's it means something and it's helping people you know you're right it's not it's not sensitive but but hey but hey it's it's you don't look the word sensitive got real twisted up cuz people confuse sensitive for like some kind of weakness or like not being able to like it's like it's like eggshells which is you know it's fair it's it is kind of in the definition but you know when I say sensitive I think I think that word to entertainers and stuff is like they don't they really don't want to upset people and they're really afraid to upset people so I think that's what they associate the word sensitive with is but but this issue guys like it is sensitive it's got a lot of feelings behind it it's got a lot of passion it's it's such a we need to be careful we we need to be focused and pointed with what we say and how we interact with each other and that's alright that's alright it's it's it's not a big deal that one one two three topics in your life or you have to be [ __ ] dialed in boo-fucking-hoo you got to use all your IQ points to be like wait you know what let me think about what I'm saying I had to do that on Tuesday I got frustrated a small group of people and I shot off one of my to check myself and go man is it's not about my frustrations right now there's nothing wrong with that there's there's nothing wrong with that you know you guys know I don't like doing this [ __ ] for cool points I'm not I'm not about to go do the most and and be crazy because that's that's the other thing I caution people away from is like that's why I was trying to say my other stream is like this is a long road and and think about anyone who's been a victim of this [ __ ] and when I say this [ __ ] I mean like police brutality it's as years it's expensive the pain is long and this is not a scenario where you're just gonna get a few words out and get a tweet out and - I did my work no bro this goes for a long time for a lot of other people it goes a long way to just keep you know providing a context you know saying something here and there I feel like that's my personal responsibility and I've talked about this in previous streams you guys know this like I've said that you know I think political political apathy is dangerous and I and I and and even more than that like I think about what it means to be funny you know I've seen a lot of people say oh if you're a comedian you're not required to comment on an issue which is fair I also feel that just cuz you're a funny guy doesn't mean you should just get to check out on everything and what are you then you're just a fool you're just like a jester man you just you just dancing and being a goofball for what like they're you kind of have to have some purpose right you can't just write off everybody you can't just say well you know the world only exists for me to be funny that's just kind of lame - yeah and you know what I put up a little story kind of like you know clowning some people for using George Floyd I said you know all people using George Floyd as bookends for your for your brand deals and that [ __ ] is trash and I took that down because I I don't I don't want to create more noise man I just I want to try to be impactful I want to be purposeful with the stuff I'm doing now and I'm not about this like self congratulating [ __ ] and you know it but a if you're gonna protest if you're gonna demonstrate please you know be safe go with friends don't go alone this situation I feel they're gonna put a lot of effort into trying to control the damage you know and they're gonna try to control people effectively that's the point of the national guard that's the point of all this stuff they're gonna try to get people to forcibly relax and go inside and if you just turn it in the stream I really appreciate that thank you yeah I'm not I'm not trying to be up here giving a TED talk I just I want to be genuine and and and I think there's a certain context right now which is we're all witnessing something that is very powerful any very unique way this is the first time something like this has happened and you have social media you have like this I mean first time like I say this is the first time like this something is happening because you know to be honest I thought this reaction would have happened after Eric garner I really thought that was gonna be the one to propel people and really get them upset but I feel like this turn out right now a lot of people want to attribute it to not having jobs or being in a quarantine and I kind of think it's that but I think it's that the quarantine has removed that dislike that distraction of like the [ __ ] machine that we're all we're all caught up in 40-hour work weeks to our commutes this this that and the third that's not a priority right now so you have a lot of the country just faced with this issue and the only thing they got is the internet they're not they're not going anywhere like they're just looking right at it and so I you know I think this is the first time something like this has really been documented by as many people talked about by as many people because you know we're all we're all looking at it in light of that I just don't want to squander the moment you know whatever I can do to to to do something positive I want to do that and I doesn't have to be sort of like ostentatious and big and like look at me I thought I really don't like that and and the crazy part is bro I