Cody and Noel: Class Clowns

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like I don't know how people hope people are productive on adderall well I'm I don't know how people were productive on that [ __ ] when I was on that [ __ ] I was like that was like well how's that limitless yeah yeah that's what that [ __ ] felt like the first month of being on that stuff oh my god really in high school I had never know what focus was you were on it in high school yeah so you got to prescribe cuz you had a TD or something yeah I took all like the half a TD meds so it was like um goddamn it ritalin or something no no those are like there's two types so that's like the original the new one is like uh concerta that's one of yeah five ants strattera [ __ ] like that yeah but that stuff was like boy I do I'd like I never gave a [ __ ] about Spanish I took that stuff I was I felt like fluent woman yeah it's all of a sudden yeah I got in Santa yeah still would never speak I would strip dude I would ace test and then like the teacher would call on me they'd be like all right no I'll read this page and I would straight-up go nah really yeah whyatt like I just racist no I'm just like I didn't want to sound like a gringo I knew I was gonna butcher it you're not white though I know but I just are you Mexican what are you we don't know though the world will never know yeah I mean like I could speak it well if I tried okay but I just knew I would butcher it and I remember the Spanish do like he got so frustrated he's like just just read it he wanted to say [ __ ] he's just [ __ ] read it and I just like I just cared love went into a character I was like uh-uh baby I read now that and he is Stacy's baby stays this baby and he like he said he started laughing and then he started crying laughing and I had the whole classroom rolling and I was just sitting there like kind of like smug and he was like where did you learn to talk like that I was like sigh what's up baby I'm just like being stupid and he was like I'm never calling on you again because I was such like a disruption that's sick yeah that's when I knew I was like maybe comedy is my thing yeah just flex on the whole park hasn't how funny you just did I mean yeah I mean I had the whole class roll I was killing the classroom wait wait let me ask you this in in high school when you got into a classroom was your thought like all right I'm gonna pay attention and get the work done like oh no never okay my thought always in high school was like how can I be funny in this class yeah same okay alright I was always the one that [ __ ] around and you know like and tried to make people laugh yeah how can you be knowing yeah word yeah yeah that's that's so such an I feel like such a narcissistic thing like you get in a crowd you're like huh yeah how can I make this about me okay that was every class to me how can i disrupt this for my benefit I had a biology [ __ ] professor I would kill her to the point that she just gave up okay she would just let me be an idiot yeah and then just like roll her eyes or like sometimes she'd just like reluctantly send me outside so that's what made it even better was never personal but I never we had a lesson about um [ __ ] like actual [ __ ] I've got your body weird yeah and so she's like going through these notes she's being real serious and there's like words like penis and stuff so like I just laughed at that yeah yeah penis I everyone is just like you know they want a giggle but they can't and I just added nowhere I'm like yo you got penis up there and she started she like shakes her head and then like she then she tries to move on she starts talking about [ __ ] but she refers to it as something called chyme okay so this is the word for before poop is poop it's kind okay and she's like so it's a paste-like substance so I go so it's a poop paste it's a [ __ ] paste its like paste [ __ ] and I just keep doing this and she just goes Noel outside and she would just put me outside when I was like being too much and that just became our relationship and she just gave up that's hilarious she's like she'd let me get my to joke they always think it's funny you two like the teachers are always like [ __ ] kid I hate this job you hate this material we all hate it and I had a high school teacher her name was Miss dick you just could I tell you this before g YC k miss dick and she was hot as hell dude a English teacher miss dick low-cut tops all the time she knew it yeah yeah we were thinking back thinking that she was probably my age she was probably even younger so I was like 21 or 25 yeah miss dick yep and so we would always we would always just like I mean I don't know it's a corny [ __ ] teenagers one time in [ __ ] this must have been in oh this was an elementary I think or maybe even middle school yeah I had like a huge crush on this girl and I I always used to like we always like [ __ ] with her in class uh-huh and I kept like one day I kept looking at her my teacher the guy this guy I really really liked as a teacher he one time he just liked it from the whole class was like yo dude Cody if you keep looking at her if you look at her one more time I'm moving your desk right beside hers for the rest of the semester and I was like I was horrified Oh oh my god oh my god and then I did it I looked at her and he [ __ ] did it my god she stopped the class he took my desk and he moved it beside her and I just was hands on my head like oh my god the right read gotcha sat beside her I think for the [ __ ] rest of the semester did you ever say anything yeah I mean like I was like I was actually like I think I was like a kid making out with the girl or whatever yeah so it is like one of the most embarrassing memories from early from elementary school ever it's so good middle school must have been yeah yeah no Elementary yeah oh yeah all my entire academic career was me taking a chance and really stupid [ __ ] yeah that's