think there are people that are so detached that they're gonna say I man this'll this'll pass and it's like for you you know you just tuning it out I don't know how you are talking in the chat and I'm trying to read what I can and but yeah I'm also trying to be honest with you guys and and that's that's why I think it's better not to like you know go to Twitter or go to go to a sort of a situation like a platform where it's like you have to look at what I'm saying you know I think it's better to do it in this live context where the dialogue can be two ways and you have options if you want to tune in I thought we really don't want to make this about me kind of you know I separately from all this something I feel that's going on is is you know you're seeing a lot of pee a lot of creators a lot of celebrities and stuff give their give their two cents and they're getting a lot of criticism or praise like you know if you kind of like read between the lines or see where it's coming from I feel a little bit that that's that kind of like individuality that we all benefit from you know is that people in positions of whether it's power or influence they have the ability to go this is my two cents and we're finding out that some some of the people we look up to some of the people that we you know whatever are making mistakes but I think we have to remember that it's it's it's okay for them to make the mistake because what we want to do is try to get people on the same page you know I said that in my last dream and I say that again if this is the one time that we can get a lot of people on the same page that's a good thing and we should try to think about that you know not getting to don't burn down a it's like bra that [ __ ] is so material that [ __ ] can come back the only thing about the protests that really like that really irked like kind of irks me is like all these people like really getting hurt man there's a lot of people get hurt they're physically putting themselves on the line for like a message right some of them you know I know there's this there's there's dispute about some are anarchist some are this some are that I don't I don't want to focus on them right now I really want to focus on the people that are coming to it with the with the right message and the right mindset don't let that distract from the fact that there are innocent people that are getting hurt because they believe in this thing and I and I and I wish I wish these protests were not so complex I think I think people see all these competing ideas embedded in the in the protests and and they want to sit there and go this is right this is wrong and you shouldn't in thought of that but it's like that's that's that's why this is such a big issue it's complex it attracts a lot of different motive and feelings and if anything this is all just an example of the system is [ __ ] broken dude it's it's super broken yeah yeah and you know yeah it is peaceful until police show up with rubber bullets and all that yeah I could see that a hundred percent apart part of me feels bro liked our little our fetish for all this like capitalism and stuff you know I'm not saying that owning a business is wrong or aspiring to control your destiny is wrong but bro you know to stand in front of your store one versus ten thousand to be like don't you dare mess with my just it's not about you man as some of us some of us are gonna have to pay the tab for for for the people next to us and and that's like that's a sacrifice we kind of got to be willing to make I feel even a little bit man you got you've got an insurance company you file an insurance claim you'll get all those [ __ ] racks and products restored and this and that bro the shittiest thing about all of it is that some of us do have to pay the tab for the next man some of us do that's a really hard thing to do because that sense of community do especially especially some parts of LA you see a man there is no there's not that sense of community man it's it's not there and I you know we kind of I don't know how you build that I don't I don't have the answer for that but as an outsider looking in as a dude who wants to help I feel like we there has to be some way where we kind of we try to find the ability to be a community somehow I don't know how maybe it starts with your feelings maybe starts with your ear with your you know if your outlook and yeah [ __ ] stole the TV mostly stole this though that bra it don't even affect you you think Samsung and and Walmart and Target and [ __ ] Toshiba and all you think these manufacturers give a single [ __ ] about you don't give a [ __ ] about you then my [ __ ] got money bro from ducking taxes and and and pushing the [ __ ] limit on worker wages and replacing them with kiosks and [ __ ] they got the money man you know that said I want to shout out these young black protesters who were you know you've seen the clip on Twitter where they're trying to stop people from looting the target cuz they want to be leaders and say yo man don't don't take attention off of what we're doing I think that's the only thing that hurts me when I see looting is like man I just you know the main message let's not like you don't want to lose that you don't want to lose that which is but maybe you don't lose it because you saying [ __ ] the system so visually maybe you don't lose it you guys tell me you know do this whole thing is complex bro this whole thing is complex and and if I can if I can help you guys like vocalize or or maybe you know maybe form your feelings and stuff I'm happy to do that bro ya know and I'm not trying to give protests a bad name I don't know how you mean that but but look here's the thing bro is if we're all gonna talk about it like right here like let's talk like for like you know like talk to each other and and and and hear that other side of it and and you know let's not [ __ ] understand each other because words mix [ __ ] up dude sometimes we use words and we think they mean other things and and with the way the Internet is we twist [ __ ] up so quick man so you know black lives matter man they do they a thousand percent do you know all all your favorite [ __ ] is has got black roots in it man black people are part of America dude and if that's hard for you to say I don't know what world you live in man those are your people bro you have to you have to care about them bro you know some [ __ ] hold up what's this lady's name hold on just a little just a little homework look up Henrietta Lacks look up immortal sales bro you know the baseline on that is the sales of a black woman they are essentially immortal right because she got cervical cancer and basically these cells are used in Big Pharma to test like vaccines and you know develop [ __ ] that we all benefit from you know that's that's that's history right there that's American history bro and you can't you can't just like sidestep that just because you don't know about it I think the biggest thing that is easy to forget right now is like bro slavery was not that long ago and and and just because you don't you weren't a part of it you don't remember it that doesn't make it not real because that influenced the way you know black people raise their kids and communicate with their their own people and how they look out for each other and that [ __ ] is not that far away from you you know something else hold up George Stinney man look this up George STI and n ey this is the mid-40s you know he was wrongly accused of first-degree murder yeah he's he's accused of first-degree murder and he was a fourteen-year-old boy he's given the electric chair bro what's the last 14 year old kid you heard of getting an electric chair bro and dog that was that was two generations ago two generations ago yeah black Wall Street yeah that's it's very important I'm just you know I'm just trying to put a little attention on things that maybe aren't so obvious or a little bit more niche my point with that is like these are things that you may not be aware about but they're there and just cuz you don't know about it doesn't make it real and it doesn't you know I bet you I bet you say the name George Stinney and and and to it to older black individual they're gonna say yep that I know that story I know that story and it's like that so that what that means like they walk with that pain row and you cannot just because you might be free of pain and you don't understand pain it's like I don't know bro you you you kind of got a try every everyone loves to obsess over serial killers look how [ __ ] look how excited everyone was about [ __ ] Steven Avery oh free Steven Avery man they were [ __ ] making goofy memes and shirts for that fool so what you see a real murder and now uh I don't want mmm I don't want to hear about it for that long come on bro come on yeah when they see us on Netflix that that one is tough very tough so look what we're all at home we're all sitting around it costs you nothing to educate yourself you'll sit there and watch the six hour four-hour documentary on Epstein and you sit there with a big grin on your face while this while they're talking about this full [ __ ] molesting tons and tons of teenage girls is it so beyond you to read a [ __ ] six paragraph Wikipedia page on a young black boy who was [ __ ] given the electric chair you just take that little piece of knowledge and you put it in your brain and you go yep so the next time you see a black person go this [ __ ] has got to stop you can develop to say even a little bit of empathy where you go you know what I can I can kind of start to visualize where that where that feeling is coming from I'm not trying to discredit the Epstein [ __ ] that [ __ ] it's [ __ ] wild it's sick it's white but just that much more dude don't don't be a consumer man don't let your activism be fed to you man just it costs you nothing to care a little bit of time even something you read and you think it's not immediately apparent to you that knowledge might hit you later in life and you say damn and the spark goes off and and that's when you have that character arc to become a better person bro I really appreciate everyone who's tuned in right now man you know it's um it's it's a cool thing that that whoever is watching this right now that you care you guys know me I like the [ __ ] joke I like to be juvenile and and whatever but I have plenty feelings and convictions about this whole situation and but I just want to make sure I'm doing my part where I don't come at it like I'm telling people how to how to be in the sense of like you're wrong I'm trying to tell people look bro try to open up try to see and try to see what what you feel like you can't we related to the protest I'm sure we would all love it if a peaceful protest would work we would love that idea but that's just just not