why I felt like I never had a future cuz I just had FS and I would say [ __ ] and everyone was like man what the [ __ ] are you on bro what people in high school thought because no one you would weed was but everyone thought like you are high all the time and then even people who smoked would accuse me of this they'd be like you're stoned right now huh I'm like no like this is just my how I think yeah and I don't know what that says about me if I'm so dumb or whatever but that was always like a weird thing it's all kids you're like creative right yeah I don't know everyone but like like I used to get that on vine all the time people would be like yo this dude so high yeah I'm never ever never don't smoke weed never high I just [ __ ] around on camera you could do the same [ __ ] yeah actually no that's what it is when you're like I guess when you're not exposed to a ton of creativity yeah maybe your default is like oh you got to be on drugs yeah yeah I think that's when you start [ __ ] around that you're like oh oh you're like I kind of think this - yeah I can color yeah and not be on drugs I like coloring I can I think it's just cuz yeah this society isn't like fool around yeah yeah it's all about the rules and I'm trying to think of any other funny high school [ __ ] situations cuz [ __ ] with the teachers oh yo this was bad okay well this is terrible so there's this English teacher I don't even remember her name is dick now now she was older okay kind of like a frazzled lady you know probably not someone who should have been around kids okay you know a little bit of dis bad whatever so she got through the first year and she was new and she didn't really have her foot like you know she's never foot she never footing talked to the one foot listen you [ __ ] to the fullest woman iron [ __ ] her name is Miss footless now she she just like she don't really come off you know like when you're a teacher that first day you kind of gotta like lay it down yeah like I'm the [ __ ] teacher yeah yeah she soft balled it okay you know kids like we sniffed it out right mm-hmm we yeah it's like a substitute yeah you're like well yep you are you're [ __ ] you're the rest of the year you're [ __ ] yeah so she got [ __ ] with so bad I mean she quit like a year or two white kids were so bad she quit because you made a footless woman quit well this woman quit her job yes give up all health benefits yo the worst story was someone licked a [ __ ] popsicle and threw that [ __ ] while she was writing on the board and it landed in her hair and it was just in her hair for the duration of the period I had no idea like a popsicle stick no no that's a possible I'm the petty a lollipop okay yeah lollipop yeah boom hit her and and just just there in her hair and she's like giving a lesson and everyone's just like and she's just got the lollipop and it hit her later she's like yeah just snapped Wow yeah one of my boys went to teach the school in Texas and he's like a you know white dude like played in a ton of bands like total dead opposite of where I was teaching you know it's like all young black kids and stuff and they like but he's such like a chill dude that he was you know he's got a crazy appearance long hair like biker mustache and like the kids just connected them like hella hard so like he just get like he would post on Facebook like funny-ass [ __ ] the kids would say or uh you know just like it was like the coolest [ __ ] to see like it's pretty dope yeah I for a minute I wanted to be a teacher what yeah you yeah yeah yeah you probably probably be a good teacher honestly yeah I'd be a goof though yeah everyone would clown my ass after a minute and nothing would get done never yeah nothing would ever get done because he was a like a preschool teacher oh we were talking today we're like I was like what the [ __ ] is that like what do you teach them and she's like you teach them how to like like recognize letters and the colors you teach some colors okay like this is green blue yeah Lou you know teach them like I don't know like not to be a dick share yeah share that's not a share and she was like yeah like I used to get like a lot of preschool teachers get like hella sick in their first year because like that kids were just like sneeze into her mouth into her mouth and she gets you out pneumonia from that [ __ ] but she said like she like visited a couple of kids that she taught and they like cried when she showed I like the brunch and invited her and she like how the crickets like cried when she showed up because it like she affected them that much I'm a [ __ ] cool Leslie oh that's cool you have like a serious hand in like raising this kid almost yeah you know you spend a year with them or whatever and then look do you ever have a nanny or anything growing up I did but I hated them all really know but I got teachers that I think like if I saw him now oh I I got one dude's got the funniest last name Gilkey this best weed yeah yeah everyone to [ __ ] with him but I remember this was like the most like I had done something it was an English class I wrote something and he picked it up and he's like you guys know what I talk to you for a minute he pulls me outside he goes so what's going on at home bro and like he just picked up on it and like about broke down I was like oh [ __ ] damn yeah it was like he'd [ __ ] just sonned me right there it's getting emotional yeah I mean there's also this girl those teacher used to call it dumb [ __ ] yeah what list woman footless one [ __ ] you stupid [ __ ] [ __ ] teaching is brutal yeah I did high school this sucks yeah
Channel: tmgknees
Views: 355,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Noel Miller, Cody Ko, Tiny Meat Gang, Insanely Chill, The Weekend Edition
Id: XGvmKaYmVr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 38sec (698 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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