it doesn't seem like it does anything bro so if a [ __ ] target has to go on fire for a [ __ ] to go ok alright alright I have my attention all the people who [ __ ] put pay me and put me in office are really upset that this [ __ ] is on fire so now I'm ok then that that's just what it is that's the tab some of us got to pay a tab which which sucks you know but who just rated me did Lando just raided me with the [ __ ] OS of Lando I appreciate that bro you can't you catching me on another intense stream bro shoutout Lando Norris man and don't don't don't trip guys well you know we'll get back to the jokes and the funny stuff and racing and you know we'll have all that that that's gonna come back for us it costs us nothing to put aside just so just a little bit of time a little bit of our brainpower to for something that is so like you know it's tough and and I really want to come back to real quick the thing I said on Tuesday which is his family still got to go through [ __ ] already people trying to assassinate George Floyd's character all he had priors oh he had this like that's even [ __ ] justification for [ __ ] what he experienced man the i'ma focus on live PD with a bag of meth and they said they're putting a camera on them and and making a fool of them and milking them for content but this fool got a what a potentially a counterfeit 20 that oh he should get choked in the street [ __ ] out of here man I worked in a bank for seven months bro do you know many [ __ ] business owners deposited counterfeit money and we had to catch it if you're just tuning in the stream hello we just I'm just kind of you know putting some of my thoughts out there and and I'm just trying to do a little bit of good if you donate cash today I'm giving it to a charity and we're gonna decide on what charity my first stint was for the George Floyd Memorial and you know shout out Felix from chapo Trap House he tweeted out some links to some some charities and I trust Felix his input so you know I want to see what he got well what else is in that list bar should say what's in that list again because I briefly read over it and I just I kind of didn't think I just smashed retweet I'm like yeah let's go Los Angeles bail fund is yeah that's something that's obvious to me you know if it's it sucks that the [ __ ] government's gonna get that money dude it stinks doesn't that stink that they're gonna get that money so [ __ ] wack so wack you know it's crazy man is I don't I don't know the charges for when you get roped up protesting like that I don't know what the charges are and something that crossed my mind is yo like what if you go out there you meaningfully protest you get you get snatched up now you got to go to court for some charge whatever whatever it is bro and the judge is sitting there looking back at you like I don't like that you did that and bam they just dump and they [ __ ] your [ __ ] up with the system and they make you pay because you cared so [ __ ] that's a brutal civil unrest or unlawful arrest got it failure to disperse got it the thing I the thing I want to try to do if anything is I'm not trying to create more infighting you know I don't if I can create a space where people really try to understand each other and and we we start to afford empathy to a community that gives us so much that's that's like that's what I want to try to do man even it's for a [ __ ] blip in time even if I'm only able to do it for the next 2-3 weeks won't [ __ ] let's do it costs us nothing we got the rest of our lives dude yeah if you can get your thoughts out and and and and vent a little bit in the chat you know even if you just screaming it to nothing man it's it's better than [ __ ] holding it in man you know I'm a big advocate of like kind of maybe you need to get your feelings off to get to that next level where they solidify and they become something a little bit more real I'll see you about some of these donations real quick Lando's Europeans I'm sure a lot of the Europeans checked out because they was like uh I don't know what I could do it's all good man no judgment bro looting is only seen as bad slash mixed message because it's the way of discrediting the movement and making us look violent as if they didn't spend 400 years hunting people because of their skin yeah man yeah and I think what makes it even more brutal bro is is that there are all these platforms out there so you are gonna get all these people that are gonna say oh it's it's this and and maybe I'm an ostrich from wanting to bury my head a little bit in the sand because I've personally I just want to focus on the others dude was murdered and you know George Floyd was murdered and there are other people that have been murdered murdered and it's just like it just it shouldn't happen death should not be a result of traffic stops whether or not you have priors bro and-and-and or you know a call a standard call that you're responding to that shouldn't be the result bro the only way I feel that I can do anything is this platform right here is you guys show me a ton of support monetarily with time whatever so I feel like the best thing I can do is like a that that financial support would be given to me let me just you know it cost me nothing to to pass that on to some to another group of people who could really use that right now you guys take care of me you know and I think let's pay it forward you know this this atmosphere that we've created where we all have fun and then it's a good time let's let's pass that to some people who could use that right now and and here's the best part guys like it doesn't have to be this crazy thing we're like you got a [ __ ] donate and then take a screenshot and then tell all your friends you go see look at me I'm a good this just [ __ ] all that let's just do this as us and then we we we know right the however many thousand of us here know we know what we did and we could sleep at night because we know we're doing something it may not it may not be getting laws changed or what-have-you but we're doing something right cos does nothing it costs us nothing and something that like I think is important for you guys to understand for me is like you know you guys joke about me being old and I like joking about oh I'm 22 but the reality is yeah bro before all this I was a dude working different jobs just you know trying to find my way through stand-up and and I see I've seen so so much corporate this oh look how much I care look how it look yeah look it look like I care I changed my profile picture and I did the thing and I care it just like it just not me up because I say man is so much deeper than that how do you make it about you girl just come on man I say that to say I'm really sensitive to that I'm I'm really sensitive to that I never want to be that guy that Hamish you are doing that oh I really hope I'm not wrong that's the last thing I want to be Dawg I'm gonna take that as a joke but if you serious oh man I got a reassess bro let me let me pop over to a quick charity link real quick thank you all for donating today by the way it feels good man if it feels good to redirect this to some people who to use it room maybe Los Angeles bail fun is the way to go just cuz you know I'm from LA and so Felix tweeted out some charities that are specific to Minnesota so there's North Star health and then black visions collective which I kind of like because I kind of like the idea of black visions collective because I kind of want the money to go somewhere where it's like you know we got it we got to give it to some leaders right like we need some we need some leaders in the mix we are too fragmented so I kind of like the idea of putting putting the money with some people who it's it's a role for them it's something they want to assume it's like you know it's they're doing something really noble in that capacity where they're they're trying to dedicate their life to something that's bigger than them you know okay you know I kind of like that idea if you got any charities or organizations and in that way that you know come to mind I'm not a we're not even talking about old goofball let's not let's not even talk say that [ __ ] name that fool deserves no that [ __ ] earth to me the fact that Twitter who the [ __ ] is managing Twitter moments that they put that dude in the mix of the conversation who is that guy who is that guy in the context of everything that's going on he's nobody he's nobody I mean that [ __ ] he's nobody he has he is only he has only taken from people we not don't even say his [ __ ] name bruh don't even say his [ __ ] name he deserves nothing nothing I don't even want to [ __ ] acknowledge his [ __ ] goof ass on the podcast nothing bro don't even maybe we could we could split it it's it's a bit tough to do the donation in real time because I kind of have to end this dream to get the final amount so maybe we split it up maybe we take half and we go bail funds in half - I don't know man I'm I'm kind of I'm really into the black visions collective or an organization you know that this for the community perpetually you know what I mean either way either way next stream we'll all you'll get the exact math and you'll you'll get to know exactly who it went to and and but I'm in the way of splitting it I think let's split it I'll look up reclaim the block yeah we'll split it man and and a look a you guys some people turned up on that girl Claire for asking me the question regardless of how she meant it let's not do that man let's just let's just we know we're doing here let's let's let's take comfort in that and and and and really really just save that energy for the important stuff there's no point in dogging people out for potentially being condescended to don't matter it don't matter we're trying to do a good thing here let's focus on that let's just focus on that okay because that's the thing is is I'm not well versed in in like the niche and and and the stats and all that stuff I'm only really coming from a place of like I just I want to do something in this moment that we can all look back on and like be proud of I would not be proud of myself if I just went through this whole month if I got up on here and was like let's watch another goofy video like that's [ __ ] come on man I don't want to do that I could I could not forgive myself if I'd FFI but that was who I was this is cool though we we break in stream averages which is tight because you know I for sure thought I was gonna get on here and and try to talk about real things and I for sure thought oh boy here we go but the fact that you guys are showing love and then supporting this and what are my direction right now is like it's super encouraging so thank you guys thank you you know psychologically it so much of when you're entertaining on the Internet I talked about this on the podcast it's not like traditional media the entertaining on the internet you get all the numbers you you know right away if you said some [ __ ] wack [ __ ] you they let you know nobody like that [ __ ] bruh so it's so embedded in my mind to care about the numbers so for me like I go alright today I'm not gonna [ __ ] care and the fact that you guys show out on something that feels like a risk for me it's [ __ ] that's love bro so thank you and shout out Lando for the raid bro thank you so much and don't call me that I word man what are you talking about Coco don't call me that I word I don't care how many millions of subscribers I got a dude I'm not I'm not the i-word bro That's not me there's not not me also I know you guys know I got I've been putting together this little sketch video I might delay the release a little bit it feels a bit insensitive to put that out this week I kind of want to see how things go and you know at least give a little bit of time for the you know I don't I don't want to clutter up [ __ ] you know and maybe I'm being too dramatic about it maybe this whole thing is is a is a is by other people's definition a little bit extra but I don't you know I don't think it's cool is I don't think it's wack to knock I don't want to make it wack to care it should be cool to care and you know if you find it in you if you can maintain this motivation I would I would say I've given in to political apathy so much and this year I you know I don't want to do that I want to do what I can so you know I'm gonna I'm gonna put my effort and come election time really focus up and and trying to make good choices and I wouldn't I would encourage you to consider doing the same I don't want to tell you how to be but I will tell you you know what I'm doing and and I'll if I can the only thing I want to say is try to try to be open man break down some of your barriers bro by the way the all of your donation I couldn't put it under pride L on on the Memorial Fund I couldn't do cried Elle I thought when you did GoFundMe you were able to put a custom name but you're not you can only go do anonymous so there's a large donation amount under anonymous it's seven thousand and that's that's a lot of you in the chat so thank you thank you for doing that thank you for showing up today and and then when and doing the most man you know and if you're wondering what's gonna be the vibe of the streeams bro we'll just we'll just we'll just feel it out man on a day like today it's definitely not it's definitely not right in my mind to just be like oh yeah let's game I don't we can't just tune out the world like that bro we got it we got to have empathy bro you know frankly what I do supports yeah you know my family if I'm being honest you know what I do supports my parents and that's the that's the that's the thing about the protest where it's like you protesting is not just some fashionable thing like you you are you are committing to some risk you're definitely committing to some risk different kinds of risk dude now what I would like to be out there but I'm afraid of something happening to me and and potentially impacting the people I uh that need me you know this right now is is the most productive I can be all right guys look I think the move is we're gonna split all the money between bail fund and either reclaiming the block or black visions collective when we come back on the next stream you'll have the exact math and we'll have receipts the whole nine and I'm only doing that because I want you guys to bill look at that and go man I [ __ ] I helped with that and I want you to you know if you can't get out in protest and you feel like you know being on social media like it's just not enough well you know you're working with a group of people that wants to do a good thing and you can you can feel good knowing that you are putting in effort and and your your feelings are real and you're doing something with them and and that's great and you know we just every now and then let's just keep this energy up man I think that's the one thing we can take from all this is it costs us nothing to take a day or time because you guys know once the news feels like it's not you know important for them and and and all these [ __ ] media organizations stop giving a [ __ ] and then it's all of us just down here left with all those feelings and we go man look at that look at look how much look how [ __ ] fast they they forgot about everything we're we're the ones that are left with that so we can we can keep the energy Evan we can keep you know we can take the time and do something solid with that and we go now you know what I'm not gonna let the machine don't don't give in to the narcissism bro and don't let the [ __ ] machine Russell you into not caring it's cool to care man the requirement is not that you got to put your life on the line every day that's that's not what it is we all it all it takes is a little bit a little bit yeah a little bit can go a long [ __ ] way do it and you hear that all the time but it's very easy to just you write that off but don't do that
Channel: tmgknees
Views: 289,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Noel Miller, Tiny Meat Gang, Cody Ko, Twitch
Id: 3NLXcLSIkyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 9sec (2889 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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